Len Coles Scrapbook Index 1952Len Coles Fonds
Len Coles’ Scrapbook Index
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Newspaper articles re. election of Warden Harley R. McBeth, cafeteria at TDHS showing
a completely negative report, annexed area of East Oxford to Woodstock, Salvation
Army seeking grant from Council, grant request from the Navy League of Canada and
address from Field Secretary Ian Grills of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind
Newspaper article re. election of Warden Harley R. McBeth (includes photograph of
Harley R. McBeth)
Newspaper articles re. election of Warden, new members of County Council, voting
procedure for Warden Election and Miss Peck’s social studies class at Victory Memorial
School listened to Warden Election on radio
Newspaper photograph of Grant Sutherland, Harley McBeth and Boy Rudy following
Warden’s Election
Newspaper photograph of Candidates who sought post of Warden (Herb Dunn, Harley
McBeth, W.J. McDonald and Tom Pellow)
Newspaper articles re. Standing Committees for 1952, McBeth Tract and Banner Tract,
equalization of assessment in Oxford County and appointments
Newspaper articles re. fox bounty, Aiderman George LaFlair representing Woodstock
City Council on Oxford Health Unit Board, County patients at Victoria Hospital, building
fund for the University of Western Ontario, and Council highlights
Newspaper articles re. fox bounty, By-law related to equalization of assessment, Jane
Burton wins Oxford County public speaking contest, delegates to the Ontario Association
of Managers and Matrons of County Homes annual convention, expenditures for the
Oxford County Home, and redecoration of County Council Chambers
Newspaper articles re. civil defense, Council briefs, annual fee for the Ontario
Agricultural Council, grant to the Reforestation and Conservation Association, Education
Committee, Library Co-operative Board members, Industrial Committee, freight cars and
level crossing, presentation to Ex-Warden Grant Sutherland, Mr. and Mrs. J. Forbes and
the County Home Management Report, and membership fee to the Ontario Good Roads
Newspaper articles re. report of Dr. O.C. Powers of the Oxford Health Unit; suburban
road work; annual report of Mrs. S.L. Krompart, Librarian of the County Co-Operative
libraiy; annual report of J.L. Griffiths, senior sanitary inspector; nursing staff of the
Oxford Health Unit; delegation to the Good Roads Association convention; County
budget; estimates of expenditures; fox bounty; and appointment of Councillors to the
Road Committee
Newspaper articles re. fox bounty and County budget, activities, correspondence,
requests, etc.
Death of King George. - 6 February 1952
Newspaper articles re. fluorine in drinking water, death of King George and proclamation
of Princess Elizabeth as Queen, smoke at the Court House, first meeting of the County
Home Board, meeting of the new Oxford Health Unit Board, fox pelts and Woodstock
city tax rate
Newspaper photograph of the new Queen and her family
Newspaper photograph of members of the Oxford County Library Co-Operative
attending their annual meeting (R.C. Brogden, Mrs. Louise Krompart, H.L. Kipp,
Warden Harley McBeth, George Lees, C.D. Sutor, William Stoakley, R.G. Groom, Dr.
Corbin Brown and S.L. Krompart)
Newspaper articles re. annual meeting of the Libraiy Co-operative, health statistics,
construction of new Registry Office, grant request from the Embro and West Zorra Red
Cross Society, fox bounty and health of L.K. Coles
Page 12 Newspaper articles re. anaplasmosis in cattle, W.A. Hart wins title of Province’s Hay
King, foot and mouth disease in cattle, weather, Supreme Court back in session, T.B.
Survey, and small earth dams proposed in Zorra Swamp
Newspaper photograph of meeting of the Upper Thames Valley Conservation Authority
(Grant Sutherland, Robert Rudy, A.D. Robinson and Harley McBeth)
Page 13 Newspaper articles re. clean bill of health given to Oxford’s cattle and municipal reports
to be heard on radio
Newspaper photographs of the Oxford County Seed Fair and Provincial Hay Show at
Woodstock (top: Robert H. Montgomery and James Stockton; bottom: Eldon Hemer,
Ross Hargreaves, Milne Hart, James Stockton, and John Hargreaves)
Page 14 Newspaper articles re. foot and mouth disease, Governor’s Road and No. 2 Highway,
mump cases, Stanley Allin appointed assessor and tax collector, concert at the County
Home, research grant for Dr. A. Cameron Wallace, city of Woodstock’s share in
financing Oxford Health Unit, county roads and steel superstructure at the enw registry
Newspaper tenders for insurance on roads, equipment and Employers’ Liability, public
notice re. special meeting of Council and notice to truckers re. load limits
Page 15 Newspaper photograph of Pete Ferguson and James Camwath, Dominion Junior
Badminton Champion surrounded by members of the younger set crowd
Newspaper articles re. Hespeler separation bid from Waterloo County, suggestion that
new wing be added to the County Home and meeting of the Finance Committee
Page 16 Newspaper articles re. fox hunting, meeting of livestock producers, County Council hears
requests, grant for Woodstock General Hospital, road committee’s expenditures, guest
speaker at the annual meeting of the Oxford County Library Co-operative, meeting of the
County Home Board, work on Registry Office, assessment appeals from Blenheim,
meeting of the Finance Committee, meeting of the Oxford Health Unit, resignation of
Sanitary Inspector G.E. Crandall, office accommodation for the Children’s Aid Society,
and top drama festival honor to Woodstock Little Theatre
Page 17 Newspaper articles re. Budget increase, old age pensions, Elgin County mill rate, costs of
surveying Tillsonburg, tax setting session of Council, reforestation, costs for pupils
attending urban secondary schools, possibility of changing methods of county municipal
government, brick work on Registry Office and By-law authorizing Ingersoll’s share of
the Registry Office costs
Page 18 Newspaper articles re. Norfolk budget, Elgin County Council defers action on
Tillsonburg Hospital request, grant for Tillsonburg Hospital, “lovers’ lane” a cut off from
No. 19 Highway near Tavistock, grant for Ingersoll Hospital, County tax rate, road
committee report, D. Robinson appointed suburban road commissioner, Reeve J.K.
McLeod ill, thanks to Council from Russell Brady, women jurors and Tillsonburg survey
Page 19 Newspaper articles re. County Tax Rate, Road Committee Report, tetanus immunization
planned for South Oxford and 1951 Norwich tax collections
Page 20 Newspaper articles and photographs re. services of the Oxford Health Unit (photographs
include Mrs. George Lockhart, Mrs. T.S. Wilson, Mrs. Bernard Roche, Brian Lockhart,
Dr. O.C. Powers, Judy Hipperson, Mrs. George Hipperson, Mrs. B. McCartney, Marion
and Janice Edgill, Mrs. R.L. Waterhouse, Mrs. Bill Edgill, and Joe Griffith)
Page 21 Newspaper articles re. Sheriff A. A. Bishop, road costs, Forage Crops Day, staffing at the
Oxford Health Unit, and East Oxford’s tax rates
Newspaper photograph of public speaking winner Charlotte Can-
Page 22 Newspaper photograph of the Board of the Oxford Health Unit (L.K. Coles, Warden
Harley McBeth, E. Juli, Miss Margaret Greive, Robert Rudy, Roger Hawkins, A.R.
Horton, Dr. O.C. Powers, and G.T. LaFlair)
Newspaper articles re. Oxford’s Cancer Unit, fox bounty and Ernest W. Seaman who was
charged with being drunk in a public place
Newspaper tenders for hauling road materials and equipment, for 3-ton heavy duty trucks
and a notice to truckers concerning load limits
Newspaper photograph of meeting of the Woodstock Board of Trade (A. Vance, Clark
Murray, Mayor Bernadette Smith, Rene B. Perrault, W.W. Scholz, T.R. Dent and Warden
Harley McBeth)
Page 23 Newspaper photographs of basketball game between the Livingston’s and Winnipeg
Varsity Grads in the Canadian senior final held in Tillsonburg
Page 24 Newspaper photograph of Tom Gibbons, Bud Redmond and Bill Coulthard following the
Eastern finals in Montreal
Newspaper articles re. Reginald Wallace, injured; entertainment at the County Home;
sharing of cots of Registry Office, civil defense plans, federal grant announced for
Tillsonburg Hospital, Detroit Red Wings win Stanley Cup
Newspaper photograph of Kent Best, assistance agricultural representative in Oxford
Newspaper photograph of bridge washed out by ice floes in Saskatchewan
Page 25 Newspaper photograph of Tillonsburg’s hustling hoopster Bob Simpson, Don Reid, Red
Curren, and Mike Spack)
Newspaper articles re. annual convention of the Ontario Education Association, fire
protection plans for rural regions, Terrence Brown winner of the Canadian Legion
Provincial Essay Contest, meeting of the County Home Board and resignations of Mrs.
Hazel Gordon and Miss Betty Smith
Newspaper photograph of Elmer Kam, Charles Groves and Howard Kam planting trees
under the Upper Thames Valley Authority’s tree-planting scheme
Convention ribbon
Page 26
Page 27
Newspaper advertisement re. Oxford County
Magazine photograph of the Luncheon for County Wardens and District Representatives
(J.E. Patterson, Peel County Warden; H.R. McBeth, Oxford County Warden; E.L. Guyitt,
Kent County Warden; T.C. Keenan, Carleton County Warden; and D.W. Stewart, Lanark
County Warden)
Newspaper articles re. garbage dumping on County roads, fox pelts and bounty, Oxford
County Junior Farmers’ Banquet, care of indigent patients at the County Home, and deer
season vote
Newspaper photograph of Warden Harley McBeth and Mayor Bernadette Smith at the
opening of die campaign headquarters for the Oxford County Unit of the Canadian
Cancer Society
Page 28 Newspaper article re. life and death of Crown Attorney Craig McKay (includes
photograph of Craig McKay)
Newspaper articles re. death of Craig McKay, quarterly meeting of the Oxford Library
Co-operative, inspection of daily herds by veterinarian Dr. L.E.L. Taylor and health
report of Dr. O.C. Powers
Page 29 Newspaper photograph of the Children’s Aid Society Annual Meeting (Sentinel-Review
-May 28, 1952)
Newspaper articles re. Blandford annexation, deer season request in North Oxford,
Norwich tax rates, Oxford crop acreage, Children’s Aid Officers named, and road
committee members touring county roads
Page 30 Newspaper article re. resignation of Walter Thomson, leader of the Ontario Liberal party
Newspaper article re. life and death of Edwin Parker, veteran Township Clerk for East
Zorra (includes photograph of Edwin Parker)
Newspaper photograph of the Hon. Mackinnon Phillips, Ontario Minister of Health
officially opening the new Tillsonburg Hospital
Page 31 Newspaper article re. 100th birthday of the County Jail (includes photograph of the jail)
Newspaper articles re. Mrs. Fannie Ann Worth, entertainment at the County Home, fox
bounty, office shift at the County building, equalization committee and the Tillsonburg
tax rate
Page 32 Newspaper articles re. equalization committee, weed control, annual meeting of the
Children’s at Society at Norwich, and the oil pipeline from Samia to Toronto passing
through Oxford County
Newspaper photographs of construction on oil pipeline near Highway 100 north of
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Newspaper photograph of those in attendance at Clark Murray’s address to the
Caledonian Society
Newspaper articles re. equalization, grant request from the Woodstock Board of Trade’s
Centennial Celebration committee, County home and cemetery, fox bounty, paving
program for county roads, death of prominent city industrialist Thomas L. Hay and
dedication ceremony held at Lutheran Church
Newspaper photograph of Reeve Wilfred L. Bishop and his son George holding Yellow
Rocker or Winter Cress
Newspaper articles re. Hugh Harris presented with the Ontario Red Cross badge of merit,
open session of County Council, disable persons allowances, 1952 Oxford Plowing
Match, and purchasing of land for County reforestation
Newspaper photograph of prominent men in Oxford County Read Cross circles for many
years (Clair Peers, Dr. O.C. Powers, J.A. Newell, Warden Harley R. McBeth, R.G.
Clowes, R.F. Brady, and Hugh Harris)
Newspaper photograph of Hugh Harris of Lakeside being present with a long service
badge by Russell Brady, secretary of the Red Cross Society
Newspaper articles re. equalization assessment, County councilors fashion sense, grant
request of the Centennial Committee, Centennial Celebration postponed for a year,
Townships facing shortage of gravel, fox bounties, Health Unit lease on the old Registry
Office, barbery and European blackthorn, spraying cattle for warble fly, agricultural
grants and entertainment at the County Home
Newspaper photograph re. Oxford County Councillors touring the County Home and
Farm (Mayor Bernadette Smith, Warden Harley McBeth, R.J. Forbes, and Mr. Forbes)
Newspaper articles re. Council visit of the County Home, yellow rocket and formal ties
for Council
Newspaper tenders for tractors and attachments
Newspaper photograph of governing bodies vist to County Home (front row: Mrs.
Forbes, Mr. Forbes, Mayor Bernadette Smith, Warden Harley McBeth, and Alder Walter
Boys; back rows: County Councillors and Woodstock City Councillors)
Newspaper photograph of retiring Woodstock Collegiate principal E.P. Hodgins, N.D.
Runnails and Miss E. McCorquodale
Newspaper photograph of Mr. and Mrs. William Orth celebrating their golden
Newspaper articles re. election of A.D. Robinson as new president of the Ex-Warden’s
Association and the probate will of the late Thomas Lyall Hay
Newspaper photograph of members of the Ex-Warden’s Association (Henry Hanlon,
William Weir, Warden Harley McBeth, Dr. H.B. Atkinson, William McIntosh, and
George H. Hollier)
Newspaper articles re. bronze memorial plaque honouring the late G.R. Green, Oxford’s
first agricultural representative
Newspaper photograph of the G.R. Green memorial plaque
Newspaper articles re. County grant for public libraries of Oxford and plaque honouring
G.R. Green
Newspaper photograph of those present of the unveiling of a memorial plaque honouring
G.R. Green (Warden H.R. McBeth, G.G. Bramhill, D. Graham, Mrs. G.R. Green and
W.K. Riddell)
Newspaper photograph of plaque dedication in honour of G.R. Green (Canon J.H.
Geoghegan and C.D. Graham, deputy minister of Agriculture)
Newspaper advertisement for Ontario’s first Forage Day
Newspaper photograph of Mrs. Frank Nicholson and her son Glen Coles with L.K. Coles
inspecting fox pups turned into the County
Newspaper photographs of the first Forage Day in the County of Oxford
Sticker advertising Forage Day
Newspaper article re. appointment of county assessors
Page 43 Newspaper photographs of the Zorro Highland Games, Embro (top photograph: Judith
Osborn, Maureen Croxton, and Holly Croxton; bottom photograph: James Donald
Page 44 Newspaper aerial photograph of the Ontario Hospital, Woodstock
Newspaper article re. dental health plan proposed
Member card for the Canadian Good Roads Association belonging to L.K. Coles — 1952
Page 45 Newspaper articles re. death of James W. Innes, Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital,
deer hunting season, fox bounty, Lome Junker named councilor for East Zorra Council
and Mayor Bernadette Smith training for the Mayor’s plowing event at the International
Plowing Match
Newspaper article re. James W. Innes (includes photograph of James W. Innes)
Page 46 Newspaper article re. Mrs. Emily Ball, secretary for Oxford County Crown (includes
photograph of A.C. Whaley, acting crown attorney for Oxford and Miss Emily Ball)
Newspaper published letter of thanks to Mayor Bernadette Smith and the City of
Woodstock from Harley R. McBeth, Warden
Newspaper photograph of the new Norwich District High School
Page 47 Newspaper article re. A.C. Whaley appointed Crown Attorney (includes photograph of
A.C. Whaley)
Newspaper articles re. appointment of A.C. Whaley as Crown Attorney, super-line
United States, Woodstock General Hospital in need of expansion, quarterly meeting of
the Board of Audit, district dams, and the eradication of European buckthorn trees
Newspaper photograph of Judge Eric W. Cross, judge of the county court and chairman
of the Police Commission
Page 48 Newspaper photographs of Eva Peron, King Farouk of Egypt, Magistrate R.G. Groom,
bronze bust of Color Sgt. George W. Leonard of the 22nd Regiment and an unknown
brick building
Page 49 Newspaper photograph of Joe Konantz and Don Courtemanche of Inspiration Mining and
Development Company
Newspaper article re. development of Zorra limestone
Newspaper photograph of a drilling rid being operated by a crew of Inspiration Mining
and Development Company in operation south of Embro
Page 50 Newspaper photograph of buckthome removal day (C.G. Waywel, Robert Bell, Fred
Coho, Joe Fallowfield and Billie Hamilton
Newspaper articles re. buckthome removal demonstration, new roof for the Court House,
meeting of the Oxford Health Unit, fox bounties paid as a result of automobiles,
entertainment at the County Home, new Registry Office, first protection of the County
Home, and a traffic collision at the intersection of Delatre and Hunter
Newspaper photograph of Her Majesty Wuee Elizabeth mounted on her horse and
molded in butter by Ross Butler
Newspaper public notice or a special meeting of County Council
Page 51 Newspaper articles re. construction of a controlled access highway, foot and mouth
disease, Judge Cross grants baseball injunction, Tillsonburg annexation, date for official
opening of new Registry Office, election of Alster Clark as president of the County Ex
Reeves Association and engagement of Jessie Margaret Lambden to Gerald B. Coles
Page 52 Newspaper aerial photograph of a stage coach as part of a parade during the Centennial
celebration held in Ingersoll
Newspaper article re. Ingersoll Centennial Celebration
Membership Ticket to the Ingersoll, North and West Oxford Agricultural Society Fall
Exhibition. - September 2nd and 3rd, 1952
Complimentary Ticket for the Tavistock Fall Fair. - September 5th and 6th, 1952
Complimentary Ticket for the Woodstock Agricultural Society Fair. - August 21st, 22nd
and 23rd, 1952
Complimentary Ticket for the 101st Annual Exhibition of the North Norwich Agricultural
Society. - September 16th and 17th, 1952
Complimentary Ticket for the Tillsonburg and District Agricultural Society Fair(?)
Page 53 Newspaper photographs of members of the Ex-Reeves Association (top photograph:
LeRoy Curtis, W.A. Cockbum, John Wallace, Alster Clark, Edgar Stoakley, William
McDonald, and Elton Townshend; bottom photograph: W.H. Sutherland, A.T. Walker,
Heniy Vogt and Allan Kneale)
Newspaper articles re. Allan Kneale and 50 year progress of the County, Blandford
Annexation, plans for the official opening of the County Registry Building and Oxford
County’s 1952 Plowing Match
Page 54 Newspaper articles re. Attorney-General to open the Registry Office, history of registrars
and buildings, fox bounties and new sidewalk on the west side of Hunter Street along the
new registry building site
Newspaper photograph of Registrar Ross V. Tuck
Newspaper photograph of Official Opening of the Oxford County’s new Registry Office
(Warden Harley McBeth, Ross V. Tuck, Mayor Bernadette Smith, Grant Sutherland,
Dana Porter, and T.R. Dent
Page 55
Page 56
Newspaper photographs of the inside of the new Registry Office
Newspaper photograph of the building committee of the new Oxford County Registry
Office (R.V. Tuck, L.K. Coles, Harley McBeth, J.N. Meathrell, W.J. McDonald, Fred
Wurker, Robert Rudy, Harry Collins and Grant Sutherland
Newspaper photograph of Hon. Dana Porter, Attorney-General for Ontario cutting the
traditional ribbons over the doors of the new Registry Office
Newspaper articles re. Registry Office
Invitation card to the Official Opening of the Oxford County Registry Office
Committee ribbon
Page 57 Newspaper photograph of the Official Opening of the County Registry Office (Rev
Canon J.H. Geoghegan, Registrar Ross V. Tuck, Hon. Dana Porter, and Warden Harley
Programme for the Official Opening of the Oxford County Registry Office. - 30
September 1952
Page 58 Newspaper articles re. expansion planned for Woodstock General Hospital, Col. James
Ingersoll, quarterly meeting of the Board of Audit, County Home pipe-laying
expenditure, and the resignation of G. Walter Burrard, superintendent of Tillsonburg
District Memorial Hospital
Page 59 Newspaper photographs of the Eleventh Annual Oxford County Plowing Match (left
photograph: Clark Murray, Federal Member of Oxford County; right photograph: Cecil
Wells and horses owned by A.D. Robinson)
Page 60 Newspaper photographs of the Warden’s Dinner (top photograph: Mrs. McBeth, Warden
McBeth, Mrs. Harold Cosens and Warden Cosens, of Perth County; bottom photograph:
Warden and Mrs. Mcbeth, Anne McBeth, Jackie Douglas, Judy Douglas, Carol McBeth,
and Roberta Douglas, grandchildren)
Invitation and reply card for the Warden’s Dinner - 29 October 1952
Page 61 Newspaper photograph of County Librarians visiting the Oxford Museum (Mrs. M.
Longworth, Mrs. Charles Milton, Mrs. James Shearer, Mrs. R.J. Sutherland, Mrs. W.
Cocker, Miss Betty Crawford, Mrs. Mary Wilson, Mrs. T.H. Haynes, Mrs. J.A.
Dickinson, Mrs. Krompart, Mrs. E. Chant, Mrs. William Bell, Mrs. H. Mason and Miss
Newspaper articles re. budget for Woodstock General Hospital, County Council sessions,
annual librarian workshop, county road work and Norwich High School
Page 62 Newspaper photograph of the new Registry Office
Newspaper photograph of Mayor Bernadette Smith measuring width of a furrow
Newspaper article re. Blandford annexation
Page 63 Newspaper photographs of the Warden’s Dinner (top photograph: Warden Harley
McBeth, Mrs. Murray and Clark Murray, M.P.; bottom photograph: Warden McBeth and
his wife and Rev. and Mrs. R. Cummings)
Newspaper articles re. Warden’s Dinner and new controlled access highway affecting
Page 64 Programme for the Warden’s Dinner. - 29 October 1952
Page 65
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Page 72
Page 73
Page 74
Newspaper articles re. survey of the Woodstock water works system and water supply, tv
in County Home and fox bounties for October
Newspaper photograph of Oxford apple exhibit at the Royal Winter Fan-
Newspaper articles re. proposed city water service for fire protection at the County
Home, Alf Burman named editor of the Sentinel-Review, C.D. Sutor re-elected as reeve
of Blenheim Township, Children’s Aid Society building, wolf pelts, and Department of
Agriculture to sponsor courses
Newspaper photograph of the grave of George Jones, Town Crier
Newspaper photograph of Warden Harley McBeth being presented with a tea service on
his retirement from Gordon A. Marshall and W.L. Bishop
Newspaper articles re. entertainment at the County Home, retirement of Warden Harley
McBeth, Administration of Justice Expenses Act, fox bounty, and conditions at the Jail
and County Home
Newspaper photograph of Oxford Health Unit Annual Dinner (photograph includes the
Health Board and staff with the exception of Dr. L.E. Taylor and Miss Margaret Grieve)
Newspaper articles re. Christmas concert at the County Home, Mayor Bernadette Smith
receives tray from the Oxford County Plowmen’s Association, last meet of the Oxford
Health Unit and meeting of the Board of Management of the County Home
Newspaper photograph of Warden H.R. McBeth and grandchildren: Carol, Anne, Ellen,
Susan, Johnny Jacquelyn, Judy, Roberta, and Ruth)
Newspaper photograph of County Home residents enjoying a showing of Charlie
Chaplin’s “Limelight by the Capitol Theatre and Sentinel Review (top photograph: Alf
Burman, R.J. Forbes, Mr. Venebles, Less McKerrall, Miss Dorland, Tom Naylor, and
Mrs. R.J. Forbes)
Newspaper articles re. Christmas at the County Home, road costs and recount of
reeveship vote in North Oxford
Newspaper articles re. first train arrival in Woodstock, North Oxford tie vote settled, and
the fox bounty
Newspaper article re. tie vote in Reeve election in North Oxford (includes photograph of
H.P. Dunn)
Newspaper photograph of George Clendening and H.P. Dunn, following tie vote
Newspaper map showing route of new Highway no. 401
Newspaper articles re. County Home receives gift of television set, meeting of the Oxford
County conservation committee, and Harley McBeth named president of the Ontario
Conservation Association Zone 1
b/w photograph of group of people posing inside soda shop(?) (L.K. Coles can be seen in
the back)
Ticket to the 33rd Annual Convention of the Canadian Good Roads Association
Photograph of residents at County Home posing with new television set
Photograph of Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Forbes, supervisors of the Oxford County Home for the
Ague with 25th anniversary tray for service
Newspaper article re. appointment of H.R. McBeth as president of Zone 1 of the Ontario
Conversation Association
Programmes for the Annual Dinner and Dance at the Thirty-Third Convention of the
Canadian Good Roads Association
Newspaper articles listing events 10 years ago, 15 years ago and 25 years ago
Newspaper photograph of Brant County official honoured (Reeve E.A. Wright, Miss Ida
Montgomery, Mrs. Wright and R.E.W. Lawrason)
Newspaper article re. transplanting of small oak tree commemorating the coronation of
the later King George VI on the grounds of S.S. No. 3, Blandford Township School