3913 Schedule B - Agreement April 2016Customer.Narnei Address: Cll;y: Province 1 Slate: Postal /Zip Code! Telephone: Fax: Email: HOSTINC3 SERVICE AGREEMEN I (I HE "I1S/1") Customer Information The Corporaiion oftheTown ofTillsonburg 200 Broadway, 209 Floor, Suite 204 nllsonburg Ontario N4G5A7 519·688·3009 E•t. 3251 DEddlnston@tillsonburg.ca Darrell Eddington Agreement Number: Date: Tenn: P.~;co~nt Executive: 231180 March 30; 2016 1Vear Karen Mayfield lttls .H'o~tlna S_~rvi(1!1/lp-s~entb.nal b..~dJr;ll UTithiSRIKI l7y doi!J;!;n5GroupUmlted ("cSoi!YOOns"l, The T«ms_~ltd C(ln~~IJQ~~-al!ac~ed 10 thl~ H$A OJreiiltlw~_IID and lormpmof th\1 H~ fhl~ HS_A.lndYdlnB ~ny olld.di_IIOI'1~l Tl!rmJ ilond CD!i::ll111li'IJ G(l tl1~ ~ce li!lrnOJ .:Jnd tl'!!i T~rrns.·Rnd Con!SliiQtiS .1tlathfr4 !iQt\ltO.tO!lt.lln UitCOli'l~lat(! and rml .:qrcontl'ml b.llwnr; ii!SoUiom; 01ml Cu~O!'n!M, -lind JlO otbM ;r~gree.l'll~H~ iln't Wnlf l'itCidif'yln; i!llyof iA.!il Tetmli: nnd CaMill(m~ v.1fl b!l'l!IJ\'d!ng--~ @1u~lon~ unleu m·~dCJ In \l,.fll.i;Jil ~nd' Jisned.b'l cSI;:Iutklm. Ch!lmes Unit Unit Price 12 Web 11>:nlrc : Month $250.00 • Unlimited Ucense and upgrades for !:Create & Modules • Google Analytics web statistics reports • Backups and Disaster Recovery • Includes 2G disks pace • includos 10 GS/Month bandwidth • Goo ole 1 l Annuai5uooorf I after • Year 1 rAiiilUai I Year i ildi<k h for SOD MB T< rl Fee Domain Name(s~: II Annual Renewal Date: ! Mav i. 2016 Acldltionai Terms and conditions: * In add'ltlon to 1htchatge$SI)e<:ffied above, an.y app1lcable o,r.alue .11d.ded tax. sat~s tax, tJs.e tax,. ~c' shall be paveble by Custamer, If apprcprlate. OTTAWA, ON 179 Colonna do Road, Suite 400 T. 613·727-$947 NEWMARKET; ON 1195 Stellar. Drive, Unit 1 T. 905'830·5656 TORONTO, ON 104 Front Street East Suite l02 T. 416~360·1500 Dl<lital ideas. Delivered. www.esolutlonsarouo.ca WATERLOO, ON 651 ColbyDrlve T. 519·BB4·3352 1$! e3olutions PART I-AGREEMENT PART II 'SERVICES PART Ill· T~RM AND PAYMENT PART IV· CUSTOMER RESPONSIBiliTIES PARTV·TERMINATION PART VI· LIABIUTY PART VII· MISCELLANEOUS · PART VIII· USE OF SERVICEs APPENOIXA ·ACcEPTABLEUSEPOl!CV MPE{IjD!X B -SERVIC.E LEVELAGRE.EMENT APPENDI)( C -ACCESSING CUSTOMER SUPPORT PART 1-AGREEMENT Applicability of Terms and conditions TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF HOSTING SERVICE AGREEMENT The terms and conditions contained herein and anv. attachments he ret~ shall he Incorporated .by reference to and are deemed to be Included In and form part of the Hosting Service Agreement (the 'HSA"I between eSol~tionsGroup Umited, a member of the CRA Family of Companies ("eSolutlons") and the customer named in the HSA (the "Customer"). Entire Agreement The HSA constitutes the. entire agreement between eSoluttons anq the Customer with resPect to the provision of hosting services {the "Services") and .the subject matter within and supersedes and shall prevall over any other representation, quotation, purdlase order, understanding, or asreementi. notwithstanding any variance with terms and conditions or language contained therein. PART II-SERVICES Hosting Services eSolutlons Will provide access to and use of a Web server ln~lu(itng the.stateti services. The Customer will provide all content and is responsible foraccura~ and Integrity of the content. Prolllslon of Services i>Solutfons shall use commercially reasonable efforts to provide to the Cus.tomer those Services Identified In the HSA, subject to and In actordance with the terms and conditions oft he HSA. see. APPENDIX B-SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT for additional details. PART Ill-TERM AND PAYMENT Term Unless terminated pursuant to the provisions of Part v, this HSA shall be effective as of the service neady date set forth In the HSA; and shall be for the time period described as Term on page one ofthe HSA. After the initial Term all Services identified in the HSA shall auwmatically renew for one month Terms unless Customer or esolutlons notifies the other party by 60 days written notice of its Intent not to renew, or untll a new HSA is executed. Charses The charges for the Services provided bye5oiutloris.to tlleCustorner are those provided for In the HSA. lnvQICing Unles~ noted otherwise on the HSA. the One-time Set Up Charge set forth on the HSA is due upon its execution by eSolutions. Failure of Customer to use the Services shall not relieve Customer of obligation to pay Invoices. Taxes All applicable taxes, Including G<Jods and Services Tax and Provln.clal sates Tax, shall, unless otherwise specified, be charged in sddition to specified rates or charges for Services provided herein. The Customer shall pay all local, federal and provincial sates tax, aoods and servi<tls tax, value added tax and other taxes applicable to the provision olthe service under this HSA, otherthantoxes based on eSolutlons Income. I ,6fr I H5A-Mtt~th ]{liS 2 /nftiols PART IV-CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES PErmissible Use of services TERMS AND CONDITIONS .OF HOSTING SERVICE AGREEMENT 1he Customer shall comply forthwith to any demand b¥e5olutl.ons to correct, discontlnue.or remedy any violation of applicoble laws or regulations pertaining to the content hosted by the Services. · The Customer will abide by .all portions ofthel\cceptable U$e Policy(AUP) as listed in Appendix A below- The Custom~r, lu empl~, agents, and designees shall abide by aU laws, regulations, and ordinances, pertalnlngt<lthe SeNicesc The Customer assumes responsibility for all acts or omissions of itsdesignees or SUCh other persons, and agrees to indemnify and hold .Solutions harmless from any reasonable claim howsoever arising from the acts or omissions olthese individuals. The Customer may not transfer, sell, lea~e or assign .the services provided herein. IP Address ownership Internet Protocol (IP) numbers asslsned by eSolutions shall remain the property of eSolutions. The Customer must cease the use of any such numbers upon termination Of service. Bandwidth and Disk Usai!e The Customer agrees that the bandwidth and disk usage shall not e>ceed the number of megabytes per month for the Services ordered by the Customer. esolutlons will monitor the Custome~s bandwidth and disk usage .arid may collect a fee for overusage of bandwidth and/or dis~ In a monthly Invoice to the Customer. PART V-TERMINATION Termination of HSA by eSOlutions Subject to the provisions contained In the HSA, eSolutions may terminate the HSA and the provision of Services pursuant to the HSA if: • The Customer fails to fulfill any of its obligations under the HSA within 10 days of notice thereof by eSolutioostothe Customer. • The Customer transMs, assigns or sub-licences howsoever any part of Its Interest In the HSAor attempts to do so. Termination of HSA by Customer Customer may terminate the HSA prlorto expiry of the Term on written notice to .Solutions 60days following d.ellverv of such written notice 10 eSolutions and upon·payment of the remaining fees of the seNic:as forth~ Term of the HSA, PART VI-LIABILI1Y General Uabillly eSolutlons shall not be responsible or liable to the customer, to anyone claiming by, throogh or under the Customer or to any third par;y for. any loss, cost,(includirig legal and court costs), damage, injury, liability, claim, penalty, fine, Interest or cause of aCtion whatsoever or howso.!Wer ori$1ng, indudlng, wltl)out limitation, any director indirect, spec;ial, Incidental, consequential, punitive Or exemplary damages, or for loss of profit or revenues, business interruption, contract, goodwill or other business or economic loss, or fodost or damaged data, the availability of data, damage to network, computer, server, or software,. except the extent where such loss or damage is caused by esolutlorls' gross negligence or willful misconduct in providing the Services. Inter not C9mmunlcatklns The CUstomer acknowledges that use of all esolutlons services and facilities are at Customer's own risk. eSolutions Is not responsible for protection or privacy of electronic mall"' other Information transferred through the Internet or any other network eSolutlons or its customers may utilize, Sensitive data may be protected with the use of encryption software thatdoes not violate any governing laws or regulations. PART VII• MISCELLANEOUS compliance With laws Customer shall comply with all applicable laws relating to the use of the Se.rvices. Without lim~ing the generality ¢f the foregoing, CUstomer shall not use the Services to uploa~, download, transfer, or transmit anY Illegal conient. Governing law 17J+-t I HSA .. M;m:h 2015 3 Initial$ ~ eSolutions TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF HOSTING SERVICE AGREEMENT This HSA shall be governed by the laws of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable in Ontario without regard to their conflicts of laws provisions and excluding any legislat'ion implementing the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods. Co-Operation of customer The Customer shall take all action reasonably necessary to give effect to the HSA. PART VIII-USE OF SERVICES Customer acknowledges that eSolutions has no control over, and accepts no responsibility for the content of information hosted by the Services unless specified in an amendment to this agreement. eSolutlons shall make no effort nor have any obligation to vall date any information for content, correctness, usability or for any other purpose. Acceptable Use The Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is fully documented in Appendix A. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, eSolutions and representatives as follows: omer have caused this Hosting Service Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized Authorized SignatureS~ f"\;o \~ B \ . . (V'"V>._~~' Date Signed: ·~P'' \ / ~ IY Print Nam~=::::;:~=;::::=:~========- . c~ ....... l....JLLsu, Title: \h, ,r> C ( 1 r-L Date Signed: \f\tu< \ tf; W[ b - Print Name: Karen Mayfield I &I HSA-March 2015 4 Initials -e e3olutions TERMSANDCON!llTlONS OF HOSTING SERVICE AGREEMENT APPENDIX A-ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY The Acceptable Use PaliCV(AUP) iUtated belovi In full, the key themes can be summariZed as folloWs: • • • • • • • The services must be used for lawful pur~oses only • Customers shall not invade another's privacy . Customer! shall not transmtt; w~lght material withoutconsent of the copyright owner; material legally judged to be threatening or obscene; or third partymaterial protected by trade secret. Customers that participate in .the mass dlstribution.of unsolldted e·mati 1 newsgroup me5sages, wjll be dealt with Immediately • The customer rn.aY ·not tlrd,Jmvent uset at,tthenticatiOn Or seet!rity of any .host, netwOrki or acco.unt . The Customer agree~ to not, through Its own ~peratlons, cause diswrbancea, outages or other problems which may affect eSolu~ons' network or networ~ based equipment, or which may adversely affe<:teSolutlons' ability to provide services. esofutions' reserves the rfght to~ at lts sole.dete-rmlnatir){i and without notice, remove any material or data aod to blod; .. the use of the network for one or more .users when their use or purpose does not meet the requirements of the AUP. A Customer shall also be responsible for the services use of any subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, suppliers, and otherwise clients that directly or indirectly utilize eSolutions services provided to the Customer. The Customer· shall not: • • • • • • • • • • Use the Services to Invade another person's privacy; appropriate another's personalitv; unlawfully promote or incite hat,..d; nor unlawfully use, possess, post, transmit or disseminate obscene, profane, hate or pornographic material. PO$!, transmit, distribute or disseminate content which Is unlawful, threatening, harassing; abusive, libelous, slanderous, defamatory or otherwise offensive or objectionable or encouraging conduct that would. consijtute a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate anym~nleip01, prOIIincial, federal or international law, order or regulation, use the Services to access any computersystems, software, data or any confidential, copyright protected or patent protected material of any other person without the knowledge and consent of suCh person, make unauthorized attempts to gain acces>to any account or computer resource not belonging to the CUstomer (i.e., engage in "spoofing" I or otherwise gain .unauthoriZed access to, alter or destroy any ln. formation of another person by any means or device. Use the Services to upload, post, publish, deface, modify, transmit, reproduce, or distribute In any way, Information, software or other material which is confidential, protected by copyright or other Intellectual, property or proprietary right, or related derivative works, without obtaining permission of the copyright owner or right holder. Disrupt .Solutions' network, or the nodes or services thereof, or, directly or indirectly, use the Services torestrlct, Inhibit or oth~rwlse Interfere with the ability of any other person to use or enjoy the use ofthe ptoducts.orservlces of eSol~tions or th.e Internet, Including, without limitation, knowingly posting or transmitting any Information or software Which contains a v·frus, lo~;kt key, bomb, worm, cancelbot Trojan ho"" or otller harmful, debilitating or disruptive feature or engage in unauthorized linking or framing. Send unsolicited •·mail (I.e., ens~ge in "spammtng"), send large quant~ies of unwanted or unsolic~ed e-mail to IndiVidual e-mail accounts (I.e., engage In "mall bombing'), make inappropriate po~tings to news groups, nor send falsecommerdal messages or any engage In ar\y other abuse ofe·mail or news group servers, Obtain or attempt to obtain products or services from eSo!Utions or anyone else by any means or device with lntentto avoid payment therefore. Unless permitted by the HSA, make, directly or Indirectly, any ofthe product> or services received from eSolutions available to any third party, The Customer shall not permit any third party to gain access to. the termination equipment of either eSolutlono or the Customer for the purpose of obtaining access to eSo!Utions' network for the purpose of obtaining any of the products or services of eSolutions, whether dlr"'tly or Indirectly. engage in any activities that deny or disrupt selVice to any customer or end-user of esolut!ons . Engage in any actlvitythat eSQiutions may hereafter advise is .unacceptable. use of the Services . If the Customer Is at anytime In breach of the requirements stated in the preceding tO bullet points, esolutlons may lmmedlately.and without notice, and In addition to all other rights and rem ear .. under the HSA and at law and in equity, suspend the suppiVof any or all Services to the Customer pursuant to the HSA. esolutlons reserves the right to remove any and all materials that, In Its sole opinion, infringe these restrlttlons an!l it may Immediately terminate thisHSA for any breac" thereof withOut further obligation to the Customer. Any such termination shall be without prejudice to loerl 5 fn1fla1$- TERMSANDCONDITIONS OF HOSTING.SERVICE AGREEMENT any other rights or remedies available to e5olutio.ns at law or in equity. Notwithstanding the foregoing, eS91u1;ions shall have no obligation to monitor the compliance of any material made available by the Customer. The. Customer shall use Its best efforts to Inform End Users afthe key th.emes ofthe Aoceptallle Use Policy described herein. An End Users failure to abide by the Acceptable use Policy does not affect esolutians rights to terminate ~erv.ices as per the Hsli. Any such suspension of the.su~ply of Services shall not constitute a termlnatioll oft he HSA and shall not excuse the Customer from liability to make the payments to esolutlons required by the HSA during the period that the provlsio~ of the Services to the Customer i.s suspended. The supply .of services pursuant to the HSA shall resume upon the Customer no longer being in breach Of the requirements of this paragraph .and the payment by the customer to eSolutions of any and all costs of esolutions to susf)tlnd and res tole .serllice. and a $500 reinstitution charge. Continued breach of the requirements of the preceding paragraph may result In termination of the HSA. ID!te:l 6 Initials I;! eSolutions APPENDIX B ~SERVICE lEVEL AGI<ITMENT ~ - TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF HOSTING S£RVICE AGREEMENT This Service l.evelllsreement rsiA"l applies only to {I) service outages dl~ re.latlid tO bandwidth and/ot phVSical space services proVIded within the.esolutlons Nei;Work, {II) respoosetimes followlns the failure of a hardware component belns monitored and managed by esolutlons. Points of Demarcation: The network access port servicing the Customer within the eSolut!ons Network Will serve as .the demarcation point for Internet Communication Services Th.e. power drcultls) provided by .eSolutlons to the CustQme?s Rack Space will serve as the demarcation points forcolocatlon services .. The scope of this SlA does not include, under any clrcumst<!nces. any portion ofthe public Internet. Servl(:e Warranties: HO$tin& and Manasement of the esolutions Network {a) Network Availability Warranty: The esolutlons Network will be 100 percent(%) available. Network Availability Warranty SOope Exclusive of sch~duled maintenance windows, the eSolu.tloi'IS Network will pr0vide ac.cess to the edge of the. public l.nternet 100% of the time. A network outage event Is defined •s 100% packet loss on the eSolutlons Network resulting from equipment that Is under esolutions' controL Network outage os a result of third party (other than eSolutlons), customer Pr(l\/lded or Customer Managed Equipment is not considered an eligible network outage under this SIA. Customer notification to eSolutlons In the form of a trouble ticket (or equivalent written notification), speolflcto a ~etwork outage event, must have been sent by the CUstomer for the event to qualify under this SIA. Network Availability Warranty Process Wlthl.n l hour of the opening of a network availability trouble ticket, eSolutlons will determln& If there Is a network outage that results from equipment under esolutions' control. The. length of an eligible servic¢ outage event Is calculated by eSolutions ~s beginning with the opening of the trouble ticket and ending when esolutions makes its initial attempt to notify the Customer of the restoration of network availability. Network Availability Remedy For M!Oh ho.ur of network outage a service credit for l/30th of the Customer's monthly charge for committed bandwidth and physical space services will be applied to the Customer's account for any eligible outage event up to a maximum of the monthly charge for services. lbl Network Quality Warranty; The eSolutlons networkwlll introduce less than 1% sustained packet loss. Network Q.ualityWarranty scope Exclusive ofschedul~d maintenance Windows, the eSolutlons network will introduceless than l%sustained packet los.s. An eligible packet loss event is defined as sustained packet loss of sreater than 1% on the eSoll)tions network for one continuous hour resulting from equipment that Is under eSolutions' control. Packet loss as a result of a third party or customer Provided Equipment Is not considered an eligible packet loss event underthisSlA. A trouble ticket. sPeciflc to the packet loss event, must have been opened by the Customer for the event to qualify under this SlA. Network O.Uallty Warranty Process Within 90mlnutes of the opening of a network quality trouble ticket, eSolutionswill determine If there is a p~cl<et loss condition resulting from equipment under eSolutlons' control. Th.e length of an eligible packet los~ event I~ calculated by eSolutrons as beginning With the opening of the trouble tlc~et and ending when eSolutions makes its Initial attempt to notify the Customer of restoration of network quality. Network Q.uality Warranty Remedy For each hour of network outage a service credit for l/i!Oth of the Customer's monthly charge lor committed bandwidth and physical space sell(lces will be applied to the Customer's account for any eligible network quality event up to a maximum of the monthly charge for services. ~c) Power Availability warranty; eSolutions power will be lOO% available. Power Availability Wommty Scope Power availabi]Hy is defined as continuous power to at least one of the Customer'> power drcults. Exclusive of scheduled maintenance windows, eSolutions will provide continuous power availability to the Customer Space. 7 e eSolutions TE~MS ~NO CONDITIONS OF HOSTING SERVICE AGREEMENT An eligible power loss event Is defined as a simultaneous power loss of any duration to all of the eSoiUtian•,Pravided Customer pOwer circuits resulting from eQuipment that Is. under tSoltJtlons' oontrot. Power loss as a result of Customer Provided Equipment failure or Customer power circuit overloading Is not oo.nsidered an eliiible power loss event under this StA. A trouble ticket, specific to the power los; event, must have been opened by tho customerfotthe eventto qualify iJnderthis StA. PQwer Availability warranty Proi$s Within one hour ofthe opening ofa power availability. trouble ticket, eSclutlons will determine whether there Is a power loss that results from equipment unde.r esolutions' control. The length of an eligible power loss event Is calculated by eSolutions as beginning With the opening of the tr~uble ticket and ending when eSolutlons makes Its Initial attempt to notify the Customer of restorotion of power availability: Power Availability Warranty Remedy For each hour of power loss a service credit for 1/30thofthe Customer's monthly charge for committed bandwidth and physical space seMces Will be applied to the Customer's account for any ell81ble power loss event up to a maximum of the monthly marge for services. ldl eSolutJons Managed Systems Warranty; eSolutlons Managed Systems Scope Exclusive to equipment solely monitored and managed by eSolutlons. eSolutlons Managed Systemswarranty Protj!ss eSolutions will detect a hardware failure and open a trouble ticket within 30 minutes of a high or mecnum severity failure event. For high severity events, esolutions will initiate the repair of the affected component within 30 minutes of the opening of the trouble ticket A high severity failure Is defined as the failure of a non'redundant h.ardwore component that Is then being monitored by .Solutions. For medium severity events, eSolutions will initiate. notlce to the Customer within 90 minutes of the opening of a trouble ticket to arrange a maintenance window to repair the affected component. A medium severity failure Is defined as a failure ofa redundant hardware component th•t is then being monitored by eSolutions. e5olutlons Manqed Services Warranty Remedy if repair work has not been inltif(ed within 30 minutes of the openlns of a trouble ticket for a high severity failure event, l/30th of the Customer's monthly charge for the affected service Will be applied to the Customer's account. If eSoluticns does not Initiate notice to the Customer within 24 hours of the opening of a trouble ticket to arrange a maintenance window to repair the affected component of a medium ;everltyfailure event, :\{30th of the Custome~s monthly charge for the affected service. will be applied to the Customer's account. Server Performance and Monitoring eSolutions shall provide the following server performance benchmarks: • Servers shall average less than 8 seconds response time for Sl)% .of requests as measured by server response tline only, not network transmission time. • Servers shall average99.9% up time {excluding Network Availability of 100%). This would be eoclusil/e of regularly scheduled malntenanoe events. • eSolutionsshaU po>t an approved message In the event of a system outage that lasts longer than 15 minutes. ServerAvellabll~ and Monitoring servers shall be operational and monitored 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Monita<lng shall be done by executing a connection to the provided service. In the event a server falls to respond to .the comiection request over a sustained s minute period, a eSolutlons system administrator is automatically notified of a potential server outage. An eSolutlons system administrator shall initiate an investigation within 5 minutes of such a notific:atlon to Identify whether there Is a problem and shall Initiate work to (eS:tore server to nol'mell operating capacity ServerAvatlabll~ Warranty Remedy For each hour lor partial hour) where servers are not fully. operational, a sorvlce credit equivalent to !/BOth of the Customer's monthly charge for committed bandwidth and physical space services will be applied to the customer's account to a maximum of the monthly charges for services. 8 I Oil""~ I initlats Custorn~rSerilce TERMS ANQ CONPITIONS OF HOSTING SERVICE AGREEMENT esolutions shall provide reasonable eommerclal efforts to he Immediately available via your Customer Aooount Manager or Technical Cootoct person. eSoluUons will respond to all Customer requests related to hostin~ management, development, and maintenance within the same buSiness day. eSolutlons shall Initiate actions to respond to a customer inquiry within one business day of be ins notified. Change Request Warranty: 1. Change requests requiring less th•n 1 hourofeSclutions work, within 1 business day. 2. Change requests requiring less than 4 hours of eSolutfons work, within 3 business days. 3. Change requests requiring more than 4 hours of eSolutions wotk, as mutually agreed upon. Emerge(lcy requests ~urgent same day requests, .after business hours and weekends): eSolutlons shell use reaoonable commercial efforts to make the requested changes within 24 hours. a! notification. Change requests require written notiHcatlon in the form of a "Request for work' form or email equivalent Browser Support For hosted solutions that are coded .and developed by eSolutlons we strive to support most commonly used and current browsers. During the development and lntemaiOA process, we ensure that our deliverables work correctly with the latest versions of mainstream browsers, as well as popular previous versions of Internet Explorer. ResponsiVe Deslen Sites with a responsive design are fully supported on the latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer 10 and later. Older versions of internet Explorer are not compatible with modern responsive design tools. Oursites are designed and coded to degrado graceMy and remain legible if they do notfender correctly in older browsers. In addition, those visiting the website with older browsers will see a notification recommending that they upgrade their browser to a newer version for the best experience. Our responsive websltes are also tested on the latest operating systems on IPad,IPhohe, Playbook, BOlO, and Android devices. Standard Design For the publldaclng side ofwebsltes and online applications, we test with the following supported browsers: Microsoft Wlnd~s Internet EJ!plorer 8, 9, 10, 11 Firefox ~late&tat 110 live~ Gooele Chrome (latest at go live) eSolutions does not support beta versions of browsers on hosted applications. !:Create Editor Support Appleosx Safari (latest at go live) Flrefox {latest at go live) Goqgle Chrome ~latest at go live) For hosted solUtions that utili>ei:Create, eSolutlons will provide at least3 years of support f9r the I:Cteate editor version from the release date of the i:Create editor version. The editor will support any new versions of supported browsers released during the.<upport period Atthe end of the support period, clients using older editors will need to update to a new editor version in order to access new features and potentially to allow f9r support for new browsers. Editor Version Support Status Browsers ReleB:s_e_ Date Support Ends Version3 supported IE 8, 9, 10, 11 October 25, 2012 October 25, 2016 Chrome. Flrefox, Safari Maintenance Windows The eSolutions standard maintenance windows are currently between 10 PM and lAM (EST) on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. eSolutlons reserves the right In Its sole discretion to alterthese standard maintenance windows or to schedoiea non-standard maintenance window from time to time by giving 24 hours' notice to the Customer. 9 Dk'lf initiofs Nctlfltatlon by C.ustom~r TERMS AND CONDITIONS Of HOSTING SERVICE AGREEMENT Atthe time the Customer believes that an event the! qualifies for a service credit under this SLA has ocqrred, the Customer sllould contact eSolutions.and confirm that a.!roubletlcket specific to the event has been opened. Once a~tkethas l:>een opened, eSolutions will iilltiete diagnostic t~.stlng and trouble Isolation to determine the nature of the service quality oravailabillty event. If the trouble is diagnosed as <inewl\fch may be wftllfn the scope of coverage, responsibility <1nd management of the trouble ticket will be assumed by .Solutions; Any necessary follow-up Is the joint responsibility of the customer and .Solutions. No service credits can be e;ttended unless. a trouble ticket has been opened with esolutions. In addition, the customer mustfonmally request • serviCe qedltwlthln 7 days of an eligible event if the Customer b.elleves a service cre~lt Is due. eSolutions shall notify customer via the followlng email .addresses in case or • service outage: _ITsupport@tlllsonburg;ca• _________ _ If Customer experiences a service outage, customer may contact eSoluti6ns personnel in the following manner: Phone: 1-866-691-SS:ia eMail: productsupport@esolutionsgroup.ca I Olt11 HSA~ M~id1201S 10 irrftlafs e e3olutions - Ar'PENDIX C-ACCESSir•JG CUSTOMER SUPPORT How? Y<lU. m.av use one of the two methods to contact eSolutlons for support: Email: support@hfllp.esolutionsgroup.ca Telephone: 1-866,591·5528 'Please note: If you are experiencing a wstem o.utage, please phone us. What? TeRMS AND CONDITIONS OF HOSTING SERVICE AGReEMENT please be prepa;ed to provide the following cjetails (or include the5e details in your email). A helpful support ticket will bEi issued so that your Issue Is dealt with In an expedient manner. 1. Whatis your preferred method of contact (i;e. eMail or Phone-please provide a number) 2. When can you be reached by our support staff for resolution. 3. Please describe the challenge that you are having in detail. 4. Please provide details of any error messages that you are receiving. s. Please briefly describe whatycu were doing at the time the error occurred. 6. Please explain the urgency of yourrequest. 7. Please proville any other details that may be pertinent. It is understood that ·,n some cases pro'lldlng these spedlicdetalls may not be possible. Providing as much detail as Is appflcabie will help eSolutlons' staff respond In an efficient manner. Tracking Ticket Progress Status and progress on tickets""" be viewed here by logging in with the credentials below: http://help.e5ollltlonsgroup.ca/index.php Username: _!fsupport@tillsonbutg.ca_ ... _. _ Password:_99mermaids, ___ _ Please note: You do not need to log Into the support tool unless you want to change ycur password or view tickets. You can submit tickets and receive responses from our stat! via email without logging Into the system. oat~ Centre Access Office-Hours Data Centre.Access (!1:00am to 5:00pm) cali519·8B4-2476 (Toll Free: 1·866-691-$528) Please be prepared to provide the following information: 1. A contact name and number where you can be reached. 2. Whattlm€ yoiJ expect to be atthe Data Olntre. After-Hours Data Centre Access (5:00pm to 8:0oam) caiiSlll-432-2655 (TQII Free: 1·855-265-1859) Please be prepared to .answer the following questions: 1. What is your company name? 2. What is your(i.e, thecailer) FULl name? 3. What is your immediate cail·back phone number, so that the representative can call you back to arrange the time to access the centre? 4. What is your mobile cell number If available, in case the representative needs to contact you? s. Do you have an estimate as to how long ycu will be at the co·locatlon data center? 6. Do you require technical assistance while at the co~ocatlon data center? 1iSA-M~t11201S 11 (}fl!l lnirlo{s e e3olutions ToRMS AND CONDITIONS OF HOSTING SERVICE AGREEMENT To provide continued service and support and to en.able us to communicate effectively keeping you up-tQ<iate on your services, we require tnat you take a few moments to fill in the following torm and return as. soon as possible. General company lnforma~on: Company name: Town of Tll~onburg Company-Website; Tlllsonburg.ca tl.ddress: 200 Broadway Street Suite 204, City; Tlllsonburg. 01\tarto PomiCod<, N4GSA7 SVStem Outage etntact lob Titleo Pho.ne: E:malL ITsupport@tlllsonburn.ca Artem~~e e·n-·1ail. Cell I Pager Ust of Contacts authorized to contact eSollltionsGroup for support Comoanv name (/fd/fftirent}: Technical Contact "fd/Iferent): Job !itle. PHone: e-rna:l: Alterfl.ate e-rli2F. Cell/ Pdg_~f: JobTttteo~ Phone, e-mail; 'e·m•J Cell/ P•&•" COmpany name (if d/fftirent}: Ctntact (If different}: Job Title: Phon eo €H11'3il: Alt~fli[)lt~ e·,nliul: Cell/ P•ger. Darrell Eddington Dlrectofof Finance 5~61libSDD9 ext. 3251 deddlnnon@tlllsonburg.ca 5l9'7~-n4s . ; Officer tei<t. 3231 12 Qr1t;l Jnltfal$ HSA-M;r~hlOJ!i e e3olutions Escalation Procedures TERN!~ AND CON PinONS OF HOSTING SERVICEAGREEMENT eSotutions' software's escalation procedures raise the visibility and importance of vour problem witilin our software. At the d~cretlon of eSolutlonsGroup, project manager, customer product support Issues may be escalated internally tc:> senior 5UPPort technician, the product s~pport manaser, or the development team. JOO IItie: ProJect I Pn()ne: e-mail: ~ Cell/ Pager: ' ~ Jeff latimer Phone: 2344 e-mail: ~ Cell/ Pager: Job Title: Product Suo~ort Manager contact; Jason Soo Hoo PhOne: 519-884·3352 ext. 2327 e-rnail: )soohoo@esolutionstiioup.ca Cell/Pager: Job Title: oeveiQjlmenneam contact: Dave Gray Phone: 416-866·234ll e•mall: de•rav@esolutlonsgroup.ca Cell/Pager: 416-~$-7217 . In general, if you are not satisfied with a response from the product ·support >taff. you may request that the Issue be escalated by wntactlng your support representative. 1 a&:: I InftiOls