Len Coles Scrapbook Index 1961Page 1
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Len Coles Foods
Leo Coles’ Scrapbook Index
Newspaper article re. election of Ernest F. Gamer as Warden for 1961
Newspaper photograph of Clare Esseltine, Ernest F. Gamer and former Warden Donald
Newspaper photograph of new members of Oxford County Council (Wray Hartley,
Henry Finlayson, Elmer Kam, Alfred Dickout, George Hogg, James Shearer, Lloyd
Johnson, George McKay and W. Grenfell Lazenby)
Newspaper articles re. 1961 Committees named by Council, Wardenship sought by Clare
Esseltine and Ernest F. Gamer, 107th Wardenship election, and Ernest C. Seltzer named
Tavistock’s clerk-treasurer
Newspaper photograph of Ernest F. Gamer, 107th Warden
Newspaper photograph of County Councillors (Alfred Dickout, Henry Finlayson, James
Shearer and Grenfell Lazenby)
Newspaper articles re. Midwest Exploration of Wichita Kansas acquiring oil and gases
leases in Oxford County, County Health Unit activities, resolutions and petitions to
Council, appointments to Boards, and government and conservation officials touring
Thames Valley watershed
Newspaper headline re. Embro and Kintore getting dial phone service
Newspaper article re. official opening of new residence ‘Dunlop House” for nurses
(includes photograph of bronze plaque unveiled on Dunlop House)
Newspaper articles re. 1960 County surplus, Medical Officer of Health Report, Ingersoll
rate on chronic patients, Oxford County forests, Lome Junker, Alexandra Hospital and
retiring East Nissouri officials receive watches
Newspaper photographs of official unveiling of Dunlop House (top photograph: Hospital
Administrator Peter Smith, Dr. C.R. Patience, and Donald Hossack; centre photograph:
V.B. King and John G. Dunlop; lower photograph: Dunlop House)
Newspaper articles re. UWO requesting financial help from the County, Reeve Lome W.
Junker in hospital, Elgin County turns down county-wide civil defense organization,
Waterloo County Librarians attending meeting in Woodstock
Newspaper article re. new hospital residence and nursing care growth -13 January 1961
Newspaper article re. 1961 County Expenditure
Newspaper photograph of meeting of provincial librarians in Woodstock (Walter
Gowing, Mrs. S.L. Krompart, Miss Mary Mustard, and Miss Eleanor Lucy)
Newspaper articles re. January Session of Council including resolutions, business at
registry office, road expenditures, grant requests, etc; and gas and oil lease registrations
by United States oil and gas exploration companies
Newspaper photograph of John White Company Limited of Woodstock recently
purchased by Walker Stores
Newspaper articles re. decision on plow matches faced by the Oxford County Plowmen’s
Association and improvements in Library policy
Newspaper article re. Upper Thames dam and reservoir projects (Woodstock Sentinel-
Review - 30 January 1961)
Newspaper photograph of Stanley Main, supervising probation officer for Oxford,
Middlesex, Brant and Waterloo Counties
Newspaper photographs of signing of agreement providing Federal-Provincial assistance
to the Upper Thames Conservation Authority (top left photograph: Hon. W.M. Nickle,
Minister of Planning and Development; top right photograph: Gordon Pittock and Hon,
John Robarts, Ontario Minister of Education; lower photograph: R.M Barney, Bob Rudy
and C. Riddle)
Newspaper articles re. rabies payments and D.F. Knott resigning as part-time civil
defense co-ordinator for Woodstock
Page 10 Newspaper articles re. standing committee of the legislature on conversation touring the
entire Thames Valley Watershed, retirement of John Pritchard as Clerk-Treasurer for
North Norwich Township, University of Western Ontario seeking financial support and
Oxford’s oil potential
Newspaper photograph of the banquet for retiring North Norwich Clerk-Treasurer John
Pritchard (Reeve Wray K. Hartley, former Reeve David J. Chambers, and Mrs. and Mr.
John Pritchard)
Page 11 Newspaper articles re. possible commercial development on Craig property in East
Oxford Township, Peter McDonald elected President of the Oxford County Hog
Producer’s Association, tour of the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority by
standing committee of the legislature, and Ross Fewster elected chairman of the Oxford
Health Unit Board
Newspaper photographs of meeting of Oxford County Council, Woodstock City Council,
members of the standing committee of the legislature on conservation and the Upper
Thames River Conservation Authority (top photograph: Ernest Gamer, Dr. James Vance,
Gordon Innes and Ross Fewster; lower photograph: Gordon Pittock, Mayor W.A.
Downing and J.H. White) - 9 February 1961
Page 12 Newspaper article re. birth of the Warden’s first grandson, East Zorra withholds name of
area Plumbing Inspector, and heated discussion of the appointment of a new governor of
the Oxford Jail during legislature
Newspaper photograph of Warden Ernest Gamer and family (Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Gamer, Roger, Brian, Glen, Elaine, Allan, Ross, Douglas, Wayne, John, Joyce and Keith)
Page 13 Newspaper article re. the activities of the Farm Safety Council
Newspaper article re. Halton county agricultural representative J.A. Francis speaking at a
meeting of the Oxford Farm Safety committee (includes photograph: Alan Francis, J.
Grant Smith and Fred Stock)
Newspaper photograph of Warden Ernest Gamer and family (Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Gamer, Roger, Keith, Joyce, John, Ross, Brian, Wayne, Elaine, Allan,Dough and Glen)
Newspaper article re. closing of the Otterville Train Station (includes photograph of Jack
Church outside the station)
Page 14 Newspaper article re. 20 years of service by Magistrate R.G. Groom of Tillsonburg
(includes photograph of R.G. Groom)
Newspaper articles re. improving the Embro library, contract to build retarded school,
and Ontario Department of Highways allotment of funds for construction and
maintenance of roads in Oxford
Newspaper advertisement for tenders on premiums for insurance on roads, County
equipment and Employer’s Liability
Page 15 Newspaper articles re. appointment of David Mitchell as president of the Oxford County
Assessors’ Association, Perth County borrowing money from the bank, and applications
and recommendation for the County Weed Inspector
Newspaper photograph of the Annual Meeting of the Upper Thames River Conservation
Authority (J.A. Stephen, Robert Rudy, Norman Bradford, A.H. Richardson, and G.W.
Newspaper headlines re. Oxford Breeding Unit and Annual Meeting of VON Board
Page 16 Newspaper photographs of the Rural-Urban Night for the Woodstock Lions Club (top
photograph: Don Taylor, Bev. Wallace and Gordon Pittock; lower photograph: John
Wallace, Arnold Gee and Ernest Gamer)
Newspaper photograph of the 1961 Oxford County See Fair and Provincial hay and
silage show (George Jakeman, Ernest Gamer and Oliver Facey)
Newspaper article re. retirement of Charles J. Klein as Tavistock’s municipal clerk
Newspaper photograph of a meeting of the Woodstock and Suburban Planning Board (C.
Riddle, J.P. Slatery, and A.R. Gillot)
Page 17 Newspaper articles re. land to be expropriated on the Upper Thames River Watershed for
the construction of dams and reservoirs and compensation for landowners, delay in the
appointment of a new Jail Governor, representatives from five Oxford County farm
organizations request grants from council, and construction of new Highway 403
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Newspaper photograph of Annual Meeting of the Oxford County Plowmen’s Association
(Wilfred Corp, D.A. Taylor, Clare Hartley and Norman Shelton)
Name tag for L.K. Coles and Director’s ribbon for the 59th Annual Meeting of the Oxford
Good Roads Association - 20-22 February 1961
Ticket to the Annual Banquet of the Ontario Good Roads Association - 22 February 1961
Invitation to the Annual Banquet of the Ontario Good Roads Association - 22 February
Newspaper photograph of a “deture” sign on Wellington Street, Woodstock while
watermain was being repaired
Newspaper articles re. establishing an Emergency Measures Organization, and site of the
Baldwin Street bridge in Tillsonburg
Newspaper photograph of John Campbell, newly appointed Jail Governor
Newspaper photograph of the Salvation Army Citadel
Newspaper articles re. swearing in of the Oxford Auxiliary Police, the appointment of
John Campbell as Jail Governor, and appointment of Ronald Hutcheson as County Weed
Inspector (includes photograph of Ronald Hutcheson)
Newspaper headline re. death of Jas C. Sutherland
Newspaper photograph of County councilors study map of county roads at March Session
of Council (W. Gren Lazenby, J. Alex Henderson and James Shearer)
Newspaper articles re. abandonment of Oxford TB Surveys, roads budget, mill rate,
Emergency Measures Organization and civil defense, appointment of new Jail Governor
and resignation of Blenheim Township Reeve Clifford Cunningham (includes photograph
of Clifford Cunningham)
Newspaper photograph of a meeting of the Oxford Farm Safety Council (Mrs. Lome
Treffry, Fred B. Stock, Ernest F. Gamer and Grant Smith)
Newspaper articles re. County tax rate and the Oxford Children’s Aid Homemaking
Newspaper sketch of proposed Woodstock Hospital School of Nursing structure to be
built with money from the Hospital Trust Fund
Newspaper articles re. not forming an Emergency Measures Organization within the
County, annual meeting of the Oxford County Library Co-operative discussing
regulations governing the formation of a county library, and Blenheim Township to
release pheasants (includes photograph of John Haines)
Newspaper article re. the S.S. John A. France bulk carrier on the Great Lakes waterways
open to the public for tours over Easter weekend (includes photograph of the carrier)
Letter to the Editor from Stan Riches of Otterville re. T.B. Surveys
Newspaper article re. historical library at the Oxford Museum and earliest day of Oxford
and the steering committee to investigate the possible establishment of a hospital for the
chronically ill
Newspaper advertisement for tenders wanted for supplies and hauling road materials and
equipment hire (deadline 19 April 1961)
Invitation to the Annual Dinner Meeting of the Children’s Aid Society of Oxford County
-19 April 1961
Newspaper article re. Wolf Bounties from the Stratford Beacon-Herald and newspaper
advertisement for tenders wanted for guard duty at the Oxford County Jail
Newspaper listing of 1961 Oxford County Council (includes photograph of the Court
Newspaper articles re. construction of the Woodstock dam and reservoir, establishment
of a County library, preserving the Old Stage Road, applications for the four turnkey
vacancies at the jail and the development of the Anglican Church in East Oxford
Membership card for L.K. Coles for the Canadian Good Roads Association - 1961
Newspaper articles re. history of Woodstock including industrial progress and sports and
recreation, applications for turnkey positions, and the activities of the municipal affairs
committee at Queen’s Park
Newspaper headline re. gas pipeline from Blandford to Burford
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Newspaper photograph of residents of the Oxford County Home being entertained by the
Pilot Club of Woodstock (Charles Prudum, Arnold Hill, Horace Moss, Faye Dryden,
Laura Frederick and Edith Scholz)
Newspaper article re. Annual Meeting of the Oxford County Library Co-operative
establishment of a county public libraiy (includes photograph of Magistrate R.G. Groom,
Warden Ernest Gamer, H.L. Kipp, and Mrs. S.L. Krompart)
Newspaper articles re. meeting of the Oxford County Library Co-operative, new
adjustable wall directories for the Court House, road committee touring County roads,
Warden Ernest Gamer unable to open the Oxford County Festival of Music due to an
injured knee, F.H. Cade elected to the Canadian Association of Assessing Officers, and
the agricultural committee to tour county forest tracts
Newspaper photograph of Nancy Scott adjusting the new Court House directories
Newspaper articles re. happenings at Queen’s Park and the select committee on
municipal law, meeting of the Oxford Historical Society and accounts of East Oxford
Township’s early history, municipal board hearing related to the incorporation of
Beachville and Oxford County Council providing scholarships to youths
Newspaper photograph of Warden and Mrs. Ernest Gamer with new daughter Linda
Newspaper articles re. early oxford history, including 1814 invasion outlined at a meeting
of the Rotary Club, pension scheme for County employees, happenings at Queen’s Park,
Howard Otis started duties as a probationary turnkey and road committee tours county
Newspaper photograph of the Woodstock Salvation Army Citadel being demolished to
make way for a new citadel on the same site
Newspaper articles re. County’s present pension plan being extended to eligible
employees of the municipalities, scholarships and proficiency award given to students,
and construction of post offices in Drumbo and Plattsville
Newspaper photograph of Councillors at the June Session of Council (George Hogg,
Warden Ernest F. Gamer, James Shearer and Elmer Kam)
Newspaper photograph of three unknown gentlemen at the opening of the annual horse
Newspaper article re. Semi-Annual Meeting of the southern Ontario Counties of the
Association of County Clerks and Treasurers (includes photograph of L.K. Coles,
Garfield Brown, Jim Andrews, Mrs. Lorraine Woodworth, Margaret Maxted, W.D.
Foulds, and C.H. Thompson
Newspaper photograph of the signing of the final papers closing the sale of the old
YMCA building in Woodstock (Charles Mitchell, V.T. Ross and Don Duncan)
Newspaper articles re. Beachville’s incorporation, County pension plan extended and the
conservation committee to tour county forests
Programme for the Municipal Banquet at the Forty Second Annual Convention of the
Ontario Association of Managers and Matrons or the Homes for the Aged - 7 June 1961
Programme for the Forty Second Annual Convention of the Ontario Association of
Managers and Matrons for the Homes for the Aged - 6-9 June 1961
Invitation to the Municipal Banquet at the Forty Second Annual Convention of the
Ontario Association of Managers and Matrons of the Homes for the Aged - 7 June 1961
Name tag and delegation ribbon for L.I. Coles for the Convention of the Ontario
Association of Managers and Matrons of the Homes for the Aged
Newspaper articles re. Oxford’s equalized assessment, Summer Session of Council,
Oxford grants given to two Perth hospitals, Oxford County pension plan extended to
eligible employees of East and West Oxford Townships, 42nd Annual Convention of the
Ontario Association of Homes for the Aged, and the next meeting of County Council
Newspaper photograph of the annual tour of the Oxford Home for the Aged by County
Council (Mrs. R.J. Forbes, Russell Honsberger, Leslie Force, and Warden E.F. Gamer)
Newspaper proclamation by Ernest Gamer and Wm. Downing re. “Dairy Day”
Newspaper articles re. oxford road expenditures, funeral service for the late Miss Helen
M. White, restricting use of the drive and parking lot behind the Court House, concert
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performed by Ingersoll’s Doreen Uren in Wigmore Hall, London, England and County to
share the cost of constructing Baldwin Street in Tillsonburg
Newspaper photograph of County Council’s visit to the Oxford County Home for the
Aged (L.K. Coles, Mrs. Annie Forbes, Warden Ernest Gamer and Clare Esseltine)
Newspaper articles re. equalized assessment, Dairy Day, Oxford County Council to visit
the University of Western Ontario, and St. Mary’s Memorial Hospital seeking grant
Newspaper photograph of Gordon Innes, Mayor W.A. Downing and Warden Ernest
Newspaper photographs of the opening of the new public school in Burgessville (top
photograph: school; lower photograph: Fred Cohoe, W.G. Anderson, Laurie Hyde, Hon.
John Robarts, V.A. Harvey, Ernest Gamer, Wray K. Hartley and William Butler)
Newspaper article re. St. Marys Memorial Hospital seeking grant from Council
Newspaper photograph of excavation machine sinking in mud on a farm on Culloden
Newspaper article re. Annual Meeting of the Ex-Wardens’ Association (includes
photograph of George Hollier, J.C. Eichenberg, Warden Ernest Gamer, J.D. Hossack and
J.F. McDonald)
Newspaper article re. Annual Meeting of the Ex-Wardens’ Association (includes
photograph of George Hollier, J.F. McDonald, Ernest Gamer, and Donald Hossack)
Newspaper articles re. paying of driveway and parking lot behind Court House and
Doreen Uren, Ingersoll Pianist
Newspaper headline re. annual highland games at Embro
Newspaper article re. Emergency Measures Organizations and possibility of a nuclear
bomb falling on the London area
Newspaper photograph of J.E. Wood, Clerk-Treasurer of West Zorra Township following
graduation from a three-year Clerk-treasurers* training course
Newspaper photograph of the sod turning on the site of the new family YMCA centre for
Woodstock (A.S. McKinney, J. Gordon Archibald, Denise Juniper, Guy Juniper and
Mayor W.A. Downing)
Programme for the visit of the County Councils of Elgin, Huron, Kent, Lambton,
Middlesex, Oxford and Perth to the University of Western Ontario - 28 June 1961
Newspaper photograph of power shovel sinking into boy south of Ingersoll
Newspaper photograph of Gordon W. Innes, Donald Hossack, Mr. Pearson and J. Grant
Newspaper article re. Diamond Jubilee for Woodstock
Newspaper photograph of aftermath of a boat blast in Port Rowan that killed a
Woodstock man
Newspaper articles re. appointment of Louis Rasminsky as the new governor of the Bank
of Canada, fox bounties, and a truck carrying liquid calcium chloride spilled its contents
into Mud Creek in West Zorra
Newspaper photographs of preliminary bridge work on the Blenheim-Blandford
Newspaper articles re. location for proposed chronic hospital, meeting of the Road
Committee, contracts awarded for bridge construction and grading work in Oxford
County, and Robert Morrow, Kenneth Miller, C. Ewins and J. Wood graduated from a
three-year correspondence course conducted by Queen’s University
Newspaper photograph of Woodstock YMCA building at Dundas and Wellington Streets
Newspaper articles re. gun found on farm of John Murray may have been used in
Benwell murder (includes photographs of John Murray and the gun), Manley William
Mark attending 45th Consecutive Oxford Fair, County population, and the 1961 Oxford
County Plowmen’s Association Match
Newspaper headline re. Oxford Magistrate studying the British Penal Reform Plan
Newspaper photograph of L.K. Coles examining one of the original desks installed in the
Council chambers
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Newspaper articles re. search for 12 original desk sold, possibility of shifting City Police
Court to the Court House, Tavistock Chief Constable Stanley Melbourne resigns,
bookmobile completes season and the fall meeting of County Council
Newspaper articles re. death of former Woodstock Mayor Richard G. Clowes (includes
photograph of R.G. Clowes), early assessment records, bookmobile visits schools,
Oxford boys enrolling at Ridgetown Agricultural School, and probation officer M.J.
Rossol leaving the County for California
Newspaper article re. Health Unit to have busing month with school check-ups and
newspaper headline re. Tavistock fair(?)
Newspaper photograph of County Engineers’ Golf Tournament held at the Stratford
Country Club (Peter Hart, J.A. Coombs, Boyd Arnold, James Meathrell and James W.
Invitation to the Western Ontario Agricultural School Graduation Exercises - 16 May
Invitation to the School of Nursing of the Woodstock General Hospital Graduation
Exercises - 7 June 1961
Newspaper articles re. the firing of the Village Clerk and the two-man village police
department in Norwich (includes photograph of Clerk A.L. Bushell)
Newspaper articles re. firing of Norwich’s two-man police department and possibility of
Norwich Fire Chief and Assessor may also lose job through passing of by-law
Newspaper articles re. rescinding of Norwich by-law that dismissed police officers,
Embro Fair, Wallace Bickford Nesbitt, and A. Murray Moore named planning director
with the United Community Services of London
Complimentary ticket for L.K. Coles and Lady to the Woodstock Agricultural Society
Fair - 24-26 August 1961
Complimentary ticket for L.K. Coles to the Tavistock Fall Fair - 8,9 September 1961
Newspaper article re. sewage plant opening in Tillsonburg
Newspaper article re. cairn dedication at the Old Log Church Cemetery near Embro in
memory of the late Rev. George Leslie Mackay (includes photograph of Rev. William
Henderson, Miss Anna Mackay, Rev. D.C. MacDonald, and Rev. J.P. Schissler) — 18
September 1961
Newspaper article re. power board accident takes the life of Bob Hayward (includes
photograph of Supertest II before the crash) - 11 September 1961
Newspaper photograph of opening of the Norwich Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion
at the Norwich Fair Grounds (Reeve George Davis, Gordon Wakefield, Walter Tokarz,
Gordon Innes, John Woods Sr., Rev. R.F.T. Brain, Agricultural Minister W.A.
Goodfellow, L.E. Farce, Wallace Nesbitt, Ernest Gamer, and Wray K. Hartley)
Newspaper articles re. unveiling of historical plaque in Princeton commemorating
Thomas Homer, fall session of County Council, 18th annual Oxford County Plowing
Match, Dundas Street West construction to be completed soon, and the passing of Bob
Newspaper photograph of Bob Hayward in Harmsworth
Newspaper articles re. Walter Robert Clark charge with the murder of Wilfred John
Miners, taxation on shopping centres and fallout shelters, bylaws related to road
construction and changes in highway traffic rules, and new sewage plant in Tillsonburg
Newspaper photograph of ribbon cutting for project to aid fight against pollution
(includes Mayor Ted Vance)
Newspaper article re. funeral for Bob Hayward (includes photograph of the Hayward
family and mourners standing a the graveside)
Newspaper articles re. Peter Grant named chief constable for Tavistock, a “get
acquainted” meeting for Woodstock, Ingersoll and County Councils, legal counsel in
connection with Norwich firing police officers, and Walter Robert Clark to face trail for
Programme for the Forty-second Convention of the Canadian Good Roads Association -
12-16 September 1961
Name tag for L.K. Coles for the Canadian Good Roads Association Convention
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Invitation from the President and Directors of the Ontario Good Roads Association to
attend function - 14 September 1961
Programme for the Forth-Second Convention Annual Dinner of the Canadian Good
Roads Association - 15 September 1961
Newspaper article re. Chief Constable of Tavistock S.O. Melbourne resigns and
newspaper headline re. post office in Plattsville
Newspaper article re. Clark Trial and other cases presented to the grand jury
Newspaper photograph of World Plowing Championship winner and runner up
Newspaper photograph of Prime Minister Diefenbaker’s visit to Tillsonburg (Mrs.
Diefenbaker, Prime Minister and Mayor Ted Vance
Newspaper photograph of 15th Annual Meeting of the Ex-Reeves Association (Cecil
Riddle, Cecil Bertrand, Reg. Day and J.R. McLaughlin)
Newspaper articles re. rabies, County Jail histoiy, annual workshop meeting for librarians
and report of the conditions of the County Buildings by the Grand Jury
Newspaper articles re. County road costs and the Upper Thames River Conservation
Authority forest
Newspaper photograph of County Council’s inspection tour of County roads and
improvement projects (James Shearer, George Nagle, Ernest Gamer, Lome Junker,
Russell Honsberger, L.K. Coles, and Alfred Dickout)
Newspaper article re. Blenheim Township limiting the number of pheasant hunting
licenses (includes photograph of Township Clerk Irvin Haines, Linda Dannial and Nancy
Newspaper and sketch re. new quarters for County agricultural services
Newspaper articles re. repaving of Governor’s Road, Plowing Match planning, and body
of John Miners found murdered on Con. 8 of West Zorra - 26 August 1961
Newspaper articles re. murder of John Miners and police search for Robert Walter Clark
-29 August 1961
Newspaper articles re. murder of John Miners, police search for Robert Walker Clark and
15-yr. old girl, and the preliminary court hearing
Newspaper articles re. capture of Robert Walter Clark in Alliston, Clark committed for
murder trial in death of John Miners, Stanley Main praised for years of service as
probation officer and results of the Oxford County Plowing Match
Newspaper article re. unveiling of plaque in Princeton commemorating Thomas Homor
(includes photograph of great-great granddaughter Norma Greig, great-great grandson
Lloyd Barker and great-great grandson E.H. Barker)
Newspaper articles re. alterations on Governor’s road, results of the “Book Review”
contest and newspaper headline re. sewage system in Tavistock
Newspaper article re. present site of Central Public School in Woodstock recommended
as location of a new civic centre (Woodstock Sentinel-Review - 31 October 1961)
Newspaper articles re. sewage disposal in the Village of Norwich, annexation and traffic
studies being conducted, and Museum Month and the Oxford Museum
Newspaper photograph of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Killing celebrating 50th Wedding
Newspaper articles re. appointment of Waldron Arthur Goff as the new director of the
Oxford County Children’s Aid Society, Gordon Innis to cut the ribbon opening the
Eastwood-Preston section of Highway 401, and the sirens for the Canadian Civil Defense
warning system
Newspaper sketch and aerial photograph of latest extensions of Highway 401
Newspaper articles re. opening the Eastwood-Preston section of Highway 401 and
December session of Council
Newspaper headlines re. Blossom Park School, new Highway 403, and Russian nuclear
Newspaper photographs of the official ribbon cutting ceremony opening the new stretch
of Highway between Eastwood and Preston (top photograph: E.F. Gamer, Harry Allen,
W.A. Goodfellow, Fred M. Cass, John White, and Gordon Innes; lower photograph:
traffic waiting for ceremony to end) - 10 November 1961
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Portion of ribbon from the official ribbon cutting ceremony opening the new stretch of
Highway between Eastwood and Preston
b/w photograph of unknown Committee (includes L.K. Coles)
Newspaper article re. extra busy day at the Court House
Newspaper articles re. opening of new Eastwood to Preston link of Highway 401 opened,
Magistrate F. W. Bartram appointed Arbitrator in dispute between the Village of Norwich
and police, and library service
Newspaper article re. proposed Central Senior Public School location for new City Hall
Newspaper photograph of Central Senior Public School
Newspaper photograph of the Child Health Conference clinic held at the YMCA (Billy
Thorpe, Mrs. Wally Thorpe and Mrs. C. Etheridge)
Newspaper articles re. A.L. Bushell and city employee pension plan
Newspaper photograph of Bob Scott and Al Munro on their famous self-designed two-
way bicycle preparing for the Grey Cup Parade
Newspaper photograph of annual Scholarship Awards Banquet at the Ontario
Agricultural College (Wray Hartley, J.C. Shearer, Judith Appel, P.J. Betteridge and F.D.
Newspaper articles re. Oxford Jail statistics and meeting of Oxford, Woodstock and
Ingersoll Councils
Newspaper photograph of a meeting of Oxford, Woodstock and Ingersoll Councils (Ross
Fewster, Ernest Gamer and W.A. Downing)
Magazine photographs of new Ontario Premier John P. Robarts, Lieutenant-Governor
Keiller Mackay, former Premier Leslie M. Frost and Ontario’s new cabinet
Newspaper articles re. annexation of portion of East Oxford Township to the City of
Woodstock opposed, passing of George W. Fester, Progressive Conservative convention,
and Warden’s Dinner honouring Ernest M. Gamer
Newspaper article re. death of former Warden J. Kenneth Wardell (includes photograph
of J. Kenneth Wardell)
Newspaper photograph of the official opening of the Salvation Army Citadel (Brigadier
E. Nesbitt, A.J.B. Sturris, Commissioner and Mrs. W.W. Booth)
Newspaper article re. meeting of the Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario
Newspaper article re. final session of Council and gift presented to retiring Warden
(includes photograph of George Nagle, Clare Esseltine, Ernest Gamer, Lome Junker and
George Wallace) - 8 December 1961
Newspaper photographs of the Warden’s Dinner (top photograph: Ernest Gamer, Richard
D. Jones, E.S. Vance, Leonard K. Coles, Ross Fewster, and William Downing; lower
photograph: Piper W.O. Pearson, J. Ernest Wood and rest of head table guests; right:
Warden Ernest Gamer, Rev. Richard D. Jones and Leonard K. Coles)
Newspaper articles re. Jane Oliver of Thamesford and other winners of the “Book
Review” contest, Council appointed delegates to district high school board, official to
view demonstration of the national survival training program of the Oxford Garrison, and
Rev. Richard D. Jones speaking of better communication amongst the Provinces at the
Warden’s Dinner
Newspaper photograph of Robert Rudy, elected for 15th term as Tavistock Reeve
Newspaper articles re. resolutions presented for consideration at the December Session of
Council, retiring Warden Ernest Gamer and committee reports
Newspaper photograph of the first council elected for Beachville (C.F. Cowell, J.C.
Smith, J. J. Nadalin, Frank Harris and Lawrence Lusk)
Newspaper photograph of West Zorra Highland public school’s visit to County Council
Chambers (Miss Patricia Osborne, Warden Ernest Gamer, Glen Gamer, and Roger
Newspaper articles re. election of L.E. Force as Norwich Reeve, West Zorra Highland
public school’s visit to Council, and the death of a well known Woodstock Lawyer
(includes photograph of William A. Calder)
Newspaper photograph of construction of a bridge over Homer’s Creek on the Innerkip
to Drumbo road
Page 82 Newspaper photographs of Municipal Officials viewing survival training demonstration
(upper photograph: Pte. Dan Croft, Lt. R.A. Salisbury, Warden Ernest Gamer, Stanley J.
Smith and William Downing; lower photograph: simulated casualty receiving first aid)
Newspaper photograph of survival training demonstration (Lieut. R.A. Salisbury, Daniel
Croft, Warden Ernest Gamer, Stanley J. Smith and William Downing) - clipping not
attached to the scrapbook
Newspaper map of highways between Long Point and Stratford renumbered
Newspaper article re. site of Blenheim Township Gypsum Mine
Page 83 Newspaper photograph of the County Court House decorated for Christmas
Newspaper articles re. few changes expected for County Council, Gobles oil and gas
field, Goa resistance ends, and newspaper headline re. Armories picketed by Survival
Newspaper photograph of Paul M. Moore displaying wood plank believed to be part of
the old plank road between Norwich and Brantford
Page 84 Newspaper articles re. mining gypsum in Drumbo
Newspaper photograph of a drilling rig on the farm of Roy Wilkins, Drumbo in search of
high grade gypsum
Page 85 Newspaper photograph of crews attempting to open up a gypsum deposit in the Drumbo
Newspaper article re. new oil well in Gobles
Newspaper photograph of tracking equipment at the Sumac-Kerwood oil well in Gobles
Page 86 Newspaper photographs of drilling for oil in Gobles (top photograph: Lloyd Regele,
Marcel Pomerleau and Murray Shurr; lower photograph: Jamie McMaster)
Newspaper articles re. gypsum deposits in Blenheim Township and oil boom in Gobles
Page 87 Newspaper photographs of oil wells in Gobles (top photograph: oil flowing from well;
lower photograph: drilling crew)
Newspaper articles re. the escape of Edward Perkins and John Charles Parkes from the
Oxford Jail - 30 December 1961
Page 88 Newspaper articles re. the escape of Edward Perkins and John Charles Parkes from the
Oxford Jail and the search for Perkins
Newspaper photograph of County Jail (top photograph: jail wall; lower photograph: front
porch of the Chief Turnkey’s house)
Page 89 County of Oxford Handbook - 1961
Invitation to the Huron College Spring Convocation - 6 May 1961
Invitation to the Official Opening and Inspection of the Cancer Research Laboratory at
the University of Western Ontario -22 November 1961
Invitation to the Official Opening and Inspection of the Josephine Spence Niblett Faculty
of Law Building, University of Western Ontario - 27 October 1961
Page 90 Invitation to attend a reception and tea at the Macintosh Memorial Building, University
of Western Ontario - 10 November 1961
Invitation to the Official Opening of the Tillsonburg Sewage Treatment Plant - 3 October
Invitation to the Official Opening of Blossom Park School - 29 November 1961
Page 91 Newspaper articles listing events 10 years ago, 15 years ago and 25 years ago