Len Coles Scrapbook Index 1955Leu Coles Fonds Len Coles’ Scrapbook Index 1955 Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page? Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Newspaper article re. Warden’s Election Newspaper photograph of the Warden’s declaration of office (L.K. Coles, Warden William Chesney and former Warden J.D. Hossack) Newspaper photograph of Murray Logan[?], William Chesney and J.D. Hossack Newspaper photographs of County Councillors casting votes for Warden (top photograph: R. Rudy, K. Watts and L.W. Smith; lower photograph: W.A. Chesney and M.V. Logan) Newspaper articles re. first session of County Council, road report of the Woodstock Suburban Road Commission and congratulations to Oxford’s Warden, William Chesney Newspaper articles re. request for a grant from the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, Committees named by Council, death of Robert Saunders (includes photograph), new council members and death of Miss Mary Jane Smith, oldest resident of East Zorra Newspaper article and photograph re. election of Warden W.A. Chesney (photograph: L.K. Coles and W.A. Chesney) Newspaper articles re. County surplus to go towards hospital fund and annual meeting of the Oxford County Library Co-operative and year of library activities Newspaper photograph of construction on the new addition to Woodstock General Hospital Newspaper article and photographs re. new Council members (K. Watts, H. Williams, W.J. McDonald, C. Bertrand and M.V. Logan) Newspaper articles re. department of highways is prepared to approve County subsidy, temperature and fox bounties Newspaper photographs of meeting of the Oxford County Library Co-operative - 3 February 1955 (top photograph: F. Slater, Warden W.A. Chesney, R.G. Campbell, Magistrate R.G. Groom and H.L. Kipp; bottom photograph: Rev. H.S. Rodney and Mrs. S.L. Krompart) Newspaper photograph of the Altadore, Woodstock Newspaper articles re. the history of the Altadore, deeded to VanSittart; W.A. Chesney elected chairman of the County Home Committee and Ingersoll entry second in Winter Sports Rally Newspaper photograph of the Oxford County Library Co-operative Board (L.K. Coles, R.G. Campbell, S.L. Krompart, Fred Slater, Warden William Chesney, George A. Lees, and Howard L. Kipp) Newspaper article re. resigned Premier Malenkov of the Soviet Union Newspaper photograph of the official opening of the new Huddleston and Barney printing plant (William Knowles, John Burridge, Warden William Chesney, Mayor Bernadette Smith and Herbert Barney Sr.) Magazine photograph of “The Road Gang” reception at the 35th Convention of the Canadian Good Roads Association - 1954 Newspaper article re. Alexandra Hospital deficit Newspaper photograph of Winners of Car of the Future Contest (Tom Naylor, H.G. Riley and Warden W.A. Chesney) Newspaper photograph of meeting between CAS and representatives from Woodstock, Ingersoll and Oxford to discuss the new Child Welfare Act (Mrs. J. Deans, Ken Marshall and R. Clowes) Newspaper article re. Welfare Act and initial estimates suggested by the Oxford County Children’s Aid Society Newspaper article re. administration of polio vaccine to children in grades one and two Newspaper photograph of the Directors of the Oxford Health Unit (L.K. Coles, G.T. LaFlair, D. Bower, M.V. Logan, Dr. O.C. Powers, J. Hartnett, and Warden W.A. Chesney) Page 12 Programme for the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Ontario Good Roads Association - 21-23 February 1955 Telegram re. reservations for J.M. Meathrell and L.K. Coles Page 13 Membership card of the Canadian Good Roads Association belonging to L.K. Coles - 1955 Reservations for L.K. Coles at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto Page 14 Newspaper articles re. new Bright school open and the brer fox Newspaper photograph of ribbon cutting at the new Bright School (Mrs. A. Riesberry, B.G. Currah, W.J. English, Frank Hogg, Warden Chesney and Jimmy Yeck) Page 15 Newspaper photograph of Reeve Harold Bishop and Reeve William McIntosh inspecting the belt worn by the anchor man of the fame Zorra tug-o-war team - June 1946 Newspaper photograph of bridge work at the junction of the new 401 and No. 59 Highway Newspaper articles re. fox bounties, Provincial budget and notice to truckers concerning load limits Page 16 Newspaper articles re. Ontario Hospital, resurfacing of Highway 100 between Thamesford and St. Marys, and provincial road assistance Newspaper tenders for Farm Tractor and insurance on roads, County equipment and Employers’ Liability Newspaper photograph of presentation to resigning surgeon of the nursing division (Mrs. M.A. Hamilton, Dr. O.C. Powers and Mrs. Blanche Locke) Newspaper photograph 1947 Council members beside the County’s supply of warble fly powder (John Wallace, Percy Sage, James Calder and LeRoy Curtis) - 1947 Page 17 Newspaper articles re. finance committee preparing budget, World Hockey honours and addition to the tuberculosis treatment section of Ontario Hospital Newspaper photographs re. fire that destroyed the home of James Egan and Mrs. George Spencer, Innerkip (top photograph: ruined house; bottom photograph: Mr. Egan and Mr. Chesney) Page 18 Newspaper photograph of Rocket Richard, hockey player Newspaper headlines re. Rocket Richard suspended, farm return in Oxford, Clerk- Managers to get salary per annum, and Ingersoll’s mill rate Newspaper public notices re. special meeting of Council and Canadian Aurora Light Company Limited given notice for acceptance of the surrender of its Charter Newspaper tender for premiums on insurance on roads, county equipment and Employers’ Liability Magazine photograph of Highways Minister Hon. James N. Allen addressing a group of county and municipal district engineers at the annual meeting of the Ontario Good Roads Association Page 19 Newspaper article re. resignation and arrest of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Canning, superintendent and assistant of the Dr. John Dearness home of London, formerly of the Welland County Home for the Aged Newspaper photograph of Mr. and Mrs. George Canning Newspaper articles re. meeting of the road committee, Woodstock By-law approving mill rate, and approval from the Ministry of the closing of the Tavistock Continuation School Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Newspaper photographs of storm damage along Lake Erie shoreline (Long Point) Newspaper photograph of rescue mission to floundering boat off the shore of Clear Creek Newspaper articles re. death of Dr. James H. Frain of Norwich, provincial grants for Oxford,, Tillsonburg Hospital delegation, bridge construction on Baldwin Street shelved, council session business, fox bounties in Lambton County, grant request for Alexandra Hospital and other organizations, and the reading of By-laws Newspaper notice to truckers re. load limits and newspaper tenders re. supplies, hauling road materials and equipment hire Page 23 Newspaper articles re. closing of the Tavistock Continuation School, Council Briefs, first reading of By-laws, deer situation in the County, prison costs in County Jail and fox bounties 2 Newspaper photograph of truck, trailer and bull dozer in water, following bridge on Ingersoll River given way Page 24 Newspaper articles re. hanging of Warden’s portraits, construction of Baldwin Street Bridge in Tillsonburg, passing of retired teacher Alfred Johnson, delegates attending the Ontario Educational Association, County Tax Rate, appointment of Edmund H. Thornton as weed inspector, Thomas E. Jackson elected the 96th President of the Ontario Educational Association, and Board of Audit auditing the criminal justice accounts Newspaper photograph of Reems coach and player hold trophy after winning “C” Crown Page 25 Newspaper articles re. open deer season, reports of the Sanitary Inspector and Veterinarian, deferral of grants to Council, weed control program, anti-polio vaccinations, annual report of Dr. O.C. Powers of the Oxford Health Unit, Baldwin St. bridge in Tillsonburg, Board of Directors of the Oxford County Children’s Aid Society and meetings of the Board of the Oxford Health Unit and the County Home Newspaper advertisement for applications for County Weed Inspector Page 26 Newspaper articles re. Clerk of Juvenile Court feted to leave post; retirement of R.G. Clowes, director of the Oxford County Children’s Aid Society; and tax decrease for Canadians Newspaper photographs of presentation to resigning court clerk (Magistrate R.G. Groom and R.G. Clowes) Page 27 Newspaper articles re. anti-polio shots, vaccine report, retirement of Jack Skinner from the County Jail and retirement of Winston Churchill (includes photograph) Page 28 newspaper articles re. polio vaccine, Magistrate R.G. Groom elected president of the Ontario Magistrates Association and meeting at Oxford Centre hall to discuss weed problem Newspaper photograph of a trailer plunged through a bridge Newspaper photograph of Susan Rishea receiving her polio vaccine shot from Dr. O.C. Powers Page 29 Newspaper photograph of Teddy Molyneux receiving Salk polio vaccine injection from Dr. O.C. Powers and Nurse Adriana Vandenberg Newspaper photograph of students and parents lined up for their salk polio vaccine shot Newspaper article re. forms from MOH for children to receive the anti-polio shots Page 30 Newspaper article and photograph re. Woodstock Warriors win Ontario junior “B” Championship in hockey Newspaper headline re. Tillsonburg wins Intermediate “A” Honors Page 31 Newspaper aerial photograph of freight train derailment east of Woodstock Newspaper headline re. earthquake in Greece -22 April 1955 Page 32 Page 33 Newspaper articles re. Salk polio vaccination Newspaper articles re. 2nd polio shots, Ministry of Health notification delayed in terms of vaccine dosages, and a meeting of the Oxford County Library Co-operative Newspaper photograph of construction of the overpass on the new highway at No. 19 south of Ingersoll Newspaper article re. death of Albert Einstein (includes photograph) Page 34 Newspaper photograph of volunteer farmers to attack weeds in Oxford (Bill Wallace, Frank Way, Robert Wilson, John R. Hargreaves, Merton McMurray, Ed Thornton, Keith Wilson, Art Wilson, Glen Edmonds, Brock Wilson and Russell Groves) Newspaper photograph of a twig of the European buckthorn Newspaper photograph of John G. Hargreaves spraying weeds Newspaper articles re. buckthorn control program Page 35 Newspaper articles re. buckthorn and barberry spraying Newspaper photograph of volunteers waging war on Buckthorn and Barbeny bushes (Lome Folden, Douglas Brown, Edward Thornton, Howard Rawlings, Dave Barnett, Gordon Howard, George Thompson and Verne Cuthbert) Page 36 Newspaper articles re. Oxford County Library, condition of county roads, meeting of the Oxford County Road Committee, fox bounties and meeting of the Health Unit and County Home Boards 3 Newspaper notices re. load limits for truckers and clean up of all putrid and decayed animal or vegetable matter in Oxford County of Oxford Newspaper photograph of the County Library Bookmobile Page 37 Newspaper photograph of Kiwanis festival winners (Howard Pye, winner of the H.E. Illingworth Memorial Trophy; Barbara Mason, winner of the H.E. Illingworth Memorial scholarship for girls, and Stead McKinney, chairman of Kiwanis Committee) Newspaper photograph of choir boy at Easter services Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Newspaper photographs of Woodstock General Hospital with additions Newspaper advertisement and message from the Warden re. County of Oxford Newspaper articles re. limestone development in North Oxford township (includes photograph of drilling), appointment of Roy Schnurr to the Bruce County Dairy Herd Improvement Association, Oxford Come Home residents taken to see Victoria Day parade, and fox bounties Newspaper photograph of N. (Nate) Jack, who passed away Newspaper photograph of the annual Plattsville Horse Show official opening (Cameron Shantz, Stanley Force, Mr. Thomas and Robert Rudy Page 41 Newspaper articles re. N.M. Marshall named president of the Children’s Aid Society, special meeting of the equalization committee, Howard E. Passmore appointed treasurer to the Provincial Association of Children’s Aid Societies, and scarlet fever outbreak Newspaper photograph of the 60th annual meeting and dinner of the Children’s Aid Society of Oxford County, diamond jubilee (Douglas Campbell, Mrs. William MacMurray, R.G. Clowes, Howard Passmore, N.M. Marshall and Warden W.A. Chesney) Newspaper photograph of bams on Hart farm destroyed by fire Page 42 Newspaper articles re. Zenda Tract, June Session of County Council, By-laws, and waterline to County Home Newspaper photograph of the Road Committee (T.S. Caldwell, R.R. Day, Warden W.A. Chesney, W.J. Stoakley, and J.N. Meathrell) Page 43 Newspaper articles re. reports to County Council, communications read at County Council, Mrs. H.A. Little passes away, and rains washed out a shoulder on the Tillsonburg-Springford road Newspaper photograph of retirement of Jail Governor (Sheriff A. A. Bishop. Jail Governor Jack Skinner and Warden William Chesney) Page 44 Newspaper articles re. Council Session, grants for district hospitals, resurvey of the Town of Norwich, former Welling County Home matron convicted of theft charges, and Judge Eric W. Cross in hospital Newspaper article re. Report of the Zone Forrester to Council Newspaper photograph of Councillors on annual inspection at County Home Newspaper article and photograph re. Buckthorn eradication campaign in North Oxford Township Page 45 Newspaper articles re. Baldwin Street Bridge in Tillsonburg, provincial election and how Oxford voted, and Oxford’s member-elect Gordon “Sparky” Innes Newspaper photograph of 1947 County Councillors inspecting the newly acquired rotary snow blower - 1947 Page 46 Newspaper articles re. driving under the influence and no action taken on construction of the Baldwin Street Bridge in Tillsonburg Newspaper photograph of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority car wash Page 47 Newspaper articles re. drilling for limestone in North Oxford Township, former London Mayor Allan J. Rush dies, and yellow rocket (Barbarea Vulgaris) Page 48 Newspaper articles re. annual meeting of the Ex-Wardens’ Association and James A. Vance, West Oxford designated new “planning area”, and Ronald Wilson of Ingersoll was second in the Viscount Wakefield cup competition at the annual Dominion of Canada Rifle Association. Newspaper photograph of meeting of the Ex-Warden’s Association (L.K. Coles, Charles Baegley, Charles Milton and Hugh Harris) Newspaper photograph of Creditville crossing (aka suicide crossing) 4 Page 49 Page 50 Page 51 Page 52 Page 53 Page 54 Page 55 Page 56 Page 57 Page 58 Page 59 Page 60 Newspaper articles re. Ex-Warden’s Association Meeting, Liberal Rally in Norwich, and a polio free County Newspaper photographs of the Ex-Warden’s Meeting (top photograph: Charles Milton and Charles Beagley; bottom photograph: Dr. H.B. Atkinson and George H. Hollier) Newspaper photographs of a car accident involving Tillsonburg’s Mayor and his son William Hakwins Newspaper photograph of Game Warden and Biologist examining litter of dead fish in the Thames River Newspaper articles re. Oxford dairy output, water pipe line to County Home, inquest into the accident and death of William Hawkins, promotion of D. (Mel) Hamilton as Governor of the Oxford Jail, and widening of the road north of Springford Newspaper photograph of the widening of the county road running north from Springford Newspaper article re. retirement of Dick Clowes as director of the Oxford Children’s Aid Society Newspaper photograph of Ed Hansell of East Zorra Township displaying 10 foot 11 inch com Newspaper articles re. death and funeral of M.D. (Mel) Hamilton; Reginald Birchall, interment of his body and items at the County Museum belonging to him; election of Elton Townsend as President of the Oxford County Ex-Reeves Association, and flag at Woodstock City hall lowered to half mast in tribute to M.D. Hamilton, Jail Governor Newspaper articles re. death and funeral of Murray Logan, Reeve of East Oxford (includes photograph), Howard Pye awarded the silver medal by the Royal Conservatory of Music, and election for E. Oxford Reeveship Newspaper photograph of 9th annual reunion of the Ex-Reeves Association (Robert Rudy, Henry Vogt and Allan Kneale) Newspaper photograph of the meeting of the Ex-Reeves Association (Clarence Stover, W.J. McDonald, Elton Townsend, Edgar Stoakley and Wallace Nesbitt) Newspaper articles re. annual meeting of the Ex-Reeves Association, Warden opened the 103rd annual Tavistock Fall Fair, and toll roads discussed at the annual convention of the Canadian Good Roads Association Newspaper photograph of the new executive of the Oxford County Ex-Reeves Association (Edgar Stoakley, William McDonald, Leroy Curtis and Elton Townsend) Newspaper photograph of 8th World Jamboree of the Boy Scouts and Scouters Newspaper photograph of Fred L. Schell, new Reeve of East Oxford and N.M. Holdsworth following election for Reeve Newspaper public notice re. special meeting of Council and tenders wanted for supplying and installing of heating units in the County shop, East Zorra Township Newspaper photograph of 103rd Annual Tavistock Fair (Reeve R. Rudy, Warden Chesney and Elmer Wilker, fair president) Newspaper photograph of Tavistock Scouts, Cubs at the 8th World Scout Jamboree in Niagara-on-the-lake Newspaper articles re. election for Reeve in East Oxford Township, passing of Stanley T. Loveys, F.O. Burgess of Woodstock awarded damages following injunction handed down by the Supreme Court of Ontario related to the Thames River being polluted, and the Annual Convention of the Canadian Good Roads Association Newspaper article re. fire at the Court House (includes photograph of Fireman Ken Griffin) - 20 September 1955 Newspaper photograph of fire department aerial truck and smoke coming from the roof of the Court House Newspaper headline re. farther charge of murder following death of tot - 19 September 1955 Newspaper photograph of clean-up at the County Court House following fire Newspaper photographs of Miss Mary Daphne Louse Staib and Roy Andrew Dunn, engaged to be married Programme for the Annual Dinner at the Thirty-sixth Convention of the Canadian Good Roads Association - 15 September 1955 5 Page 61 Page 62 Page 63 Page 64 Page 65 Page 66 Page 67 Page 68 Page 69 Page 70 Page 71 Page 72 Page 73 Programme for the Ladies at the Thirty-sixth Annual Convention of the Canadian Goods Roads Association - 13-16 September 1955 Programme for the Thirty-sixth Annual Convention of the Canadian Goods Roads Association - 13-16 September 1955 Banff Springs Hotel Golf Club Membership card for Mr. and Mrs. L.K. Coles Tickets for “The Road Gang” at the 36th Convention of the Canadian Good Roads Association - 13 September 1955 Reservation for L.K. Coles at Banff Springs Hotel Newspaper articles re. World Series, International Plowing Match, re-assessment of Tillsonburg, Oxford’s law library, quarterly meeting of the County Board of Audit, Council to tour County road system, and fox bounties Newspaper articles re. opening of the Fall Session of Council, tour of County Roads, and Howard Pye was the guest soloist at Springford United Church Newspaper photograph of annual workshop meeting of the Oxford County Librarians (Mrs. W.G. Cocker, Miss B. Crawford, Mrs. Longwoth and Mrs. S.L. Krompart) Newspaper articles re. open deer season and County forests Newspaper photograph of W.K. Fullerton, Assistant Forester on Hall Street Newspaper articles re. Drumbo’s Annual Fair, Oxford Plow Event, Oxford Member of Parliament Wallace Nesbitt to probe immigration situation in Canada, and fox bounties Newspaper photograph of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Andrew Dunn Newspaper article re. anchor belt used by the West Zorra tug-of-war team donated to the Oxford County Museum (includes photograph of Mike Smith, market clerk) Newspaper article re. increasing the summer flow of the Thames River and newspaper headline re. plowing match in Blenheim Township Newspaper articles re. dispersal of Springbank herd, trial of Robert Edward Randell, Oxford MP Wallace Nesbitt to attended United Nations final session of the year and cement plant contracts Newspaper photograph of the Building Committee (John R. Hargreaves, C. Innes, Lawrence Smith and Henry Banbury) Newspaper photographs of the official opening of the new addition to Woodstock General Hospital (top photograph: Mayor Bernadette Smith, Warden William Chesney, and Hon. W.A. Goodfellow Minister of Municipal Affairs; bottom photograph: Mayor Smith Hon. W.A. Goodfellow and Warden W. Chesney) Newspaper photographs of paintings of animals for children painted on the walls of the hospital Newspaper photograph of W.H. Peirce Newspaper article re. meeting of the district assessors and newspaper headlines re. YMCA general secretary for Woodstock and opening ceremonies of hospital addition Newspaper photograph of Mayor Smith and W. Nesbitt, MP Newspaper articles re. tribute to retiring Warden, population in southwestern Ontario, and changing communities and deer hunting in Oxford County of Oxford Newspaper photograph of District Assessors holding post convention talks (Jerry Dunlop, A.D. Robinson, William Murray, Fred H. Cade, Robert Lynett, William and V. Vidder) Newspaper articles re. final session of County Council and Meeting of the Association of Assessing officers of Ontario Newspaper photograph of Hon. Mr. Goodfelllow and Harlow Nix Newspaper photograph of Annual Warden’s Dinner (Warden Chesney and Mrs. Chesney) Newspaper article re. tea service presented to retiring Warden from Council Newspaper photograph of tea service presentation to Warden during Council session (Orval T. Coleman, Warden William Chesney, and William MacDonald) Newspaper photograph of Oxford County Property Committee inspecting renovations to the Court House (Henry Banbury, Lawrence Smith, L.C. Innes and James Chesney) Newspaper articles re. final session of Council including Committee reports, school appointments, hospital costs and road expenditures 6 Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Page 83 Newspaper photograph of executive members of the Oxford Soil and Crop Improvement Association (Robert E. Bell, Cecil Riddle, Charles Nancekivell, Charles McGee, and James McBain) Newspaper photograph of processing plant section of the Canada Cement Co. plant under construction in East Zorra north of Beachville Newspaper article re. non-resident hunting licenses Newspaper photograph of work on future part in West Oxford (top photograph: old dam at Centreville) Newspaper article re. appeals to be heard by Blenheim Revision Court Newspaper photograph of the Farm and Community Pond Advisory Board of the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority inspecting the Centreville pond area (A.D. Robinson, James Lind, Wilfred Murray, Cecil Riddle, Bill McNaughton, Edward Johnson, Joe Byrant, Robert Rudy, and Gordon W. Pittock) Newspaper article re. Guy Martson, Norfolk County Engineer (Globe and Mail - 9 December 1955) Newspaper photograph of retiring Warden honoured (William McDonald, Warden William Cheney and O.D. Coleman) Newspaper photograph of fire at the Ingersoll Community Centre Newspaper article re. decision on 114 appeals, mostly tobacco farmers, by the Blenheim Township Court of Revisions (includes photograph of farmers George Hoskins, Charles Ramsey, Barrister Lome Dow, Harry Walton, George Csinos and Harry Dafoe) Newspaper articles re. Blenheim Revision Court decision on appeals and fox bounties Complimentary ticket to the matinee Telequestion Show - 21 December 1955 Complimentary ticket for L.K. Coles and Lady to the Tillsonburg and District Exhibition County of Oxford Membership Card Ontario Good Roads Association - 1955 Complimentary ticket to the 104th Annual Exhibition of North Norwich Agricultural Society-27,28 September 1955 County of Oxford Handbook - 1955 Newspaper article re. equalized assessment sought by tobacco men in Blenheim Township Newspaper photograph of members of the tobacco growers’ committee outside the Blenheim Township Court of Revision (Donald Brooks, Harry Walton, and Henry Dieleman) Complimentary ticket for L.K. Coles and Lady for the Tavistock Fall Fair - 9,10 September 1955 Invitation to the Official Opening of the new wing of the Woodstock General Hospital - 16 November 1955 Newspaper articles listing events 10 years ago, 15 years ago and 25 years ago 7