Len Coles Scrapbook Index 1951Len Coles Foods
Leu Coles’ Scrapbook Index
Page 1 Newspaper articles re. election of Grant Sutherland as the new Warden for Oxford
Newspaper photograph of Grant Sutherland signing the declaration of office under the
supervision of L.K. Coles, County Clerk and Treasurer
Newspaper photograph of candidates for Warden (Reeve Thomas Pellow, Warden Grant
Sutherland, Reeve H.A. Little, and Reeve Roger Hakwins)
Page 2 Newspaper photograph of the new County Council Members (Reeve Murray V. Logan,
Reeve Gordon A. Marshall, James D. Hossack, J.B. Hanmer, Len Coles, Olin Carter,
Orval Coleman, Louis Wettlaufer, Lawrence W. Smith
Newspaper articles re. Warden Grant Sutherland, grant request from the Salvation Army,
County Council resolutions, committees and correspondence
Page 3 Newspaper photograph of Reeve Robert Rudy, Warden Grant Sutherland and George
Fewster in Council Chambers
Newspaper articles re. reforestation, County Council Committees named, County Home
Annual Report, grant request from the Canadian National Institute of the Blind, Annual
Report of the Health Unit, provincial grant for road expenditures, and W.J. Moore of the
Ontario Municipal Board to address Council
Page 4 Newspaper articles re. suburban road budget, annual report of the Oxford County Library
Co-operative, grant requests to County Council, Barbershop Quartet, Council Session,
indigent patients, Oxford’s pension bylaw, and inaugural meeting of the 1951 Oxford
Health Unit
Page 5 Newspaper articles re. election of Warden, rash of secession bills at Queen’s Park, Perth
County Home, rising hospital costs, Court House renovations and repairs, Ontario
Educational Association, Ontario Agriculture convention, report of Veterinarian Dr.
L.E.L. Taylor, birth of a son for Warden Sutherland, and the Medical Officer’s Report
Page 6 Newspaper articles re. fox bounties, grant for the Canadian National Institute of the
Blind, approval of grant requests, tentative County Budget on road spending, and an
Oxford County-wide system of fire protection.
Newspaper photograph of Edwin Parker celebrating his 90th Birthday
Page 7 Newspaper articles re. work done by the Oxford Health Unit’s sanitation division,
proposals to County Council, Count-wide fire protection scheme, Council appointments,
meeting of the Oxford County Library Co-operative, Institutes and churches planning to
cater to crowds at the 1951 International Plowing Match
Page 8 Newspaper articles re. activities of the nursing division of the Oxford Health Unit,
County deficit, fox bounty, Council Session, increase to the Oxford Health Unit’s
Budget, annual convention of the Ontario Plowmen’s Association, Tavistock Rotary Club
providing entertainment at the County Home, Dr. Powers appointed Red Cross President,
and blizzard delays traffic
Page 9 Newspaper photograph of a meeting of the Oxford Health Unit Board (Ernest Juli,
Norwich, Provincial representative; Mayor J.G. Murray, Ingersoll; Warden Grant
Sutherland, East Nissouri; Reeve Roger Hawkins, Tillsonburg; L.K. Coles, board
secretary-treasurer; Aid. Wilson Milbum, Woodstock; Reeve Robert Ruby, Tavistock,
board chairman)
Newspaper articles re. Robert Rudy appointed Chairman of the Oxford Health Unit
Board, increase circulation of the Oxford County Library Co-operation, operation costs
of the Oxford Health Unit, entertainment at the County Home and annual convention of
the Ontario Plowmen’s Association
Page 10 Newspaper photograph of Gordon Harwood, Wilfred Strickler, Lloyd Goodall, Bill
Cocker, Bill Pallister, Leslie Foster, Dave Beattie and Norm Hutcheson following a
successful wolf hunt
Newspaper article re. wolf bagged near the Ontario Hospital
Page 11
Page 12
Page 13
Page 14
Page 15
Page 16
Page 17
Page 18
Page 19
Newspaper photograph of Miss Nora Hicks administering an “I.C.” medical test to Helen
Vandewoude, a Tillsonburg High School Student
Newspaper photograph of a Beachville lime kiln
Newspaper photograph of the public speaking finalists in the Oxford Trustees and
Ratepayers Association sponsored public speaking contest (Rowland Rutherford, Reta
Clark, Robin Moore, Marsun Lipsit, Gail Cuthbertson, Vivian Kerr, Ross Ward, Bernard
Calder, Patricia Harvey, Patsy Kelly, Sylvia Hutton, Maiy Lou Lemp, and Nuala Bell)
Name tag for L.K. Coles for the Ontario Plowmen’s Association Annual Meeting -
February 5-6,1951
Invitation to the Official Opening of the Hospital of Sick Children, Toronto - January
15th, 1951
Newspaper articles re. Village Election in Tavistock, illegal tree-cutting, fox bounties,
mill rates in Ingersoll, proposed registry office and County budget for 1951
Newspaper listing of O.A.C. course schedule for those interested in farm studies
Newspaper photograph of representatives study Registry Office Plans (Ingersoll
councilors Norman Pembleton and Fred Wurker, Ingersoll Town Solicitor Warwick
Marshall, County Road Superintendent J.N. Meathrell, Woodstock Mayor Fred Childs,
Oxford Warden Grant Sutherland, East Nissouri, Reeve William MacDonald, East Zorra,
Register Ross Tuck, County Clerk and Treasurer L.K. Coles, and Aiderman Wilson
Milbum, Woodstock)
Newspaper articles re. new Registry Office, increases in services rendered through the
protection department of the Children’s Aid Society, and entertainment at the County
Programme for the Annual Convention of the Ontario Association of Rural
Municipalities - February 19-20, 1951
Newspaper articles re. annexation of portion of East Oxford Township to the Town of
Woodstock, new Registry Office, entertainment at County Home, snow storm, meeting of
the County Home Board, approved bill giving women right to serve on juries and
settlement to the widow and infant son of Norman Edward Locke
Newspaper tender for insurance on roads, County equipment and Employer’s Liability
Newspaper articles re. seed fair entries, Port Burwell Deep Sea Waterways Committee,
meeting of the Road Committee and meeting of the board of the Oxford Health Unit
Newspaper article and photographs re. International Plowing Match and Farm Machinery
Demonstration and the Oxford delegation to the annual meeting of the Ontario
Plowmen’s Association
Newspaper photograph of the winners of the first Canadian Junior Badminton
Championships (Woodstock’s Pete Ferguson and Toronto’s Dahpne Walker)
Newspaper articles re. proposed oil pipeline, change in Zone Forestry Staff of Oxford
District, annual convention of the Ontario Educational Association, and the passing of
George Hart of Zorra
Newspaper photograph of Donald Spence, Ontario Hay King 1951 being presented with
the J.S. McLean Provincial Championship Trophy by Stan Young of the Ontario
Department of Agriculture (from the Sentinel Review, March 16,1951)
Newspaper articles re. new Registry Office, Norwich School, April Session of County
Council, annual convention of the Ontario Educational Association, possibility of
Dereham entering the Ingersoll District High School Area, widening Tillson Avenue in
Tillsonburg, and a meeting of the Oxford Health Unit Board
Newspaper notice to truckers from J.N. Meathrell, County Road Superintendent re. load
weights on County Roads
Newspaper photograph of Huron Clerk Norma W. Miller killed in highway crash (March
Newspaper articles re. new Registry Office
Advertisement for dancing at the Little Denmark
Delegate ribbon for the O.S.T.&R.A. - 1951
Newspaper article and photograph of Miss Ruth Grieve, Nurse-in-charge, Oxford Health
Newspaper articles re. grant appeals to Council, assessment resolution from Blandford
Township, plowing match road work, survey of Tillsonburg, education committee report,
annexation of part of East Oxford Township to Woodstock and the County’s 1951 mill
Page 20 Newspaper articles re. Council setting tax rates, grant request from Alexandra Hospital,
and reshuffling of the High School area districts
Page 21 Newspaper articles re. Woodstock Hospital, seed drill survey, Council Session, tax rate,
splitting Blenheim into three different high school districts, reserve funds, amendment to
the Public Hospitals Act, and pipeline
Page 22 Newspaper articles re. High School areas in Blenheim Township, County Roads, grant
request from Alexandra Hospital, proposed pipeline route, new Registry Office,
separation of a section of North Oxford township from the Ingersoll High School District,
insurance covering roads, equipment, contingent and employer’s liability, and enlarging
the high school areas of Wilmot, Paris and Woodstock
Page 23 Newspaper articles re. 1951 Oxford Road Program, County Budgets, mill rates, report of
the equalization committee, proposed fire protection survey, and appointment of Wilfred
H. Williamson as the County’s representative on the Paris High School District Board
Page 24 Newspaper articles re. Tillsonburg survey, condition of County Raods, diversion of
reserve fund, packing plant co-operative, meeting of the Oxford County Home Board,
meeting of the Oxford Health Unit Board, quarterly meeting of the Board of Audit,
conference on mutual defense planning, meeting of the finance committee, and
appointment of Elton Wilkar as the county’s representative on the Tavistock
Continuation School Board
Page 25 Newspaper articles re. Tillson Avenue Public School, program for County Roads, registry
office, operations of the Woodstock General Hospital, school of general municipal
administration, and entertainment at the County Home
Newspaper photograph of construction of the new wing of the Tillsonburg Solders’
Memorial Hospital
Page 26 Newspaper articles re. super highway, registry office, fox bounties, birth of a daughter for
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Coles and the quarterly meeting of the Oxford County Library
Newspaper article re. election of Crown Attorney Craig A.S. McKay to the benchers of
the Law Society of Upper Canada (includes photograph of Craig McKay, K.C.)
Newspaper photograph of the cannons in front of the Court House receiving some much
needed repairs
Page 27 Newspaper advertisement re. County of Oxford
Page 28 Cover of the Canadian School Journal Volume XXIX Number 3 - April 1951
Newspaper article re. fox bounties
Page 29 Newspaper photograph of inspection of the County reforestation plots (Reeve Ollen
Carter, Warden Grant Sutherland, Reeve James Hossack, L.K. Coles, John W. Smith,
Orval Coleman, Rid. Groves, Harley McBeth, J.K. McLeod, and J.N. Meathrell)
Newspaper articles re. County officials inspecting reforestation, Missionary Dr. C.W.J.
Morris praises Oxford Health Unit, wooden bases erected under cannons in front of Court
House, fox bounties, meeting of the road committee, monthly meeting of the board of the
County Home and meeting of the equalization committee
Newspaper photograph of unknown bride and groom
Page 30 Newspaper articles re. location of the Woodstock Bowling Club, special meeting of
County Council, 1951 International Plowing Match, June Session of Council, and the
regular monthly meeting of the Oxford Health Unit Board
Page 31 Newspaper articles re. chest X-ray survey f residents in Oxford County, International
Plowing Match, June Sessions of County Council, Tillsonburg population, open season
for deer, and the Woodstock Lawn Bowling Club
Page 32 Newspaper photograph of the Oxford County Barbershop Quartet (Reeve Clarence
Stover, Reeve Murray V. Logan, Reeve Ollen O. Carter and Reeve J.B. Hanmer)
Newspaper articles re. rural fire protection, Oxford County Barbershop Quartet, opening
of June Session of Council, Council approved grants, paying of Tillson Ave, County
Road program and suggestion of the County Weed Inspector
Page 33 Newspaper articles re. County-wide defense, listing of County Dealers and Auctioneers,
recommendation of the Printing and Resolutions committee, and a recommendation of
the Reforestation Committee
Newspaper photograph of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Keith Duncan at wedding reception
Newspaper photograph of guest at County Council (Reeve C.D. Sutor, ex-Reeve H.T.
Cunningham, J.M. Sutherland, J.H. Sutherland, and Warden Grant Sutherland)
Page 34 Newspaper articles re. resolutions submitted by Ontario Municipalities to Council,
equalized assessment, and Bowlers protesting site of new Registry Office
Newspaper photograph of candidates from whom Oxford Provincial delegates to the
Oxford County convention chose a standard bearer (Robert Rudy, Alfred Dickout,
Wilfred L. Bishop and Fred Lowes)
Page 35 Newspaper articles re. Bowling green, Port Burwell Deep Sea Waterways Committee,
expenditure for road and bridge work, agriculture course in high schools, library grants,
meeting of the Road Committee, Come Home Report, Oxford County Museum, and the
47th Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Juli
Page 36 Newspaper articles re. Bowling Green and Registry Office, transfer of reserve fund for
road and bridge construction, amendments to the Training School Act, monthly meeting
of the Board of Audit, fox bounties, and the Miss Canada IV sold
Newspaper tenders for coal to the delivered to the County Jail and for the erection of the
new Oxford County Registry building
Newspaper photograph of Mr. and Mrs. William Evan Curtis on their wedding day
Page 37 Newspaper photograph of meeting of the Ex-Wardens (James Pullin, Dr. H.B. Atkinson,
George H. Hollier, L.E. Peterson, J.W. Innes, W.J. Weir, and Warden Grant Sutherland)
Newspaper articles re. Ex-Warden’s dinner, Zorra Caledonian Society’s Highland
Games, pension plan for County employees, County Road program, meeting of the
equalization and agriculture committees, and the daily maintenance rates of the London
and Middlesex Children’s Aid Society
Newspaper advertisement for a cook at the County Home
Newspaper article re. death of R.F. Miners, former Warden (includes photograph of R.F.
Page 38 Newspaper photograph of Gordon Kivela of Detroit participating in the Caledonian
Newspaper sketch of the new Tillsonburg and District Memorial Hospital
Newspaper article re. judgment on a charge of failure to provide a sufficient supply of
wholesome drinking water again A. Ross Smith of Ingersoll
Page 39 Newspaper article and sketch of the new Registry Office
Newspaper photograph of the annual meeting of the Ex-Warden’s Association (Henry
Hanlon, James Pullin, John F. McDonald, A.D. Robinson, L.E. Peterson, H.B. Atkinson,
George H. Hollier, W.J .Weir, J.W. Innes, Alvin McKay, Warden Grant Sutherland,
George Fewster, William McIntosh, George Barkwill, J.K. Wardell, N.M. Marshall, J.
Winston Nichols, J.C. Eichenburg, Robert Rudy, Len Coles, Alex McCorquodale, J.N.
Meathrell and Milton Betteridge)
Newspaper article re. funeral of Ryerson Fredrick Mines, former Reeve of Tillsonburg
and County Warden
Page 40 Programme of the Thirty-Second Annual Convention of the Ontario Association of
Managers of the Homes for the Aged and Infirm. - June 25th, 26th, 27th
Program for the County of Huron Banquet to Association of Maangers of Homes for the
Aged, Ontario. - June 26th, 1951.
Newspaper photographs of Church Street in Ingersoll blocked by a tree
Newspaper article re. election of R.J. Forbes, Manager of the County Home as secretary
of the Ontario Association of Managers of Homes for the Aged
Page 41 Newspaper photograph of Oxford Officials attending Municipal School (L.K. Coles,
Miss E.A. Seldon, A.J. Baker, F.A. Braybrook, W.H. Palmer, I.J. Haines, J.F. Pritchard,
A.L. Bushell, N.M. Holdsworth, and Aid. George LaFlair
Newspaper articles re. lease of Southside Park by the Woodstock Bowling Club, meeting
of the Ex-Reeves Association, election of John Reeve as president of the Ex-Reeves
Association, fox bounties, Snow Countess, Ontario’s Minister of Highways, increased
circulation noted by the County Library, and entertainment at the County Home
Newspaper article re. death of Al Lawrence, former provincial police corporal (includes
photograph of Al Lawrence)
Page 42 Newspaper articles re. grade herd tests, new Registry Office tender, Fall Session of
County Council, and damaged to crops by deer
Letter to the Editor re. Oxford County Health Unit
b/w photograph of the Oxford County Barbershop (Reeve Clarence Stover, Reeve
Murray V. Logan, Reeve Ollen 0. Carter and Reeve J.B. Hanmer)
Page 43 Newspaper articles re. survey of Forest Insect Ranger, road work, meeting of the Oxford
Board of Health, polio situation, Oxford County Barbershop Quartet and special meeting
of County Council
b/w photograph of four candidates from whom Oxford Provincial Liberal delegates to the
Oxford County convention chose a standard-bearer in Woodstock (Robert Rudy, Alfred
Dickout, Wilfred L. Bishop and Fred Lowes)
Newspaper photograph of Oxford County Barbershop Quartet (Reeve Allen Carter,
Reeve Murray Logan, Reeve Clarence Stover, and Reeve Thomas Pellova)
Page 44 newspaper articles re. E.J. Coles, funeral service for E.J. Coles, death of Mrs. Jessie
Scott, new Registry Office, Oxford County Barbershop Quartet, fox bounties, and
Council session
Newspaper photograph of Highway Minister’s visit with County Officials (J.N.
Meathrell, Warden Grant Sutherland, T.L. Dent, Hon. Mr. Doucett, L.K. Coles and J.M.
Page 45 Newspaper photograph of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Leslie and Helen Dickout
Newspaper articles re. displaced persons, proposed new high school Embro,
entertainment at County Home, Oxford Museum’s Exhibits and administrative justice
rulings by the magistrate
Newspaper photograph of Ex Reeve of Dereham, Thomas Richens who passed away
Page 46 Newspaper photograph of Tillsonburg Acting Mayor Roger L. Hawkins, Deputy-Reeve
Lawrence Smith and Marjorie Kelly, Miss Canada and winner of a special Miss America
talent contest
Newspaper photograph of Norwich Reeve J.B. Hanmer, Lion President W. Hossack and
Marjorie Kelly, Miss Canada
Newspaper articles re. plow horses, Oxford Museum and plane traffic
Newspaper photograph of John Charles Box and his bride Margaret Jeanette Bell
Page 47 Newspaper photograph of Robert Keltie
Newspaper articles re. Robert Keltie and sisters Ethel and Grace
Newspaper article re. passing of James Pullen, Ex-Warden (includes photograph of James
Page 48 Newspaper photograph of Agriculture Minister opening the International Plowing Match
(Hon. T.L. Kennedy, Woodstock Mayor Fred Childs, Warden Grant Sutherland, Ex
Warden Robert Rudy, and T.L. Dent, MLA for Oxford County)
Newspaper articles re. opening of the International Plowing Match, “Tent City” at
Plowing Match and repaving Dundas St. hill
Newspaper photograph of “Tent City” set up for the 38th International Plowing Match
Page 49 Newspaper advertisement for the 1951 International Plowing Match and Farm Machinery
Demonstration. - October 9-12th
Newspaper photograph of Mayor J.G. Murray of Ingersoll, Col. Kennedy, Same Shelton
and A.D. Robinson, president of the Oxford Plowmen’s Association and the opening of
the International Plowing Match
Page 50 Newspaper photograph of public viewing exhibition of an old-time thresher at the
International Plowing Match (Sentinel Review - October 11,1951)
International Plowing Match admittance tickets
Newspaper photograph of the trophies to be presented to the winners in the International
Plowing Match
Page 51 Newspaper aerial photograph of the International Plowing Match
Newspaper photograph of visitors travelling on flat trailers at the International Plowing
Page 52 Newspaper aerial photograph of the site of the International Plowing Match
Newspaper article re. plowing match prizes
Page 53 Newspaper article re. Oxford 1949 delegation to Plowmen’s Association and the
International Plowing Match
Newspaper photograph of parking lot at the International Plowing Match
Newspaper photograph of Hubert Carruthers plowing with oxen
International Plowing Match and Farm Machinery Demonstration Complimentary Pass
for L.K. Coles
Page 54 Newspaper articles re. John Hargreaves and the International Plowing Match, “Tented
City” at Plowing Match, law enforcement at the Plowing Match, County Health situation
and hunter license fees
Page 55 Newspaper photographs of winners at Plowing Match (Eugene Timbers, Norman
Tyndall, Lawrence Hare, Elmer Erb, and banquet attendees Hon. J.G. Garthe, Wilson
Milbum, Clark Murry and W.R. Bullick
Newspaper article re. County Council inspects roads
Newspaper photograph of Ingersoll Plowmen receiving trophy
Page 56 Newspaper photographs of George E. Williams contour plowing and Hugh Baird
measuring small strip of sod at the International Plowing Match. (London Free Press -
October 12, 1951)
Page 57 Souvenir Edition of The London Free Press re. International Plowing Match. - October 9,
Programme for the City of Woodstock Complimentary Dinner in honour of the
International Plowmen’s Association
Programme for Friday’s Competitions at the International Plowing Match
Page 58 Newspaper photographs of preparing ground for the new Registry Office (Owen Norman
and Alex Dougall)
Newspaper articles re. new Registry Office, fox bounties, Princess Elizabeth and Prince
Philip’s visit to Woodstock, and nominations for the Tillsonburg Town Council
Page 59 Newspaper photograph of Princess Elizabeth
Guest pass for L.K. Coles for Royal Visit
Newspaper article re. water wheel in Beachville (includes photograph of water wheel)
Page 60 Newspaper photograph of Royal Visit (Princess Elizabeth, Prince Philip, and Mayor and
Mrs. Fred Childs)
Newspaper photograph of County Librarian’s Workshop Meeting (Mrs. Charles Milton,
Mrs. Annabel MacKay, Mrs. S.L. Krompart, MRs. M. Kittmer, Miss Bertha Gilbert, Mrs.
William Bell, Mrs. M. Longworth, Mrs. H. Mason, Mrs. R.J. Sutherland, Mrs. E. Chant,
Mrs. K. Clark, and Miss B. Crawford
Page 61 Invitation to the Opening of the Willet Hospital, Paris. - November 14,1951
L.K. Coles’ membership card for the Canadian Good Roads Association. - 1951
Complimentary pass to the Woodstock Agricultural Fair. - August 23-25*, 1951
Complimentaiy pass to the 100th Annual Exhibition of the North Norwich Agricultural
Society. - September 6th, 7th 1951
Pass to the Tillsonburg and District Agricultural Society event
Complimentary pass to the Fall Exhibition of the Ingersoll, North and West Oxford
Agricultural Society
Complimentary pass to the Tavistock Fall Fair
International Plowing Match Local Committee Official ribbon
Page 62 Ontario Government Services newsletter vol. 3 no. 15. - October 15, 1951
Page 63 Newspaper photograph of Tom Dent and Robert Rudy, following the Ontario Provincial
Newspaper articles re. election results in Oxford, deer licenses, meeting of the Oxford
County health unit, special meeting of County Council, annual meeting of the Oxford
County Trustees and Ratepayers’ Association and influenza vaccine
Page 64 Newspaper articles re. Grey Cup, hunting licenses, County Council, cattle rustling,
Oxford County library and children’s interest in reading, annexation of portion of East
Oxford to Woodstock, County Council final session, provincial-municipal hail insurance
scheme, and resolution concerning traffic and school buses
Newspaper photograph of Robert Rudy and unknown woman
Page 65 Newspaper article re. Reeve Sutor of Blenheim Township and new highway (includes
photograph of Reeve C.D. Sutor)
Election pamphlet for Bob Rudy
Newspaper articles re. Oxford County Police Association annual ball, education costs and
refund for deer licenses
Page 66 Newspaper articles re. tribute to retiring Warden Grant Sutherland, conservation, atomic
warfare, resolution of the Oxford County Trustees and Ratepayers’ Association
concerning traffic stopping for school buses and report of Dr. C.M. Mackay, physician of
the County Home and jail
Page 67 Newspaper photographs of those that attended the Warden’s Dinner (top: L.K. Coles,
Padre William A. Young, Warden Grant Sutherland and Mrs. Sutherland, Tom Dent and
Mrs. Dent; bottom: Roland Fry, Ollin Carter, Murray Logan, Clarence Stover and Tom
Newspaper articles re. civil defense in Oxford County, cattle rustling, 1852 Innerkip
building tom down by owner 0. Hilderley, Hall tract, registry office allotted to the Town
of Ingersoll and 10% tax levied on fire fighting equipment
Page 68 Newspaper photograph of the Oxford County Warden’s Dinner (Mrs. L.K. Coles, L.K.
Coles, Padre William A. Young, Warden Grant Sutherland, Mrs. Sutherland, R.G. Groom
and T.R. Dent) London Free Press - December 6,1951
Newspaper photograph of barbershop quartet receiving honours at Council Session
(Reeve Ollin 0. Carter, Reeve Murray V. Logan, Roland Fry, Reeve Clarence Stover and
Reeve Thomas Pellow)
Page 69 Newspaper articles re. County forest tract, barbershop quartet, Brant Council members
attending Council Session, road allotment, and agricultural representative for Oxford
County George Bell in hospital
Invitation and reply card for the Warden’s Dinner - December 5th, 1951
Programme for the Warden’s Dinner. - December 5th, 1951
Page 70 Newspaper articles re. Honouring of Warden Sutherland at final Council Session, final
reports received at Council, cattle rustling, Miss Shirley Reid resigning her post as
secretary to the County judge and as court reporter, and final meeting of the Oxford
County Health Unit
Newspaper photograph of Warden honoured at closing Council Session (Reeve Clarence
Stover, Reeve Harry Little and Warden Sutherland)
Page 71 Newspaper articles re. displaced persons, annual report of the grand jury, new machinery
for road work, costs for road work, semi-regional conference of health units
Newspaper photograph of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Smith following Woodstock Mayoral
Newspaper photograph of retiring Oxford Warden Honoured (Reeve Clarence Stover,
Reeve Harry Little and Warden Grant Sutherland)
Page 72 Newspaper articles re. ruling on parked vehicles on County Roads, redecoration of
Council Chambers, county road conditions, accounts of the Oxford County Home Board,
families assisted by the Oxford County Children’s Aid Society during the Christmas
season, fox bounty, final meeting of the board of management of the Oxford County
Home, and insulation of the County Home
County Council Christmas cards
Page 73 Certificate of Membership for the Canadian Good Roads Association
Page 74 b/w photograph of Barbershop quartet around a piano (Allen Carter, Murray Logan,
Page 75
Rolland Fry, Clarence Stover and Thomas Pellova)
Newspaper photograph of nurses of the Oxford County Health Unit (Dorothy Johnston,
Betty Smith, Sally Wilkins, Edith McCartney, Joye Waterhouse, Janette Box, Nora
Hicks, Elsie Holden, Margaret Grieve, Ruth Grieve and Hazel Ryder
Sepia photograph of Oxford County Barbershop Quartet (Reeve Allen Carter, Reeve
Murray Logan, Reeve Clarence Stover, Reeve Tomas Pellova)
County of Oxford Handbook - 1951
Page 76
b/w photograph of annual visit of Ontario Department of Highways Minister’s annual
visit to Oxford County (Hon. George H. Doucett, J.M. Machines, L.K. Coles, T.L. Dent,
Grant Sutherland, and J.N. Meathrell)
Newspaper articles re. “city crier” George “Washington” Jones
Newspaper photograph of George “Washington” Jones
b/w photograph of Council Members: Louis L. Wettlaufer(?), Ollen Carter(?) and James
Page 77
D. Hossack
Oxford Medal presented to L.K. Coles for acts of the most conspicuous courage
Newspaper articles listing events 10 years ago, 15 years ago and 25 years ago
Newspaper article re. election of Warden