Len Coles Scrapbook Index 1956Len Coles Foods
Len Coles’ Scrapbook Index
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Newspaper article re. Warden’s Election (includes photograph of L.K. Coles and
Reginald Day, the new Warden)
Newspaper photograph of Robert Rudy presenting Reginald Day with a gavel before the
102nd Warden took office
Newspaper photograph of Ex-Warden William Chesney congratulating Reginald Day,
Newspaper article re. Warden’s election (includes photographs of the Reginald Day with
retiring Warden William Chesney and Reginald Day taking the declaration of office from
L.K. Coles, Clerk-Treasurer)
Newspaper articles re. Warden’s election, portion of Governor’s Road to be taken under
the authority of the Woodstock Suburban Road Commission, fox bounties, and Peel
County resolution concerning criminal sex problems
Newspaper photograph of new members of Council receiving instruction of policy and
procedures for L.K. Coles (Howard McCombs, E.P. Eddy, P.L. Pressey, Edward R.
Pearce and L.K. Coles)
Newspaper articles re. Woodstock to adopt part of Governors Road, Council Committee
members chosen, Council Session, County road system expenditures, and Blenheim
Township Court of Revision decrease in assessment on tobacco lands
Newspaper article re. County Council estimated expenditures
Newspaper photograph of election of president of die Oxford County Junior Farmers’
Association (Warden Reginald Day and President Allen Scott)
Newspaper photograph of annual meeting of the Fish and Games Association (Warden
Reginald Day, President Harry Walton, Wilfred Ratz, sandy Matheson, Game Warden
Herb Clark and Second Vice-President Grant Smith)
Newspaper articles re. ban on western Canada calves coming into Oxford County,
appointment of John Calder as Jail Governor, Good Roads Association Executive, fox
bounties, Annual Report of the Superintendent at the County Home, grant to the Ingersoll
Suburban Road Commission and resolution about roads
Invitation to the Annual Meeting of the Oxford County Library Co-operative - 1
February 1956
Newspaper article re. annual meeting of the Oxford County Library Co-operative
(includes photograph: Magistrate R.G. Groom, Dr. J.J. Talman, Mrs. S.L. Krompart and
Len Coles)
Newspaper articles re. passing of Elton Townsend of Eastwood (includes photograph of
E. Townsend), voluntary liquidation of assets of Bickle-Seagrave Limited, A. Lockhart
elected president of the Woodstock Fair Board and Randell gets 8 years for manslaughter
Newspaper articles re. construction of cement plant in West Zorra
Newspaper public notice re. special meeting of Council and newspaper tenders for
premiums for insurance on roads, County equipment and Employer’s Liability
Newspaper photograph of Warden Reginald Day, William Knowles, president of the
Board of Trade, Woodstock Mayor Bernadette Smith and Joseph Breen, president of
Canada Cement plant
Newspaper photograph of the presentation of trophies at the annual banquet and meeting
of the Oxford County Junior Farmers’ Association (Bill McLeod, Warden Reginald Day,
Margaret Innes, Hartley Henderson, and Ron Wilker)
Newspaper articles re. redecorations at the jail, provincial aid for resurfacing Governor’s
road from Thamesford to Woodstock and a notice to truckers re. load limits
Newspaper headlines re. Raes guilty of manslaughter, J. Thomas Costello passes away
and flooding
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Newspaper articles re. report on licenses issued, MOH report to Council, Tillsonburg
Hospital asks for grant, Grand Jury recommendations, County Budget, fox bounty, and
increase in rates for indigent burials
Newspaper tenders for insurance on roads, County equipment and Employer’s Liability
Newspaper articles re. Alexandra hospital seeking County aid to help with deficit,
Woodstock City Police Court using Court House, and the County mill rate increased
Ontario Good Roads Association 54th Annual Meeting Programme - 20-22 February
Programme for the Ontario Road Builders’ Association 29th Annual Luncheon — 22
February 1956
Newspaper photograph of the Annual Meeting and Testimonial Dinner of the Children’s
Aid Society (L.M. Ball, R.G. Clowes, N.M. Marshall and A.M. Moore)
Newspaper articles re. Woodstock seeking space in Court House for city police court,
County Budget for 1956, Grant Jury report concerning conditions at the Court House and
County Home, fox bounty
Notice of the Ontario Water Resources and Supply Committee Public Hearing on April
Newspaper photograph of Councillors at Annual Meeting and Dinner of the Children’s
Aid Society (Ex-Reeve Harold Williams, Aid. John Walker, retiring Superintendent of
CAS Dick Clowes, and Ex-Warden William Chesney)
Newspaper articles re. Mill Rate, MLA asking for increase in grants in order to eliminate
weeds, N.M. Marshall re-elected as president of the Children’s Aid Society and annual
Oxford Poultry and Pet Stock Table Show
Newspaper articles re. Oxford briefs heard at Water Committee hearing, fox bounty
discontinued and a care accident involving Magistrate R.G. Groom
Newspaper tenders for supplies and hauling road materials and equipment hire
Invitation for Mr. and Mrs. Len Coles to meet with the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario
and Mrs. Louis O. Breithaupt - 3 April 1956
The President and Council of the Art Gallery of Toronto’s Invitation to attend reception
in honour of members of the Ontario Educational Association - 4 April 1956
Newspaper photograph of Lieutenant Governor’s tea for delegates at the annual meeting
of the Ontario Education Association (OEA President Thomas E. Jackson, Mrs. Jackson,
Mr. and Mrs. Breithaupt, Mrs. Ruth Clarke and Mrs. Norman Keeffer)
Newspaper photograph of Lorraine Doyle serving tea to F.B. Manson, President of the
Oxford County Trustees and Ratepayers Association
Newspaper article re. fox bounty
Newspaper photograph of joint planning conference conducted by the Department of
Planning and Development (John Pearson, Allister Clarke, Aid. T.H. Dent, and Warden
Reginald Day)
Newspaper articles re. Blenheim Township the Venice of Canada, Patrick Kelly, new
building planned for Provincial Police and J. Watson appointed general manager,
explosives division, Canadian Industries Limited (includes photograph of Mr. Watson)
Newspaper photograph of meeting of County Agriculture Committee, Oxford Soil and
Crop Improvement Association and Township council representatives (Bill Sutherland,
Bert Armstrong, Ernest Gamer, L.C. Innes, Fred Slater, Edward Eddy, Robert Bell,
William Chesney, Ernest Wood, Cecil Riddle, Ed Thornton, John R. Hargreaves, and
Warden Reginald Day)
Newspaper articles re. buckthorn and barberry eradication
Newspaper photograph of Bernie Zurbrigg, Mrs. Macfarlane and J.G. Crean receiving
cheese hat
Newspaper articles re. Govenor’s Road bog
Newspaper photograph of Donald Kerr trying to make it through the mud on Governor’s
Newspaper photograph of bulldozers stuck in the mud and muck that is Governor’s Road
Page 21 Newspaper article re. road conditions in Oxford, particular Governor’s Road from
Woodstock to the Canada Cement plant (includes photographs of the road conditions
north of Beachville)
Page 22 Newspaper photograph of conditions of Governor’s road between Thamesford and
Newspaper articles re. Governor’s road conditions and newspaper headlines re. club
house for Ingersoll lawn bowlers and the passing of Miss Nesbitt, Museum Curator
Page 23 Newspaper photograph of road grader stuck in an impassable section of Governor’s Road
at Rayside
Newspaper photograph of Cyril Mervis and Vern Hammond lighting roadblock lantern
on Governor’s road at Rayside
Newspaper article re. Sheriff A. A. Bishop catching a 25-pound pike while fishing
Page 24 Newspaper advertisement and Warden’s Message re. Oxford County
Newspaper headline re. Coroner’s Jury findings in Douglas Hart fatality
Page 25 Newspaper articles re. fatal accident on Cody’s side road and Douglas Hart (includes
Newspaper photographs of Verna Marilyn Lowden and Peter Thomas Ferguson, engaged
to be married
Page 26 Newspaper photograph of construction of Canada Cement Company plant northeast of
Newspaper photograph of inspection of the new Huron Park Secondary School (E.P.
Hodgins, Principal Ed Ferguson, John W. Burridge, Warden Reginald Day and Gordon
W. Innes)
Page 27 Newspaper article re. crop retardation, road repair work, and special meeting of Council
Newspaper photograph of Peter Ferguson and Verna Lowden exchanging vows at
Newspaper photograph of group of men, including deputy sheriff issuing writs
Page 28 Newspaper articles re. life, passing and funeral of Miss Effie Nesbitt, Oxford Museum
Curator; resolution of the Township of West Zorra asking the Games and Fisheries Act
be changed to prohibit the use of rifles larger than .22 calibre for hunting, meeting of
County Council and Fred Cade appointed third vice-president of the Ontario Association
of Assessing Officers
Newspaper photographs of the annual banquet of the Ontario Good Roads Association
and L.K. Coles, elected as a director of the Ontario Food Roads Association
Page 29 newspaper article re. Tavistock Public School students touring County Buildings in
Woodstock (left photograph: David Jantzi, Harold Mallen and Warden Reginald Day;
right photograph: Reeve Robert Rudy, Sylvia Houghton, James Seyler, Mary Margard,
Jane Zimmerman and Carol Matthies
Page 30 Newspaper articles re. paying of the Governor’s Road; county road expenditures; June
session of County Council including correspondence, road signs, deer season and
coroner’s jury report; and meeting of the Re-assessment Committee
Newspaper photograph of condition of Governor’s road and map showing route of
Governor’s road
Page 31 Newspaper articles re. re-assessment, buckthorn and barberry eradication programs,
reforestation, and paving agreement on Governor’s road
Page 32 Newspaper photograph of construction of Canada Cement Plant No. 4
Newspaper photograph of those taking part in a motorcade attending the Stratford
Shakespearean Festival (Reeve Robert Campbell, Mrs. Campbell, Warden Reginald Day,
Mayor Bernadette Smith, Deputy Reeve Edward Eddy and Mrs. Eddy
Motorcade sign from photograph
Newspaper photograph of those attending Stratford Shakespearean Festival (Mrs. Baker,
Mayor Gregory and Mayor Bernadette Smith)
Page 33 Newspaper articles re. easement rights for the Interprovincial Pipeline Company, crude
oil pipeline through County, Christmas tress from the Hall tract, Oxford Cattle Breeders
office and Ingersoll Hotel liquor provisions
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Newspaper photograph of new Anne Street Club House of the Ingersoll Lawn Bowling
Newspaper photograph of new County Garage, north side of the County Home
Newspaper photograph of official opening of the 1956 bowling season of the Ingersoll
lawn bowling club (M.G. Billings, B.G. Jenvey, K.C. Swance, C. MacPhee, John
Fairbairn, C. Matheson, L.K. Coles, Jack Warden and George Coghlan)
Newspaper article re. new Lawn bowling club in Ingersoll
Newspaper photograph of Mother Goose float in May 21st celebration parade
Newspaper articles re. elected officials visiting the Stratford Shakespearean Festival,
expenditures for County roads and bridges, Committee reports from roads, education and
print and resolutions read at Council, and water supply for Oxford
Newspaper photograph of cement plan kiln nearing completion (Sentinel-Review - 18
June 1956)
Newspaper articles re. passing of Donald F. Gibson (includes photograph), Notice of
Section 3(1) of the Weed Control Act, passing of Mrs. H.J. Shantz, and funeral of R.B.
Newspaper photograph tree damage following wind storm in Innerkip area
Newspaper article re. destruction of hedge on W. Bawden’s property as part of the
barberry and buckthorn eradication program, 100 anniversary of Caledonian Games at
Zorra, meeting of the Ex-Warden’s, and Notice of Section 3(1) of the Weed Control Act
Newspaper photographs of weed eradication underway (top photograph: Robert E. Bell
and Ed. Thornton; bottom photograph: Fred Boyle and Fred Craig)
Newspaper articles re. Ingersoll garbage dump and appointment of Mayor Bernadette
Smith as curator and secretary treasurer of the Oxford County Museum
Newspaper photograph of collapse of the face of Niagara falls burying the Schoellkopf
power plant
Newspaper photograph of vandalized speeding sign in Embro
Newspaper articles re. Mayor Smith named curator of Oxford County Museum, County
farmers on crop tour, W.A. Calder in hospital in Edmonton and the Andrea Doria disaster
(includes photograph)
excerpts from the Ontario Good Roads Association magazine(?) re. convention and
officers for 1956
Newspaper articles re. County budget, City of Woodstock’s request to use Court House,
roads budget, and Oxford Museum on television program
Newspaper photograph of L.K. Coles at the Annual Banquet of the Ontario Good Roads
Canadian Good Roads Association membership card for L.K. Coles - 1956
Invitation to the Fifty-eighth Graduation Exercises of the School of Nursing of the
Woodstock General Hospital - 6 June 1956
Invitation to a reception in honour of the President of the Ontario Educational
Association - 3 April 1956
Invitation to a luncheon honouring the Presidents, Directors and Visiting Speakers of the
Ontario Educational Association - 2 April 1956
Newspaper articles re. paying of the Governor’s Road, County ending fox bounty, and
tender for trucks
Newspaper photograph of flooded street north of Drumbo
Newspaper photograph of Highway 401 ready to be paved
Newspaper photographs of Wallace Nesbitt, MP and Gordon Innes, MLA
Newspaper article re. Oxford Museum getting Edison phonograph (includes photograph
of Joyce Churcher and the phonograph)
Newspaper articles re. special meeting of County Council, tractor licensing and meeting
of the Oxford Health Unit Board
Newspaper photograph of carved wooden plaque given to Huron district forester Marritt
Newspaper articles re. survey and construction work on Governor’s road, Oxford County
Library Workshop, second annual meeting of the Water Resources Committee, Embro
West Zorra Centennial Fair, and meeting of the Ex-Reeves Association
Newspaper photograph of Magistrate R.G. Groom in magistrates’ attire
Programme for the Thirty-sixth Annual Convention of the Ontario Association of
Managers and Matrons of the Homes for the Aged - 7-9 September 1956
Page 46 Newspaper articles re. September Session of Council and speed limits
Newspaper photograph of Dunnville Mayor Harold McQuatty wheeling Mayor Lawrence
Smith of Tillsonburg through the Tillsonburg fair grounds
Page 47 Newspaper articles re. Ex-Reeves Association 10th Annual Reunion (includes
photograph: William J. McRonald, L.K. Coles and Leroy Curtis) and growth of the City
of Woodstock
Page 48 Magazine photographs of Mrs. M.B. Smith, R. Day, Athurt Lockhart and J.E. Nephew
entitled “Prize List 1956”
Newspaper articles re. history of the Village of Washington (includes photograph of
Albert Anderson), refresher course on homes for the aged, and a newspaper headline re.
Norwich Fair
Newspaper photograph of threshing with the heading “Wet weather has delayed
Page 49 Newspaper articles and photographs of collapsed Plattsville bridge
Newspaper articles re. Oxford Plowing Match and the funeral of James D. Flanders,
Clerk and Treasurer of Dereham Township (includes photograph of J.D. Flanders)
Newspaper photograph of Aircraft carrier
Page 50 N ewspaper(?) photograph of turkey barbecue at the anniversary conference of the
Ontario Conservation Authorities
Newspaper articles re. the Julian Crandall Trophy awarded to James A. Vance (includes
photographs of James A. Vance and the Julian Crandall Trophy)
Magazine photograph of James A. Vance being awarded the Julian Crandall Trophy from
John Fisher
Page 51 Newspaper articles re. expanding capacity of the new West Zorra cement plant, hearing
of the Blenheim Township Court Revision and assessment of the home belonging to
George Matheson, and a grant request to Council from the Oxford County Retarded
Children’s Association
Newspaper headlines re. East Nissouri Township trailer case and the passing of Dr.
Osborn of Ingersoll
Page 52 Invitation to the Opening of the addition to Ingersoll District Collegiate and the Annual
Commencement Exercises - 9 November 1956
Newspaper articles re. children’s health confrance at the Oxford Health Unit and the
Hungarian revolution
Newspaper photograph of the first shipment of cement being from Canada Cement Plant
in West Zorra (H. W. Hamilton, Superintendent; J.W. Tittley, Advertising Manager; H.E.
Eggert, Sales Representative for Western Ontario; A.F. Kearns, Sales Manager; John
Stinson, representative of the Daily Commercial News and Building Record; S.E.
Dinsmore, General Contractor of Windsor and L.C. Innes, Reeve of West Zorra
Page 53 Newspaper photograph of Port Said during Suez Crisis
Newspaper articles re. VLA houses across from the Oxford County Home to receive city
water, Oxford Health Unit operating levy, and the annual county plowing match
Invitation to the Official Opening of the Staff Residence at Halton Centennial Manor - 4
November 1956
Page 54 Newspaper articles re. Ontario Good Roads Association tour of Northern Ontario roads,
pledges for the Woodstock General Hospital, and a notice of special meeting of Council
Newspaper photograph of Coach “Pop” Ivy of the winning Edmonton Eskimos following
the Grey Cup Canadian Football Championships
Page 55 Newspaper photograph of some of the members of the executive of the Ontario Good
Roads Association (E.W. Jones, W.D. Colby, C.M. Freeman, H.A. Cleave, F.L. Weldon,
and James Gaw)
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Newspaper photograph of the executive directors of the Ontario Good Roads Association
(Mayor H.L. Weichel, Leonard Wookey, W.S. McKay, James Henderson, A. Boyer,
Richard Elliott, Newton Powell, J.H. Irvine, and James Gifford)
Newspaper headline re. Woodstock election and Charlie Tatham’s win
Newspaper photograph of Miss Winnifred Williams, elected mayor of Ingersoll
Newspaper photograph of rescue party at No. 4 shaft of the Cumberland Coal Company
at Springhill, Nova Scotia
Invitation, reply card and correction to the Waterloo County Warden’s Dinner - 6
December 1956
Newspaper photograph of construction of a new bridge over Otter Creek on Concession 2
(Evergreen Street) in North Norwich Township
Newspaper article re. County elections and township representation on Council
Newspaper photograph of the Woodstock Badminton Club and Woodstock Little Theatre
following a massive fire
Programme for the Warden’s Dinner - 28 November 1956
Invitation to the Warden’s Dinner - 28 November 1956
Newspaper article re. rare and exotic gifts exchanged at the Warden’s Dinner
Newspaper article re. Annual Warden’s Dinner
Newspaper photograph of Annual Oxford Warden’s Dinner (L.K. Coles, Mrs. Coles,
Warden Reginald Day and Mrs. Day)
Newspaper article re. final session of Council, including expenditures, committee reports,
correspondence etc
Newspaper photograph of County Councillors (Reeve J.R. McLaughin, Reeve Henry
Banbury, Reeve James Chesney and Reeve Cecil M. Riddle)
Newspaper articles re. final meeting of Council and agricultural report given
Newspaper photograph of retiring Warden being honoured (Reeve Carl Bertrand, Warden
Reginald Day and R.G. Campbell)
Newspaper photographs of the Zimmerman Box factory in Tavistock following a massive
Newspaper photograph of James A. Vance receiving the Julian Crandall Trophy from
John Fisher, Canadian Tourist Association for his conservation work
Newspaper article re. William Stone Sons Limited Plant in Ingersoll (includes
Newspaper articles re. Canadian Good Roads Association Convention and the annual
meeting of the Ingersoll Lawn Bowling Club
Newspaper photograph of Eleanore Leeper winner of a three-piece matched luggage set
Newspaper photograph of the Woodstock detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police
(Cpl. W.A.T. Robinson, Florence Rooke, Sgt. B.C. Moore, Cpl. Henry Cartier, William
Madill, E.F. Martin, Al Brooks, Joe Maitre, Fred Robinson, Bert Costello, Al Marshall,
John McPherson, Henry McNally, William Anglin, Ron Waddell, Frank Sutton, Al
Williams and Jack Byers)
Newspaper article re. Arnold Hill
Newspaper photograph of Ingersoll fire department battling a blaze
Newspaper photograph of a special night in honour of the Public School Inspector of
Woodstock and North Oxford (R.A. Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. George Mathers and W.G.
Newspaper photograph of the composite of the Junior Dominion Champions Woodstock
Grads of 1931
Newspaper headline re. rowing crew winning gold medal
Newspaper articles re. anti-polio vaccine, councilors standing for Warden’s election in
1957, and Council appointed high school board representatives
Newspaper photograph of Harrison Arrell
Christmas card from Fred and Margaret Schell
Newspaper photographs of the executive of the Ontario Good Roads Association (top
photograph: Victor Evans, J. Estey, M.L. Urquhart, Karl Eyre, J. Wilf Spooner, J. Evans,
J.H. Irvin, W. Colby, T. Jones, James Henderson, John Kelman, Percy Boyce, N. Powell,
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Page 81
Leo Del Villano, and W.L. Orr; bottom photograph: L. Wookey, W. Scott McKay, H.L.
Weichel, Andrew Boyer, Harold Cleave, Reeve Evans, James Gifford, Richard Elliott,
F.L. Weldon, N. Powell, L.K. Coles, J. Gaw, E. Perry and Dr. Graham B. Lane)
Newspaper article re. Good Roads Association’s visit to the North (The Daily Press - 16
October 1956)
Newspaper photographs of County Councillors (top photograph: L.K. Coles, Herbert
Balkwill, John R. Hargreaves, P.L. Pressey and Carl Bertrand; bottom photograph: Fred
Slater, Warden Reginald Day, and E.P. Eddy)
Newspaper headline re. Marlene Smith named Women Athlete of the Year
Programme for the Thirty-seventh Annual Convention of the Ontario Association of
Managers and Matrons of the Homes for the Aged - 12-14 September 1956
Ontario Association of Managers and Matrons of the Homes for the Aged Auditor ribbon
Magazine photographs of the Canadian Good Roads Association Convention
Invitation to the placing of a plaque marking the Woodstock City Halls as a historic site -
6 October 1956
St. John Ambulance (Ontario Council) Membership card for L.K. Coles - 1956
Luncheon cards for the Canadian Good Roads Association Convention - 5 October 1956
Guest Parking for the city of Woodstock
County of Oxford Membership Card for the Ontario Good Roads Association - 1956
Complimentary pass for L.K. Coles to the Woodstock Agricultural Society Fair - 23-25
August 1956
Complimentary pass for L.K. Coles and Lady to the Tavistock Fall Fair - 7,8 September
Complimentary pass for L.K. Coles and Lady to the 105th Annual Exhibition of the North
Norwich Agricultural Society - 25,26 September 1956
2 b/w photographs of unknown gentlemen in front of the Canada Cement Plant(?) (H.W.
Hamilton, Superintendent; J.W. Tittley, Advertising Manager; H.E. Eggert, Sales
Representative for Western Ontario; A.F. Kearns, Sales Manager; John Stinson,
representative of the Daily Commercial News and Building Record; S.E. Dinsmore,
General Contractor of Windsor and L.C. Innes, Reeve of West Zorra Township)
b/w photograph of five unknown gentleman in front of building
b/w photograph of unknown men (possibly OGRA delegates on visit to the north) posing
with a moose head
6 b/w photographs from the Canadian Good Roads Association convention or the Ontario
Goods Road Association tour of northern Ontario
5 b/w photographs from the Canadian Good Roads Association convention or the Ontario
Goods Road Association tour of northern Ontario
Programme for the Annual Dinner at the Canadian Good Roads Association convention -
4 October 1956
Canadian Good Roads Association Quarter Century Club
Newspaper articles listing events 10 years ago, 15 years ago and 25 years ago