199Ti retelling procedures are approved, this house will be - the new Day Care Nursery in V48,for tol'A $ INGLRSOL - P s going to cost the town of Ingersoll about $40 per month in rent to pro- vide quarters for the Day Nur- sery on Bing Street. word was received at last right's session of town council that the provincial Department Of social and 1'antily Services told been notified that the to. praised value of the property would result in an approximate monthly trill, Of that figure, the province: will pay 80 per ceut. The rental fee includes all., 170 ..r IT sal _ ersl �n ti I �1 L CiLL'� lK G y Council nnet ill special sess- ing within 400 feet of the area ton yesterday afternoon and vot- would hiske a chance to voice• I their objections if need be It 4 ed to purchase a home to be used . as a day care Irursery. T11e build- could talie anywhere from three ir,g situated at 130 King St. F. to sia months for the rezoning procedure . f will be bought fron9 Norman The town will put a $1.000 Bain for M.000 '. d, eposit on the building. If the i. Councilman Allan Ward lot could not be rezoned , then stated the site ha' een approv- ' the. municipality would have a ed by the Day Care Board, the residential prorperty to do as it �. Llgcrsoll Fire Department and saw fit. It would in all probabil-{.'._.�, the provincial area supervisor - try be sold . � for clay care nurseries. �DmnCiltnan Wogdtow.[ ' Before the site could be used ern oppoced bit in the pm pertrl " f L - 9 r , a a nursery, it would have to ❑t urged ter ring a suitable. s I y ' be rezoned and the people liv lace oil a trial basis. Ile said - .">snS.✓&i«-'.�a�34kr°n,3s,-q.;xsgng.�.taari�s.,.w:av�nr,.ad.., ..s, .., P he felt'the town could uol Tngersoll, It Is the former and was purchased]for$17,O0D.: special riveting of th nv:n irand the egpcndttrrc. " Ile for - Norman -Bain property,_lo- Purchase was approved at council on duly 28. lri(el sat,' a cost of $21,-000 before cated at 130 King St. Last, i1w project was completed . _ _. _::......_..�. A similar proposal was mode in council three weeks ago,but '^.➢ .¢� ��' SS, •a,ya� v[�p,!�Cdvfy,7 i r. -. ,__ - • �@;r tN✓VC > h :+ `era # `t+ ayf `v a• l r9.2+t3 Viz:•?m'..q'Sn � a - , , as re. jc vied because tlrc site F � "' � aw� �A"y °�. ) i rt s .ia,a ' 4 1 for the nut r} was not consider- �M' �,+a i7 ` } d apptolpri ttc . } Fad; Y fhe uccd For such a facilit F .~A `' Gordon B r k 1 �i ''i a �'wall,. a . n �, i �� IlHeuey j L]possibilities of tenting a suit ager of the O r _'� able balding hilt was uusuc ,Ingersoll I "�,o- #*-1 IIQCURSOI, Nayor Cot- cessfuL It then submitted nl !Cheese Co. , i_ don 13enry I, the craw last '', proposal to Purchase a home.' annotmced This proposal was rejected be-� yesterd ni,,kyr in Council to Mend safternooa cxplalp the reasons for hi er-�, cause of tltc inconvenience of� _.r, that Nestle ! roll's purchase of Propct ey top Ole location. establishea Day Care Centze for � A second site was suggested - I (Canada) Ltd. ' the town.l at another meeting of Council.l' ltas acqu,ircd---- -- 730" Y rn towii was questioned, but it was c-_p touted Char the aced Wasestablish d when council accept- cd i beef one year ago whcu the. Day Care Board was appoint- ed . The brief specified that at least 18 adults would place their children to the nursery, if there I I I was one se[ up - I Relay said, the same persona- el in the Cheese Co•.'pill$ those The pcoipetty located at - - necessary w operate Cheery i ,,ro+v,.-vl/ v 'fir+atsdx/`.,c's�i r__. - - Hill will remain here. He said i4 IKin st. E" will he bought from j MAYOR f the Cherry Hill and Ingersoll the firm had hopes for expert- Norman Bain for $1700 rash : Cheese businesses , . layer egry stated that a 'GORDON Mr. Henry, who will con- lion in the future {brief was submitted to Councrll r iin 1988 out3nmv a positive need;i - IiI:NftY <.r time to be manager of the lo- `for the centre and. asked that a social a ,,, , : , cal firm made the all As mayor of the town, Mc.-` ' _'-day care board be established. i{ meat at a press conference yes- Henry stated Ire felt this IYP14i`- eli Wed., Oct_1, 7969_�'1 lac board investigated the' services terday afternoon at 2 r , Repro - The "a real benefit - ducts - -`••"'�- q, sentatives of local papers, In- Nestlef�" v ryothenry explained the necessary' )% � �r� eluding Peter Wood, manager , Ili, R'A@�� ���¢�, house is to be rented to the day , j, / g dd A:ati, u h p' Co.Tun r care centre. He went on to say ! �1" Q �' of the Tribune were present linear are pi r that 80 per cent of operating y(1 6:��1„r J, I�0 The press release the largest a I This site ,a.0 ihr hil',g iU vet"_ P `,°� (f a f?• cost be refunded by the pro. i q g y the world vincial government This ]eaves property. <:omcdior Woodrow Car 7th✓' was st red b Stafford Gam - 'crews a erg m R A F , Haggerty objected to the par- P-n`v»j1w�> as+:'R,r Ja 53��s.li drill �' .{j (,� .bell,-f resident of Ncstle(Cana- P P ,a. I the totem responsible for 20 per a chase claiming need did not ,,e V r da) Ltd, and reads as follows: has branch .--. cent of the operating loss. II. exist any longer. T'r Anµar "Standard Brands Limited countries , INGERSOLL - The Ingersoll feet the employees of the pl7nfs, Pees for the use of the centre Last night councillor flogger- �' } Cheese Co. Ltd,, a lonh estrb- except those in the olargarmr. I will es established by the day ' .[ p and Nestle (Canada) Ltd, have Mr, lllished business is Ingersoll, is department of Standard Brands. S care board, The town, as land- ty again asked "where is the r i , g p k + money to finance such, a pro- r: piwru' I reached an agreement whereby 'that four due to change hands. This section is being moved to Lord, will establish a i'air rental Ilea coming fromv" Lc P � Nestle will acquire from Stand- .margarine It was announced yesterdays Toronto and the space will be - -- ,_- . nave Ito p I of the house by the day care and Brands, effective Novenilper that Neste, Canada, Ltd, would used for an expansion of the board. Revenue from the rental-�-'--- - 'g ,t 7 7., 19G9 fire CherryHill and k4r, G o take over the Ingersoll Opera- cheese department (; will be .returned to the town's h N ,,,�. �.ar, .+p F� -� ltgersolI Cheese Businesses;in- bett ileac br�s�iness fromas StandardStas emlatCherry c y lldl Gordon henry, 'manager of `- 1, trcasurY. qI , .`•'. ,�¢,yf ;,t„fv 'r, - d Brands. Ingersoll Cheese will remain in w7 �;; `A,e.k. �+ eluding the Manufacturing',acli- land, mid r "This is not baby .sitting,". the „r7 a E� - The change becomes effective that position with Nestle 11gy mayor said. ' It.is an experience '3 n � � e iti.es at Ingersoll, Ontm:io , Switzfon Nov. 1. Jolt_ y vial move from Cherry s in pre-school education. If we g- s � Vi m,; sr4 ,?}Pt`1 +�•i 5;+ `l A,'.?e n"'++. "Lrriployees of these coin- office of I Employees of these combined I-Tifl, where he. is manager: to ~! can help even a half dozen ehil- 4' y,iiOmi�tl.a'G 5 s'g.a billed organizations, employed organizal.rons are 'being given Ingersollin charge of cheddar dren a year to be well protect- _ - ,- f,Z, ;y. -/ Ill in the Cheese businesses, are 1"Ietuy not the opporhmity of joining Nestle, chese procurement tt, a ed and receive the care they J / Y -head offir who ,also plan to continue the "Nestle is definitely ;1 require, then we are on Uhe INUERS0 - P. M. Dewau, i ruin• It is hope that mauufac^ being given the opportunity of Canadian. 1 y "oat, In lure of khe �producls may cons- joinin Nestle who also Smn to current arrangements for the expand the cheese business in right track.. - I' industrial Conuttissiouer, arm. g P the oven distribution and salt, of Cherry Ingersoll," said y9 r. Hear Ito mence here at a later date. ,;ontinuc the current arrange- $ y; "Utopia is the only place that ounced iha Garbo Products, Winona ivl. Johnson of RR 4, S [[ill Products. Arrangements for went en to say that this 'will doesn't need social services, fit- i Ltd. of Waterloo Quebec, mak- Ingerso is ie n still Sales fttents for the distribution and Mr. I the distribution and sale of ing- be a real benefit to the cum. gersoll can't sit idly by and pre• ers of Veterivar Medicines, Manager. As soon as the pres .',ale of Cherry. Hill products , ready lea ersoll Brands will be announced inanity, Perhaps now, we will tend .the need does not exist," ha 'art purchase from Har- eat quartets 'have been re-ap f�rrmngements For the di stribu- lion and shortly. be known more than ever as a° the mayor said. 'This is anotn-f ve DoygTas' and Sons, the prop• ranged and decorated, it is Lha _ion sad sale of Ingersoll Brands meat me; This transaction will not af- Cheese Town." r 'r er asset to our contnneiitt erty at 99 Victoria SLintention of .the company to Kill be announced shortly . the town - j For the present, this location hold Open Haase, in order that 'This transaction will bene- "Ingersoll will really be 99is Icing used only as a distri- farmers of [lie area may 'become `it the operations of Standard hnow.1 as Clicesetown•'. was the 7'bution depot, and even for his " •s\ {purpose, the •building is found to acquainted with Gac'do Prod- kends a¢td Nestle and w, 11 also Mayor's concluding eomutent, ,.: jihe smaller than desired. Ex- acts. - •' ' :�.,.....,....._........ �....._....-:,<nanernn, therefore. '. is the ilbleg be to the advantage of tie 3 personnel involved , '. poy Johnson of 'Toronto, whoa is with the Cherry Hill Co. a will join the staff here slid will 'i. be in charge of Cheddar Cheese'. 'r procurement . i At the present titre, Mr.