3283 To authorize a Subdivision Agreement with Victoria Wood (Tillsonburg) GP INC. to allow for the development of lands described as Part of Lot 7 Concession 12 in the Town of Tillsonburg.THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG BY-LAW NUMBER 3283 A BY-LAW to authorize a Subdivision Agreement with Victoria Wood (Tillsonburg) GP INC. to allow for the development of lands described as Part of Lot 7 Concession 12 in the Town of Tillsonburg. WHEREAS The Town of 'Tillsonburg is desirous of entering into a Subdivision Agreement with Tillsonburg Del�ielopments Inc. for the development of lands described as Part of Lot 7, Concession 12 in the Town of Tillsonburg; THEREFORE the Council of the Town of Tillsonburg enacts as follows: I I ,HATSchedule"A" attached hereto -forms part of this by-law; I') THAI' the Mayor and Clerk be hereby authorized to execute the attached agreement marked as Schedule "A" on behalf of the Corporation of the Town offillsonburg. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 10"' DAY OF September, 2007. READ A 'T ZD AND FINAL TIME AND PASSED THIS 24"' DAY OF September, 2007. KIAY0IZ_-Step h.cn Molnar CLERK -Michael Grm,,cs "Down of Tillsonburg Subdivision Agreement PageIof' 19 TOWN OF TILLSONBURG SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT THIS AG REEM ENTriiade the .._f `` day of BETWEEN: VICrTORIA WOOD (TILLSONBURG) GP INC. hei-cinafter called the "Owner" OF Tf-IE FIRST PAR' -F -and- THF: CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG hereinafter called the ""own" OF Tf 1E SECOND PART -and- THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF OXFORD hcrcinaf-tc;r called the "County" OF '11-113 T1.1 I RD PART WHEREAS the Owner proposes to subdivide and register a Plan of Subdivision on lands described as Part of Lot 7, Concession 12, (fon-nerly Township of Dereham), AND Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 and part of Block A, Plan 1082, in the "Town ofTillsonburg, and described in Plan 41 R-7974 and described in box 6 of the Document General, as shown on a proposed Plan of Subdivision, dated May 24, 2006, as prepared by BSR & D Ontario Land Surveyors Lin -sited and appended as Schedule "A" to this Agreement; AND WI-IEREAS the draft plan of the land to be subdivided was approved by the County on Fc;bruary 14, 2007, under file 32..T-06005, and consists of 290 lots for single detached dwellings, 6 blocks for townhouses, 4 blocks for either townhouses or single detached dwellings, 6 blocks for walkways, 3 blocks for road widenings, 1 reserve block, 2 stormwater management blocks, 2 parkland blocks., 1 block to be conveyed to an adjacent property owner and 11 local streets; AND WHEREAS prior to the signing of the plan for registration by the County, certain conditions must be fulfilled. to the satisfaction of the Town, as set out in the draft conditions of approval dated February 22, 201;)7; AND WHEREAS this Agreement has been made a condition of approval by the County ofOxford and contains all the requircnierits, financial and otherwise of the Town regarding the construction of roads, installation of services, and drainage facilities, and any other matters pertaining to the development of the subdivision; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH THAT in consideration of the Town and the County approving the said proposed Plan of Subdivision and the covenants herci rafter expressed, the parties hereto covenant and agree one with the other as follows. L DEFINITIONS (a) "Owner" shall include the registered owner or owners in fee simple of the land for which the subdivision is proposed and/or their respective heirs, executors, Town of Tillsonburg Subdivision Agreement Page 2 of 19 administrators and assigns, and in addition to its accepted meaning, shall mean and include an individual, an association, a partnership, or an incorporated company and wherever the; singular is used herein it shall be construed as including the plural. (b) "C~ouncil" shall mean the Municipal Council of the Town of Tillsonburg. (c) "Hydro Company„ shall mean 'rillsonburg Hydro Inc. (d) "County" shall mean the Coil)()ration of the County of Oxford. (e) "Loll" shall include a "block". (f) "Registered Professional Engineer" shall mean a licensed Professional Engineer who calTies current Professional Liability Insurance and holds a current certificate of authorization issued by the Association of Professional Engineers of the Province of Ontario or is employed by a partnership or corporation authorized by the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario to offer professional engineering services to the public. (g) "This l)1an" shall mean the Plan of Subdivision annexed to this Agreement and marked Schedule "A". (h) "Residential Design Criteria" arc the design criteria approved for residential subdivisions by the Council of the Town of Tillsonburg under By-law No. 315 .3, on April 25, 2005, and any amendments thereto. 2. I NCUNT ES'TAB 1 I_ATV The Owner will not call into question directly or indirectly in any proceeding whatsoever In law or in equity or before any administrative or other tribunal the right of the Town and the County to enter into this Agreement and to enforce each and every term, covenant and condition thereof. This provision may be pleaded by the Town or the County in any such action or proceeding as a complete and conclusive estoppel of any dchnlal or such right. 3. CONSULTING ENGINEERS (a' The Owner- agrees to retain a Registered Professional Engineer as the Consulting Engineer of the Owner to carry out all the necessary engineering and supervise the work required to be done for the development of the subdivision. Such Consulting Engineer or a successor thereto, shall continue to be retained until the work provided for in this Agreement is completed and formally accepted by the Town and the County. The Owncr shall notify the Town of Tillsonburg in writing, regarding who the Engineer of Record is for the completion of the entire project. (b) The Owncr agrees that in the preparation of contract plans and specifications, the Consulting Engineer will follow the following procedures all at the cost of the Owner.: (i) Design all the works covered by this Agreement. (i i) I''rcparc plans, profiles, and specifications for the said works and to submit detailed plans, profiles and specifications to the Town and/or the County for approval prior to the installation of such works; (iii) Obtain, in conjunction with the Town and/or the County, all the necessary approvals required prior to the construction of the said works; (iv) Obtain the approval of the Town and/or the County of the Contractor of the said works; Town of Tillsonburg Subdivisio,, ",jecincnt Page 3 of 19 (V) Supervise construction of the said works; (VI) Maintain all records of construction of the said works; (vll) Supply to the Town and/or the County, drawings on linen, mylar or equivalent, as well as in digital format as described in Section 29 to this Agreement, of all the works as constructed by the Contractor; (viii) On completion of construction of the said works, to supply the Town and/or the County with a certificate that the execution of the said works was in accordance with the approved plans and specifications; (ix) Supervise the construction of any remedial work required by the Town and/or the County. (x) Design and cariA7 out lot grading in accordance with the Residential Design Criteria. Such plan should address lot grading, soil conservation and erosion control plan to the satisfaction of the Long Point Region rD Conservation Authority., the Town and the County. The plan should detail methods of.' controlling sediment during construction as well as identifying possible downstream impacts and ways ot'n-iinimizing then -i. Additionally rc,\,icw any environmental impacts that might be identil"ied in such plan. (XI) Submit a plan for the mitigation or removal of any contaminants identified through an Environmental Site Assessment Report, prepared by a qualified consultant, where such report has been required by the Town or the County for the subject property, such work being the responsibility of the Owner. tD (c" The Owner agrees with the Town and County that no public services will be installed and no work shall be commenced until the Town and/or County has received and approved such plans, specifications, security and insurance and has expressly authorized such work to commence. All works and services shall be constructed and installed strictly in accordance with the said plans and specifications, all to the satisfaction of the Toxvil and/or the County. The Owner agrees to construct all services and provide other requirements, which will be known only after the details of the engineering design are submitted to the Town and/or the County. The Town and/or the County may require, in writing, such a variance from such plans and specifications as may be required by conditions which may be disclosed as the work progresses, and by sound engineering practice. 4, S(..-'.'0PE OF AGREEMENT The Owner agrees to construct and complete at his own expense and in a good workmanlike manner, toi- the Town and the County, all the municipal services as hereinafter set forth to the satisfaction of the "Town and County, and to complete, perforin or make payment for such other matters as i-Tiay be provided 1'()r herein. The Owner, at his option, may request the Town and/or the County to construct the municipal services as hereinafter set forth. Where such option is exercised, the Town and/or the County shall undertake to call tenders and arrange for the construction of the services as provided herein and the Town or the County shall have sole discretion in matters pertaining thereto. The subdivision shall be developed in phases and each phase may be developed stages and each stage of the subdivision will have the necessary services in relation to that stage and in the event that the subdivision is developed in stages the Consulting Engineer shall establish the amount of security for each stage as provided herein to be approved by the Town. This agreement covers the area and lots identified on Schedule '-'-A" or Schedule "A" as amended. Amending Agrecinent(s) will be required to develop subsequent phases and stages, approval of which will be subject to receipt of all approvals, studies, and requirements of the Town including engineering drawings, and amendments to Schedules "A", 0"B"I "C" and"U'. Town 01-1 illsoliburg Subdivision Agreement Wage 4 of 19 5. LIST OF ',BCH EDU LES The following schedules form part of this agreement and it shall be the responsibility of the Owner to ensure complete compliance to all hatters rckated to these schedules. Schedule ``A„ - A Alai) showing proposed lots, read allowanccs, casements, and parkland Schedule "B" - Summaiy of Estimated Servicing Costs Schedule "Cv" - Security and Cash Payri�l nt Schedule "D" - Implementation Schedule The following plans shall be submitted to the rFown for approval and It shall be the responsibility of the Owner to ensure complete compliance to all matters related to t:hcir ii-riplementation: - A plan showIng the proposed storm and sanitary sewer systems - A plan showing the proposcd water distribution system - A plian showing lot grading - A plan showing the store-iwatc;r managen"lent pond if required A p,�rk plan showilig the park layout 6. MUNICIPAL SERVICES 'TO BE PROVIDED BY OWNER The Owner agrees to construct and complete services as set out below as required by the Town. The Owner shall kvithin twelve (1 7) months of the execution of this Agreement commence, and within twenty-four (2-4) months complete the installation of tl)c Municipal Seivices listed In Section 6 of this Agreement. In the case of staging, this time frame; shall be applicable to the conZlY cnce,ment and completion of each Stage. (a) Scanitary aiid Ston -n Sc. el's, water MaltlSs Services and Apui enances Distribution System — The Owner hereby agrees to construct, at her/his own expense, sanitary Sewers and a water distribution system to be connected to the existing distribution system and to be sized in accordance with the County's requirements. The system wlll 1ilClude all I�oUSc services and other services from the main to the strc ct line and all appurtenances and fire hydrants, including private service connections to the property lilic of every lot on the plan. The distribution system shall be designed in accordance with the County's specifications, which are in effect at the time of the i llstal lation of this system and not necessarily those; in effect at the time of this agreement, and to i-naintain them until the County formally accepts thein. (11"0 Size- — All :unitary and stoi-ni sewers and water mains shall be of a size as determined by the 'Town and the County and installed at depth and on a location as determined by the Towii. (iii) Connection to Town system — Prior to the acceptance of the water distribution system constructed by the Owner, the Town may connect or authorize connection into the said system, buy such connection shall not constitute acceptance of'the system, or systeins, by the Town. (iv) Approval of Contractor — The Town shall require all work to be done by a contractor whose conllietencc is approved _ ointly by the i own and the Owner, at the expense ofthe Owner. (v) Outlet — It shall be the responsibility of the Owner to provide a satis-factory outlet for the sanitary scwcrs from the limits of this subdivision to the point of junction with the nearest apl)roved Town sewer outlet. (Nil) Timing -- The Owner agrees that installation will be made within the time limits spe�J fied ��s hereinafter sct forth and that upon completion of the works, to supply the 'roe n witli sufficient cash or bond to guarantee the works and material for a period of two years from the date; that the said works arc completed and approved in writing by Town ot-l'illsonburo, Subdivision Agreement Page 5 of' 19 the Town as provided for in Paragraphs 19 and 21 of this agreement. (VII) Ministry of the Environment approval — All plans relating to the installation of water mains, appurtenances and services must be submitted to the Town and County for approval by the Town Director of Operations and the County Director of Public Works along with copies ofthe application to be submitted to the Ministry of the Environment for their approval. Before beginning any of the work, evidence must be filed with the 4-n Town that the Ministry of Environrncnt approval has been obtained. (viii) Road Grades -- Before actual construction begins, proof must be furnished by the Owner or his agents that the road grades have been approved by the Town Director of t) Operations and/or the County Director of Public Works where water mains are being installed outside the Town limits, in order that the water mains and appurtenances will be Laid to the proper grade. (i�,) Property Stakes — Sufficient property stakes must be available so that the proper line of the water main can be established and valves, hydrants, services and other appurtenances are properly located. (x) Extent of Work — The extent of the work shall be construed to consist of the labour, equipment and material necessary for the construction of the subdivision in a good, substantial, workmanlike manner of all items required for the completion of the entire work consisting of all the items shown on the drawings which have been approved by tyle rown and County. (xi) Locates — The Contractor will be responsible for obtaining the location of all other utilitics such as but not limited to electric underground cables, Bell Telephone Conduits, storm and sanitary sewer systerns, water distribution systems, farm drainage tiles, gas mains and services, etc. from the Utility concerned and must protect and/or repair same subject to the regulations of the particular service involved. (xil) Replacement to Original Conditions —All pavement, driveways, entrances to property, lawns, retaining walls, ctc. must be replaced in good condition as originally found or better, in consultation with adjacent property owners. (Xiil) Signage, Barricades and Lanterns — Signage, barricades and lanterns must be installed on all works for the protection of vehicles and pedestrians and all precautions taken to niInIrnIzc risk of damage and inconvenience to others. All signage must be erected and displayed in accordance with the Manual ofUniform 1traffic Control Devices. (xiv) Safety -- All work shall be carried out so that it conforms with the regulations of the Construction Safety Act, the Workers' Compensation Board, and the Occupational Health and Safety Act, as they pertain to the safe working conditions of the persons on the job. (xv) Support of Underground Services — Where an underground service is installed across another underground service, adequate horizontal and vertical bracing must be installed to properly support the affectcd services during and after construction of/all works as req LI I red. (xvi) Pavement Cuts and Road Closures — The Contractor shall take full responsibility for pavement cuts which must be approved by the Town or County Director Of Public Works and restored to the regulations applicable. The closing of roads due to the installation of sanitary sewers and/or water mains must have the approval of the Town Director of" Operations and/or the County Director of Public Works and the Contractor must observe all applicable regulations and Safety Manuals. (xvii) Valve and Hydrant Wrenches — The Contractor must have a proper valve key and hydrant wrench on the job at all times in case of emergency and at no time is a pipe Or other wrench to be used in place of the proper equipment. Town of 1,111sonbur-g Subdivision Agreement Page6of,19 (x,vlll) Supply of Water from Hydrant — If the Contractor wishes to use a fire hydrant for a supply of water for construction purposes, lie must obtain approval of the Town Director of'Operations and provide a proper fitting complete with shut-off valve to attach to the hydrant. Under no condition is the Contractor to operate a hydrant repeatedly as this may cause damage to the mechanism necessitating a complete overhaul. (xix) Opening and Closing of Valves — The opening and closing of valves and the lading of water mains arc only to be performed by ernployces of the Town. The Consulting Engincer(s) should snake arrangements in advance of this type of work to be done. The cost of performing this service will be charged to the Contractor and all accounts shall be settled on demand. (x,x,) Connection to Town System —All cutting or connecting to the Town's existing services shall non-nally be made by the Towel's forces at the expense of the Contractor. The Contractor- may perform this work, by permission of the Town Director of Operations and with the Inspector present. (xxi) In Absence of Contractor — In absence of the Contractor fi-om the job (wlicther permanent or temporary), a component and reliable agent or foreman shall be left in charge and this person shall be considered as acting in place and all notices, communications and instruction or orders given, sent or serried upon this person shall be taken as served upon the Contractor. (xxii) Specifications — The installations of the water distribution system is to be carried out In accordance -vN11th the specifications previously referred to as supplied by the County of Oxfi(}rd. These specifications are considered to be a part of this agreement. (xxii 1) Excavations, Backfill and Compaction —All excavations on Town andior County streets must have the approval of the Town Director of Operations and/or County Director of Public Works, respectively. All trenches, regardless of their location, whether they are in roadways, In the boulevards, or under sidewalks, lawns, etc. arc to be backfilled with suitable material and properly compacted. Mechanical compactors are to be used where possible; and compaction is to be done at least every six inches or as approved by the Town's Director of Operations. No wet, frozen or unsuitable materials arc to be used 1`6r backfilling, and, in all cases, the requirements of the Town Director of Operations will be rnct. where excavations are made in existing roadways, the pavement structure shall be replaced on the top of the trench in accordance with the requirements of the Town Director of Operations and/car the County Director of Public Works. (b) Storm Water Facilities and Severs Storm water facilities and sewers shall be constructed within the limits of the subdivision and beyond, if required for the development of these lands, of such size, type, position and extent as are shown on the plans and specifications approved by the Town or otherwise required by it in writing as required by the Plan of Subdivision. The Town shall require this work to be done by a contractor whose competence is approved jointly by the Town and the Owner, at the expense of the Owner. It shall be the responsibility of the Owner to provide a satisfactory outlet for the storm water sewers frons the limits of this subdivision to the point of junction with the nearest approved Town scwcr outlet. The: Owner shall have had a storm water management plan prepared by a technically qualified consultant detailing the methods of maintaining post development flows at pre -.development flows for the 5 and 100 storm return periods. The plan shall have described the methods that will be used to control erosion and control/treat surface water flow for the proposed residential development and future development lands within the watershed. "The plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Town and the Long Point Region Conservation Authority. The Owner shall carry out or cause to be carried out any necessary remedial works recommended by the Town and the Long Point Region Conservation Authority. The Owner agrees that upon approval of the plans by the'Fown and the Long Point Region Conservation Authority, all buildings and structul c;s in the plan of subdivision shall be erected in accordance with the approved 1 own of 1-111sonburg Subdivision Agreement Page 7 of 19 plans under the supervision of the Consulting Engineer and these plans shall be registered against each individual lot prior to any acceptance of the Town. (c) Over-si_i�-I �',r The County may require the Owner to oversize sanitary or water mains to accommodate servicing of lands external to the subdivision lands herein. '1 -'he Town may require the Owncr to oversize storm sewers as per the Town of Tillsonburg Design Criteria By -Haw No. 3153 passed on April 25, 2005, and any amendments thcr cto. (d) Roads L ) Subject to the Residential Design Criteria, all roads shown on the said Plan of Subdivision shall be dedicated as public highways, graded, including fill or excavation as required by the "town, to their full width of the allowance. All roads shall be asphalted and such asphalt shall be laid in at such times as may be allowed by the Town iii writing. When in the opinion of the Town, it is necessary to change the grade of existing Town roads ad_jac cnt to or abutting the said plan, the Owner agrees to grade the read to sub -grade, in the manner and at the same time stipulated by the Town and shall restore the road to its original condition prior to the change in grade. Prior to acceptance by the 'Lown, the Owner shall maintain these roads at the Owner's cost. The naming of streets included in the plan shall be to the satisfaction of the Town. The Owner shall purchase and pay fc>r the installation of all street sign and regulatory signs at the direction of the Town. Until the reads within the subdivision have been assumed by the Town, the Owner is responsible for the erection and maintenance of signs at all entrances to the subdivision stating that the roads within the subdivision have not yet been assumed by the Town Curb.s, and Ciut CTS Concrete curbs and gutters shall be constructed on all streets within the subdivision in compliance to the Residential Design Criteria but construction shall take place only at such times as may be authorized by the Town in writing. The Town shall approve, in writing, of the elevation and final grade of the top of the curbs at the mid -point in front of c,ach lot in the subdivision prior to the construction thereof, and the same shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the To�Nrn. The Owner shall provide a record of such heights and grades to the Town. Prior to acceptance by the Town, maintenance and repairs of all curbs and gutters will be the responsibility of the Owner. (f) Sidewalks <iild_'or Pedestrian Walkways Concrete sidewalks shall be constructed in compliance to the Residential Design Criteria on at least one side of triose streets shown within the subdivision and on both sides of collector and arterial streets as specified by the Town. Sidewalks, where required in the subdivision, shall be constructed according to Schedule "D" attached hereto. Sidewalk ramps will be constructed at intersections or where required to the satisfaction of the Town. Prior to acceptance by the Town maintenance and repairs of all sidewalks will be the; responsibility of the Owner. ( ) Street Li 7ghtips The Owner shall agree to install streetlights on cacti street as shown on the plan to the satisfaction of Tillsonburg Hydro Inc. (h) (ln(Ic t -ground Electric I'lant The Owncr hereby covenants and agrees to Install an electrical distribution system on each street as Shown on the plan to the satisfirwtion of`Fillsonburg Hydro Inc. (0 Drainage and Erosion Control Works Towii of T111sonburg Subdivision Agreement Page 8 c)f 19 The Owner shall undertake a geotechnical study to the satisfaction of the Town and the Lon1� Point Region Conservation Authority to address the stability .of all slopes and makc recommendations for any remedial work to be undertaken by the Owner as well as providing -for minimum set back requirements taking into account the findings of the stcidy. (j) [Ic >oil and So d/Seed oil all t)'np(,lved Portions of Read Allowances 'I,he Owner is responsible for topsoil, and sod/seed on all unpaved portions of road allowances complete with 1 OOmrn of topsoil and #I nursery sod in accordance with the approved Brading plan and to the satisfaction of the Director of Operations. (k) Park. Development '1-'hc Owner is responsible for development of all parkland within the limits of the subdivision to the standards for park development in the Town, including grading, and installation of sod/seed, as outlined in the Residential Design Criteria. Development of these parklands shall be in accordance with Section 27 (d) of this agreement. (l) The Owner agrees to seed and inaintain land that has been left undeveloped for more than a period of one year 7. LIENS AND CLAIMS The Owner agrees that upon applying for final acceptance of all services in the said subdivision, to supply the Town and County with a Statutory Declaration that all accounts for work and materials have becn paid or provided for and that there are no claims for liens or otherwise, on behalf of the Owner in connection with the subdivision. 8. COMPLIANCE WITH RESIDENTIAL DESIGN CRITERIA All works described in this Agreement shall comply With the Town ofTillsonburg Residential Design Criteria. 9. INSPECTION WORK. Tide Town/County reserve the right to have inspectors/consultants, that shall be agreed upon by all parties, employed to review all plans and specifications and observe the construction and installation of services at any time. "The Owncr hereby agrees to pay all accounts of the Town and the County in connection with the inspectors/consultants within ten days of tllcnl being completed in accordance with the specifications of the Town and the County. 10. FAILURE TO INSTALL OR REMEDY FAULTY WORK If' in the opinion of the ' Lown Director of Operations, the Owner: (a) is not prosecuting or causing to be prosecuted the work reyuircd in connection with this a; rcclncnt within the a ,n�ced upon times, or in order that it may be completed wlthln the a; reed upon times; or (b) is improperly perfonliing the work; or (c) has neglected or abandoned before the completion, or unreasonably delayed the same, so that conditions of this agreement are being violated or carelessly executed or in bad faith; or (d) has neglected or refused to renew or again petfonn such work as maybe rejected by the Town Director of Operations as defective or unsuitable; or (e) hc>s defaulted perfonnance of the tents of this a,,re��nent, then, in any such case, the Town Director of Operations shall promptly notify the Owner and his surety, in writing, of such default or neglect and, if such notification be without effect within seven days after such notice, the Town Director of Operations shall thereupon have full authority and power to purchase TOXV11 of "Fillsonburg Subdivision Agreement Page 9 of 19 materials and employ workmen and machines for proper completion of the said work at the cost and expense of the Owner or his surety or both. In case of an cinergency, in the opinion of the Town Director of Opeations, such work i -nay be done without notice. The cost of such work shall be calculated by the Town Director of Operations whose decision shall be final. The cost of this work, together with an Engrineering fee of 5% of the cost of materials and work shall fbi-thwith be paid to the Town by the Owner- on demand. Should payment not be received following the issuance ofan invoice from the Town, the Town may draw upon the security which has been provided by the owner. It is ful-dicr undcmtood and ag-LW between the parties hereto that such cntly ulx)n the lands shall be as an agent for the Owner and shall not be deemed for any an acceptance of purpose whatsoever as the said services by the Town. 11. ASSUNIPT'ION OF SERVICES BV COUNrI'Y Once the sanitary sewers and water distribution system have been installed to the satisfaction ofthc Town and the County, the sanitary sewer trunks and water distribution system will be assumed and operated by the County and/or the designated seixice provider. 12. LANDSCAPINC"r - CONTOURS - FINAL GRADES & SURVEY MARKERS The requirements set out in this section will be ii-nplementcd on a phase by phase basis and will be required for the phase -for which the developer is seeking filial approval and registration. (a) The Owner agrees to deposit with the Town a plan that is in compliance with the ResldeIltial Design Criteria showing: (i) The existing and final elevation of the said lands as determined by reference to a geodetic benchmark or an alternate bench mark acceptable to the Town; (11) The filial grades of all roads as approved by the Town Director of Operations; (111) The; lands designated for drainage works and locations of casements as may be required for municipal services. (b) Barriers along Conservation Authority Lands - The Owner agrees that a snow fence or c,thrr barrier suitable to the Town shall be erected by the Owner along any setback line established by the Long Point Region Conservation Authority prior to the cOlTIMcriccment of grading, construction and shall remain until all grading and construction and resodding have; been completed. (c) Soil Disturbance - The Owner agrees that no construction or soil disturbance shall take place below any setback line established by the Long Point Region Conservation Authority without a geotechnical study prepared by the Owner for the review and approval of the Long Point Region Conservation Authority. (d) Removal of Trees - The Owner agrees trees, other than those which are diseased or dead, shall not be removed other than in an area to be occupied by a dwelling, driveway or landscape structure without the approval of the Town and shall be undertaken in accordance with the County of Ox16rd Tree Cutting By -Law and Town of Tillsonburg Tree Policy. (e) Soil, Seed and Sod - The Owner agrees to grade, provide top soil and seed or sod the portion of the street allowances lying between the; front property line of lots and the curb save and except any private allowances. (f�) Grading Requirements - The Owner agrees to extract from each purchaser a covenant in the nature of a restrictive covenant running with lands that the grades and levels will be maintained in accordance with the approved drainage plan and that no lot will be tilled, cut or encumbered so as to interfere with drainage and the grades and elevations and only changes will be reviewed by the Town if accompanied with an Engineer's drawing stamped and signed. The Owner and each subsequent purchaser agrees that no soil Town cif Fi1krOnburg Subdivision Agreement Page 10 of 19 disturbance may be made on the Town lands without the consent of the Town. r (;) Foundation Control Certificate and Final Grading Certificate — fuundation control and final grading certificates will be required in compliance with the Residential Design C I'1 tE�l'1 a. (h) Ontario Land Surveyor - The Owncr agrees and shall deposit with the Town a certificate f roii-i an Ontario Land Surveyor on completion of construction of curb and base asphalt, and underground services certifying that all survey ii-ionunicnts as shown on the registered plan are in place and are located at grade. (1) Tree Planting - The Owner agrees to provide the Town with a tree planting plan detailing location and type; of all trees to be planted on both public and private binds In accordance with the 'I own's "free Policy. 13. DEVELO'PN1ENT CHARGES Developint�nt charges will be paid, at the building peImit stage and be the responsibility of the owner of tllc property in accordance with 'Town By -Law # 3124 and County By-law #4436- 2(;)04 and By -Law 84438-2004. 14. N'E'ATER AL.LOCA'HON Prier to the, final approval of each phase of the subdivision plan, the Owner shall receive confit -illation frorn the County ofOxfurd Department of Public Works that there is sufficient capacity in the Tillsonburg water and sewage systein to service the requested phase of the plan of subdivision. For the first phase, allocation will only be granted for building permits fur 35 residential units. Atter 25 units are under construction, Public NNorks will consider issuing further allocation upon "ritten request. 1.5. P BIAC" I 7\ND The Owner agrees to convey to the Town the lands which are required for public purposes by the "1'()wn as hereinafter set Furth: (a) Park Lands and Storm water N/lanagenlcilt Lands - The conveyance of parklands and storm water management lands free of all encumbrances in the subdivision shall be Tilade by thc; Owner irnnlediatcly following registration of the plan and prior to the installation of any services as may be applicable. Such parklands shall be developed at the expense of the Owner to such standards as approved by the Town, including grading, drainage and landscaping in compliance with the Residential Design Criteria. (b) Laselnerlts & Right -of Ways - The Owner agrees to grant to the Town and/or the County, free of charge, all permanent and temporary easements as may be required for n-iunicipal services and drainage purposes and shall deposit with the Town or County a Plan of Survey thereof prior to acceptance of the services. The easements and right -of= ways to be dedicated to the Town and County are shown on Schedule "A" attached hcrc.,to or as may be required by the "Town and/or County to implemcilt this plan. 16. LIAB11-A'rY INSURANCE The Owner or contractor to whom the construction is let must be a company in good financial standing with the Towel and County and, before commencing any of the work provided tor herein, shall supply the 'Lown and County with the; Liability Insurance Policy in a form satisfactory to the "Town and County, indemnifying the Town and County for any loss arising from claims for damages, injury or otherwise; In connection with the work done by the Owner. his seixants or agents in the said development. The Insurance will name the Town and the County, as additional insured, and will be in the amount as set out elsewhere herein under the general Mills of"this agreement with the Town and the County. The Owner shall, at its own expense, obtain and lodge with the County and Town a Certificate of Insur ligcue satisfactory to the County and "Down indemnifying the Town, the County and the Owner with cross liability endorsement against any claim for public liability, personal injury, including death or property damage to limits of 52,000,000.00, Inclusive for any one accident arising in any out of the construction, installation, repair or maintenance ofall works Town of-I-irlsonburg Subdivision Agreement Pagc 1 1 of 19 and scrvi ccs req u i red herein to be done;. The Owner shall provide the County and Town with satisfactory evidence of the renewal of the said policv at least fifteen (15) days prior to its expiry. The said policy shall not be subjec=t to cancellation without thirty (30) days prier to its expiry. The said policy shall not be subject to cancellation without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Town. The Owner shall, at its own expc ise, maintain the said policy of insurance in full force and effect until the expiration of the period of guarante=e. Failure to procure and maintain the said policy of insurance shall constitute a default under this A&n cement 11 -ie Owner covenants that it will indemnify and save harmless the Town and County from any and all cl(11ITIS, demands, actions and causes of action, whether the same shall be successful or unsuccessful and from all costs to which the Town and County may be liable, suffer or be put to in respect of� any such action, cause of action, claim or demand on any way an -sing out of or allege=d to arise out of any work, service, operation or thing constructed, installed, repaired, maintaine=d or done or admitted to be done or negligently done by the Owner, his servants, agents, contractors or subcontractors under tlumn, in respect ofthe said works and services, whether or not the same shall be required to be done under the tams of this Agrec mcnt and including (without limiting tyle generality of the foregoing), the alteration of any grade or existing level construction, maintenance or rcliair of any street. 17. PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE - SECURITY As security for the construction and Installation of services required by this Agreement and prior to the coininencement ofany work in any stage of the development provided therein, the Owner shall supply the Town with security as more particularly set out in Schedule "B" hereto, for the performance and completion of all works required by this Agreement as each stage proceeds in an amount equal to the estimated cost of all works in that particular stage and further guaranteeing the workmanship and material in lieu of all other guarantees and warranties express or implied for a period consistent with the Residential Design Criteria fr0n"1 the date that the said works are approved in writing by the Town's Director of Operations, and such security may be in the form of any of the following combination therefore as is acceptable to the Tomi: (a) A cash deposit with the Town; (b) An irrevocable Letter of Credit in a form acceptable to the Town from a chartered bank expressing to be pursuant to this Agreement and payable to the Town at any time or in part from time to tune, upon written notice from the Town that the Owner is in default under this Agreement; (c) A Certificate of Trust deposited with a chartered bank or trust company in a form acce=ptable to the Town expressed to be pursuant to this Agreement and providing for payll"llcnt to the Town of the sum deposited or any part thereof from time to time upon written notice from the Town that the Owner is in default under this Agreement; 18. MAINTENANCE DEPOSIT The; Owner shall provide a two year maintenance deposit in an amount which is equal to 10% of the total contract price including all materials and labour and shall guarantee the materials installed and the prope=l' installation of all services. The maintenance deposit shall be in the form of cash or lette=r of credit. The; Town shall only release; this maintenance deposit once the Town is satisfied that all services and materials have been properly installed and functioning in a capacity that is satisfactory to the Town. 19. ADJUSTNIENT OF SECURITY The; Owner shall have the right from time; to time to apply to the Town for a reduction in the security then held by the Town based on the state of completion of any work for which security has been given pursuant to this Agreement and provide=d all works are in compliance with the Residential Design Criteria, provided that in no event may the said se=curity for any services be Town of Tlilsonburg Subdivision Agreement Pagc 12 cif 19 reduced below an amount equal to ten percent (10%) to be released upon the expiry of the warranty pi�riod being consistent with the Residential Design Criteria. 20. PAYMENT OF SOLICITOR'S/CONSULTANT'S COST The Owner consents to the registration Of this Agreement upon the title of the lands within the plan, and agrees the cost of registration will be born by the applicant whether by our solicitor Or their own .5 S(�I1Citl�r, lllCludlllg any disbursements incurred in any way arlsing our Of this Agrccmcnt. 21. ACCEPTANCE OF SUBDIVISION The Town agrees to accept the subdivision as shown on the attached copy Of the Plan for Registration, and to declare the streets shown thereon to be public highways when constructed and assumed. Any assumption or operation by the County of Oxford of the water and sewage systcins within the draft plan shall be subject to the approval of the County of Oxford. 22. NOTII4IC.ATION OF EXECUTION 'T'hc Town agrees to notify the County and Long Point Region Conservation Authority of the signing of this Agreement and that conditions set Out In the County's letter applying to the draft approval of this flan for registration have been islet to the satisfaction of the Council. 23. PAYMENT OF COS"I'S & SERVICES Where any work is carried out by the Town on behalf Of the Owner, it shall be the duty of the Town to carry out the work in an efficient, prompt and careful manner and to render a full account of its costs and expenses to the Owner within thirty (30) days of the completion Of the work oi- such portion of the work where such is carried Out by stages. It shall be the duty of the Owner to pay to the Town its bills and costs and expenses within thirty (30) days of the delivery to the Owner of the Town's demand for payment, unless some issue shall be in process of arbitration, and then within thirty (30) days after the date of the arbitration award, and suchh slims may be recovered by the Town in like manner as municipal taxes pursuant to Section 35 ofthc Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, M.45 against lands retained by the Owner or held by the Town as security. 24. ARBITRATION OF DISPUTES It is contemplated that there is room for differences between the Owner and the Town and/or the County in respect of the quality of workmanship involved in the work to be done and t.11at issues may occur which increase the Town and/or the County's costs and expenses which are not properly the responsibility of the Owner in the construction, meaning or effect of this Agreement or related agreements made between the parties. These and all other differences between the parties arising o:lt of this contract shall be referred to a single arbitrator, if the parties agree upon One, otherwise to three arbitrators, one to be appointed by each party to the reference and a third arbitrator to be appointed by the first named arbitrator in writing betbre they enter upon the business of the reference; and if either party shall refuse or neglect to appoint an arbitrator within five days after the other party shall have appointed an arbitrator and shall have served a written notice upon the first mentioned party requiring such party to make such appointment, then the arbitrator first appointed shall, at the request of the party appointing him proceed to hear and deter -nine the matters in difference as if he were a single arbitrator appointed by both parties for the purpose, and the award or deternlination which shall be made by the said arbitrators or the majority of them or by said arbitrator, shall be final and binding upon the parties hereto, their successors and assigns. 25. ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS Building permit applications will be considered subject to the following conditions for lots identified on Schedule "A". (a) road allowance has been graded, including fi 11 or excavation, to its full width; Town o I'' I'll Isonbui-g SUbdivislon Agreement Page 13 of 19 (b curbs and gutters have been installed; (c) base fitt of asphalt has been laid; (d►)I Underground water, sanitary and storm sewer :>ysten-is and hydro services have been installcd; and; (c) development charges for the lot, which a permit is being applied fbrl have been paid in accordance with the requirements of both the Town and the County. (t) the Engineer of Record having certified to the Town the above work having been completed ,.is per the approved plans and the Town having inspected and verified that the work has been constructed as per the approved drawings; (g' )I a certificate ftom an Ontario Land Surveyor certifying the rcplaccnici-it of all survey bars havflIg been filed with the Town. 6.- A building permit will be allowed for two (2)) model homes subject to building &Twt-nait approval and if s(TVIccsW;not Yet available a security deposit will be equ'red. I Building pcn-nit applications Will not t -e considered forsubscxjuclit phases prior to the approval of the respective Phase in accordance with Section 4. This provision n-iay be vai*iLy-i upon the approval of the Town's Director of Operations. 126. SPECIAL, PROVISIONS The owner undertakes as 1`61lows: a) The developer shall construct a fence at his sole cost, alono-4"-, the lot boundaries between Lots 26 31 iticlusivc and Block 302; the height and design of which shall be reviewed and approved by the Town oil" I'll I sonburg, at the time of development of the phase in which these lots and block arc located. b) That prior to the signing of the final plan by the County, all lots/blocks shall conform to the zolillIg requirements of the Town of Tillsonburg Zoning By -Law. Certification of lot areas, lot trontages, and lot depths shall be obtained from an Ontario Land Surveyor retained by the developer. c) The owner shall register a warning covenant on title fOr all lots immediately abutting i Quarter " own Linc, I A- 'nc, i.e., Lots 3? — 37, 49 — 57, 108, 139 — 145, 171 and Blocks 295, 296 se levels on Quarter Town L* and 300. The covenant shall advise noise Line may exceed MOE i guidelines; however the use of forced air/air conditioning systems will require that 'Windows remain closed,, thereby ensuring interior sound levels are within the MOE's I[,, uidelincs. The form and content of the covenant shall be to the satisfaction oftlic Town 41 i) _F F* I I s o irib u rg. d) The owner shall SUbmit a tree saving plan to be reviewed and approved by the Town of Tillsonburg. The plan shall detail methods of retaining trees within the subject property, having regard 1'()r the findings and conclusions of the Woodland and Hedgerows Environmental Evaluation prepared by North-South Environmental Inc., submitted June 51 2006, and provide measures to ensure the woodlot being conveyed to the Town as parkland is conveyed in an acceptable state, The developer shall construct a fence at his sole cost, along the lot boundaries between Lots 26 - 31 HICIUSive and Block 302; the height and design oi .1 which shall be reviewed and approved by the Town of Tillsonburg, at the tin,ic of 4__ c1cvelopnient of the phase in which these lots and block are located. 0 Prior to the signing of the final plan by the County of Oxford, they are to be advised by the Long Point Rccrt)ion Conservation Authority that Conditions Numbers 16 and 17, as set out in the County Conditions of the Draft Approval ofthe Plan of Subdivision, dated February 22, 2007, have bccii net to their satisfaction. A clearance letter shall include a brief statement for each condition detailing how each condition has been satisfied. 1) Prior to the signing of the final plan b-%.- the County of Oxford, they are to be advised by the Town ofTillsonburgthat Condition Numbers 1, 3 and 7 to 20 (inclusive), as set out in the County Conditions of the Draft Approval of the Plan of Subdivision, dated February 22, '2007I have been met to their satisfaction. A clearance letter shall include a brief statement A- for each condition detailing how each condition has been satisfied. Town of-Tillsonburg Subdivision Agreement Pagc 14 of 19 Prior to the signing of the final plan by the County of Oxford, they are to be advised by the County of Oxford Public Works Department that Condition Numbers 4 to 7 (inclusive) as set out in the County Conditions of the Draft Approval of the Plan of Subdivision, dated February 22, 2007, have been met to their satisfaction. A clearance letter shall include a brief statement 16r each condition detailing how each condition has been satisfied. 1) T11is plan of subdivision shall be registered by February 14, 2010, after which time this draft approval shall lapse unless an extension is authorized by the County of Oxford. 27. CONVEYANCES The owner shall provide an undertaking to the Town with the execution of this Agreement to deposit with the Clerk a properly executed copy of conveyances concurrent with the registration of the Plan of all lands to be conveyed to the Town under this Agreement and a copy of registration of this Agreement against all lands subject to this Agreement. Conveyances will occur at the time of final approval and registration of the phase in which these blocks are located. Lands to be conveyed to the Town free of all encumbrances and to the satisiaction of the Town shall include: a) Such easements as may be required for utility or drainage purposes shall be granted. b) a 0.3 m (1 ft) reserve along the east side of Quarter Town Line Road and the north side of Baldwin Street, shall be dedicated to the Town of Tillsonburg, free of all costs and encumbrances. c) a minlnlum 3.0 In (9.8 ft) road widening oil the east side of Quarter Town Line Road and north side of Baldwin Street, and a 5 in (16.4 ft) x 5 m (16.4 ft) daylight triangle at the intersection BaldwiIi Street and Quarter Town Line Road, shall be dedicated to the Town of Tillsonburg, frec of all costs and encumbrances. d) Blocks 301 and 319, as shown on the draft plan, shall be conveyed to the Town of Tillsonburg for park dedication, free of all costs and encumbrances, to the satisfaction of the Town of Tillsonburg, in accordance with the relevant provision of the Planning, Act. 28. JNIPLEMENTAUON SCHEDULE The Ownci- hereby undertakes to complete the work herein i n accordance with the timef -miles set out in Schedule "D". A variance to this will only be allowed if approved in writing by the Town. Failure to comply may result, in the Owner being in default of this Agreement and the Town may remedy this pursuant to Section 10 of this Agrecmcnt. 29. DIGITAL COPIES OF PLANS AND DRAWINGS The Owner- shall provide the 'IFov�m and County with digital versions of all plans and drawings in AutoCAD drawing files (.DWG) and shape files ( with attached ckitabase information, or in a current AutoCAD format approved by the Town and the County. 30. A,GREEh!IENT BINDING This Agrec,inent and everything herein contained shall be to the benc;f it of and be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors and assigns. 31. NOTIFICATIONS AND CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP If any notice is required to be given by the Town or the County to the Owner with respect to this agreement, such notice shall be mailed or dellvc;red to: Victoria Wood (Tillsonburg) GP Inc. 8500 Leslie Strcct, Suite 210 Markham, ON L31- 7M 8 or such address as the Owner has notified the Town Clerk in writing, and any such nonce mailed or delivered is deemed good and sufficient notice under the terms of this Agreement. Town of T 1l1sonbL11.g Subdivision Agreement Page 15 of] 9 Should the ()wncr sell all or a portion of this subdivision, all terms and conditions agreed to in this Agn,eement are to he transferred to the new owner(s). The Town and County will require the new ovv vier to accept, in writing, the terms and conditions Outlined in this Agreement, If this acceptance of the terms and conditions of the Agreement from the new owncr(s) is not received by the date of sale or transfer, the terms and conditions agn'eed to In this Agretement shall rcrnaln the; responsibility of the previous owners. 32. REVISIONS TO THIS AGREEMEN'"IF �1pc�rl v�ritten notification to all parties, the "Town, the County and/or the Owner have the right to request revisions to this Agreement provided that the A&rreement has been in effect for a Minimum of five ycar s. 33. AGREEMENT, REGISTERED This Agreement shall be registered against all lands to which it applies at the cost of the Owner. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties llereto have hereunto affixed tllcir Corporate Seals this day of _ _ - 2007. )► VICTORIA WOOD (TILLSONBURG) GP INC. ) I have the; authori to bind the Company � 1 )► THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG A , 01 _ Stephen Molnar } Michael Grav6�� DIREC'FOR OF CORPORATE SERVICES/CLERK } )THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF OXFORD Paul J. Ilolbrough Warden Ken Whitcl'ord CAO/Clerk 1� ILUEN Fown of h11sc)nbur ; Subdivision Agrcenicnt Pagc 16 of' 19 SCHEDULE "A" SUBDIVISION PLAN As prepared by Kim S. Husted, dated May 17, 2000 �I geng"80#4 •711[17 Wt27 MAD ALLAWAMU METWIEN C*MZ"m#W 11 AM It A r 1 ur M I ua LST LAI uvw w r t/ 1601 1 r 1 t 04 • I r 1• t 1 ? u 1 ► 11 I • I lar t I r L ► lAN 1 114 1 ► ► 1 I pp1 --1-_� 1 ur a W _ __ so _ Ic : • w 1 u• Of 1 i r CY A o Q Q 0 Z O O OA 0� 0 Q li.rli i t 4 14 i s+ 4 � C O •'� A 0 O =ZisZ=t s_; Q —4 pp "d Ri 7t _ 1► O a a o A: �i :O Co c S a C ss•• C R O O �• Z Z p °o q 'O�� �g�� elm 00 0 � OR"'� � 8� orifi •o � �� � �� s s �0 � . i o! w x M v ...1 0 -q CD S; i •.x r 8 -� #�� S x Mi 0 of t 0 O O a 000 ''� g M p ��� _ ^ p CO rQ C;O R OP t POP o� bo � 0 Z0 Z !�: .o vo some _ ►a TO'"111 o 1111sonburg Subdivision Agyrccnlcnt Pagc 17 of 19 SCHEDULE "B" SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED SERVICING COSTS PLAN 32T-06005 Victoria Wood (Tillsonburg) GP Inc. TOAWN OF TILLSONBURG Item # Description Estimated Costs 1 Storm Sewers and Services $522,300.00 2 Sanita Sewers and Services $224,807.00 3 _ m Waterains and Services $2509350.00 _ 4 Granular `B' $1269000.00 5 Granular `A' $ 571500.00 6 Base Asphalt $1271,500.00 7 Surface Asphalt $1059400.00 8 Final Manhole Adjustments $ 12,000.00 9 Curb and Gutter $ 84,000.00 10 Sidewalks/Walkways $ 94,500.00 11 Boulevard Topsoil, Sodding & Driveways $1447000.00 12 13 Rough Grading(completed) Landscaping Park $0.00 S 27800.00 14 Noise Attenuation Works $0.00 15 Stonnwater Management Facility $369717.00 16 17 SWM Faci li Privacy Fencing_ , 000.00 $259200.00 18 Erosion and Sedimentation Control $ 700.00 19 As -Constructed Drawings $500.00 x 20 Drawings) $10,000.00 20 External Sidewalk on Quarter Town Line $18,060.00 21 Contingencies $67381.00 22 Subtotal 1,9349215.00 23 6% G.S.T. 116 053.00 24 Total Security 290509268.00 Note: This estimate includes underground services and granular road base for Part of Phase 11 (Sierra Crescent (Victoria Way/Trailview Drive) to allow for a looped road access and looped Nvaterrnain system. Town of"Fillsonburg Subdivision Agreement Page IS of' I SCHEDULE qVC11 SECURITY, CASH and DEVELOPMENT CHARGE PAYMENTS PLAN 32T-06005 Victoria Wood (Tillsonburg) GP Inc. TOWN OF TILLSONBURG INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL COSTS Cash Deposit upon Execution of Subdivision Agreement to Town of Tillsonburg A) Constmctioii Cost Estimate 521050,268.00 Lcss work airca(iy compIctcol N I L, BalanceBalanceConstruction Cost Estiiiiate $2,4050151.".168.00 Security Prior to Construction and Registration of Plan of Subdivision 1-.ct1ci- of Crcd1t Rcquirei-nciit $?M501268.00 A - Note: Security will be based on current costs and standards Town of 'I'll Isonburg Subdivision Agreement Page 1clof i 9 SCHEDULE "D" IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE PLAN 32T-06005 Victoria Wood (Tillsonburg) GP Inc. TOWN OF TILLSONBURG Completion Date Month/Year 1. Undcrground Services -- Sanitary & Storm Sewcl's, Watc i-ma.ins Octobei- 2007 2. F;oad Construction — including curbs, granular A & B, basc asphalt November 2007 3. Utility Servicing — Gas, Telephone, Cablc J'N., Dccember 2007 4. Sidewalks (As buildings are completed on a lot by lot basis) 5. Strectlighting July 2008 6. Boulevard restoration — including topsoil and sod (lot by lot basis) 7. Surface Asphalt (to be completed following 90% completion of buildings) Octobcr 2008