Len Coles Srapbook Index 1962Len Coles Fonds Len Coles’ Scrapbook Index 1962 Page 1 Newspaper photograph of Ernest Gamer and Clare Esseltine, reeve of Tillsonburg, taking the oath of office as the new Warden for 1962 Page 2 Newspaper articles re. Clare H. Esseltine elected Warden and fox bounty payments Newspaper photograph of retiring Warden Ernest Gamer handing over his gavel to his successor, Reeve Clare H. Esseltine Newspaper brief re. election of Clare Esseltine as Warden and County Councillors assigned to Committees at first Council Session (includes photograph of L.K. Coles writing out the suggested slate) Page 3 Newspaper articles re. election of Warden, inaugural address of Clare Esseltine, and the Esseltine family Page 4 Newspaper photograph of Clare Esseltine and family: Philip, Madge, Ricky, Carol, and Dixie Lee Newspaper article re. election of Clare Esseltine as Warden Page 5 Newspaper article re. Beachville Council holds first meeting (includes photograph of Councillors Frank Harris and Cee Cowell, Reeve J.C. Smith, Councillors Lawrence Lusk, Village Clerk L.B. Curry and Councillor J.J. Nadalin) Newspaper articles re. Corporation of Beachville; passing of the form manager at the Oxford County Home John H. Leuszler; and newspaper headline re. Gobles gas, oil field Newspaper photograph of Edwin L. Perkins, back in jail following escape Page 6 Newspaper article re. Barrister Robert A. MacDougall declining appointment to the Queen’s Counsel (includes photograph of Robert A. MacDougall) Newspaper article re. Woodstock surplus fee Newspaper article re. Oxford County Farm Safety Council (includes photograph of Grant Smith, W.G. Lazenby, Fred A. Stock, Harold E. Wright, Dong Taylor, Wilfred Cockbum, Roy McCorquodale, and Bruce Burrill) Newspaper, article re. Wallace Nesbitt unable to carry on in the position of Parliamentary Secretary for-External Affairs (includes photograph of Wallace Nesbitt) Page 7 Newspaper articles re. Emergency Measures Organization’s request that the County join the civil defense program, tradition of jurors using jackknives to sharpen pencils in Perth County, Tillsonburg annexation, restoring monument commemorating Malcolm Mackenzie and the fenian raids, and tribute to Mrs. Harold Scholz departing Court Reporter (includes photographs of Edith Scholz) Page 8 Newspaper aerial photograph and artist’s conception of the before and after for the Woodstock TVA dam Newspaper headline re. accreditation of Alexandra Hospital Canadian Good Roads Association Membership Card for L.K. Coles - 1962 Page 9 Newspaper map of the proposed area to be annexed by Tillsonburg Newspaper articles re. Council to study Emergency Measures Plan and objections to the proposed closing of the 13 th line in East Zorra by the lake to be created by the Woodstock Dam Page 10 Newspaper article re. Gobles’ oil boom (includes photographs of Jamie McMaster, Sidney Earl and Peter Tostik) Newspaper articles re. anecdote involving Ralph Connor and Rev. Gordon of Harrington, Inaugural address of Mayor Downing of Woodstock, Ontario Municipal Board cancels Tillsonburg annexation hearing and Council plans civil defense talks Page 11 Newspaper articles re. 60th anniversary of Harvey F. Johnston as the editor and publisher of the Tillsonburg News, plans for a new Peel Street federal building and rabies indemnity program Newspaper photograph of Harvey F. Johnston Page 12 Newspaper article re. County to sell County Home Farm and cattle herd (includes photograph of the County Home Farm) Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Newspaper articles re. Edwin Leland Perkins to now serve 18 months in jail follow escape, Alexandra building fun and Middlesex County Councillors increase salaries Newspaper article re. County Home Farm and stock to be sold (includes photographs of Robert J. Forbes and the County Home Farm) Newspaper article re. 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Ryder (includes photograph of the happy couple) Newspaper articles re. Woodstock annexation and Westerly land proposals Newspaper article re. Woodstock annexation of land in the Townships of East Oxford, West Oxford and Blandford (Woodstock Sentinel-Review - 15 February 1962) Newspaper photographs of southwest comer of the city of Woodstock which will be the interchange of Highway 4011 and Sweaburg Road following annexation (left photograph: industrial acreage proposed under the annexation plan along both sides of the highway; right photograph: northern side of Highway 401 from Highway 59) Newspaper brief and map re. proposed annexation Newspaper article re. preparation of bylaw for Woodstock annexation Newspaper photograph of proposed westerly annexation area Newspaper articles re. industrial land sought by annexation, Woodstock annexation, and sale of the Oxford County Home Farm Newspaper advertisement re. sale of the Oxford County Home Farm (includes photograph of the farm) Newspaper article re. Gobles oil field potential Newspaper photograph of David Adlam, J. Grant Smith and J. Clarence King reviewing conservation plans at the annual meeting of the Big Creek Region Conservation Authority Name tag and Director ribbon for L.K. Coles for the 60th Meeting of the Ontario Good Roads Association - 26-28 February 1962 Name tag and Ladies Committee ribbon for Mrs. L.K. Coles for the 60th Meeting of the Ontario Good Roads Association - 26-28 February 1962 Newspaper article re. Russian and American space programmes (includes photograph of Lt. Col. John H. Glenn Jr. capsule taken from the sea) - 21 February 1962 Newspaper article re. successful attempt of Lt.-Col. John H. Glenn Jr. into space Invitation to a reception following the Annual Banquet at the Ontario Good Roads Association convention - 28 February 1962 Newspaper article re. Woodstock dam and reservoir (Woodstock Sentinel-Review - 27 February 1862) Newspaper article re. incorporation of Plattsville Newspaper brief re. new highway markers set up by the Department of Highways (includes photograph of John Cameron pointing to one of the new Highway 59 signs) Newspaper article re. life term for Walter Clark convicted of murder (includes photograph of Walter Clark) Newspaper article re. opening of the E.M. Finkle School of Nursing Invitation to the Annual Banquet at the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention - 28 February 1962 Newspaper photograph of meeting of the executive at the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention (J.H. Irvine, W.S. McKay, George H. Doucett, H.L. Weicher, James Ludgate, Hon. Fred M. Cass, and L.K. Coles) Newspaper article re. Len K. Coles elected as vice-president of the Ontario Good Roads Association Newspaper advertisement for tenders wanted on premiums for insurance on roads, County equipment and Employer’s Liability - 7 March 1962 Magazine advertisement of OGRA program preview (includes photograph of L.K. Coles) 1962 Directory of Ontario Good Roads Association Company Members in business to help build better roads Programme for the 60th Annual Convention of the Ontario Good Roads Association - 26- 28 February 1962 2 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Newspaper article re. West Oxford Township’s assessment towards the construction of the proposed Woodstock dam and reservoir and appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board Newspaper articles re. wider powers given to municipalities in the administration of County and City Jails, Ingersoll’s town council voted against the proposed Woodstock dam, Walter Robert Clark to appeal life sentence and newspaper advertisement re. Auction Sale at the Oxford County Home Farm on April 3rd, 1962 Newspaper photograph of the 15th Annual Provincial Hay and Silage Show (George Jakeman, Dr. Charles Rogers and Warden Clare H. Esseltine) Newspaper photographs of the dispersal sale at the County Home Farm (top photograph: crowd in attendance; bottom photograph: Auctioneer Bob Shore) Newspaper articles and advertisement re. County Farm dispersal sale Newspaper headline re. Woodstock city tax rates Newspaper photograph of Ross Edwards, John A. Wallace and Gordon W. Pittock at the Woodstock Dam Advisory Board meeting Newspaper photographs of the tapping of maples trees on the form of Elmer Kam (top photograph: Larry Hanmer, Roy Salter and Lawrence gathering sap; lower photograph: Howard Kam boiling syrup) Newspaper articles re. Oxford County tax rate, Oxford Home Farm auction, and Oxford Road Program Newspaper article re. Upper Thames Valley Conversation Authority voted in favour of the construction of the Woodstock dam and reservoir project (includes a retouched photograph portraying the proposed Gordon Pittock dam and reservoir) Newspaper articles re. proposed Gordon Pittock dam and reservoir, Tillsonburg Mayor E.S. Vance rejects salary increase, March session of County and the striking of the 1962 budget, and history of oxford presented to the Tavistock Rotary Club by Dr. Donald M. Sutherland Newspaper articles re. official plan of the Woodstock Suburban Planning Board (includes map showing boundaries of the planning area) Newspaper articles re. Spring Session of Council including the budget, selling of County Farm, resolutions and grant requests; approval of bursaries for the University of Western Ontario, and a Clearing Sale at the County Home Farm Letter to the Editor from Bernard Huinink re. Woodstock annexation Newspaper photograph of members of the Oxford Soil and Crop Improvement Association (Professor W.T. Ewen, Fred Cohoe, Howard Henry, and Ronald Hutcheson) Newspaper articles re. Oxford population, Mary Anne Innes wins the zone championship for 1962 at the annual Ontario School Trustees’ and Ratepayers Association public speaking competitions, road between concession 1 and 2 in Blandford to be assumed as a County road, and clearing sale at the County Home Farm Newspaper article re. County Council Session including mill rate, approval of bursaries, grants, Committee reports, etc (includes photograph of Mount Elgin public school visit to County Council: Reeve George Nagle, Dave Hicht, Larry Dutton and Warden Clare Esseltine) Newspaper photograph of County Councillors in new blazers with the County crest (Reeve William Sutherland, Warden Clare H. Esseltine, Reeve Lloyd Johnson and L.K. Coles) Newspaper articles re. report of the Oxford County Health Unit and Oxford Road Budget Newspaper article re. laid use pattern proposed for Woodstock (includes land use plan published by the Woodstock and Suburban Planning Area) Newspaper articles/advertisements re. taxes and annexation for Woodstock Newspaper map showing proposed new boundaries for Woodstock Letter to the Editor from Walter H. Barlow re. Township education Newspaper photographs of the grey-stoned chapel near Honiton England, the final resting place of John Graves Simcoe Newspaper articles re. Woodstock annexation, death of David Jackson former Huron Park Secondary School teacher, share the proceeds of the sale of the County Home form and new pension plan for Municipal workers discussed at Queen’s Park 3 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Page 42 Page 43 Page 44 Page 45 Page 46 Page 47 Page 48 Page 49 Page 50 Newspaper photograph of Massed Choir Concert Program held at Knox Presbyterian Church (Warden Clare Esseltine, Martin Boundy, Gordon Reinhart, Dr. Charles Peaker) - 9 May 1962 Newspaper article re. production of crude oil in Gobles Letters to Editor re. modernizing downtown and annexation Newspaper articles re. meat-inspection forces, fox bounties, and gypsum shaft in Blenheim untouched Newspaper article re. the Oxford Library Co-op Annual Meeting and speaker discussing book censorship (includes photograph of S.L. Krompart, Dr. Cameron Henry, G.R. Nagle and L.K. Coles) Letter to Editor from Claude Vanevery re. Woodstock taxes Programme for the Official Opening and Inspection of the new Administrative Building of the Public Utility Commission - 3 May 1962 Newspaper articles re. yellow rocket weed, Thamesford Victoria Day parade, death of fromer OPP officer Cpl. Walter A.T. Robinson, and the 1937 flood Newspaper photograph of Paul W. Reid, graduate with degree of Bachelor of Science in civil engineering from Queen’s University Newspaper photograph of the new Public Utility Commission building in Woodstock Newspaper photograph of Robert J. Forbes, County Home Superintendent, at his desk Newspaper article re. Oxford history articles to be supplied to public school teachers Newspaper article re. student awards offered by Council Newspaper headline re. Norwich mill rate Newspaper listing of County Council members (includes photograph of the Court House) Newspaper article re. oral polio vaccine, and Anne Coles and Eric Shuttleworth took top honours in the annual public speaking competition Newspaper photograph of the Victory Memorial School public speaking competition (Eric Shuttleworth, J.W. Spivey, and Anne Coles) Newspaper photograph of the 30th Annual Meeting of the Ex-Wardens’ Association (George Hollier, J. Winston Nichols and L.K. Coles) Newspaper photograph of the annual meeting of the Ex-Wardens’ Association (Robert Rudy, L.K. Coles, J. Winston Nichols and Milton Betteridge) Newspaper articles re. Annual Meeting of the Ex-Wardens’ Association, open session of County Council and newspaper headline re. Annual Zorra Highland Games Newspaper articles re. Walter Robert Clark’s sentence appeal, agenda for summer session of Council, and newspaper headline re. Ingersoll book club meeting Newspaper article re. financing of public libraries - 22 June 1962 Newspaper photographs of the 14th Annual Plattsville Horse Show (top photograph: Cameron Shantz, Peter McDonald and Robert Rudy) Newspaper article re. “Twistorama” Newspaper photographs re. “Twistorama” (top left: Mayor Ross Fewster, Diane Campbell, Wayne Cole, Doug Milne, and Denis MacMillan; top right: Mayor Ross Fewster; lower photograph: Diane Little and Mayor Downing) Newspaper articles re. Ingersoll’s Twistorama, County Council’s visit to the University of Western Ontario and a notice of Section 3(1) of the Weed Control Act Newspaper photograph of Ross Fewster and Diane Campbell at Inversoll’s twistathon Newspaper article re. Hon. William A. Stewarts message to Councillors at the annual visit to the University of Western Ontario Newspaper photograph of members of district County Councils at a reception held at Middlesex College, University of Western Ontario (Valentine Becker, Hon. William A. Stewart, May Mooney, Harry Lewis, and Morley How) Newspaper photograph of Councillors visiting Middlesex College, University of Western Ontario (Jim Marshall, Lloyd Gurr, Walter Gerth, and Clare H. Esseltine) Newspaper article re. Tillsonburg Annexation (includes aerial photographs of The Canadian Leaf Tobacco Company and the Bradbum Subdivision) Newspaper headline re. Wallace Nesbitt winning four straight Federal Election 4 Page 51 Page 52 Page 53 Page 54 Page 55 Page 56 Page 57 Page 58 Page 59 Newspaper articles re. oil strike in Blandford, 82.3% of voters in Oxford casted their vote in election, and James F. Hutchinson charged under section 71 of the Canada Elections Act - 27 June 1962 Newspaper photograph of Mayor W.A. Downing and Gordon Pittock studying map of the area covered by the Upper Thames Valley Conservation Authority and discussing new dam to be built at Woodstock Newspaper photograph of William Young, James Hutchinson and Grant Smith Newspaper articles re. Waterloo surplus, auctioneer Robert Alexander McDonald passes away in hospital, Woodstock Chamber of Commerce to form committee to study annexation report and make recommendation to Council, first and second reading of three By-laws at Council and 4-H Club members from Wayne County, Ohio visit the County Newspaper article re. wedding of Nancy Scott and Thomas Kean (includes a photograph of Mr. and Mrs. V.T. Kean) Newspaper photograph of Mrs. Verne T. Kean in her wedding dress Newspaper photograph of the Annual Councillor’s visit to the County Home (Warden C.H. Esseltine, George Wallace, Robert Forbes and Mrs. Robert Forbes) Newspaper photograph of lemonade stand on Devonshire Avenue, Woodstock (Elizabeth Trotter, Cathy Stewart, Doug Stewart, Sandra Stewart, Susan Stewart and T.S. Calder) Newspaper photograph of Thamesford students visiting Oxford County Court House (Mary Vaughn, Bob Young, Danny Dowswell, and L.K. Coles) Newspaper article re. Oxford assessment Newspaper photograph of stone gate commemorating Woodstock’s first settler, Zacharias Burtch, on the property of the Woodstock YMCA Newspaper photograph of pupils from the Innerkip public school to the County Court House (John Marshall(?), Rickey Hall, Elizabeth Hendrix and L.K. Coles) Newspaper articles re. Woodstock annexation and Townships warned of contempt liability, and fox bounties Newspaper photograph of informal tour of Tillsonburg of the Belgian ambassador to Canada (Tillsonburg Mayor E.S. Vance, Guy Daufresne and Warden Clare Esseltine) Newspaper articles re. County assessment and epidemic of highly contagious hog cholera Newspaper article re. official opening of the new agriculture office for Oxford County (top photograph: Mrs. G.R. Green and Warden Clare Esseltine; top left: Bob Bell, T.R. Hilliard and Don Taylor) Newspaper articles re. 17th annual meeting of the Soil Conservation Society of America, Thamesford Incorporation hearing, new agriculture office in Woodstock and a newspaper headline re. UTRCA Woodstock Dam Newspaper photograph of the opening of the Agriculture Office in Woodstock (Donald A. Taylor, Mrs. G.R. Green, T.R. Hilliard and Warden Clare H. Esseltine) Newspaper article re. Woodstock annexation Newspaper article re. oil and gas well at Gobles - 30 August 1962 Invitation to the Official Opening of the new offices of the Oxford County Extension Branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture - 28 June 1962 Newspaper photograph of Librarian Louise Krompart and the Oxford County Library Bookmobile Newspaper articles re. cases of paralysis reported after the used of Sabin oral polio vaccine, new bookmobile in service and 43 rd Annual Convention of the Ontario Association of Homes for the Aged Newspaper article re. statue of the Springbank Snow Countess (includes a photograph of Springbank Snow Countess statue) Newspaper articles re. TB cattle tests, Council Session and bylaws, and newspaper headline re. McDowell’s Holstein Jr. Heifer named Junior Champion female at Michigan event Complimentary ticket for L.K. Coles and lady for the Woodstock Agricultural Society Fair - 23-25 August 1962 Complimentary ticket for L.K. Coles and lady for the Tavistock Fall Fair - 7,8 September 1962 5 Page 60 Newspaper article re. new instant copier at the Registry Office (includes photograph of Ross Tuck, Warden Clare Esseltine, Reeve Robert Rudy and Reeve Ray Hartley) Newspaper articles re. fall session of Council, tour of roads by Council, meeting of the Ex-Reeves Association, and Oxford County Plowing March set for October 26th Newspaper headline re. Drumbo Fair attendance Magaine photographs of Prize List(?) for 1962 (Douglas Start, Warden Clare Esseltine, Mayor W.A. Downing and J.E. Nephew) Page 61 Programme for the Graduation Ceremony of the Woodstock General Hospital School of Nursing - 12 September 1962 Invitation to the Official Opening of the Sun Parlor Home for Senior Citizens in Leamington, Ontario - 8 October 1962 Invitation to the Graduation Ceremony of the Woodstock General Hospital School of Nursing - 12 September 1962 Newspaper photograph of Norman Watson, Association Agricultural Representative for Oxford County Page 62 Newspaper photograph of Louise Krompart with the new County Library Bookmobile Newspaper photograph of the appreciation night for Norman Watson, associate agricultural representative who is leaving for Haldimand) Mr. and Mrs. Norman Watson and Don Lazenby) Newspaper articles re. meeting of the Ex-Reeves Association, Ontario Municipal Employees’ Retirement System and Municipal Pension Plan Page 63 Newspaper photograph of the Jersey Bull Futurity Show at the Ohio Expositions Centre (Mrs. Lilyann Rigrish, Burt Leas and Woodstock’s George H. Innes receiving the Jersey Jug) Newspaper photograph of pheasant hunters (Howard Nunn, Jack Hennigan, Cal Kerr, Lome Park and Bill Horrocks) Newspaper article re. Oxford County Council bursary award winners Page 64 Newspaper editorial re. untimely death of Woodstock police constable Thomas Black Newspaper photograph of Thomas Black Newspaper photograph of construction of bridges over the Nith River on the County road between Drumbo and Washington Newspaper photograph of a re-dedication service at the Vandecar cemetery (Alex Henderson, Leroy Scott, Mrs. A.R. Ross and H.J. Hallock) Page 65 Newspaper articles re. Woodstock annexation and Thamesford Incorporation Newspaper photographs of Blenheim Township Plowing Match on the farm of Merle Coleman at RR1 Plattsville (top photograph: Doug MacRobbie and team; lower photograph: Mrs. Ed Opirsko adjusting her plow) Page 66 Newspaper articles re. Woodstock annexation of West Oxford, Annexation hearing in front of the Ontario Municipal Board set for November 5*, and potential oil well at Clearville Newspaper photographs of services centres on Highway 401 Page 67 Programme for the Dinner at the 43"’ Convention of the Canadian Good Roads Association - 5 October 1962 Ladies Programme for the 43rd Convention of the Canadian Good Roads Association - 2- 6 October 1962 Invitation to join the President and Directors of the Ontario Good Roads Association - date unknown Page 68 Newspaper articles re. Annexation hearing in front of the Ontario Municipal Board set for December 28th, Sabin Vaccine will not be used in Oxford County, potential of Gobles oil and gas field, and Tillsonburg’s bid to annex Newspaper headline re. mental patient unfit to stand trial in slaying of constable Page 69 Newspaper articles re. Ontario Municipal Board hearing concerning Woodstock Annexation Page 70 Newspaper articles re. Ontario Municipal Board hearing concerning Woodstock Annexation, open deer season and Harold J. Shantz named president of La France Textiles (Canada) Limited 6 Page 71 Newspaper articles re. Ontario Municipal Board hearing concerning Woodstock Annexation and letter to the editor re. audit of Woodstock city books Newspaer photograph of those participating in Woodstock’s application for annexation (Mayor William Downing, John W. Burridge, John J. Robineet and John Bousfield) Page 72 Newspaper articles re. Ontario Municipal Board rejects Thamesford’s incorporation, Suburban Planning Board turns to the Ontario Municipal Board for a suggested equitable distribution of the assessment of municipalities, and fluoride in County drinking water Newspaper photograph of commencement exercises held at Huron Park Secondary School (Stanley R. Blair, Janet Armstrong and Allan Guthrie) Newspaper photograph of Glen Millar receiving Oxford County Council Scholarship from G.S. Moggach Newspaper photograph of Mayor Ross Fewster, Ingersoll mayor Page 73 Page 74 Newspaper article re. Woodstock annexation hearing (includes map) Newspaper photograph of the Warden’s Banquet (Dr. E.A. Quintyn, Warden Clare Esseltine, L.K. Coles, Mrs. Esseltine and retiring mayor E.S. Vance) Newspaper article re. Warden’s Dinner Invitation and reply card to the Warden’s Dinner - 30 November 1962 Page 75 Programme for the Warden’s Dinner - 30 November 1962 Newspaper article re. Warden’s Dinner for Clare Esseltine Newspaper photograph of the Warden’s Banquet (Mrs. Esseltine, Carol, Dixie Lee, Philip, Richard and Clare Esseltine) Page 76 Newspaper photograph of the last County Council meeting for 1962 (George Davis, Elmer Kam, Clare H. Esseltine, George Nagle and Wray Hartley) Newspaper articles re. Council endorsing legal lotteries, final session of Council, annual meeting of the Oxford Health Unit and approval of area nursing home licenses, East Oxford to clean disposal site and selection of jurors for Supreme Court and County Court for 1963 Netter to the Editor re. lotteries Page 77 Newspaper articles re. Pension Plan for Oxford County workers, appointments by County Council to high school boards, and final session of Council for 1962 Newspaper photograph of Warden Clare H. Esseltine and Wray K. Hartley at the closing ceremonies of Council Page 78 Newspaper articles re. enrollment of a Negro student in the University of Mississippi at Oxford, Miss., famous Griffin collection of coins sold, and municipal offices filled throughout Oxford Newspaper photograph of the annual Mayor’s dinner in Tillsonburg (Donald Dean, Clare Esseltine, E.S. Vance and Alfred Dickout) Page 79 Newspaper articles re. Woodstock annexation County of Oxford Handbook - 1962 Ticket for the Ontario Good Roads Association Banquet - 14 May 1962 Ticket for the Road Gang at the Canadian Good Roads Association Convention - 2 October 1962 Ticket for the Cabaret and Dance at the Convention of the Canadian Good Roads Association - 2 October 1962 Page 80 Newspaper article re. Annexation and Dominion Store Limited just outside of the city limits should bear share of city taxes Invitation to the Official Opening and Inspection of the New Administration Building of the Woodstock Public Utility Commission - 3 May 1962 Invitation to the Graduation Exercises of the Western Ontario Agricultural School - 15 May 1962 Page 81 Newspaper article re. Reeves seeking Wardenship in 1963 Invitation to Woodstock Civic Reception - 19 December 1962 Invitation to the Official Opening of the New Wing of the Willett Hospital - 23 June 1962 Page 82 Newspaper articles re. Waterloo County Council 7 Page 83 Complimentary ticket to the 111,h Annual Exhibition of the North Norwich Agricultural Society - 21, 22 September 1962 Newspaper articles listing events 10 years ago, 15 years ago and 25 years ago 8