202Ali l GOILA, club
is still _g�r® ink
In tlto fall of C1A61, the late erare since the club was form-
Ggs�tscussed with ed. eThe drop-off followed the
the Ingerso t Recreation Com- boom period which came to an �. ' *7' ^•" � �, j'.,•... -'�, - 4 tea Y
mittiee the feasibility of estab- end in the fall of 1964. Since :' � tysp �. b't a ,� ,. +t � ,-"" t , , n� 2Jg'�. •::x •3s� "
fishing a coin club in Ingersoll.. 1967 the attendance has grown +''`'" a a a Ali ``+ .. �thl ` k "" A ,'„ ,..4i ^,'9 � _ r •,
ho^etl ovr. er-
together got the Carr roll- agot te monthly last year attendance was ls.x 'a`°:�5'"`� '�e,c,;<�,arro¢,�arsY$ s,i�x :;�, rx uysYt f,'• F.,:.
d g Y ,E m^S o'iL,x"ra
ing by publicizing the project: In 1969, we held our first cmn ; 2 tt'�4aw `''�'"''�'`' �"��{_$'� "t `"
:e'heY; let the area 'collectm-s ishow that included a banquet, %fix'°-" , .,,- M 4tN.,ln+, ''x a „ua X `k v egg"'."
know that a coin club was bein 4 ` ` ` ' a �`:, ..
g It Was. one of the finest shows st °5,a'".,f"'� t II
formed. held in Ontario last year. Our � wt w
The first meeting of the Inger- guest speaker was John J. Pitt- r y
sell Coin Club was held in the ,piau,,, the current press en o , .;
board room of the Ingersoll. and the Canadian Numismatic As- , ' '�3 "s qx"�'�` ' " ' •%t`t> ;yam ^�`?�y `� x�Kz��"
District Memorial Centre ,"De• sociation. We had 91 cases of ,_ ''^ ` "-_'''�
F..`i"yS' r, "e
comber 7, 1961. Doug Carr was competitive displays in the
r acting chairman. The following show, 7 bourse tables and a 100- +,-, „, v a �• • +: at „ :� at' e s s3 r ,
I slate of officers were appointed Iot. auction.
president, Bill Davis, vice pre t... llld,a -iY.7o FALL COMPLETION DATE EXPECTED
sident,Ralph Atkinson; secre ' '
tary, Ralph Fleuelling and tree Fifteen Ingersoll families schedule A. J. C Thorne "pretty good" the rate at the successful applicants are
sorer, Norm Barnes. �^^d 4,""i"rz "s�g t3, 1• will be
lIousioused Cortithis oration no 01-IC represeiitaTiveiii•`%Cooir which Applications are being will not be made until short-
� Mai 4edatXY�. eis g P pr -. stock, made the Pp
A talk was given on Cancer i ns'. x ' jeer. on UDIs Street by fall if yesterday, describing
received from c would -he ten- ly before the project is cmn- �.
y A everything rusts according to a as ants 1m11 decision ou woo rlelcd however,
Marge cents Uy Lorne Mercer � �°p �8y�4
.{ In February,1962, the cluU s- , new 53*.�s�cC'5 ry g i
first auction was conducted U
_Lai e Shelle and a committee ,� 1NG>;R50LL — Anew Indus-!
was appom ed to draft the UY i• Yu'y is to locate in Ingersoll.
lit z 'rn* fr v e
laws for the club. 1� In an announcement made at
t At the March meeting the by
..town coµnril's session last night,
Taws were read, discussed and r ,za r re r.l +
councillor Ted Hum, chairman r,l ,^ '� k zr `� � r-:s, ifs•. +,;, us i-,
after a few alterations
we , ' , y
of the Ingersoll Industrial Com-� • ` �'+ r r ., t ,,' z ;� ,,
adopted. ,.
The club .held its' first how E, ;, mission said the Viking fiitchen.. • w rr ,�„j„ ' s'�:7,7ar,a, r�•a `� ,,,rys� •t'h@3 �tS-° x.
May 26, 1962 in the IDMC Au `Design 'company ivould,be-set.
Y I+,� sing "up shop in the near future.
diteritun. There were displays z. The company, with its head s /,,.'"-. ' .;' ,. -.., r 'la'"a"s•I' ' �""" "''w,k '~:'r �vr`'.• t '� l
of Canadian, foreign and gold t
x�j office in Georgetown and out -
coins also tokens and., medals, lets in London Kitchener and I
three bourse tables were set up .Preston, manufactures prefab-
:slid 50 people were in attend- ;.c �f + F,� 'R. e'd"g ^*x ^^•
P P ricated kitchen cabinets and, _„.. ,s.
Vanities. s r r v
'file totaeetins, attendance for the The new company will occupy - 4s• �, a, ;:�'� '', # „ ` �, 7 , t `
first 13 meetings, Dec..Gl to the', former Shelby Kuitwear
Dec. '62 was 306.
Ralph Atkinson was president building. I', s ,F•rr'**� «S^ i?'s j i ; e,,.
for1963.� aMr,. Hunt said that the com- , "W 1'�..
3. p y which will employ only jar ,,+ -•3,. `�'
A -club library was set up by I
two to three. people to begin
Doug Carr in January of that !!! Cx `Fr' w ats�
! with, was admittedly small but i ;
year and the Club joined the �� nevertheless an; encouraging t �""' °'`^'##'•e-•a •�' � "`�' ,
Ontario Numismatic Assocta• r«a, wV'7 `
.sign... .=a `-,sn,
tion. He said the company hoped a "' ^ " r s „•*=+ 1
i ' ' •e El io was president for rl
to start expansion by fall. - ni a " •,
1964. to a uti attained its oak
attendance at a attained
monthly Mr. Hunt said that Ingersoll's
proximity to Highwav 401 was µy'�`"""i'"` • ••• -:� >.�.,.,.,, s, `'
meeting in March that - year one of the reasons for .its lo-
with 45 present... That record eating here. - T-- Now .Officially op,,
still stands. Mayor Gordon Henry called t J+,•. y�;"��
!#1aA, I.5,'lta}� became press• the. news encouraging and add ii hr rile official opening of l:he Scnior Citizens 16 unit apartment. t Irs A, Burke left and
I in 196 . as eld that office ed that other "contacts" have sae itorsman estreate right assisted C. Schaab., Development Molio *er Onta•rBuU ke le.n
Since and is new entering on his F been made with area industries •'lid Mayor Ilenfy ill the ribbon cutting ceremony , b g Corporator
sixth term. The highlight of 1965E that might pay off, - ,
d was a joint meeting of the Inger. I --
soil Coin Club and the Krwanis'
at htgersoll Inn when 78 sat -- ---- /
,....—,.� down to slipper. 'Mai or Sheldon, •,.� F 11 ' r. f
„�,, Carcolly curator o e an;��
of `Z*an ai]` s numismatic roper t 'x
Lion was the guest speaker. In 1965, we inaugurated an an , to lease -�
natal Dutch auction. The Club If '0 �tst:
donates the coins: they are auc-
tioned off and all the proceeds " parks lam { r`,•t '-";'- •� 'v`;""'"�'^-� w�,
re donated to the Kiwams ,,._, r
f astct Seal Fund for crippled ` The Upper '['homes River r � $+"'"' •TM-,-�.. '" ,; � ^'sr ' ji� ,:,, K+
<'ir tlif eIn 79G5 we raised 13
Im th
e fund. This figure has m- agreed do lease 50 acres of P - "a`-'xi.=•�, '' a�� r�A. ,r J`-`' ,
creased annually slid, re t' ! y* *a a• a, ,^,•.r v p �'*t+. -
land aloe the Thames River
. $9G last Ycar.. �� a � ..xa h" ,..,• � �, ,"r
111 1967 the attendance din -:F in Ingersoll for town park pur•
y Ys. �, ,v's~ac, ,>`,.y °ra•+w._ s ri ie �, 5 'f' ` '4' s
li,ed to all av era e of only Ifi ict ) Poses., a y �„-•ra, ?sq*,�'s"'*.r � ^`�"n� : 3,,�, "'�' , a, 'c �+ " t �
t ect ty, she lot�cst monOth liv-;.I The town asked, to buy the �a�,c's.'�i'.u3,r'?�i,�
]and along the channel, but
the authority decided to offer
the land for lease at little or,';. .,• W a
no cost as has been done in
London and other centres. -,�'^� �yt�- g�"„pa.rx"s� • ,. 4 *� r
ingersoll Senior Citizens Ap e e e . ,71 ..-• Street
j tally opened April 4th , IV70 aztments located on the west side of Thames Street North, were olfre