Len Coles Scrapbook Index 1957Len Coles Fonds
Len Coles’ Scrapbook Index
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Newspaper photographs of the newly elected Warden (top photograph: L.K. Coles and
Warden Cecil M Riddle signing declaration of office; bottom photograph: Warden Cecil
M. Riddle, Reginald Day and J.R. McLaughlin)
Newspaper articles re. election for 1957 Warden and redecorating the Oxford County
Newspaper photograph of Retiring Oxford Warden Reginald Day, Warden Cecil M.
Riddle and candidate Ralph McLaughlin
Newspaper photograph of Former Wardens from the new Embro village (Reeves Charles
Beagley, William McIntosh and James D. Hossack)
Newspaper photograph of new members of Oxford County Council (H. A. Armstrong,
G.H. Davis, W. Budd, Grant Smith, Clare H. Esseltine, Hilton C. Virtue, John Bolton,
and Charles Beagley)
Newspaper articles re. inaugural session of Council and Wardens elected across Ontario
Newspaper headline re. CPR Strike - 3 January 1957
Newspaper articles re. meeting of Norwich Council and order of Judge McMillan for
survey of the village and County population increase
Newspaper photograph of CPR train moving again after strike ends
Newspaper articles re. Committees appointed by Council; year-end review including
expenditures, assessments, fox bounty, and tobacco harvest; Embro’s new village
council; paving of Governor’s road and having the Department of Highways take
responsibility for the road; Norwich Council moves to complete re-survey; and grant to
the County library increased
Newspaper articles re. Budget for Woodstock Suburban Roads, County By-laws, death of
William Parker in jail cell due to natural causes, restricted use on Governor’s road,
Council in committees, Oxford surpluses and deficit and temperature drops
Newspaper articles re. County’s financial report, Committees set by Council, operation of
the Oxford County Home and using aerial photography for tax assessment on property
Newspaper articles re. Christmas at the County Home; Session of County Council
including Committee reports, resolutions, financial estimates, grants, etc; and fox
eradication program introduced in Oxford County of Oxford
Newspaper articles re. petition to curb heavy traffic on Governor’s road between
Thamesford and Woodstock, night honouring Ronald Johnson in Embro (includes
photograph of Ronald Johnson), Oxford County Museum board, and Sheriff and Court
Clerk A.A. Bishop elected president of the County Court Clerks Association
Newspaper photograph of the annual meeting of die Oxford County Library Co-operative
(Fred Stales, L.K. Coles, Rev. D.T. Evans, Mrs. S.L. Krompart, R.G. Groom)
Newspaper articles re. annual meeting of the Oxford County Library Co-operative, half
load regulations on Governor’s road, and funeral of Frederick W. Furlong, former Reeve
Newspaper articles re. activities of the Oxford County Health Unit, new members of the
board of management of Oxford County Home for the Aged, special meeting of council,
and funeral of Osmond H. Murray
Newspaper tenders for painting the exterior of the County Home and on premiums for
insurance on Roads, County equipment and Employer’s liability
Newspaper photograph of construction of the new Ontario Provincial Police building for
the Woodstock detachment
St. John Ambulance (Ontario Council) Membership Card for L.K. Coles - 1957
Newspaper photographs of potholes along a one-mile stretch of No. 2 Highway just
inside Ingersoll’s eastern limit
Newspaper aerial photograph of Tavistock, split by Oxford-Perth border
Newspaper articles re. local badminton stars listed in the annual rankings and Justice of
the Peace fees will become part of city revenue
Page 14 Newspaper photographs of North Oxford reception honouring reeve Cecil Riddle,
recently named Warden (top photograph: Warden Riddle, his wife, and three children
Don, Carol and Clark; bottom photograph: Blenheim Reeve Henry Banbury, Mrs.
Banbury, East Zorra Deputy Reeve Ed Eddy and Mrs. Eddy)
Newspaper articles re. CAS annual meeting in Tavistock, increases in old age security
and baby bonus allowances for Ingersoll, residents of North Oxford honouring new
Warden and notice of sealed applications for the positions of Clerk and Treasurer of the
Village of Embro
Page 15 Newspaper article re. Altadore to be demolished (includes photograph of the Altadore)
Newspaper photograph of Bruce McMillan, well known local musician that passed away
Newspaper photograph of Woodstock Fair Board Officers (George Thomson, Gordon
Innes, J.E. Nephew, and Art Lockhart)
Page 16 b/w photograph of L.K. Coles and others at the Annual Banquet of the Ontario Good
Roads Association - 6 February 1957
Page 17 b/w photograph of Warden Cecil Riddle and others at the Annual Banquet of the Ontario
Good Roads Association - 6 February 1957
Invitation to the Annual Banquet of the Ontario Good Roads Association - 6 February
Page 18 Programmes for the 55* Annual Convention of the Ontario Good Roads Association - 4-
6 February 1957
Page 19 Director ribbon for the 55th Annual Meeting of the Ontario Good Roads Association - 4-6
February 1957
b/w photograph of the Officers of the Ontario Good Roads Association
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55th Banquet of the Ontario Good Roads Association convention registrations - 1957
Newspaper articles re. Bain Wagon Co. Ltd, Woodstock, Ontario budget highlights,
Attorney-General’s Department grants for the County and a notice to truckers concerning
load limits
Newspaper headline re. passing of John D. Huffman
Page 22 Newspaper photographs of clinic day at the Oxford Health Unit in Woodstock (top
photograph: lineup of parents and children; bottom photograph: Mrs. James Kitchen,
Janice Kitchen and Mrs. Sally Wilkins, public health nurse
Invitation to the Annual Meeting of the Children’s Aid Society of Oxford County
Newspaper article re. members of the Oxford Health Unit Board
Programme for the Annual Convention of the Ontario Association of Rural
Municipalities - 25,26 February 1957
Page 23 Newspaper articles re. March sitting of Council including insurance, road subsidy, health
plan, amendment to Section 16 of Public Hospital Act and Governor’s Road; Peter
Ferguson to participate in the All-England Badminton Invitation Tournament (includes
photograph of Peter Ferguson); East Nissouri seeking County aid to pave Highway 100,
list of County Licenses, assistance for Parkwood Hospital in London
Page 24 Newspaper photograph of members of a delegation from Tillsonburg Hospital Board
(Clare Esseltine, Ray Crandall, W.R. Myrick and G.W. Stevens)
Newspaper articles re. MOH Report on Health Unit, Oxford Municipal Road Program,
and Midget Bantam results
Page 25 Newspaper photograph of delegation to Council from Ingersoll’s Alexandra Hospital
(R.W. Green, P.M. Dewan, C.M. Riddle, J.R Hargreaves, and J.W. Mitchell)
Newspaper articles re. March Session of Council including mill rates, endorsing
resolutions, grants, etc; Provincial government will not assume responsibility for
Governor’s road, Ingersoll Hospital seeks grant to cover deficit and grant request from
the Tillsonburg Hospital Board
Page 26 Newspaper photograph of County Councillors (Chas. Beagley, Warden C.M. Riddle, and
newly married Howard McComb)
Newspaper articles re. Ingersoll hospital seeking grant, progress of the Oxford Health
Unit, Parkwood Hospital
Page 27 Newspaper articles re. County tax rate, road expenditures, Tillsonburg hospital seeking
aid for deficit, and Plattsville Abrasive Plant (Canada Sand Papers Ltd) announces
Newspaper tenders for supplies and hauling road materials and equipment hire
Page 28 Newspaper articles re. Health Unit Report including slaughtering regulations, water
supply and milk grades; public health nursing; Tillsonburg tax rates; buckthorn and
barberry eradication demonstration; passing of J.B. Hanmer and Howard Pye winner of
Junior Vocal Trophy
Page 29 Newspaper articles re. Oxford road budget, County mill rate, Oxford Health Unit report
including communicable diseases, Annual Budget Session of Council, more comfortable
seating for the Petit jurors at Supreme Court sessions, and County composite photos on
displace in J.J. Sutherland’s east window
Page 30 Newspaper articles re. Otter creek project and ancient ice-box added to Oxford Museum
collection (includes photograph of Mrs. Bernadette Smith)
Newspaper photograph of Otter Creek dam site (since 1807)
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Page 32
Newspaper advertisement listing 1957 Oxford County Council
Newspaper photograph of Creditville crossing now looking to west
Newspaper photograph of Warden C. Riddle and W.B. Nesbitt looking over site of new
Creditville Bridge
Newspaper notice to truckers re. load limits
Page 33 Newspaper photographs of members of the Conservation Committee visiting the Forest
Tracts within the County (top photograph: L.K. Coles, Cecil M. Riddle, H.H. Devries and
Herbert Balkwill at the Zenda Tract; bottom photograph: J. Grant Smith, W.W. Budd,
J.N. Meathrell, and Hilton C. Virtue)
Newspaper articles re. bridge closed on Governor’s Road one mile west of Woodstock,
Otter Valley Poultry and Pigeon Club, buckthorn and barberry eradication and plaque
erected designating site where the “Big Cheese” was produced in 1866
Page 34 Newspaper aerial photograph of Canada Cement
Newspaper articles re. Registry Office and Registrar Ross V. Tuck, meeting of County
Council and a notice to clean up all putrid and decaying animal or vegetable matter in
Oxford County
Programme of the Annual Meeting of the Huron County Library Co-operative - 3 May
Page 35 Newspaper articles re. Area Planning Board and Catherine Start named Oxford “Dairy
Newspaper photographs of damage following hailstorms (top photograph: damage done
to the house owned by Miss Myrtle and Ruby Hopkins; bottom photograph: portions of
roof in field)
Page 36 Newspaper photograph of bridge work on the western limits of Woodstock (connecting
Dundas Street with Governor’s Road)
Newspaper photograph of Ingersoll derailment
Invitation to the Fifty-ninth Graduation Exercises of the School of Nursing of Woodstock
General Hospital - 5 June 1957
Page 37 Newspaper articles re. survey of pollution of the streams, sewers and waste outlets
throughout the County and gas pipeline to stretch across County
Newspaper photographs of construction of overpass at Creditville and painters working
on the County Jail
Page 38 Newspaper articles re. Stanley Main appointed supervising probation officer for Oxford,
Brant, Middlesex and Waterloo Counties (includes photograph of Stanley Main), Oxford
Museum visited by Dr. Carl E. Guthe, Research Associate for the American Association
of Museums, W.A. Haggerty construct company awarded contract for the grading,
construction of culverts and the gravel surface of Governor’s road and a public notice of
a special meeting of Council
Newspaper photograph of Dr. Carl E. Guthe, Mrs. Grace Guthe and Bernadette Smith
touring the Oxford Museum
Page 39 Newspaper photographs of storm damage to tobacco crops and roads
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Newspaper articles re. Woodstock Fall Fair and a warrant to take possession of the
dwelling and land of Miss Charlotte W. Turnbull (includes photograph of the home of
Charlotte Tumball and Bob Ferguson)
Newspaper articles re. Train hold up between Woodstock and Ingersoll and the cabinet of
Prime Minister John Diefenbaker (includes photograph of John Diefenbaker with J.W.
Montieth and Wallace Nesbitt)
Newspaper photographs of the laying of 20-inch pipe to cany natural gas across the
Newspaper articles re. Quail re-stocking program (includes photograph of quail chicks in
Norwich Reeve Smith’s brooder house) and Reeve Grant Smith’s farm
Newspaper photograph of unknown man working on pipeline
Newspaper photographs of construction of the new Creditville overpass (top photograph:
first section of overpass going over the CNR tracks; bottom photograph: house of
Charlotte Turnbull being moved to new location)
Newspaper articles re. meeting of Council, fox bounty bingo, annual workshop meeting
discussing classification of books and recommendation from the Oxford Agricultural
Committee for new agricultural offices
Newspaper photograph of paving of Governor’s Road (top left photograph: trees taken
down to increase road allowance; top right photograph: workman tying comer of new
fence line; bottom photograph: earth mover being used for re-grading)
Newspaper articles re. re-organizing of the Oxford County Historical Society and Asiatic
flu vaccines
Newspaper photograph of Paul Reid showing off trophy received as National Champion
Teen Age Driver
Newspaper photograph of Oxford County Home for the Aged visit to the Capitol Theatre
(Amos Adrin, Mrs. R. Roberts and Tom Naylor)
Newspaper article re. Union Gas threatens to expropriate land for pipeline
Newspaper photograph of smoke filled intersection of Broadway and Oxford Streets,
Newspaper photograph of gutted Metropolitan Stores block in Tillsonburg following fire
Newspaper photograph of 11th Annual Meeting of the Ex-Reeves Association (top left:
Clarence Stover, Gordon Innes and LeRoy Curtis; top centre: W.W. Banbury, Arthur
Hutchinson, and W. McIntyre; top right: Carl Bertrand and Cecil Riddle)
Newspaper article re. resignation of Newton L. Powell as Peel County roads engineer
(includes photograph of N.L. Powell)
Complimentary ticket to the Drumbo Fair - 26 September 1957
Complimentary ticket to the 106th Annual Exhibition of the North Norwich Agricultural
Society - 24-25 September 1957
Complimentary ticket to the Tavistock Fall Fair for L.K. Coles and Lady - 6-7 September
Newspaper article re. Annual Meeting of the Ex-Reeves Association (top photograph:
Allan Kneal, Warden Cecil Riddle and Carl Bertrand; bottom photograph: Wilfrid
McIntyre, Clarence Stover, Leroy Curtis, Arthur Hutchinson, W.W. Banbury, Carl
Bertrand, and Reginald Day)
Newspaper photograph of Council and visitor discussing organization of Oxford Civil
Defence Committee (Bill Dutton, Woodstock coordinator; Warden Cecil Riddle; R.T.
Gavin, Regional Civil Defence coordinator; and Mayor Charles Tatham of Woodstock)
Newspaper articles re. County wide police force not favoured by Councillors, Agenda for
September Session of Council, former Oxford Warden Hugh G. Harris passes (includes
photograph of Hugh G. Harris), Civil Defence Committee and fatalities on County roads
Newspaper articles re. Brad Schneller departing Agricultural Assistant, County-wide
police force not favoured by Council, speeding and trailer for sale used by the Oxford
Health Unit for clinics
Newspaper photograph of Councillors at June Session of Council (E.P. Eddy, Herbert
Balkwill, John Bolton and Howard McCombs)
Newspaper article re. Governor’s Road
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Newspaper photographs of Governor’s Road (top left: freshly cut maple trees; top right:
earth-machine removing sod and soil; bottom: crane hoisting maple tree stump) -
Sentinel-Review - 7 September 1957
Newspaper photographs of the Registry Office (top: outside view of the Registry office;
second photo: John C. Blair, Miss Barbara Franklin and Mrs. Robert MacDonald; third
photo: B.H. Racine, London barrister and James Hutchinson; lower photo: Registrar Ross
V. Tuck)
Newspaper public notice re. special meeting of Council and newspaper headline re.
opening of Highway 401
Newspaper article re. history of Agricultural Representative service (includes
photographs of Robert E. Bell and Brad Schneller)
Newspaper article re. fox hunting in Oxford County of Oxford
Newspaper photograph of square hole in bridge over the Thames River near Woodstock
Newspaper photograph of ground breaking ceremonies for the new Oxford District Golf
and Country Club (J. D. Chesney, C.W. Kruger, Mrs. W.A. Reid)
Newspaper articles re. parking at the Court House, hole in bridge closes Governor’s road
again, and equalizing the County Assessment
Newspaper article re. opening of Highway 401 (includes photograph of Charles Tatham
and Hon. James N. Allan, Minister of Highways chopping down a “Not open to traffic”
Newspaper articles re. open deer season, securing larger grant from the Department of
Highways and the Canada Cement Company, County Council Civil Defence
Organziation, Fred H. Cade elected 2nd vice-president of the Association of Assessing
Offices of Ontario, Plattsville Horse Show and Howard Pye passed Grade eight singing
examination with honours
Newspaper photograph of C. Shantz, W.P. Watson and R. Rudy
Newspaper articles re. Federal electon and Wallace Nesbitt win and opening of Highway
Newspaper photograph re. marking site where “Big Cheese” was made (D.E. McOuat,
Byron Jenvey, Ingersoll Mayor Winnifred Williams, and Reeve J. Hargreaves)
Newspaper photographs of the eradication of buckthorn in Oxford County (top
photograph: Reeve H.A. Armstrong; bottom photograph: Ed Thornton, Leonard Elliott
and Harold Elliott)
Newspaper photograph of Prime Minister John Diefenbaker
Newspaper articles re. equalized assessment, re-assessment report presented to Council
(includes photograph of Fred H. Cade), and county roads
Newspaper photograph of the administration of anti-polio vaccinations (Katherine
Wilson, Dr. O.C. Powers, and Mrs. Dorothy Johnston
Newspaper photographs of Council visit to the County Home (left photograph: Warden
Cecil M. Riddle, Reeve Robert Rudy and Ernest Britain; right photograph: Deputy-Reeve
Herbert Balkwill, Reeve H.A. Armstrong and Deputy-Reeve John Bolton viewing
strawberry patch)
Newspaper article re. work on Governor’s Road and newspaper headline re. army worm
Newspaper articles re. Summer sitting of Council, Oxford assessment, Oxford County
forests and unveiling of plaque marking the site of the making of the Mammoth Cheese
newspaper article and photograph of the annual closing exercises for the Victoria
Memorial School morning kindergarten class
Newspaper article re. fox hunting and newspaper notice re. Section 3 (1) of the Weed
Control Act
Newspaper photographs of the annual meeting of the Ex-Warden’s Association (top
photograph: Alvin McKay, N.M. Marshall, Mr. Hamilton, George Hollier, J.F.
McDonald; bottom photograph: George Hollier, William McIntosh, Dr. H.B. Atkinson
and J.F. McDonald)
Newspaper article re. meeting of the Ex-Wardens* Association
Newspaper photograph of George Drew, former leader of the Progressive Conservatives
Newspaper photograph of remains of Cameron, Louisiana following hurricane Audrey
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Newspaper articles re. Otterville’s 150th Anniversary celebrations, George Oliver retiring
as Blandford Township Clerk (includes photograph of George Oliver) and unveiling of
plaque commemorating the “Big Cheese” on July 10,1957
Newspaper photograph of Sharon Furlong standing beside Otterville’s welcome sign
Newspaper article re. celebration of the 150th Anniversary of Otterville
Newspaper article re. “Big Cheese” (includes photograph of Reeve John Hargreaves and
two-year old Lynda Heeney in front of plaque commemorating “The Big Cheese” near
Newspaper photograph of three tiny Scottish lasses at the Annual Highland Games at
Newspaper article re. plaque unveiled near Salford commemorating huge cheese
Newspaper photograph of plaque ceremony for Mammoth Cheese (John R. Hargreaves,
Mayor Winnifred Williams, Hon. W.A. Goodfellow, Mrs. Bernadette Smith, Gordon
Innes, and Wally Nesbitt)
Newspaper reproduction of photograph of Mammoth Cheese going on exhibition -
Newspaper photographs of ceremony unveiling Mammoth Cheese plaque
Newspaper photograph of Dr. H.G. Downing of Otterville beside one of his paintings
Newspaper photograph of Hon. George Drew, former Progressive Conservative party
Newspaper photographs of Astoria Caf6, Metropolitan Store and Vogue Beauty shop
following massive fire
Newspaper photograph of Patsy and Robert Exelby in tobacco greenhouse
Newspaper article re. Tobacco crops in Norwich and Otterville damaged after hailstorms
Newspaper photograph of Joan Bates, Queen [?]
Newspaper photograph of the general view of Canada Cement kiln
Newspaper articles re. December session of Council and Warden election for 1958
Newspaper photographs of Councillors (top photograph: Lome Junker, Cecil Riddle,
Charlie Coldham, George Wallace, Donald Hossack, and William Baigent; lower
photograph: J.C Dillon and W.E. Steele)
Programme for the Thirty-eighth Annual Convention of the Ontario Association of
Managers and Matrons of the Homes for the Aged - 11 - 13 September 1957
Newspaper article re. new building for the Woodstock OPP detachment
Postcard of the Oxford County Museum reminding of a meeting of the Board of Directors
on August 6,1957
Newspaper photograph of the new overpass at the railway tracks crossing Highway 2,
east of Woodstock
Newspaper photographs of construction work on Governor’s Road (right photograph:
Bud Hayes)
Cartoon of arriving delegates to the Canadian Good Roads Association convention in
Programme for the Thirty-eighth Convention of the Canadian Good Roads Association -
25-28 September 1957
Menu for the banquet for the Canadian Good Roads Association Convention
Newspaper photograph of the delegates to the Canadian Good Roads Convention
Canadian Good Roads Association Quarter Century Club
Pass for the Road Gang, Canadian Good Roads Convention - 25 September 1957
Newspaper photograph of delegates to the Canadian Good Roads Convention (W.S. Cole,
F.P. Cuthbert, and Mrs. Guy Martson
Newspaper articles re. Roy G. Hart named chairman of the Oxford Historical Society,
theft of car belonging to Warden Cecil Riddle, and re-organization meeting of the Oxford
County Historical Society
Menu for the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital luncheon honouring County
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Newspaper articles re. re-organization of the Oxford Historical Society, Reeves seeking
re-election, and an area planning board to include Woodstock and three of its surrounding
Newspaper photographs of the general meeting of area planning board (top photograph:
Mayor Charles Tatham, H.A. Armstrong and E. Greenly; centre photograph: M.J, Werry,
John Pearson, Aid. Thomas H. Dent; bottom photograph: James Chesney, John R.
Hargreaves and William Illbury(?)
Newspaper photograph of construction of bridge on Martin Street in Beachville
Newspaper photograph of construction of the Creditville overpass
Newspaper aerial photograph of the Canada Cement Plant(?)
Newspaper photograph of first day the Oxford County’s fox hunting sweepstakes (L.K.
Coles, Edward Gray and Warren DeGroat)
Newspaper articles re. fox hunting, passing of Charles E. Downing, Arnold Hill aka
“Walking Joe” and public notice of a special meeting of Council
Newspaper article re. Warden’s Dinner (includes photograph of Dr. Reaman, Len Coles,
Mrs. Coles, Warden Riddle, Mrs, Riddle, Mayor Winnifred Williams and Ross V. Tuck)
Newsppaer articles re. election in East Zorra Township, opening of Oxford Museum,
coroner’s inquiry into the death of Arthur Kading, acclamations in South Norwich
Township and passing of George A. Lees
Newspaper article re. autographed wall in the west end tower of the Court House
(includes photograph of Betty Wood and Marie Gregor)
Newspaper articles re. Warden Cecil Riddle speaks to the Lions Club of Ingersoll and
Justice John Keiller named Lieutanant-Govemor of Ontario
County of Oxford Handbook - 1957
Canadian Good Roads Association membership card for L.K. Coles - 1957
Programme for the Warden’s Dinner - 19 November 1957
Invitation to the Warden’s Dinner - 19 November 1957
Newspaper photograph re. Christmas baskets from the Oxford County Red Cross
Association (Miss Mae Haviland, Mrs. William George, and Mrs. Verne Wilkins)
Newspaper photograph of Reeve Henry Banbury and Deputy Reeve E.P. Eddy presenting
gif to retiring Warden Cecil M. Riddle
Newspaper photograph of Stedelbauer’s garage following massive fire
Newspaper photograph of the new municipal building for Norwich
Newspaper photograph of Christmas at the County Home (Agnes Blakeman, Betty Rudd
and Mrs. Pat Gasparatto
Newspaper articles listing events 10 years ago, 15 years ago and 25 years ago