3215 To amend By-Law 2997, being a by-law to regulate traffic and the parking of motor vehicles in the Town of Tillsonburg.THS CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG BY-LAW No.3215 A BY-LAW to amend By -Law 2997, being a by-law to regulate traffic and the parking of motor vehicles in the Town of Tillsonburg. WHERAS it is deemed necessary and expedient to amend By -Law 2997. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg as follows: 1. That Schedule 1 of Bylaw 2997 -No Stopping -be amended as follow: Highway Side From To Time or Day Brock St.E Both Harvey St 23 m West of Anytime Harvey St. Harvey St. West 39.5 m 41.8 m South Anytime South of of Bridge St. Bridge St. Harvey St. West 67.7 m 79.3 m Anytime South of Bridge Ridout St.E. North Harvey St. Broadway Anytime 2. That Schedule 2 of Bylaw 2997 -Prohibited Parking be amended as follows: COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Delete HIGH WAY SIDE FROM TO TIME OR DAY Ridout St.E North Harvey Broadway No Parking Anytime Rolph St. East Concession St. Bear St. No Parking Anytime Rolph St. East Bear St. Wolf St. No Parking Anytime COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Addition HIGHWAY SIDE FROM TO TIME OR DAY Brock St. E South Harvey St. 16.9 m East No Parking of Harvey St. Anytime Broadway West Washington Grand Venison St.W South Broadway 37.9 m South No Parking of Washington Anytime Grand West Limit No Parking Anytime Rolph St. East 24.9 m South 66.7 m South No Parking Harvey St. West of Wolf St. of Wolf St. Anytime Rolph St. East North side of 61 m North No Parking Wolf St. of Wolf St. Anytime Rolph St. East 27 m South of 35.3 m South No Parking Bear St. of Bear St. Anytime Woodcock Drive West North St. 113.5 m North No Parking Rolph St. East 66.7 m of Wren Court Anytime Lisgar Avenue North 50.7 m West 65.1 m West No Parking of Van Norman Van Norman Anytime Rolph St. East Drive Drive 2 hrs 9am-6pm Lisgar Avenue North 117.4 m West 131.7 m West No Parking Of Van Norman of Van Norman Anytime Drive Drive Lisgar Avenue North 186.5 m West 201 m West No Parking Van Norman Van Norman Anytime Drive Drive 3. That Schedule 16 of Bylaw 2997- Pedestrian Crossovers be added to the following: HIGWAY LOCATION Broadway 25 m from South Side of Washington Grand to middle of Crosswalk. 4. That Schedule 5 of By -Law 2997 - Restricted Parking on Specified Streets be amended as follows: HIGHWAY SIDE FROM TO TIME OR DAYS Harvey St. West 24.6 m 83.9 m 30 Minutes South of South of Bridge St. Bridge St. Rolph St. East Wolf St. 24.9 m 2 hrs 9am-6pm South of except Sundays Wolf St. & Holidays Rolph St. East 66.7 m Bear St. 2 hrs 9am-6pm South of except Sundays Wolf St. & Holidays Rolph St. East Bear St. 27 m South 2 hrs 9am-6pm Of Bear St. except Sundays & Holidays Rolph St. East Bear St. Venison St. 2 hrs 9am-6pm West except Sundays & Holidays Bear St. South Rolph St. Bidwell St. 2 hrs 9am-6pm Except Sundays & Holidays Venison St.W North Rolph St. Bidwell St. 2 hrs 9am-6pm Except Sundays & Holidays 5. That Schedule 19 of Bylaw 2997 - Disabled Parking Spaces be amended, with the addition of the following: Highway SIDE LOCATION Harvey St. West 6th, 7th, 13th, 14th Space South Of Bridge St. COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Highway Side From To Harvey St. East 103.3 m North of 115.6 m North of of Brock St.E Brock St.E Rolph St. East 50.8 m North of 58 m North of Venison St. W Venison St.W. 6. No Parking in Unposted Locations That Section 9 (1) No Person shall park a vehicle in any of the following places during the specified times of Section (d) and (e) be amended from: 9 (1) (d) on a roadway or shoulder in front of a public or private driveway access or lane at anytime. Change to: 9 (1) (d) On a roadway or shoulder or in front of or within 1 m of a driveway or Janeway at anytime. 7. No Stopping That Section 8(2) No person shall stop a vehicle or any part of a vehicle in the following locations when appropriate signs have been erected and are on display, when signs are hereby authorized of Section (b) be amended from: 8 (2) (b ) within 20 meters of any intersection Change to: 8 (2) (b) within an intersection at anytime Delete 8 (2) (c) no stopping within 23 metres of Harvey St. on North Side and South side of Brock St.East. 8. THAT these amendments to B y -Law 2997 are hereby declared to be part of that By -Law as if written therein. 9. THAT this By -Law be passed pursuant to the Highway Traffic Act, and shall become effective upon enactment. Read a first and second time this 26th day of June, 2006. Read a third time, passed, signed, sealed and numbered 3215 this 10th day of July, 2006. j C 1 e Y�