Len Coles Scrapbook Index 1968Leu Coles Foods Leu Coles’ Scrapbook Index 1968 Page 1 Newspaper article re. election of 1968 Warden (includes photographs of Glen Kitchen, Gordon Aspden and John Hofstetter) Newspaper photograph of newly elected Warden Gordon Kitchen and his family: Maijorie, Brian, Mrs. Kitchen and Dorothy Jean Page 2 Newspaper articles re. Warden’s election (includes photographs of Gordon Aspden, John Hofstetter, Glen Kitchen, and Carl Sackrider) Newspaper articles re. death of former Clerk-Treasurer of South Norwich Township Herbert Kellet Parson, municipal electors in the County, Devonshire Avenue now open to traffic, and province taking over the cost of administration of justice Newspaper headline re. South Norwich Township’s opposition to the Otter Creek Dam Project Page 3 Newspaper photograph of new County Councillors being given outline of Council activities (Kenneth Pollard, James F. Jones, W. Archie Longworth, Albert E. Cornwall, William Ducklow, Philip Buckrell, William J. Martin, Rowland Rutherford, Bruce M. McCall and Lavergne H. Sibbick) Newspaper photograph of Annual Meeting of the Ingersoll and District Chamber of Commerce (John McBridge, Mayor G.B. Henry, Mayor J.F. Hutchison, Hon. R.M. Granger and Oxford Warden Glen Kitchen) Page 4 Newspaper articles re. new Warden Glen Kitchen (includes photograph of Glen Kitchen), rabies reported in the County, provincial government assumed control of jails and Oxford County jail employees, passing of London Mayor Gordon Stronach, passing of former Governor-General Vincent Massey (includes photograph of Vincent Massey) and flu outbreak in the County Page 5 Newspaper photograph of the construction site of Woodingford Lodge Newspaper article by Peter Krien re. Woodstock City Council and the roads issue within the Province Page 6 Newspaper articles re. Warden Glen Kitchen’s opposition to the proposed Regional Government Plan (includes photograph of Glen Kitchen), Council considers resolution for the formation of a Canada-wide Sports Week and Council appoints members to Committees Newspaper photograph of Township roads reeling under effects of Winter storm Page 7 Newspaper articles re. County Boards of Education, rabies outbreak and Robert Rudy elected Chairman of the Oxford County Library Board Newspaper photograph of Warden Glen Kitchen and Mrs. A.W. Bickell receiving influenza booster shots from Dr. G.Q. Sutherland Page 8 Newspaper articles re. Warden’s election (including photographs of Gordon Aspden, Glen Kitchen, Carl Sackrider, and John Hoftsetter), proposed free rabies vaccination for pets, and drinking fountain on main floor of the Court House deemed most refreshing water in Woodstock Newspaper photograph of the Official Re-Opening of the Curries Community Hall (Ken Peers, Len Gamer, Warden Glen Kitchen, Gordon Innes, Mac Logan, Ron Swance, Jean Edwards and Gerry Row) Page 9 Newspaper articles re. Regional government, no increase for County Mill Rate, Public Health Inspector Joseph Griffith completes the Senior Sewage Works Operators Course, and County School Board plan Page 10 Newspaper articles re. provincial governments county-sized school board plan (includes photographs of Dr. Bruce Halliday and Deputy Minister Jack McCarthy), Professor Coles of Woodstock named director of studies for Prince Charles at Cambridge University (includes photograph of Prof. John Coles), Oxford appoints County committees and proposed free rabies vaccination clinics for dogs and cats Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Newspaper articles re. abolition of school boards in the County in favour of one County Board, Oxford rabies clinics for pets, County Council to assist financially with the renovations of the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital, and Woodstock approves rise in the ambulance service grant Newspaper articles re. free rabies clinics for animals, members of County Council to attend the Association of Rural Municipalities Convention, Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital’s request for County grant, and the 20th Anniversary of the Oxford Museum (includes photograph of Curator Aid. Bernadette Smith standing by museum displays) Newspaper articles re. County School Board, natural gas well drilled on the farm of Earl Chesney on lot 3 concession 7 of Blandford, and Oxford Zone meeting of the Lake Erie Regional Development Council and the government’s plan to create County sized school boards (includes photographs of Stanley Gehring and William Ducklow) Newspaper photograph of newly elected officers of the Oxford County Junior Farmers (Alex Steele, John McMillen, Ross McCorquodale and Warden Glen Kitchen) Newspaper articles re. per capita gross budget of the Oxford Health Unit, concern that education standards may be lowered under County-sized School Boards, County population, increase in rabies concern for pet owners, and Oxford Health Unit and the Woodstock Board of Education may share the services of a psychologist Newspaper articles re. Woodstock expansion and the future of East Oxford, and Nancy Greene wins Canada’s fist gold medal at the Winter Olympics at Grenoble, France (includes photograph of Nancy Greene) Newspaper articles re. Tillsonburg assessment, wolves seen and heard around Mt. Elgin (includes photograph of Carl Sackrider and bagged wolf), Province to drop the fox bounty and formation of a County-sized School Board Name tag for L.K. Coles for the Ontario Good Roads Association 1968 Convention Director’s ribbon for the 74th Anniversary Convention of the Ontario Good Roads Association - 26-28 February 1968 Invitation to the Annual Banquet of the Ontario Good Roads Association - 28 February 1969 Invitation to a Reception of the Ontario Good Roads Association - 28 February 1969 Newspaper articles re. fox bounty to be dropped, CPHI Inspector Murray Crawford attended a TV Radio Workshop, extra rabies vaccine needed in the County and an advertisement for applications for the position of Weed Inspector Ticket to the Oxford Jersey Breeders Banquet & Dance - 8 March 1968 Newspaper articles re. planned county school system (includes photograph of Bernard Calder) and a request by East Oxford for a compensation payment from Woodstock for lands annexed in 1964 Newspaper notice re. free anti-rabies vaccination clinics to be held February 26-29* Newspaper photograph of Bishop James Wilson heading into trial Newspaper articles re. negotiations with Fanshawe College to locate affiliate at former County Home for the Aged, extra free rabies clinic to be held in Plattsville Newspaper articles re. old County Home for the Aged may become a permanent affiliate of Fanshawe Colleges (includes photograph of the Home for the Aged), and trustees from five counties to meet with the Education Minister in Tavistock (includes photographs of Dr. Bruce Halliday and William Davis Newspaper notice re. anti-rabies vaccination clinics in Plattsville on March 14th Newspaper advertisement for correctional officers required Newspaper articles re. Ontario Education Minister defends County Boards plan and gas leak taints water wells at Innerkip Newspaper advertisement for tenders for supplies, materials and maintenance services for the County of Oxford Newspaper headline re. two-year term for Tavistock Councillors Newspaper legal notices re. passing bylaws concerning the diverting of roads in North Oxford and West Oxford Townships Newspaper photograph of John and Mary Wilson leaving the Court House after sentencing along with Attorney Martin Kerbel and Det.-Sgt. Jeff Cooper 2 Newspaper photograph of construction work on the John N. Meathrell Bridge, west of Ingersoll Page 23 Newspaper articles re. costs of Blossom Park School, Oxford Children’s Aid Society requests grant from County, ten-year County Roads Study and the Report on County Roads Needs Study Page 24 Newspaper articles re. Oxford budget, roads budget, annual report of the Oxford Health Unit including cases of vernal disease, fraud trial of Bishop Frederick and planned addition at Blossom Park School Page 25 Newspaper articles re. County taxes, hospital grants, road needs study and the Woodstock School Board replaced by County sized boards of education Newspaper photograph of the Oxford County Council Finance Committee (L.K. Coles, J.F. Jones, M.L. MacKay, John Hoftsetter, Bruce Amos and Bruce McCall) Page 26 Newspaper articles re. meeting of the Ingersoll and District Community Services Association and County Home outline (includes photograph of Mike Knott and members of the Ingersoll and District Community Services Association), possible Pioneer Village for Norwich, Ontario’s award winning Expo film “A Place to Stand” to be viewed by students at College Avenue Secondaiy School and passing of Thomas Pye Page 27 Newspaper photograph of Sue Watts receiving TB test needle by Dr. G.Q. Sutherland Newspaper articles re. fraud trial of John Wilson and Bernard Calder elected Chairman of the Oxford Interim School Education Committee Invitation to a Reception hosted by Mayor William Dennison and Council of the City of Toronto in honour of representatives of Municipalities attending Mid-Term Meeting of the Ontario Counties Association Invitation to the Annual Dinner Meeting of the Children’s Aid Society of Oxford County -27 March 1968 Page 28 Newspaper articles re. Tillsonburg and County-sized School Board, death of Thomas Pye, and construction schedule for new Woodingford lodge (includes photograph of construction site) Page 29 Newspaper articles re. Past Presidents night of the Kiwanis Club, date set for the new County school plan, Prince Charles and Professor John Coles, passing of former North Oxford Township Clerk Annie Seldon, Oxford tax rate and Martin Luther King murdered in Memphis (includes photograph of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.) Page 30 Newspaper articles re. problems facing new County School Boards, psychologist to be shared with the Oxford Health Unit and the Board of Education, and meeting of the Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario Newspaper photograph of a meeting of area assessors held at the County Court House (Gerry Dunlop, Fred Cade, C.C. Brickner, J.J. Fejes and J.W. Kehn) Newspaper photograph of Bumice McAllister at the Salford Feed Mill Page 31 Newspaper articles re. former Woodstock Mayor Trevor Slater appointed to the Woodstock Suburban Roads Commission, expansion of the Fisher Governor Company, East Oxford loses bid for annexation compensation, brief concerning tax exemptions endorsed by the Ontario Association of Assessing Officers (includes photograph of Jack Lettner, Richard Yeoman, J.J. Fejes, and Fred Cade) and final Woodstock Council Meeting at the old city hall (includes photograph of the old Woodstock City Hall) Page 32 Newspaper articles re. East Oxford’s compensation claim against the city of Woodstock rejected by the Ontario Municipal Board and measles vaccine clinic Newspaper photograph of a tour of the County Court House by the scouts of the 9th Woodstock troop, St. Rita’s Roman Catholic Church (Robert Duivenvoorde, Bradley Watling, Danny Hutchinson and L.K. Coles) Membership card for the Ontario School Trustees’ and Municipal Councillors’ Association Inc. for the County of Oxford -1968 Page 33 Newspaper articles re. increasing penalties on tax arrears (includes photograph of I. J. Haines, L.K. Coles, Mrs. N.M. Holdsworth, and D.J. Date), Dan MacMillan and Mike Bragg named Public Health Inspectors, tuberculin testing in secondary schools completed, and settlement of strike at Canada Sand Papers in Plattsville Newspaper headline re. tobacco acreage quotas 3 Page 34 Newspaper articles re. Interim School Organization Committee and implications of the County School Board system in Oxford County, striking sheet metal workers halting construction at Woodingford Lodge (includes photograph of Ted Benton and Joe Carroll), and proposed addition to Ingersoll District Collegiate Institute Newspaper headlines re. North Oxford Township taxes and Tavistock taxes Page 35 Newspaper articles re. proposed addition to Ingersoll District Collegiate Institute voted down, and L.K. Coles shows Oxford County slides at College Ave. Secondary School (includes photograph of Len Coles) Newspaper photograph of Reeve William Ducklow Newspaper photograph of a Department of Tourism and Information Assembly at Woodstock College Avenue Secondary School (Chris George, F.J. Martin, Paul Blake and Leonard Coles) Page 36 Newspaper articles re. sheet metal workers strike and work on Woodingford Lodge and the new nurses’ residence of Woodstock General Hospital, interim agreement between a Brantford Sub-contractor and Local 473 International Sheet Metal Workers, Woodstock to have four trustees on the new County Board of Education and newspaper advertisement for the position of Clerk-Treasurer for the Township of South Norwich Page 37 Newspaper advertisement outlining the 1968 Oxford County Council Page 38 Newspaper articles re. formation of a County Board of Education, Glaucoma Clinic, special meeting of Oxford County Council to consider establishment of 10 wards for the new Oxford County Board of Education, and Reginald R. Day elected president of the Oxford Ex-Warden’s Association Newspaper photograph of annual meeting of the Oxford Ex-Warden’s Association (George Hollier, Reginald Day, William Chesney and Cecil Riddle) Page 39 Newspaper articles re. County Board of Education ward boundaries (includes map) Page 40 Newspaper articles re. tea and bazaar sponsored by the Auxiliary to the Oxford County Home for the Aged (includes photograph of D.F. Knott, Mrs. J.C. Smith, Mrs. Kenneth Hildreth, Mrs. Knott and Mrs. Lome Richardson), 10 Year Road Needs Study and construction of Woodingford Lodge stopped by striking sheet metal workers Newspaper photograph of the Women of the Moose making a cheque presentation to Woodingford Lodge (Mrs. J.E. Jones, Mrs. Ernie Kam, Mrs. Sid Garbutt, Mrs. Ralph Murray, Mrs. Thomas Waugh and D.F. “Mike” Knott) Page 41 Newspaper photographs of Beachville students visiting the Court House (left photograph: Bob Blanchard and Jeff Burt; right photograph: Garry Dykstra) Newspaper article re. “loan with prize” business and newspaper headline re. East Zorra Township and Tavistock annexation talk Invitation to the Opening Ceremonies of an extension to the Elis Perrin Williams Memorial Building in London - 26 April 1968 Programme for the visit of the County Councils of Elgin, Huron, Kent, Lambton, Middlesex, Oxford, Perth and Wellington to the University of Western Ontario - 19 June 1968 Page 42 Newspaper advertisement outlining the 1968 Oxford County Council Page 43 Newspaper articles re. approval by Oxford County Municipalities of ward divisions for the proposed County Board of Education, dentist shortage, Merlin Howse named Clerk- Treasurer for the Township of South Norwich, Ingersoll’s share in the construction of the new County Home, and feasibility of establishing a County-wide welfare unit Newspaper photograph of finished J.N. Meathrell Bridge open for traffic Membership card for L.K. Coles to the Canadian Good Roads Association - 1968 Ticket for the Ingersoll District Chamber of Commerce Rural Urban - Ladies Night - 4 June 1968 Page 44 Newspaper photograph of Woodstock IODE chapters presenting lights to Woodingford Lodge (Mrs. James V. Cook, Mrs. Norman Munnoch, Warden Glen Kitchen, G. Duncan Black, Mrs. Hany Goff, and Mrs. Albert Downing) Newspaper articles re. tax assessment hike, Blenheim Township request to join the Oxford Planning Board and Len Coles Historical Notes (includes photograph of Len Coles) 4 Page 45 Newspaper photograph of present of lighting fixtures to Woodingford Lodge by the IODE (Mrs. A.V. Downing, Mrs. Norman Munnoch, Glen Kitchen, G. Duncan Black, Mrs. Harry Goff and Mrs. J.V. Cook) Newspaper article re. area Welfare System, newspaper headline re. weather and crops and newspaper advertisement for bricklayers wanted for the Oxford County Home Newspaper photograph of Roy Bigham of Woodstock placing first long distance call (Reeve J.C. Smith, Mayor James Hutchinson, Mayor Gordon Henry, and Stu Rolfe) Newspaper photograph of unknown women christening boat Page 46 Newspaper photograph of County Home construction Newspaper articles re. Medical Officer of Health stressed the need for immunization shots, Blenheim Township joins the Oxford County Planning area, and proposed County­ wide welfare unit Newspaper listing of federal election results in Oxford County Page 47 Newspaper photograph of Wallace Nesbitt about to get a ride on the shoulders of his supporters following election win Newspaper articles re. proposed Oxford-wide welfare plan, Federal election win for Wallace Nesbitt, Tavistock gets approval for annexation, and witness fees in the County of Oxford Page 48 Newspaper articles re. Annual Zorra Games (includes photograph of pipers), Theodore S. Caldwell avoids speeding charge, A.M. Spriet and Associates awarded contract for 10- year County road and bridges need study, proposed County welfare unit, South Norwich Township request to have two roads includes in the County network and justice administration and County legal claims Ticket to a Dinner Dance honouring the retirement of Staff Sgt. B.C. (Burt) Moore held by the Officers and Staff of the Ontario Provincial Police, Woodstock Detachment - 27 June 1968 Page 49 Newspaper articles re. Thamesford’s application for incorporation, diphtheria in London, road contracts awarded to Lewis Construction Company and McLean and Foster Limited, OMB hearing in Folden’s Comers to discuss John Dzus’ plan to subdivide part of his farm property, and Tavistock annexation Newspaper notice re. The Weed Control Act Section 3(1) Page 50 Newspaper articles re. new County Library (includes photograph of library staff), Mae Haviland charged with failing to yield the right of way, and Warwick Marshall authorized to engage George L. Mitchell to work with him on annexation proceedings Newspaper photograph of Lt. Gov. Ross Macdonald officially open the Fair Prize list for 1968 includes photographs of J. Bruce Amos, Warden Glen Kitchen, Mayor J.F. Hutchinson and W.B. Wallace Page 51 Newspaper articles re. Woodstock to assume the staff workload and expense of smoothing the way for the formation of the Oxford County School Board, annexation and tender for fuel oil for the Court House and one adjacent building Newspaper photographs of the Canada Cement Plant on Governor’s road and precipitate deposit on car parked Page 52 Complimentary ticket to the Woodstock Agricultural Fair - 20-24 August 1968 Newspaper articles re. County Board of Education composition (includes photographs of Mayor J.F. Hutchinson and Mayor Gordon Henry), bookmobile, allegations that the Tavistock Police Department is being run like the mafia and Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Forbes celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary (includes photograph of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Forbes) Page 53 Newspaper articles re. Hotel owner’s claim that the Tavistock Police is being run like the mafia (includes photograph of Mica Todorvic, co-owner of the Arlington Motor Hotel), pheasants released in the County, Thamesford’s application for incorporation and Otterville library Page 54 Newspaper articles re. administrative organization for the new County Board of Education, increased cost shares of addition to Blossom Park School, County-welfare system, plumbing inspectors attend the Ontario Plumbing Inspectors Association conference, Health Unit resumes baby clinics, County Home project delayed due to 5 Page 55 Page 56 Page 57 Page 58 Page 59 Page 60 Page 61 Page 62 Page 63 Page 64 weather conditions, York Parkers purchased land in East Oxford Township, flu bug, and Nursing Home safety standards Newspaper articles re. Michael Bechely heading the County of Education Board’s newly formed psychological services department (includes photograph of Michael Bechely), child health clinic to be held in Beachville and special clinics for senior citizens to resume Programme for the 49th Annual Convention of the Ontario Association of Homes for the Aged - 16-19 September 1968 Newspaper articles re. geographic distribution of separate school trustees on the new county-wide separate school board (includes photograph of R.F. Bomhold), addition to Alexandra Hospital, Warden Glen Kitchen to open 6yj Annual Com Day, 25th Annual Oxford Plowing Match, and the annual immunization program Newspaper photograph of craft class at the Oxford County Home for the Aged (Lilly Wilkie, Ernie Brittain, Mrs. J.R. Stevely and Mrs. Kenneth Hildreth) Newspaper articles re. Oxford Separate School Board, Alexandra Hospital seeking addition money for addition, and pheasant hunting in the County Newspaper photograph of Warden Glen Kitchen, Ken Webster, Bruce Amos, and Gordon Aspden Newspaper headline re. OWRC causing delay in Embro Newspaper articles re. County grants increased for additions to Alexandra Hospital and the school of the Woodstock and District Association for the Mentally Retarded, Blossom Park addition, events at the County Home for the Aged, additions to Alexandra Hospital and the first annual meeting of the Woodstock Community Services Council Newspaper photograph of Mayor Brian Jones of Tillsonburg and wife at the Ingersoll Cheese and Wine Tasting Party Newspaper articles re. Oxford Council approves County Welfare System, and nomination of trustees for new County Board of Education Newspaper photograph of Stewart Erskine removing deteriorating base underneath cannon in front of the Court House Newspaper article re. Woodingford Lodge (includes photograph of finished Woodingford Lodge) Newspaper photograph of Warden Glen Kitchen speaking at the opening the Annual Oxford County Com Day in Embro Newspaper articles re. Woodstock City Council invited to join in a County-wide welfare plan, oil production in the County, Oxford Librarians’ Workshop, and Oxford Warden defeated in plowing match test Newspaper photograph of N.J. (Nick) Meathrell snipping the ribbon to officially open new bridge named after him Newspaper articles re. tour of the Oxford County Home Board through Woodingford Lodge, immunization program scheduled for Oxford, Woodstock considering joining the County welfare Unit, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce to hold accounts of the new Oxford County Separate School Board, Robert F. Nixon to speak at the Warden’s Banquet, Western Ontario farmers taking protest to Ottawa, and official opening of the J.N. Meathrell Bridge (includes photograph of Wayne Arnott, Alwyn Patience, Gordon W. Innes, Mr. Meathrell, Bruce Amos and Warden Glen Kitchen) Newspaper articles re. Woodstock to join County Welfare Unit, Health Unit inspections of new homes being built in the County, road and bridge contracts awarded to London, Walkerton and Stratford, and former Tavistock Reeve Andrew Baechler to be honoured with a plaque Newspaper photograph of construction machinery used for digging ditches on the site of the new Woodingford Lodge Newspaper articles re. County School Board Plans praised by the Regional Superintendent of Education, passing of Norwich Reeve Leslie Emerson Force (includes photograph of Leslie E. Force), objection to Ingersoll Public Library joining the County Library System, first meeting of the new Oxford Divisional Board of Education and Notice of an Application of the City of Woodstock to dispense with a vote of the electors 6 Page 65 Page 66 Page 69 Page 70 Page 71 Page 72 Page 73 Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Newspaper photograph of exterior work on the Woodingford Lodge home for the aged Newspaper articles re. passing of former West Zorra Reeve Harold W. Kipp (includes photograph of Harold W. Kipp) and area rural libraries receive vital transfusion from the Oxford County Library (includes photograph of the exterior of the County Library) Newspaper articles re. School Board Trustees nomination day and places set for Oxford Wards and statistics from Scarborough concerning the incidence of tooth decay since fluoridation Programme for the Ninth Annual Convention of the Association of Ontario Counties - 27-30 October 1968 Invitation to a special dinner meeting re. the development of telephone service in Ingersoll and vicinity. - 27 November 1968 Newspaper articles re. Annual Warden’s Banquet and talk by Robert Nixon, Ontario Liberal leader (includes photograph of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kitchen, Elgin County Warden A. Bruce McCallum, Waterloo County Warden T.H. Isley, Middlesex County Warden Fraser Harris, and Brant County Warden S.G. Hodge) Invitation and reply card for the Warden’s Dinner - 28 November 1968 Invitation to a social hour following the Warden’s Dinner at the Recreational Hall, Woodstock Fairgrounds - 28 November 1968 Programme for the Warden’s Dinner - 28 November 1968 Newspaper articles re. nominees contesting 10 seats outside Woodstock and Ingersoll wards on the Oxford Divisional Board of Education, County amalgamation of services including formation of a County-wide welfare unit, Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital achieved accreditation and Warden’s Dinner (includes photograph of Warden Glen Kitchen, Robert Nixon and Gordon Innes) Newspaper articles re. municipal elections slated in Oxford, West Oxford Reeve Bruce Amos seeks Warden’s chair, Oxford considering County welfare plan, and winners in County Library book review contest Magazine photograph of a structural plates CSP being backfilled for a street extension in Tillsonburg Newspaper photograph of retiring County Councillors (Allan Littlejohns, Murray Older, James Jones, Philip Buckrell, Alwyn Patience, J.C. Smith, Bruce McCall and Carl Sackrider) Newspaper articles re. Hong Kong flu and Tavistock Reeve Bill Ducklow’s views on Christmas (includes photograph of Bill Ducklow) Newspaper photograph of Councillors at final session of Council (Reeve Alwyn Patience, Warden Glen Kitchen, Reeve J.C. Smith, Reeve Allen Littlejohns and Reeve Murray Older) Newspaper photograph of Woodingford Lodge under construction Newspaper articles re. regional government study for the County and sanding truck driven by William Van Well rolled over Newspaper photograph of L.K. Coles presenting Warden Glen Kitchen with the first reprinted copy of the 1852 Oxford Gazetteer Invitation to die Woodstock City Council Civic Reception - 11 December 1968 Newspaper articles re. issues surrounding the County welfare system and West Oxford Reeve Bruce Amos to run for Warden’s Chair (includes photograph of Bruce Amos) Newspaper article re. W. Bernard Calder and Muriel Bishop named chairman and vice- chairman of the Oxford County Board of Education (includes photograph of Muriel Bishop) - The Daily Sentinel-Review - 10 December 1968 Newspaper articles re. Beachville Reeve J.C. Smith not seeking re-election (includes photograph of J.C. Smith), George A. Simmons named director of education and secretary while Earl Gildner named business administrator and treasurer for the Board of Education (includes photographs of George Simmons and Earl Gildner) and County continues fox bounty Newspaper articles re. Township Council elections (includes photographs of James Fleming and Medford Clarke), Oxford votes select member of new County Education 7 Board and Fred H. Cade appointed County Assessment Commissioner (includes photographs of Fred Cade) Page 77 Newspaper articles re. retiring Warden Glen Kitchen, Oxford County Official Plan could be approved, and wolf population increases Newspaper photograph of Mrs. Sylvia Reid and Donna Matheson review the role of family court clerk Page 78 Newspaper photograph of Santa Claus visiting the County Home for the Aged Newspaper articles re. Oxford drainage projects and the inaugural meetings of the new Oxford County Board of Education and the Oxford Roman Catholic Separate School Board Page 79 Newspaper article re. Apollo 8 mission (Woodstock-Ingersoll - 27 December 1968) Newspaper articles re. recount of votes following Dereham Reeve election, Medford Clark wins Dereham Township Reeve election (includes photograph of Medford Clarke) and Oxford County seeking administrative personnel to operate Welfare Unit Newspaper advertisement for positions of Welfare Administrator, Welfare Field Worker, Secretary and Bookkeeper Page 80 Newspaper articles re. inaugural meetings for County municipalities, Oxford seeking staff for new Welfare Unit and Dereham Township election recount (includes photographs of Medford Clarke and Carl Sackridger) Newspaper advertisement for positions of Welfare Administrator, Welfare Field Worker, Secretary and Bookkeeper County of Oxford Handbook - 1968 Page 81 Invitation and ticket for the Waterloo County Warden’s Dinner - 13 November 1968 Page 83 Newspaper articles listing events 10 years ago, 15 years ago and 25 years ago 8