Len Coles Scrapbook Index 1963Len Coles Fonds
Leu Coles* Scrapbook Index
Page 1 Newspaper article re. election of Reeve Peter McDonald of Blenheim Township as
Warden for 1963 (includes photograph of retiring Warden Clare Esseltine presenting his
gavel to his successor Peter McDonald)
Newspaper article re. Warden election and Peter McDonald
Page 2 Newspaper photograph of Peter McDonald during the voting of Warden
Newspaper articles re. Christmas tree bulbs stolen from around the Court House, fox
bounties, appointment of Hon. W. Earl Rowe as lieutenant-governor of Ontario and the
Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System
Newspaper photograph of Merle Coleman congratulating Peter McDonald following
election for Warden
Newspaper photographs of new County Council Members (George Molnar, Stanley
Gehring, Harold Arthur, John H.R. Lester, Harry Armstrong, Vernon Cuthbert and Hugh
Page 3 Newspaper photographs of the Warden and family (left photograph: Peter McDonald,
Vera McDonald and daughters Phoebe, Maiy Jean, Karen and Deborah; right
photograph: Warden Clare Esseltine passing his gavel onto Peter McDonald)
Newspaper articles re. Committees named by Council and Agenda for first session of
County Council including correspondence and resolutions
Newspaper headline re. Oxford Holsteins winning All-Canadian Awards
Page 4 Newspaper articles re. Otter Creek Dam cost, Blandford township passed resolution to
withdraw membership from the Suburban Area planning board, mortgage on the Blossom
Park School for retarded children and pay increase for employees of the Ingersoll Parks
Newspaper article re. passing of former Reeve of East Zorra, William Henry Turner
Newspaper article re. those contending for the position of Warden for 1963 - 4 January
Page 5 Newspaper photograph of the annual meeting of the Oxford Farm Safety Council (Grant
Smith, Gren Lazenby, and Melville Anderson)
Newspaper articles re. County population, Oxford road conditions and the life and death
of Dr. C.M. Mackay (includes photograph of DR. C. Mackenzie Mackay)
Newspaper photograph of Oxford County Health Unit immunization clinic (Mrs. Ken
Herman, Brian Herman, Dr. O.C. Powers, Miss Muriel Charlton and Dennis Herman)
Page 6 Newspaper photographs of snow-clogged roads (left photograph: Con 8 of West Zorra;
right photograph: plow slicing through snow banks)
Newspaper articles re. grants and resolutions presented to County Council and
resignation of Gordon W. Pittock as Vice-chairman of the Ingersoll Industrial
Commission (includes photographs of Gordon W. Pittock and P.M. Dewan)
Page 7 Newspaper articles re. Council Session including roads, grants, appointments etc.;
immunization inoculation clinic held at Victory Memorial School, County purchases the
Bethany Lutheran Church property in Woodstock, and Tillsonburg Hospital seeks grant
Page 8 Newspaper articles re. Elgin Court House, Oxford only County without Emergency
Measures Organization and possible formation of the Lake Erie Region Development
Page 9 Newspaper article re. Warden Peter McDonald (includes photographs of the Warden and
his family)
Newspaper article re. Council session including by-laws, resolutions, delegations, etc
Page 10 Newspaper photograph of Oxford Health Unit immunization clinic for members of the
Ingersoll police and fire departments (Dr. O.C. Powers, Miss Muriel Charlton and Jordan
Programme for the 61st Annual Convention of the Ontario Good Roads Association - 25-
27 February 1963
1st Vice-President ribbon for the 61st meeting of the Ontario Good Roads Association -
25-27 February 1963
Newspaper article re. annual meeting of the Ontario Good Roads Association (includes
cartoon sketches of directors including L.K. Coles)
Page 11 Newspaper articles re. Oxford County to aid expansion plans at the University of Western
Ontario, 41st term of W.A. Cockbum on the Drumbo Agricultural Society, federal
election and Oxford riding, and Oxford County Health Unit budget
Newspaper article re. County Clerk guest speaker at Tillsonburg’s Kinsmen Club
(includes photograph of George Molnar, Leonard Coles, Dr. Elmer Quintyn and Clare
Newspaper photograph of the first meeting of the Oxford Health Unit for 1963 (Mayor
Ross Fewster, Leslie Force, Warden Peter McDonald, Harry C. Parrott, George Molnar
and James Hartnett)
Page 12 Newspaper articles re. Leonard Coles elected President of the Ontario Good Roads
Association (includes photograph of L.K. Coles) and appointment of William Baxter as
assistant agricultural representative for Oxford County
Newspaper photograph of outgoing president of the Ontario Good Roads Association
H.L. (Lefty) Weichel and Hon. Charles S. MacNaughton
Page 13 Newspaper photograph of the past president, directors and other officers of the Ontario
Good Roads Association (V.K. Croxford, J.H. Irvine, N.A. Fletcher, L.K. Coles, C.S.
Anderson, H.L. Weichel, W. Scott McKay, Hugh Lamb, David McNichol, Edgar Drew,
W.D. Colby, Harold Cleave, J.G. Cameron, E.M. Fraser, J.L. Shearer, Andrew Boyer,
Guy Marston, Hon. Fred M. Cass, and Richard Elliott)
Newspaper article re. L.K. Coles elected president of the Ontario Good Roads
Association (includes photograph)
Newspaper headlines re. testing for TB in cattle and closing of Otterville canning plant
Newspaper article re. new road subsidies expected for Municipalities (Woodstock
Sentinel-Review - 27 February 1963)
Newspaper photograph of Oxford County Seed Fair and Provincial Hay and Silage Show
(William Borrows and Peter McDonald examining hay sample)
Page 14
Page 15
Newspaper articles re. Waterloo Council account battles, and misappropriation of funds
Newspaper articles re. Waterloo expense query and question of misappropriation of
funds, charges that the Ontario Good Roads Association annual conventions are “drunken
brawls”, and tenders wanted on premiums for insurance on roads, county equipment and
employer’s liability
Newspaper photograph of Pere L. Canfield, passed away in hospital
Newspaper photograph of inside of unknown bakery
Page 16 Newspaper article re. Oxford lays claim on world’s largest elm tree on the farm of Perry
Thomson of Bright (left photograph: Ian Thomson hangs from a rift in the tree trunk;
right photograph: of William Boles with another large tree in 1924)
Newspaper photograph of the inaugural meeting of the County Home Board (Mayor Ross
Fewster, Mayor William B. Dutton, George Wallace, Robert Rudy and Peter McDonald)
Newspaper article re. death of former reeve of East Oxford Allan Kneale
Page 17 Newspaper articles re. W. Stewart Lavell, editorial writer for the Sentinel-Review winner
of Education Week Award (includes photograph of W. Stewart Lavell), Cecil Riddle
appointed to the Woodstock Suburban Road Commission, and Bethany Church property
sold to the County
Obituary for George H. Davis of Otterville
Oxford Historical Society Membership Card for L.K. Coles - 1963
Page 18 Newspaper article re. tobacco seed in the attic of Edward Moore of Otterville (includes
photographs of Edward S. Moore measuring out seed into packages and tobacco seeds in
Newspaper articles re. life and death of Ernest A. Wilson of Ingersoll and Spring Session
of County Council
Page 19 Newspaper articles re. Summer Season of Council, County tax rate, Central Erie Tourist
Region organization and tourist promotion, no open deer season, and Warden’s grant
Page 20 Newspaper articles re. aims of the Lake Erie Tourist Development Association, roads
damaged by severe winter weather, no deer hunting season for Oxford, plane crash and
Oxford County’s prize April-fool’s joke, raising speed limit on Governor’s road, County
road budget, half-mill increase to assistant financing hospital addition projects, voting
trends in Zorra and passing of Ian Stanley Grills, former District Field Secretary of the
Page 21 Newspaper articles re. Oxford Budgets; Council Session include grant jury report on
County Jail, committee reports and speed limit on Governor’s road; request for increased
allowance for snow removal and an advertisement for the position of Clerk Treasurer for
North Norwich Township
Page 22 Detailed returns for Oxford in Federal Election
Page 23 Newspaper articles re. election of Wallace Nesbitt in federal election; Oxford annexation
woes for Beachville, Tillsonburg and Thamesford; and the Springford Mounted Boy
Scout Troop of the Big Creek District (includes photograph of the troop being led by Len
Rice through Springford)
Page 24 Newspaper articles re. history and activities of the Oxford Health Unit, sale of the Oxford
County Home Farm, county roads, and Council continues four year trend by hold the tax
rate at 12.75 mills
Newspaper advertisement for tenders wanted for supplies and hauling road materials and
equipment hire - 18 April 1963
Page 25 Newspaper photograph of a preliminary meeting of the Lake Erie Development
Association Meeting (H.N. Ubelacker, A.H. LeMasurier, Delbie Bucknall and Gordon
Newspaper photograph of a meeting of the County Clerks and Treasurers from Western
Ontario (C.A. Keeley, Geraldine Gignac, Derek Newton, John Hair, R.A. Van den
Brande, and Currie McVicar)
Newspaper photograph of Wardens at the meeting of the County Clerks and Treasurers
from Western Ontario (Norman Hodgins, Harold Eastman, L.K. Coles and R.K. Coles)
Newspaper articles re. annual meeting of the Oxford County Library and presentation of
Arthur Williams; and informal meeting of zone two of the Association of County Clerks
and Treasurers of Ontario
Page 26 Newspaper article re. forest tracts near Woodstock a potential fire hazard
Newspaper article re. 10 acre tract of tree lost in fire near Drumbo (includes photograph
of reforested tree plot destroyed by fire)
Newspaper photograph of volunteer bush firefighters at site of fire at the comer of
Drumbo road and 10“ Concession
Page 27 Newspaper article re. a Lake Erie Regional Development Association (includes
photograph of the Provisional Officers: D.A. MacKay, Mayor George Harrison, Mayor
W.E. Ross, Reeve Wilfred Spicer)
Newspaper article re. Fred H. Cade elected President of the Institute of Municipal
Page 28 Newspaper articles re. 31st Annual Meeting of the Oxford Ex-Wardens’ Association
(includes photograph of Harley McBeth, Don Taylor and Robert Rudy)
Programme for the Ontario Good Roads Association’s T.J. Mahony Road School Course
for Road Superintendents - 13,14 May 1963
Page 29 Newspaper photograph of the annual meeting of the Ex-Wardens’ (J.F. McDonald,
George H. Hollier, and J. Winston Nichols)
Newspaper articles re. grand jury inspection of the Court House and 10 acre pine
reforestation tract burned in Blenheim near Drumbo (includes photograph of two men
tackling the fire)
Newspaper photograph of Sergeant B.C. Moore receiving his certificate from the
Attorney-General Fred M. Cass on completion of a special course in supervision and
Invitation to the Graduation Exercises of the Western Ontario Agricultural School - 14
May 1963
Page 30
Page 31
Page 32
Page 33
Page 34
Page 35
Page 36
Page 37
Page 38
Page 39
Page 40
Newspaper photograph of the fourth annual Dairy Day celebrations (left photograph: Lee,
Michael and Stephen Wilks visiting a Jersey calf; right photograph: Peter McDonald,
Bruce Lilley and Tom Hemsworth eating ice cream)
Newspaper article re. Attorney General Fred Cass accusing magistrates of bad manners
and better courtroom practice (includes photograph of Fred Cass)
Newspaper headline re. killer disease hits crops in County
Newspaper article re. Annual Dinner Meeting of the Oxford County TB Association
(includes photograph of Cecil M. Riddle, Col. S.R. Wallace, Dr. O.C. Powers, E.J.
O’Brian and Dr. E.A. Allen)
Newspaper articles re. East Oxford Township industrial land absorbed into Woodstock’s
city limits, and Woodstock annexation to benefit builders
Newspaper advertisement for the man for security work
Editorial re. Walter Gordon should resign
Newspaper photograph of Warden McDonald opening Dairy Day and parade
Newspaper aerial photographs of area to be annexed to Woodstock (left photograph:
Sweaburg Rd and 401 Exchange; right photograph: Springbank Homesites and Church
Newspaper article re. Woodstock annexation to occur January 1st, 1964
Newspaper article re. reaction to the Ontario Municipal Board’s decision to approve
Woodstock’s annexation
Newspaper map showing new boundaries for Woodstock effective January 1st, 1964
Newspaper photograph of Dominion Store in West Oxford to be included in Woostock’s
new city limits
Newspaper articles re. Woodstock annexation, and East Oxford looks for assessment aid
Newspaper article re. city’s annexation application and OMB fees (includes photograph
of highway 401 south of the city limits)
Newspaper articles re. Woodstock annexation (includes map) and report of F.H. Cade,
County Assessor and newly elected President of the Institute of Municipal Assessors
Newspaper articles re. text of Woodstock’s annexation report, June Session of Council
and hiring of a County constructor safety inspector
Programme for the visit of the County Councils of Elgin, Huron, Kent, Lambton,
Middlesex, Oxford, Perth, Wellington to the University of Western Ontario - 26 June
Newspaper articles re. pavements in Uniondale and Beachville and Council defers action
to hired a construction safety officer
Newspaper notice of the Weeds Control Act Section 3(1)
Newspaper article and photograph of County Councils visit to the University of Western
Ontario (Clifton Keels, Reed Menzies, Willard Mohr, A.D. Smith, K.C. Emerson,
Norman Hodgins, Shepard McCallum and Peter McDonald)
Newspaper photograph of F.A. Trott, Department of Labour and Warden Peter
Newspaper articles re. Woodstock Annexation and Oxford assessment rates, County must
hired a fiill-time construction safety officer, and a decision to be made on a County-wide
Emergency Measures Organization plan
Newspaper photograph of decoration services conducted by Branch 55 of the Royal
Legion (A.S. Badger, Rev. H.L. Parker, Frank Nancekivell and Dennis Hemsworth at the
Presbyterian Cemetery in Woodstock)
Newspaper articles re. new chairs for the Property Committee, Blenheim Township to
discard little red schoolhouses, County could be fined if they do not appoint a safety
inspector, planning Emergency Measures
Newspaper photograph of the Property Committee in “new” chairs (Reeve Alfred R.
Dickout, Reeve Lloyd Johnson, Reeve Leslie E. Force, Reeve Robert Rudy and Reeve
Russell Honsberger)
Newspaper articles re. Oxford Organizing EMO Group, death of Pope John XXIII, and
need for a new home for the aged in Woodstock
Newspaper article re. property committee presented with rickety wooden chairs as joke
(includes photographs of reeves in their “new” chairs: Alfred Dickout, John Lester, Lloyd
Johnson, Robert Rudy, and Russell Honsberger)
Page 41 Newspaper articles re. Ingersoll could lose part of its autonomy if County Councils
accepts a new sales tax procedure; Council Session including correspondence,
resolutions, Emergency Measures Organization, approval of road outlay, etc.;
Woodstock’s administration criticized at a civic design seminar; and death of Cecil F.
Cowell of Beachville
Newspaper article re. Auctioneer Milton E. Roth of Plattsville (includes photograph of
Milton E. Roth)
Page 42 Newspaper article re. muskrat pelts from Oxford County heading to Netherlands
(includes photograph of William Pargeter, manager of Reed’s Furriers)
Newspaper article re. life and death of E.P. Hodgins, former principal of Woodstock
Collegiate Institute (includes photograph of E.P. Hodgins)
Newspaper article re. drowning of Kenneth Wood of Ingersoll at Grand Bend (includes
photograph of Kenneth Wood)
Newspapers headline re. hailstones destroy tobacco crops
Page 43 Newspaper article re. death of former Reeve and Warden Harley R. McBeth - 19 July
1963 (includes photograph of Harley R. McBeth)
Newspaper articles re. life and death of Dereham Township Reeve Alfred R. Dickout
(includes photograph of Alfred R. Dickout)
Newspaper articles re. L.A. Hastings of Woodstock appointed director of sales for
General Motors Canada, oil has been struck in Verschoyle, and Emergency Measures
Organization and Council’s compulsory role in it
Newspaper photograph of workmen building the new bridge on the continuation of
Thames street north county road
Page 44 Newspaper articles re. easing of the Cold War and new look in civil defense, Woodstock
must join Emergency Measures Organization plan, cannons in front of the Court House,
municipal tax arrears rose to records high in 1962, road detours due to bridge and culvert
construction and obituary for Ernest C. Seltzer
Page 45 Newspaper article re. ultimatum to Ingersoll Police Chief to resign (includes photograph
of Chief Leslie J. Pengelly)
Newspaper article re. Oxford County to lose population to Brant during election due to
riding boundary
Newspaper photograph of Gordon Henry, Gordon Innes Liberal Standard Bearer, and
Elmer Sophia at nomination meeting at Central School
Newspaper photograph of James Shearer, W.A. Stewart, Gordon Pittock and James A.
Vance at Progressive Conservative nomination meeting
Page 46 Newspaper article re. accidents at the location of Thames Street North construction site
(includes photographs of barricade on Thames Street) - 1 August 1963
Newspaper article re. placement of County road warning signs and Ingersoll’s proposed
annexation of West Oxford Township
Newspaper photograph of “For Sale” signs placed in front of the Court House by
Page 47 Newspaper articles re. creation of an Oxford Emergency Measures Organization, Council
Councillor road tour, articles by historian Arthur Williams published in the Sentinel-
Review, exterior work on Court House, garage owned by Norwich Reeve Leslie Force
destroyed by fire, new road from Beachville to Governor’s road and Dereham Township
to install a water main under County Road 19d
Newspaper photograph of unveiling of historic plaque in front of Ingersoll’s town hall
(Stanley J. Smith, Mr. Justice A.E. Richardson and Winnifred William)
Page 48 Newspaper articles re. Ingersoll annexation, County Councillors tour road system, county
roads to be paved, appointment of Harry R. Armstrong as Reeve of Dereham Township
and paining of the Court House
Newspaper photograph of Alfred Flood repainting the Court House window frames
Page 49
Page 50
Page 51
Page 52
Page 53
Page 54
Page 55
Page 56
Newspaper articles re. Council Session including rejection of membership in the Lake
Erie Regional Development Association, Committee reports, resolutions, road work, etc.;
R.K. Coles to take on duties of father while L.K. Coles goes into the hospital for surgery;
appointment of safety officers; road work; and June Munro guest speaker at the annual
workshop of the Oxford County librarians
Newspaper article re. E.F. Martin promoted to corporal as part of the Woodstock
provincial police detachment (includes photograph of E.F. Martin)
Complimentary ticket for L.K. Coles and lady for the Woodstock Agricultural Society
Fair - 22-24 August 1963
Complimentary ticket for L.K. Coles and lady for the Tavistock Fall Fair - 6,7 September
Newspaper photograph of curve in County Road 6 between Beachville and Governor’s
Newspaper photograph of bridge on Thames street Oxford County Road now completed
Newspaper articles re. Oxford tourism and resignation of George Drew as Canadian High
Commissioner (includes photograph of George Drew)
Complimentary ticket for L.K. Coles for the Tillsonburg Tri-County Agricultural Society
Complimentaiy ticket for the Norwich Fall Fair - 20,21 September 1963
Newspaper photograph of Russell Brady, Gordon Pittock, Mrs. Gen Monteith(?) and
Wallace Nesbitt following the provincial election
Newspaper photograph of Gordon Pittock being congratulated on Provincial election win
by Gordon Innes and Russell Brady
Newspaper photograph of meeting with the Provincial Premier (Gordon Pittock, Vernon
Cuthbert, Wallace Nesbitt, Jack Donmoyer and Premier John Robarts)
Newspaper listing of Oxford voting results
Programme for the Canadian Good Roads Association Forty-fourth Convention Annual
Dinner - 1 October 1963
Canadian Good Roads Association Membership card for L.K. Coles - 1963
His and Her tickets for the 44th Convention of the Canadian Good Roads Association -
30 September - 3 October 1963
Programme for the Ladies for the Forty-fourth Convention of the Canadian Good Roads
Association - 30 September - 3 October 1963
Programme for the Forty-fourth Annual Convention of the Canadian Good Roads
Association - 30 September - 3 October 1963
Invitation to a social function from the President and Directors of the Ontario Good
Roads Association - 1 October 1963
Menu for the Canadian Good Roads Association Convention(?)
Invitation to L.K. Coles from MRs. Enrick F. Willis for a reception - 1 October 1963
Invitation to a cocktail party - 2 October 1963
Newspaper articles re. County’s student award winners, Hon. Justice King commended
County of being free of serious crime, appraisers training course, and map being prepared
by Woodstock city manager
Newspaper photograph of appraisers training course (C.D. Wright, A.B. Flory, J.K.
Pugsley and D.E. Willis)
Newspaper articles re. Library Co-operative may link Counties together, Robert Rudy
appointed Village Clerk-Treasurer for Tavistock, and newspaper headline re. Oxford
Newspaper article re. parched pasture land - 21 October 1963
Newspaper article re. annual workshop of Oxford County Librarians (includes
photograph of Mrs. S.L. Krompart, Miss June Munro, Miss Betty Crawford and Mrs.
William Bell)
Newspaper photograph of 12th Annual Blenheim Township Plowing Match on the farm
of Glenn Cruickshank (Warden Peter McDonald, Harry Armstrong, and Deputy Reeve
Percy J. Wettlaufer)
Newspaper articles re. Blenheim Plowing Match, Canadian Plowmen Championship,
open deer season, Woodstock annexation and International Plowing Match
Page 57
Page 58
Page 59
Page 60
Page 61
Page 62
Page 63
Page 64
Page 65
Newspaper photograph of plowing Wardens (Peter McDonald, Curtis Roth, Norman
Hodgins, Sheppard McCallum and Millard Haskett)
Newspaper articles re. County pupils win book review contest, and James Shearer Reeve
of Blandford retires
Newspaper photograph of 20th Annual Oxford County Plowing Match (W.C. Barrie, John
R. Hargreaves and Emerson Green)
Newspaper photograph of County Wardens at the Annual Warden’s Banquet held at
Parkhill High School (Norman Hodgins, Hon. W.A. Stewart, Willard Mohr, K.C.
Emerson, Curtis L. Roth, Peter McDonald, Shepherd McCallum, Walter Forbes and
Millard Haskell)
Newspaper article re. R.K. Coles named Deputy Clerk for County (includes photograph
of L.K. and R.K. Coles)
Newspaper articles re. drought, Robert Rudy resigns as Reeve to take post as Clerk-
Treasurer for Tavistock, and boiling or chlorinating water before consumption
Newspaper article re. County Speech Finals (includes photograph of Anne Coles
representing Ingersoll)
Newspaper photograph of annual St. Andrew’s Night Banquet of Zorra Caledonia society
of Embro (William Pearson, Lloyd Johnson and Robert Collins)
Newspaper advertisement re. death of John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Editorial re. assassination of J.F.K
Newspaper articles re. lowering water table in Oxford and Robert Rudy appointed the
new Tavistock Clerk-Treasurer
Invitation to the Official Opening of the Norfolk County Administration Building - 20
November 1963
Newspaper articles re. new Tavistock Pollution Control System, and a three way
agreement between the County, Woodstock and Ingersoll for financing expenses of joint
projects in the County
Newspaper photographs of official opening of the new municipal water pollution control
system in Tavistock (top photograph: Reeve Harold Wilker, Robert Rudy and A.M.
Snider cutting the ribbon; lower photograph: Gordon Pittock, A. Henderson and Peter
McDonald) - Woodstock Sentinel-Review-21 November 1963
Invitation and reply card for the Warden’s Dinner - 28 November 1963
Newspaper articles re. Annual Warden’s Dinner and Oxford Roads Budget
Newspaper article re. Warden’s Dinner (includes photograph of Mayor William B.
Dutton, Mrs. Dutton, Mrs. McDonald and Warden Peter McDonald)
Newspaper articles re. Safety Inspector, grant for Tillsonburg hospital, Wentworth
resolution concerning Counties subsidizing the operation of division courts, raise in wage
scale for County turnkeys and County road budget
Newspaper photograph of annual councilors dinner with wives (County Clerk-Treasurer
L.K. Coles, Mrs. Coles, Mrs. McDonald and Warden Peter McDonald)
Newspaper article re. Annual Warden’s Dinner and well known guest speaker Joseph
Connell (includes photograph of Mayor W.B. Dutton, Mrs. McDonald, Warden Peter
McDonald and Gordon Pittock) - 29 November 1963
Newspaper articles re. County construction safety officer, plan to do away with planning
boards, new five year cost sharing agreement between the County, Woodstock and
Ingersoll on operation of shared county services and grant for Tillsonburg District
Memorial Hospital expansion
Newspaper articles re. need for County Safety Inspector and Kent County war on
blackbirds and starlings
Newspaper photograph of members of County Council presenting the Warden with a gift
of appreciation (Reeve J. Alex Henderson, George P. Molnar, Warden Peter McDonald,
James Shearer, and George Wallace)
Newspaper photograph of Warden Peter McDonald being presented a movie projector by
Reeve James Shearer and Deputy-Reeve George P. Molnar
Page 66
Page 67
Page 68
Page 69
Page 70
Page 71
Page 73
Newspaper articles re. speed limit in the Province’s school zones, Norwich voters elect
Leslie E. Force to position of Village Reeve, and Magistrate R.G. Groom misses court
Newspaper photograph of Scholarship Awards Banquet for the Ontario Agricultural
College, Ontario Veterinary College and MacDonald Institute (Peter McDonald, Miss
J.V. Armstrong, A.L. Cohoe, R.G. Wilson, H.F.R. Humphrey, L.D. Sararus and B.C.
Newspaper articles re. hiring safety inspector, Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital
expansion grant, speed limit in school zones and bursaries awarded to students attending
the University of Western Ontario
Newspaper photograph of Noel Tolley and Mrs. Bernadette Smith admiring historical
album donated to the Oxford Museum
Newspaper photograph of George Wallace, elected President of the Ingersoll Branch of
Whole Milk Producers Association
Newspaper photograph of Scholarship Awards Banquet for the Ontario Agricultural
College, Ontario Veterinary College and MacDonald Institute (Peter McDonald, Miss
J.V. Armstrong, A.L. Cohoe, R.G. Wilson, H.F.R. Humphrey, L.D. Sararus and B.C.
Main) - Woodstock Sentinel-Review - 9 December 1963
Newspaper articles re. historical album of Woodstock donated to the museum,
Tillsonburg gaining extra votes at Council, and the buckthorn battle
Newspaper map of new boundaries for Woodstock following annexation
Newspaper photograph of representatives from across the province at County Court
House to discuss the establishment of a regional co-operative library (Mrs. J.A. Wallace,
Don A. MacKay, W.A. Roedde, and Charles D. Kent)
Newspaper articles re. CNR station closing at Drumbo and Princeton, Oxford-Brant
Watershed Plan and credit cards and other things in pockets will eventually spoil the
shape and fit of a suit
Newspaper photograph of Charles Beagley of Embro with strawberry from his garden,
picked in October
Newspaper photograph of annual meeting of the Ingersoll Branch of Ontario Whole Milk
Producers’ Association (Ernest Gamer, George Wallace and Frank Caffyn)
Newspaper articles re. possible Dairy Museum for Oxford, and salaries for Waterloo and
Kitchener councilors
Invitation to the Dedication of the Garden City Skyway - 15 November 1963
Invitation to a Preview and Reception of the Ontario Government Exhibit at the Canadian
National Exhibition in the Ontario Government Building - 15 August 1963
Invitation to Dinner at the Exhibits Building, Paris Fair Grounds - 20 November 1963
Invitation to the Warden’s Dinner, Kitchener - 27 November 1963
Invitation to attend a Civic Luncheon, St Catharines - 15 November 1963
County of Oxford Handbook - 1963
Invitation to the Oxford County Junior Farmers Annual at Home - 27 December 1963
Programme for the Warden’s Dinner - 28 November 1963
Newspaper articles listing events 10 years ago, 15 years ago and 25 years ago