150413 Council = The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg COUNCIL MEETING Monday, April 13, 2015 6:00 PM Council Chambers 200 Broadway, 2nd Floor Minutes ATTENDANCE Mayor Stephen Molnar Deputy Mayor Dave Beres Councillor Maxwell Adam Councillor Penny Esseltine Councillor Jim Hayes Councillor Chris Rosehart Councillor Brian Stephenson Staff: David Calder, CAO Donna Wilson, Town Clerk Kevin De Leebeeck, Director of Operations Rick Cox, Director of Parks and Recreation Services Darrell Eddington, Director of Finance Jeff Bunn, Deputy Clerk 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Adoption of Agenda Moved By: Councillor Rosehart Seconded By: Councillor Hayes THAT the Agenda as prepared for the Council meeting of Monday, April 13, 2015, be adopted. Carried. 3. Moment of Silence 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest. 5. Adoption of Council Minutes of Previous Meeting 5.1. Minutes of the Meeting of March 23, 2015 April 13, 2015 Council Meeting – Minutes - 2 - Regular Council Minutes 2015-03-23 Moved By: Councillor Hayes Seconded By: Councillor Rosehart THAT the Minutes of the Council Meeting of March 23, 2015, be approved. Carried. 6. Delegations and Presentations 6.1. Family Day Update CDR-15-07 Council Delegation Request 2015 Brent Shepherd was in attendance to share with Council a brief update to the events of Family Day. Mr. Shepherd informed Council that the event was extremely successful and was recognised from citizens outside of the Tillsonburg Community. Mr. Shepherd also shared with Council a short video highlighting the various activities made available on Family Day. Moved By: Councillor Rosehart Seconded By: Councillor Hayes THAT the material presented by the Family Day Committee be received as information. Carried. 6.2. Naming of Tillsonburg Skateboard Park CDR-15-06 Council Delegation Request 2015 Petition for The Kolin Smith Skate Park Katelyn Gehring was in attendance to represent citizens who signed a petition to name the Tillsonburg Skate Board Park after the late Kolin Smith. Ms. Gehring spoke to Mr. Smith’s life and influence to young patrons of the skate board park, and shared a brief video with Council. Moved By: Councillor Hayes Seconded By: Councillor Rosehart THAT the material presented by the delegation concerning the naming of the Tillsonburg Skateboard Park be received as information; April 13, 2015 Council Meeting – Minutes - 3 - AND THAT Staff be directed to prepare a comprehensive municipal naming policy for various community assets, for Council review and consideration; AND FURTHER THAT future deliberations concerning the renaming of the Skateboard Park be aligned with this process. Carried. Council recessed at 6:34 p.m. Council resumed at 6:37 p.m. 7. Public Meetings 7.1. Minor Variance Application A-01/15 - Frans & Corrie DeMaree, 183 Young St CASPO 2015-77 (A-01/15) Attachments A1-15 Notice of Decision Eric Gilbert, Development Planner, provided an overview of the application. The applicant, Frans De Maree, was in attendance and spoke in favor of the application. No one spoke against the application. Moved By: Councillor Stephenson Seconded By: Councillor Esseltine THAT the Committee of Adjustment approve Application File A-01/15, submitted by Frans & Corrie DeMaree, for lands described as Part Lot 6. Concession 5 NTR, Town of Tillsonburg, as it relates to: 1. Relief from Section 5.1 – Regulations for Accessory Buildings and Structures, to increase the maximum permitted lot coverage for an accessory building from 100 m2 (1,076.4 ft2) to 149 m2 (1600 ft2) to facilitate the construction of a detached accessory building on the subject lands. Subject to the following condition: April 13, 2015 Council Meeting – Minutes - 4 - i. A building permit for the accessory building shall be issued within one year of the date of the Committee's decision. Carried. 7.2. Minor Variance Application A-02/15 - St. John's Anglican Church, 46 Ridout Street CASPO 2015-84 (A-02/15) Attachments A2-15 Notice of Decision Eric Gilbert, Development Planner, provided an overview of the application. The applicant, Peter Johnson, Record Warden at St. Johns Anglican Church, was in attendance to answer questions from Council and support the application. Cindy Winter and Paul Vanhooydonk, 85 Bidwell Street, were in attendance to speak against the application. Ms. Winter and Mr. Vanhooydonk noted that their concern was primarily because there may be an impact to their adjacent property. Nancy Dolson, 89 Bidwell Street, spoke against the application because of parking concerns and no plans for development had been shared thus far. Peter Johnson spoke in response to the neighbours’ concerns and invited them to attend the Church to review the drawings. Moved By: Councillor Esseltine Seconded By: Councillor Stephenson THAT the Committee of Adjustment approve Application File A-02/15, submitted by St. John’s Anglican Church, for lands described as South Part Lot 870, Plan 500, Town of Tillsonburg, as it related to: 1. Relief from Section 12.2, Table 12.2B – Required Rear Yard Depth, to decrease the minimum rear yard depth from 12.5 m (41 ft) to 0.72 m (2.3 ft) to recognize the existing rear yard depth and facilitate the construction of an addition to a place of worship; April 13, 2015 Council Meeting – Minutes - 5 - 2. Relief from Section 12.2, Table 12.2B – Lot Coverage, to increase the maximum permitted lot coverage from 35% to 54% to recognize the existing lot coverage and facilitate the construction of an addition to a place of worship; 3. Relief from Section, Table – Parking Standards, to decrease the minimum required parking spaces from 13 to nil to facilitate the construction of an addition to a place of worship. Subject to the following condition ii. A building permit for the proposed addition shall be issued within one year of the date of the Committee's decision. Carried. 7.3. Application for Official Plan Amendment and Zone Change (OP 15-02-7 & ZN 7-15-02) Horticultural Solutions, 25 Townline Road CASPO 2015-76 Report Attachments Eric Gilbert, Development Planner, provided an overview of the application. The applicant, Shane Curtis, spoke in favour of the application. No one spoke against the application. Moved By: Councillor Adam Seconded By: Deputy Mayor Beres THAT Council support the application to amend the Oxford County Official Plan (File No. OP 15-02-7) as submitted by Tilson Property Investments, for lands located at 25 Town Line Road, in the Town of Tillsonburg to establish a special development policy to permit a call centre with accessory office space as an additional permitted use on the Industrial designated lands; AND THAT Council approve-in-principle the zone change application submitted by Tilson Property Investments, whereby the lands described as Part Lot 1638, Plan 500, Town of Tillsonburg, known municipally as 25 Townline Road are to be rezoned from General Industrial Zone (MG) to Special General Industrial Zone (MG-sp). April 13, 2015 Council Meeting – Minutes - 6 - Carried. 8. Information Items 8.1. Township of Southgate Resolution – Bill 52 – Protection of Public Participation Act 8.2. Sylvia Jones, MPP – Bill 36 – Respecting Private Property Act 8.3. Lisa Thompson, MPP – Bill 66 – Great Lakes Protection Act, 2015 8.4. Ernie Hardeman, MPP – Affordable Housing Insurance Moved By: Councillor Stephenson Seconded By: Councillor Esseltine THAT the correspondence from MPP Ernie Hardeman concerning the Ontario Housing Services Corporation (HSC) be received as information; AND THAT the Council for the Town of Tillsonburg supports the Housing Services Accountability Act introduced by MPP Hardeman which would remove the mandatory requirement for social housing providers to purchase gas and insurance through the Housing Services Corporation; AND FURTHER THAT a letter demonstrating this support be returned to the attention of MPP Hardeman. Carried. 8.5. Township of Madawaska Valley – Rising Hydro Rates Resolution 8.6. 2015 Senior Achievement Award Program Staff to circulate the material to the Senior Centre and Council Committees 8.7. 31st Annual Tim Hortons Bowl for Kids Sake 9. Mayor 9.1. MYR 15-04 UPDATE – Notice of Motion MYR 15-04 UPDATE – Notice of Motion Moved By: Deputy Mayor Beres Seconded By: Councillor Esseltine THAT Council receives report MYR 15-04 as information and; April 13, 2015 Council Meeting – Minutes - 7 - FURTHER THAT Staff be directed to prepare a Report supporting the introduction of a Volunteer of the Month Award and; FURTHER that any additional aspects to facilitate this direction be considered and introduced on April 27 for Council consideration. Carried. 10. Reports from Departments 10.1. Chief Administrative Officer 10.1.1. CAO 15-09 Town Hall Project Steering Committee Terms of Reference CAO 15-09 Town Hall Project Steering Committee Terms of Reference Town Hall Project Steering Committee Terms of Reference Moved By: Councillor Hayes Seconded By: Councillor Rosehart THAT Council receive report CAO 15-7 Town Hall Project Steering Committee Terms of Reference; AND THAT Council approve the Town Hall Project Steering Committee Terms of Reference as attached to report CAO 15-7; AND FURTHER THAT the Chief Administrative Officer be directed to recruit interested individuals to the committee based on the membership criteria outline in the Town Hall Project Steering Committee Terms of Reference and through advertising for committee members as per Council Policy. Carried. 10.2. Finance 10.2.1. FIN 15-18 2014 Reconciled Contract Policing Costs - OPP FIN 15-18 2014 Reconciled Contract Policing Costs - OPP Year 2014 Reconciled Contract Policing Costs - OPP April 13, 2015 Council Meeting – Minutes - 8 - Moved By: Councillor Rosehart Seconded By: Councillor Hayes THAT Council receives report FIN15-18 2014 Reconciled Contract Policing Costs – OPP; AND THAT $123,738 be contributed to reserves. Carried. 10.2.2. FIN 15-19 Trustee Appointments FIN 15-19 Trustee Appointments By law 3896 To Amend 3639 Trust & Appointments Moved By: Councillor Stepheson Seconded By: Councillor Esseltine THAT Council receives report FIN 15-19 Trustee Appointments; AND THAT By-Law 3896 be brought forward for three readings for Council consideration. Carried. 10.3. Operations 10.3.1. OPS 15-08 Results for Tender # F2015-001 Combination Snowplow OPS 15-08 Results for Tender # F2015-001 Combination Snowplow Moved By: Councillor Esseltine Seconded By: Councillor Stephenson THAT Council receive Report OPS 15-08 Results for Tender # F2015-001 Combination Snowplow; AND THAT Council award Tender # F2015-001 to Carrier Truck Centers at a cost of $244,550.00 (plus applicable taxes). Carried. April 13, 2015 Council Meeting – Minutes - 9 - 10.3.2. OPS 15-09 Annandale Heights Subdivision Phase 7 Stage 2 Pre-Servicing Agreement OPS 15-09 Annandale Heights Subdivision Phase 7 Stage 2 Pre-Servicing Agreement Attachment 1 - Annandale Heights Subdivision Phase 7 Stage 2 Pre-Servicing Agreement with 2370764 Ontario Inc. Moved By: Councillor Adam Seconded By: Deputy Mayor Beres THAT Council receive Report OPS 15-09 Annandale Heights Subdivision Phase 7 Stage 2 Pre-Servicing Agreement; AND THAT a By-law authorizing Mayor and Clerk to enter into the Pre-Servicing Agreement between the Town and 2340764 Ontario Inc. be brought forward for Council consideration. Carried. 11. Staff Information Reports 11.1. FIN 15-20 Airport Five Year Financial Analysis FIN 15-20 Airport Five Year Financial Analysis Airport Analysis Moved By: Deputy Mayor Beres Seconded By: Councillor Adam THAT Council receives report FIN 15-20 Airport Five Year Financial Analysis as information. Carried. 11.2. RCP 15-14 – Jan-Mar 2015 RCP Departmental Activity Reports RCP 15-14 - Jan-Mar 2015 RCP Departmental Activity Reports • Jan-Mar 2015 Activity - Recreation Programs & Services • Jan-Mar 2015 Activity – Culture & Heritage • Jan-Mar 2015 Activity – Parks & Facilities April 13, 2015 Council Meeting – Minutes - 10 Moved By: Deputy Mayor Beres Seconded By: Councillor Adam THAT Council receive Report RCP 15-14 – Jan-Mar 2015 RCP Departmental Activity Reports for information. Carried. 12. By-Laws By-Laws from the Meeting of Monday, April 13, 2015 Moved By: Councillor Hayes Seconded By: Councillor Rosehart THAT By-Law 3897, to authorize a Pre-Servicing Agreement between the Town of Tillsonburg and 2340764 Ontario Inc. (Pre-Servicing Agreement); AND By law 3896, to amend By-Law 3639, being a by-law to define Municipal Trust Funds and to appoint Trustees to those Trusts established by the Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg; AND By-law 3898, to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meetings held on the 13th day of April, 2015, be read for a first, second and third reading and that Mayor and the Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign the same, and place the Corporate Seal thereunto. Carried. 13. Items of Public Interest 14. Adjournment Moved By: Councillor Esseltine Seconded By: Councillor Stephenson THAT the Council Meeting of Monday, April 13, 2015, be adjourned at 9:37 p.m. Carried. Table of Contents Agenda 3 Regular Council Minutes 2015-03-23 Regular Council Minutes 2015-03-23 10 Family Day Update CDR-15-07 Council Delegation Request 2015 23 Naming of Tillsonburg Skateboard Park CDR-15-06 Council Delegation Request 2015 26 Petition for The Kolin Smith Skate Park 29 Minor Variance Application A-01/15 - Frans & Corrie DeMaree, 183 Young St CASPO 2015-77 (A-01/15)61 Attachments 65 A1-15 Notice of Decision 73 Minor Variance Application A-02/15 - St. John's Anglican Church, 46 Ridout Street CASPO 2015-84 (A-02/15)75 Attachments 79 A2-15 Notice of Decision 86 Application for Official Plan Amendment and Zone Change (OP 15-02-7 & ZN 7-15-02) Horticultural Solutions, 25 Townline Road CASPO 2015-76 88 Report Attachments 93 Township of Southgate Resolution - Bill 52 Resolution - Bill 52, Protection of Public Participation Act 101 Correspondence Bill 36 - Respcting Correspondence Bill 36 - Respcting 103 Correspondence Bill 66 - Great Lakes Protection Act, 2015 Correspondence Bill 66 - Great Lakes Protection Act, 2015 107 Correspondence RE Affordable Housing Insurance Correspondence RE Affordable Housing Insurance 115 Township of Madawaska Valley - Rising Hydro Rates Resolution Madawaska Valley Resolution 121 2015 Senior Achievement Award Program 2015 Senior Achievement Award Program 123 31st Annual Tim Hortons Bowl for Kids Sake 31st Annual Tim Hortons Bowl for Kids Sake 124 MYR 15-04 UPDATE – Notice of Motion MYR 15-04 UPDATE – Notice of Motion 128 Town Hall Project Steering Committee Terms of Reference 1 Town Hall Project Steering Committee Terms of Reference 130 Town Hall Project Steering Committee Terms of Reference 132 FIN 15-18 2014 Reconciled Contract Policing Costs - OPP. FIN 15-18 2014 Reconciled Contract Policing Costs - OPP 135 Year 2014 Reconciled Contract Policing Costs - OPP 136 FIN 15-19 Trustee Appointments FIN 15-19 Trustee Appointments 141 By law 3896 To Amend 3639 Trust & Appointments 142 OPS 15-08 Results for Tender # F2015-001 Combination Snowplow OPS 15-08 Results for Tender # F2015-001 Combination Snowplow 145 OPS 15-09 Annandale Heights Subdivision Phase 7 Stage 2 Pre-Servicing Agreement OPS 15-09 Annandale Heights Subdivision Phase 7 Stage 2 Pre-Servicing Agreement 148 Attachment 1 - Annandale Heights Subdivision Phase 7 Stage 2 Pre-Servicing Agreement with 2370764 Ontario Inc.149 FIN 15-20 Airport Five Year Financial Analysis FIN 15-20 Airport Five Year Financial Analysis 163 Airport Analysis 164 RCP 15-14 – Jan-Mar 2015 RCP Departmental Activity Reports RCP 15-14 - Jan-Mar 2015 RCP Departmental Activity Reports 170 • Jan-Mar 2015 Activity - Recreation Programs & Services 171 • Jan-Mar 2015 Activity – Culture & Heritage 172 • Jan-Mar 2015 Activity – Parks & Facilities 173 By-Law 3897 To Authorize a Pre-Servicing Agreement Between the Town of Tillsonburg and 2340764 Ontario Inc. By-Law 3897 To Authroize Pre-Servicing - Annandale Phase 7 174 Pre-Servicing Agreement Annandale Phase 7 175 A BY-LAW to amend By-Law 3639, being a by-law to define Municipal Trust Funds and to appoint Trustees to those Trusts Established By The Corporation of The Town of Tillsonburg. By law 3896 To Amend 3639 Trust & Appointments 189 Confirming By-law 3998 Confirming By-law 3998 192 2 = 1. Call to Order 2. Adoption of Agenda Moved By: Seconded By: Proposed Resolution #1 THAT the Agenda as prepared for the Council meeting of Monday, April 13, 2015, be adopted. 3. Moment of Silence 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 5. Adoption of Council Minutes of Previous Meeting 5.1. Minutes of the Meeting of March 23, 2015 Regular Council Minutes 2015-03-23 Moved By: Seconded By: Proposed Resolution #2 THAT the Minutes of the Council Meeting of March 23, 2015, be approved. 6. Delegations and Presentations 6.1. Family Day Update CDR-15-07 Council Delegation Request 2015 6.2. Naming of Tillsonburg Skateboard Park CDR-15-06 Council Delegation Request 2015 Petition for The Kolin Smith Skate Park 7. Public Meetings The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg COUNCIL MEETING Monday, April 13, 2015 6:00 PM Council Chambers 200 Broadway, 2nd Floor AGENDA 3 April 13, 2015 Council Meeting – Agenda - 2 - 7.1. Minor Variance Application A-01/15 - Frans & Corrie DeMaree, 183 Young St CASPO 2015-77 (A-01/15) Attachments A1-15 Notice of Decision Moved By: Seconded By: Proposed Resolution #3 THAT the Committee of Adjustment approve Application File A-01/15, submitted by Frans & Corrie DeMaree, for lands described as Part Lot 6. Concession 5 NTR, Town of Tillsonburg, as it relates to: 1. Relief from Section 5.1 – Regulations for Accessory Buildings and Structures, to increase the maximum permitted lot coverage for an accessory building from 100 m2 (1,076.4 ft2) to 149 m2 (1600 ft2) to facilitate the construction of a detached accessory building on the subject lands. Subject to the following condition: i. A building permit for the accessory building shall be issued within one year of the date of the Committee's decision. 7.2. Minor Variance Application A-02/15 - St. John's Anglican Church, 46 Ridout Street CASPO 2015-84 (A-02/15) Attachments A2-15 Notice of Decision Moved By: Seconded By: Proposed Resolution #4 THAT the Committee of Adjustment approve Application File A-02/15, submitted by St. John’s Anglican Church, for lands described as South Part Lot 870, Plan 500, Town of Tillsonburg, as it related to: 1. Relief from Section 12.2, Table 12.2B – Required Rear Yard Depth, to decrease the minimum rear yard depth from 12.5 m (41 ft) to 0.72 m (2.3 ft) to recognize the existing rear yard depth and facilitate the construction of an addition to a place of worship; 2. Relief from Section 12.2, Table 12.2B – Lot Coverage, to increase the maximum permitted lot coverage from 35% to 54% to recognize the existing lot coverage and facilitate the construction of an addition to a place of worship; 4 April 13, 2015 Council Meeting – Agenda - 3 - 3. Relief from Section, Table – Parking Standards, to decrease the minimum required parking spaces from 13 to nil to facilitate the construction of an addition to a place of worship. Subject to the following condition ii. A building permit for the proposed addition shall be issued within one year of the date of the Committee's decision. 7.3. Application for Official Plan Amendment and Zone Change (OP 15-02-7 & ZN 7-15-02) Horticultural Solutions, 25 Townline Road CASPO 2015-76 Report Attachments Moved By: Seconded By: Proposed Resolution #5 THAT Council support the application to amend the Oxford County Official Plan (File No. OP 15-02-7) as submitted by Tilson Property Investments, for lands located at 25 Town Line Road, in the Town of Tillsonburg to establish a special development policy to permit a call centre with accessory office space as an additional permitted use on the Industrial designated lands; AND THAT Council approve-in-principle the zone change application submitted by Tilson Property Investments, whereby the lands described as Part Lot 1638, Plan 500, Town of Tillsonburg, known municipally as 25 Townline Road are to be rezoned from General Industrial Zone (MG) to Special General Industrial Zone (MG-sp). 8. Planning Applications 9. Information Items 9.1. Township of Southgate Resolution – Bill 52 – Protection of Public Participation Act 9.2. Sylvia Jones, MPP – Bill 36 – Respecting Private Property Act 9.3. Lisa Thompson, MPP – Bill 66 – Great Lakes Protection Act, 2015 9.4. Ernie Hardeman, MPP – Affordable Housing Insurance 9.5. Township of Madawaska Valley – Rising Hydro Rates Resolution 9.6. 2015 Senior Achievement Award Program 9.7. 31st Annual Tim Hortons Bowl for Kids Sake 10. Mayor 5 April 13, 2015 Council Meeting – Agenda - 4 - 10.1. MYR 15-04 UPDATE – Notice of Motion MYR 15-04 UPDATE – Notice of Motion Moved By: Seconded By: Proposed Resolution #6 THAT Council receives report MYR 15-04 as information and; FURTHER THAT Staff be directed to prepare a Report supporting the introduction of a Volunteer of the Month Award and; FURTHER that any additional aspects to facilitate this direction be considered and introduced on April 27 for Council consideration. 11. Reports from Departments 11.1. Chief Administrative Officer 11.1.1. CAO 15-09 Town Hall Project Steering Committee Terms of Reference CAO 15-09 Town Hall Project Steering Committee Terms of Reference Town Hall Project Steering Committee Terms of Reference Moved By: Seconded By: Proposed Resolution #7 THAT Council receive report CAO 15-7 Town Hall Project Steering Committee Terms of Reference; AND THAT Council approve the Town Hall Project Steering Committee Terms of Reference as attached to report CAO 15-7; AND FURTHER THAT the Chief Administrative Officer be directed to recruit interested individuals to the committee based on the membership criteria outline in the Town Hall Project Steering Committee Terms of Reference and through advertising for committee members as per Council Policy. 11.2. Finance 11.2.1. FIN 15-18 2014 Reconciled Contract Policing Costs - OPP FIN 15-18 2014 Reconciled Contract Policing Costs - OPP Year 2014 Reconciled Contract Policing Costs - OPP 6 April 13, 2015 Council Meeting – Agenda - 5 - Moved By: Seconded By: Proposed Resolution #8 THAT Council receives report FIN15-18 2014 Reconciled Contract Policing Costs – OPP; AND THAT $123,738 be contributed to reserves. 11.2.2. FIN 15-19 Trustee Appointments FIN 15-19 Trustee Appointments By law 3896 To Amend 3639 Trust & Appointments Moved By: Seconded By: Proposed Resolution #9 THAT Council receives report FIN 15-19 Trustee Appointments; AND THAT By-Law 3896 be brought forward for three readings for Council consideration. 11.3. Operations 11.3.1. OPS 15-08 Results for Tender # F2015-001 Combination Snowplow OPS 15-08 Results for Tender # F2015-001 Combination Snowplow Moved By: Seconded By: Proposed Resolution #10 THAT Council receive Report OPS 15-08 Results for Tender # F2015-001 Combination Snowplow; AND THAT Council award Tender # F2015-001 to Carrier Truck Centers at a cost of $244,550.00 (plus applicable taxes). 11.3.2. OPS 15-09 Annandale Heights Subdivision Phase 7 Stage 2 Pre-Servicing Agreement OPS 15-09 Annandale Heights Subdivision Phase 7 Stage 2 Pre-Servicing Agreement 7 April 13, 2015 Council Meeting – Agenda - 6 - Attachment 1 - Annandale Heights Subdivision Phase 7 Stage 2 Pre-Servicing Agreement with 2370764 Ontario Inc. Moved By: Seconded By: Proposed Resolution #11 THAT Council receive Report OPS 15-09 Annandale Heights Subdivision Phase 7 Stage 2 Pre-Servicing Agreement; AND THAT a By-law authorizing Mayor and Clerk to enter into the Pre-Servicing Agreement between the Town and 2370764 Ontario Inc. be brought forward for Council consideration. 12. Staff Information Reports 12.1. FIN 15-20 Airport Five Year Financial Analysis FIN 15-20 Airport Five Year Financial Analysis Airport Analysis Moved By: Seconded By: Proposed Resolution #12 THAT Council receives report FIN 15-20 Airport Five Year Financial Analysis as information. 12.2. RCP 15-14 – Jan-Mar 2015 RCP Departmental Activity Reports RCP 15-14 - Jan-Mar 2015 RCP Departmental Activity Reports • Jan-Mar 2015 Activity - Recreation Programs & Services • Jan-Mar 2015 Activity – Culture & Heritage • Jan-Mar 2015 Activity – Parks & Facilities Moved By: Seconded By: Proposed Resolution #13 THAT Council receive Report RCP 15-14 – Jan-Mar 2015 RCP Departmental Activity Reports for information. 13. Notice of Motions 14. By-Laws By-Laws from the Meeting of Monday, April 13, 2015 8 April 13, 2015 Council Meeting – Agenda - 7 - Moved By: Seconded By: Proposed Resolution #14 THAT By-Law 3897, to authorize a Pre-Servicing Agreement between the Town of Tillsonburg and 2340764 Ontario Inc. (Pre-Servicing Agreement); AND By law 3896, to amend By-Law 3639, being a by-law to define Municipal Trust Funds and to appoint Trustees to those Trusts established by the Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg; AND By-law 3998, to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meetings held on the 13th day of April, 2015, be read for a first, second and third reading and that Mayor and the Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign the same, and place the Corporate Seal thereunto. 15. Items of Public Interest 16. Adjournment Moved By: Seconded By: Proposed Resolution #15 THAT the Council Meeting of Monday, April 13, 2015, be adjourned at _____ p.m. 9 = ATTENDANCE Mayor Stephen Molnar Deputy Mayor Dave Beres Councillor Maxwell Adam Councillor Penny Esseltine Councillor Jim Hayes Councillor Chris Rosehart Councillor Brian Stephenson Staff: David Calder, CAO Donna Wilson, Town Clerk Kevin De Leebeeck, Director of Operations Rick Cox, Director of Parks and Recreation Services Darrell Eddington, Director of Finance Jeff Bunn, Deputy Clerk 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Adoption of Agenda Moved By: Councillor Rosehart Seconded By: Councillor Hayes THAT the Agenda as prepared for the Council meeting of Monday, March 23, 2015, be adopted. Carried. 3. Moment of Silence 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof Councillor Adam disclosed a pecuniary interest to item 9.1.1 Community Transportation Pilot Grant Program Transfer Payment Agreement, as it relates to his employer. The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg COUNCIL MEETING Monday, March 23, 2015 6:00 PM Council Chambers 200 Broadway, 2nd Floor Minutes 10 March 23, 2015 Council Meeting – Minutes - 2 - 5. Adoption of Council Minutes of Previous Meeting 5.1. Minutes of the Meeting of March 9, 2015 Regular Council Minutes 2015-03-09 Moved By: Councillor Hayes Seconded By: Councillor Rosehart THAT the Minutes of the Council Meeting of March 9, 2015, be approved. Carried. 6. Delegations and Presentations 6.1. RCP 15-10 Memorial Park Area Conceptual Master Plan RCP 15-10 Memorial Park Area Conceptual Master Plan Conceptual Master Plan Phase 1 Memorial Park Conceptual Design Report Tillsonburg Hub Consortium Correspondence for Information Ron Koudy from Ron Koudy’s Landscape Architects Inc. was in attendance to share with Council the Memorial Park Area Conceptual Master Plan. The Conceptual Master Plan has been developed after consultation sessions with town staff, local community groups and the general public. The Director of Recreation, Culture and Parks informed Council that additional consultation with community and Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee was needed, and more information would be brought forward to Council consideration at a later date. Moved By: Councillor Stephenson Seconded By: Councillor Esseltine THAT Council receive Report RCP 15-05 – Memorial Park Area Conceptual Master Plan as information. Carried. 7. Information Items 7.1. FIN 15-15 April 1 2015 Development Charge Rates DC Rates April 2015 to March 2016 DC Rates - Oxford County April 1, 2015 11 March 23, 2015 Council Meeting – Minutes - 3 - 7.2. Woodstock Accessibility Advisory Committee - Canada Post Community Box Initiative 7.3. 2015 Premier’s Award for Agri-Food Innovation Excellence – Application Intake 8. Mayor 8.1. MYR 15-03 Update - County of Oxford MYR 15-03 Update - County of Oxford The Mayor highlighted to Council the draft Community Sustainability Plan for Oxford County. The Mayor encouraged the public to attend a public workshop Thursday, March 26, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at the Tillsonburg Community Centre. The workshop allow will residents to make comments on the draft plan and provide input and suggestions. Residents are also reminded that comments on the draft plan can be made online at futureoxford.ca. Moved By: Councillor Esseltine Seconded By: Councillor Stephenson THAT Council receives report MYR 15-03 as information. Carried. 9. Reports from Departments 9.1. Chief Administrative Officer 9.1.1. CAO 15-08 Community Transportation Pilot Grant Program Transfer Payment Agreement Councillor Adam left the meeting at 6:54 due to his declared conflict of interest. Councillor Adam resumed his seat at 7:04 p.m. Community Transportation Pilot Grant Program Transfer Payment Agreement Agreement Moved By: Councillor Esseltine Seconded By: Councillor Stephenson THAT the Town of Tillsonburg Council receive report CAO 15-08, Community Transportation Pilot Grant Program Transfer Payment Agreement; AND THAT the Town of Tillsonburg Council authorizes the Mayor and Clerk to sign the Community Transportation Pilot Grant Program Transfer Payment 12 March 23, 2015 Council Meeting – Minutes - 4 - Agreement between Her Majesty the Queen in right of the Province of Ontario and the Town of Tillsonburg; AND FURTHER THAT the Town of Tillsonburg Council adopt a by-law authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to sign the Community Transportation Pilot Grant Program Transfer Payment Agreement. Carried. 9.1.2. CAO 15-05 Town Hall Steering Committee CAO 15-05 Town Hall Steering Committee Lease Expansion and Amending Agreement Moved By: Deputy Mayor Beres Seconded By: Councillor Adam THAT Council receives report CAO 15-05 Town Hall Steering Committee; AND THAT Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer to begin the process of planning for a Town Hall by establishing a Town Hall Steering Committee; AND THAT Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer to prepare terms of reference for a Town Hall Steering Committee to include committee composition, public engagement process, site identification, budget, funding sources, possible joint use, and at the appropriate time the preparation and oversight of a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the provision of a Town Hall Feasibility Study which may include an analysis of future floor space requirements for a Town Hall, conceptual design, a detailed cost estimate and a schedule for the construction/renovation of a building. Carried. 9.2. Clerk’s Office 9.2.1. CL 15-08 Indemnification By-Law CL 15-08 Indemnification By-Law By-Law 3888 Indemnification By-Law 13 March 23, 2015 Council Meeting – Minutes - 5 - Moved By: Councillor Adam Seconded By: Deputy Mayor Beres THAT Council receives report CL 15-08 Indemnification By-law; AND THAT the By-Law be brought forward for Council consideration. Carried. 9.2.2. CL 15-09 VoterView CL 15-09 VoterView Voter List Management Services Agreement Moved By: Councillor Esseltine Seconded By: Councillor Stephenson THAT Council receives Report CL 15-09 Voterview; AND THAT a By-Law be brought forward for Council consideration, to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to enter into a Voter List Management Services Agreement with Comprint Systems Inc. Carried. 9.2.3. CL 15-11 Airport Advisory Committee CL 15-11 Airport Advisory Committee Airport Advisory Committee Terms of Reference 2015 Staff to make clear the role of the Vice-Chair in the committee’s terms of reference. Moved By: Councillor Hayes Seconded By: Councillor Rosehart THAT Staff provide a report to Council on the 5 year financial history from 2010 and ending in 2014 which includes revenues, expenses, debt and tax subsidies to support the airport. Carried. Moved By: Councillor Stephenson Seconded By: Councillor Esseltine 14 March 23, 2015 Council Meeting – Minutes - 6 - THAT Council receive report CL 15-11 Airport Advisory Committee; AND THAT staff be directed to bring back a list of citizens who have expressed interest in the Airport Advisory Committee for Council consideration. Carried. 9.2.4. CSP 15-01 Community Strategic Plan Update CSP 15-01 Community Strategic Plan Update Moved By: Councillor Rosehart Seconded By: Councillor Hayes THAT Council receive report CSP 15-01 Community Strategic Plan Update. Carried. 9.3. Finance 9.3.1. FIN 15-14 Liability for Vacation Pay FIN 15-14 Liability for Vacation Pay The Deputy Treasurer presented to Council a brief illustration on how vacation liability is accrued by staff. Moved By: Councillor Hayes Seconded By: Councillor Rosehart THAT Council receive Report FIN 15-14 Liability for Vacation Pay as information. Carried. 9.3.2. FIN 15-16 BIA Debt Refinancing FIN 15-16 BIA Debt Refinancing Updated ARL Bylaw 3890 Moved By: Councillor Stephenson Seconded By: Councillor Esseltine THAT Council receives report FIN 15-16 BIA Debt Refinancing. 15 March 23, 2015 Council Meeting – Minutes - 7 - AND THAT Council receives the updated annual repayment limit calculation; AND THAT By-Law 3890 be brought forward for Council consideration. Carried. 9.3.3. FIN 15-12 2014 Remuneration and Expenses FIN 15-12 2014 Remuneration and Expenses 2014 Remuneration and Expenses Moved By: Councillor Esseltine Seconded By: Councillor Stephenson THAT Council receives report FIN 15-12 2014 Remuneration and Expenses as information. Carried. 9.3.4. FIN 15-11 2014 Development Charges Annual Statement FIN 15-11 2014 Development Charges Annual Statement 2014 DC Reserve Fund Statement Moved By: Councillor Adam Seconded By: Deputy Mayor Beres THAT Council receives report FIN15-11 2014 Development Charges Annual Statement as information; AND THAT the Director of Finance be directed to file the annual statement with the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing within 60 days after the statement has been received by Council. Carried. 9.4. Operations 9.4.1. OPS 15-06 Results for Tender # T2015-002 Trottier Stage 3 Reconstruction OPS 15-06 Results for Tender # T2015-002 Trottier Stage 3 Reconstruction 16 March 23, 2015 Council Meeting – Minutes - 8 - Moved By: Deputy Mayor Beres Seconded By: Councillor Adam THAT Council receive Report OPS 15-06, Results for Tender # T2015-002 Trottier Stage 3 Reconstruction; AND THAT Council award Tender # T2015-002 to Elgin Construction of St. Thomas, Ontario at a cost of $691,601.03 (net HST included), the lowest bid received satisfying all Tender requirements; AND THAT a By-law authorizing Mayor and Clerk to enter into an agreement with Elgin Construction for the reconstruction of Richard and Denis Court and Lady Avenue be brought forward for Council consideration. Carried. 9.4.2. OPS 15-07 Revised Pre-Servicing and Subdivision Agreement Templates OPS 15-07 Revised Pre-Servicing and Subdivision Agreement Templates Attachment 1 - Pre-Servicing Agreement Template Attachment 2 - Subdivision Agreement Template Moved By: Councillor Adam Seconded By: Deputy Mayor Beres THAT Council receive Report OPS 15-07 Revised Pre-Servicing and Subdivision Agreement Templates; AND THAT Council approves the form of the Pre-Servicing and Subdivision Agreement templates; AND THAT Council grant staff the authority afforded to them within the form of agreements to pursue and enforce the provisions thereof. Carried. 9.5. Recreation, Culture & Park Services 9.5.1. RCP 15-11 Sole or Single Source Procurement Authorizations RCP 15-11 Sole or Single Source Procurement Authorizations 17 March 23, 2015 Council Meeting – Minutes - 9 - Moved By: Councillor Esseltine Seconded By: Councillor Stephenson THAT Council receives Report RCP 15-11 Sole or Single Source Procurement Authorizations; AND THAT Council authorize staff be authorized to procure the products and services listed in Report RCP 15-11 from the indicated sole or single source. Carried. 9.5.2. RCP 15-12 Amendment to the Municipal Alcohol Policy RCP 15-12 Amendment to the Municipal Alcohol Policy By-law 3565, To Adopt the Town of Tillsonburg Municipal Alcohol Policy (MAP) Staff to remove the Special Events Centre and the Tillsonburg Library from Section of 1 of the Municipal Alcohol Policy. Moved By: Councillor Stephenson Seconded By: Councillor Esseltine THAT Council receives Report RCP 15-12 Amendment to the Municipal Alcohol Policy; AND THAT Council amends the Municipal Alcohol Policy as outlined in the report; AND THAT an amending by-law is brought forward for consideration. Carried. 10. Staff Information Reports 10.1. FIN 15-13 2015 County Tax Policy FIN 15-13 2015 County Tax Policy CS 2015-10 2015 Tax Policy Moved By: Councillor Hayes Seconded By: Councillor Rosehart THAT Council receives report FIN 15-13 2015 County Tax Policy as information. Carried. 18 March 23, 2015 Council Meeting – Minutes - 10 - 11. Committee Minutes & Reports 11.1. Committee Minutes January 8, 2015 - Heritage, Beautification and Cemetery Committee Minutes February 4, 2015 - LPRCA Minutes 12. Notice of Motions 12.1. Notice of Motion 12.2. Notice of Motion for which previous Notice was given. Moved By: Councillor Rosehart Seconded By: Councillor Hayes THAT staff bring back a report regarding the feasibility of a Fire Services Committee; AND THAT if required a draft Terms of Reference for the Fire Services Committee be brought forward for review. Defeated. Councillor Rosehart withdrew the Notice of Motion regarding two hour parking. Moved By: Councillor Rosehart Seconded By: THAT Staff review the possibility of two hours parking along the south side of municipal parking Lot 7A located on the east side of the Town Centre Mall; AND THAT a report be brought back for Councils consideration. Withdrawn. Moved By: Councillor Adam Seconded By: Deputy Mayor Beres THAT Staff provide a historical report regarding the development of an off-leash dog park on municipal lands and/or through community partnerships. Carried. Staff are to provide the report to Council at the April 27, 2015 Council meeting. 19 March 23, 2015 Council Meeting – Minutes - 11 - 13. By-Laws By-Laws from the Meeting of Monday, March 23, 2015 Moved By: Deputy Mayor Beres Seconded By: Councillor Adam THAT By-Law 3888, to provide for Indemnification of Council and Employees of the Town of Tillsonburg; AND By-Law 3889, to authorize a Voter List Management Service Agreement; AND By-Law 3890, to authorize the Issuance of Debt; AND By-Law 3891, to adopt an addendum to the Memorandum of Understanding with the Tillsonburg Seniors Centre (Schedule A and B to By-Law 3891); AND By-Law 3892, to authorize an encroachment agreement with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (Schedule A to By-Law 3892); AND By-Law 3893, to adopt the Town of Tillsonburg Municipal Alcohol Policy and to repeal the former Municipal Alcohol Policy, By-Law 3565 (Schedule A to By-Law 3893); By-Law 3894, to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meetings held on the 23th day of March, 2015, be read for a first and second time and this constitutes the first and second reading thereof. Carried. Councillor Adam abstained from the following vote due to his declared conflict of interest. Moved By: Deputy Mayor Beres Seconded By: Councillor Esseltine THAT By-Law By-Law 3895, to authorize an agreement between her Majesty the Queen in right of the province of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Transportation and the Town of Tillsonburg, for the purpose of receiving funds from the Community Transportation Pilot Grant Program, be read for a first and second time and this constitutes the first and second reading thereof; AND THAT By-Law By-Law 3895, to authorize an agreement between her Majesty the Queen in right of the province of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Transportation and the Town of Tillsonburg, for the purpose of receiving funds from the Community Transportation Pilot Grant Program, be given third and final reading and the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign the same, and place the Corporate Seal thereunto. 20 March 23, 2015 Council Meeting – Minutes - 12 - Carried. Moved By: Councillor Adam Seconded By: Councillor Stephenson THAT By-Law 3888, to provide for Indemnification of Council and Employees of the Town of Tillsonburg be separated for consideration for third reading. Carried. Moved By: Councillor Adam Seconded By: Councillor Stephenson THAT By-Law 3888, to provide for Indemnification of Council and Employees of the Town of Tillsonburg, be given third and final reading and the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign the same, and place the Corporate Seal thereunto, be deferred. Defeated. Moved By: Councillor Stephenson Seconded By: Councillor Adam THAT By-Law 3888, to provide for Indemnification of Council and Employees of the Town of Tillsonburg, be given third and final reading and the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign the same, and place the Corporate Seal thereunto. Carried. Moved By: Councillor Stephenson Seconded By: Councillor Adam THAT By-Law 3889, to authorize a Voter List Management Service Agreement; AND By-Law 3890, to authorize the Issuance of Debt; AND By-Law 3891, to adopt an addendum to the Memorandum of Understanding with the Tillsonburg Seniors Centre (Schedule A and B to By-Law 3891); AND By-Law 3892, to authorize an encroachment agreement with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (Schedule A to By-Law 3892); AND By-Law 3893, to adopt the Town of Tillsonburg Municipal Alcohol Policy and to repeal the former Municipal Alcohol Policy, By-Law 3565 (Schedule A to By-Law 3893); AND By-Law 3894, to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meetings held on the 23th day of March, 2015, be given third and final reading and the Mayor and the Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign the same, and place the Corporate Seal thereunto. Carried. 21 March 23, 2015 Council Meeting – Minutes - 13 - 14. Items of Public Interest 15. Adjournment Moved By: Councillor Esseltine Seconded By: Councillor Stephenson THAT the Council Meeting of Monday, March 23, 2015 be adjourned at 10:08 p.m. Carried. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Community and Strategic Planning P. O. Box 1614, 21 Reeve Street Woodstock Ontario N4S 7Y3 Phone: 519-539-9800 • Fax: 519-421-4712 Web site: www.oxfordcounty.ca Our Files: A-1/15 APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE TO: Town of Tillsonburg Committee of Adjustment MEETING: April 13, 2015 REPORT NUMBER: 2015-77 OWNERS: Frans & Corrie DeMaree 345264 Quaker Street, Norwich, Ontario AGENT: Frank Enns RR6 Aylmer, Ontario VARIANCES REQUESTED: Relief from Section 5.1 – Regulations for Accessory Buildings and Structures, to increase the maximum permitted lot coverage for an accessory building from 100 m2 (1,076.4 ft2) to 149 m2 (1600 ft2) to facilitate the construction of a detached accessory building on the subject lands. LOCATION: The subject lands are described as Part Lot 6, Concession 5 NTR, in the Town of Tillsonburg. The subject property is located on the west side of Young Street, south of Rouse Street, and is known municipally as 183 Young Street. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: COUNTY OF OXFORD OFFICIAL PLAN: Schedule ‘T-1’ Town of Tillsonburg Land Use Plan Open Space, Environmental Protection Area TOWN OF TILLSONBURG ZONING BY-LAW: Passive Use Open Space Zone (OS1) SURROUNDING USES: surrounding uses include ravine and woodlands, and scattered low density residential uses to the east and north. 61 File Number: A 1-15 Report Number 2015-77 Page 2 COMMENTS: (a) Purpose of the Application: The applicant is requesting relief from the above noted provision of the Town Zoning By-law to facilitate the construction of a detached accessory building. The subject property is approximately 5.67 hectares (14 ac.) in size and is bounded by Young Street, Trillium Railway Line, and an unopened municipal road allowance running from Highway 3 to Young Street. The municipal boundary between the Town of Tillsonburg/County of Oxford and Norfolk County is Young Street. Assessment records indicate that the existing single detached dwelling on the property was constructed in 1940. A small accessory building is also present on the property. These buildings are proposed to be removed and replaced with a new single detached dwelling and the proposed accessory building. For Committee’s information, in 2012, Application for Minor Variance A-02/12 was approved by the Town of Tillsonburg Committee of Adjustment. The application proposed to permit the extension of a non-conforming use, and approved the construction of a new dwelling and detached accessory building. Plate 1, Location Map (with Existing Zoning and Parcel Lines), shows the location of the subject property and the zoning in the immediate vicinity. Plate 2, 2010 Air Photo with Official Plan Designation, provides an aerial view of the subject lands and surrounding properties, and the applicable Official Plan designations. Plate 3a, Building Elevations, depicts the rear and right building elevation of the proposed accessory building. Plate 3b, Building Elevations, depicts the front and left building elevation of the proposed accessory building. Plate 4 Applicant’s Site Plan, shows the location of the proposed dwelling on the subject lands and the location of the proposed accessory building. (b) Agency Comments This application was circulated to a number of public agencies. Town of Tillsonburg Building Services Department commented that the proposed accessory structure is not to be used for human habitation, and an updated site plan/grading plan will be required for the building permit application. The Town Engineering Services Department indicated they have no concerns with the proposal, however the applicant should review the proposed grades on the site plan as they do not match with the proposed ground on the building elevation. The Oxford County Public Works Department indicated they had no concerns with the application. Public Notice was mailed to surrounding property owners on April 1st, 2015. As of the writing of this report, no comments or concerns had been received from the public. 62 File Number: A 1-15 Report Number 2015-77 Page 3 (c) Intent and Purpose of the Official Plan: The subject lands are designated Open Space in the Official Plan. The permitted uses of this designation include active and passive recreational uses such as hiking/cycling, parks, conservation areas, enjoyment of the environmental in its natural state, and structures that are accessory or ancillary to the Open Space use, such as accessory residences, golf course structures, swimming pool, or structures that are integral to the recreational use of the land. The residential use of the property is considered to be legal non-conforming. (d) Intent and Purpose of the Zoning By-law: The subject property is zoned ‘OS1’, which does not typically permit a single detached dwelling. As noted, a previous minor variance was approved in 2012 to permit the replacement of a legal non-conforming single detached dwelling and accessory structure. Provisions respecting accessory buildings and structures are outlined in Table Regulations for Accessory Buildings and Structures. A condition of approved minor variance A-02/12 limited the lot coverage of a detached accessory building to 100 m2 (1076.4 ft2), in accordance with Section iv). Lot coverage provisions for accessory structures are intended to ensure that accessory uses and structures remain clearly secondary to the main residential use of the property and have minimal impact on neighbouring properties. The applicant is proposing to construct an accessory building with an area of 149 m2 (1600 ft2). The accessory building is proposed to be 8.5 m x 12.2 m (28’ x 40’), with a covered carport measuring 3.7 m x 12.2 m (12’ x 40’). The covered carport is included in the lot coverage calculations. The enclosed portion of the building is 104 m2 (1120 ft2). Staff are satisfied that the increased accessory building lot coverage maintains the general purpose and intent of the Zoning By-law as the enclosed portion of the shed (exclusive of the carport) is only minimally larger than what is permitted. (e) Desirable Development/Use: Notwithstanding that the requested lot coverage of the proposed accessory structure is larger than what is typically permitted, in this case, Planning staff are satisfied that the proposed accessory structure is in keeping with the general purpose and intent of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, and is desirable development for the subject lands. The subject property is a unique parcel in the Town due to its large size and proximity to other residential development which have developed on large lots. The presence of the accessory building as proposed is unlikely to negatively impact any adjacent properties, and is of a scale to remain secondary to the primary residential use of the property. In light of the foregoing, it is the opinion of this Office that the requested relief maintains the general intent of the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law and can be given favorable consideration. 63 File Number: A 1-15 Report Number 2015-77 Page 4 RECOMMENDATION: That the Town of Tillsonburg Committee of Adjustment approve Application File A-01/15, submitted by Frans & Corrie DeMaree, for lands described as Part Lot 6. Concession 5 NTR, Town of Tillsonburg, as it relates to: 1. Relief from Section 5.1 – Regulations for Accessory Buildings and Structures, to increase the maximum permitted lot coverage for an accessory building from 100 m2 (1,076.4 ft2) to 149 m2 (1600 ft2) to facilitate the construction of a detached accessory building on the subject lands. Subject to the following condition: i. A building permit for the accessory building shall be issued within one year of the date of the Committee's decision. As the proposed variance is: (i) a minor variance from the provisions of the Town of Tillsonburg Zoning By-law No. 3295; (ii) desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land; (iii) in-keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Town of Tillsonburg Zoning By-law No. 3295; and (iv) in-keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan. Authored by: original signed by Eric Gilbert, MCIP RPP, Development Planner Approved by: original signed by Gordon K. Hough, MCIP, RPP, Director EG April 2, 2015 64 March 30, 2015 This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. This is not a plan of survey Legend 1030 Notes NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_17N 52 Meters Parcel Lines Property Boundary Assessment Boundary Unit Road Municipal Boundary Environmental Protection/Flood Overlay Flood Fringe Floodway Environmental Protection (EP1) Environmental Protection (EP2) Zoning Floodlines/Regulation Limit 100 Year Flood Line 30 Metre Setback Conservation Authority Regulation Limit Regulatory Flood And Fill Lines Zoning (Displays 1:16000 to 1:500) 65 March 30, 2015 This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site andis for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not beaccurate, current, or otherwise reliable. This is not a plan of survey Legend 840 Notes NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_17N 42 Meters Parcel Lines Property Boundary Assessment Boundary Unit Road Municipal Boundary Environmental Protection/Flood Overlay Flood Fringe Floodway Environmental Protection (EP1) Environmental Protection (EP2) Zoning Floodlines/Regulation Limit 100 Year Flood Line 30 Metre Setback Conservation Authority Regulation Limit Regulatory Flood And Fill Lines Zoning (Displays 1:16000 to 1:500) 100 Metre Buffer Ingersoll Heritage Residential Woodstock Village Land Use Designation Village Core (VILCOR) Service Commercial (SERCOM) Low Density Residential (LOWDEN) Medium Density Residential (MEDDEN) Industrial (INDUST) Major Institutional (COMFAC) Future Urban Growth (FUG) Open Space (OSPACE, CPARK, NPARK) Environmental Protection (ENVPRO) School (SCHOOL) Land Use Designation Residential (RESID) Residential Reserve (RESRES) Central Area (CAPLAN) Central Business District (CENTRE) Entrepreneur District (ENTREP) Neighbourhood Shopping Centre (NESHOP) Service Commercial (SERCOM) Highway Service Commercial (HWYSER) Regional Commercial Node Development (REGCOM) Business Park (BUSIPK) Traditional Industrial (INDUST) Community Facility (COMFAC) Open Space (OSPACE) Environmental Protection (ENVPRO) Future Urban Growth (FUG)66 -.....-,, ,. ~---,, •l :::::::;---.(/11 jj :: il ,. ll ~ 'l r ·· · · 11· · 12 ' i : !l :, 1'1 i: 4[::7" r :..--l'l :; ,,, ·j I' i ~, I ,; :....-----1 '• ; ' ll II !' 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I ......... 0 z n 0 z n l'-l. (JI (JI 6 z 0 "-l. -\. 'y-r \JJ 0 I ......... )J 0 'y-o 69 A-01/15– Frans & Corrie DeMaree Site Photos Figure 1- View of Subject Lands (Facing south west from Young Street) 70 A-01/15– Frans & Corrie DeMaree Site Photos Figure 2—Existing Dwelling Proposed to be Demolished (Facing west from Young Street) 71 A-01/15– Frans & Corrie DeMaree Site Photos Figure 3- View of Location for Proposed Accessory Building (Facing north west from Young Street) 72 Page 1 of 2 File No. A-01/15 TOWN OF TILLSONBURG COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT DECISION OF COMMITTEE WE, the undersigned members of the Town of Tillsonburg Committee of Adjustment, do hereby attest that the following was the decision reached by us at the meeting held on Monday April 13th, 2015. OWNERS: Frans & Corrie De Maree 345264 Quaker Street Norwich, ON, N0J 1P0 AGENT: Frank Enns RR#6 Aylmer ON, N5H 2R5 LOCATION: Part Lot 6, Concession 5 NTR municipally known as 183 Young Street Town of Tillsonburg, County of Oxford. PURPOSE OF APPLICATION: An application has been received to permit the proposed construction of a 149 sq m (1600 sq ft) accessory structure. The application requires relief from Section 5.1, Accessory Uses, Buildings, and Structures within the General Provisions of the Town of Tillsonburg Zoning By-Law 3295. The application is for relief of the maximum gross floor area provisions to allow an accessory building with a gross floor area of 149 sq m in lieu of the maximum 100 sq m. DECISION: APPROVED That the Town of Tillsonburg Committee of Adjustment approve Application File A-01/15, submitted by Frans & Corrie De Maree, for lands described as Part Lot 6, Concession 5 NTR, Town of Tillsonburg, as it relates to: 1. Relief from Section 5.1, Table – Regulations for Accessory Buildings and Structures, to increase the maximum permitted lot coverage for an accessory building from 100 m2 (1,076.4 ft2) to 149 m2 (1600 ft2) to facilitate the construction of a detached accessory building on the subject lands. Subject to the following condition: i. A building permit for the accessory building shall be issued within one year of the date of the Committee's decision. _______________ _________________ __________________ Stephen Molnar David Beres Maxwell Adam _________________ _________________ ___________________ Penny Esseltine James Hayes Chris Rosehart _________________ Brian Stephenson 73 Page 2 of 2 CERTIFICATION I, DONNA WILSON Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment, hereby certify this to be a true copy of the Decision of the Tillsonburg Committee of Adjustment and this Decision was concurred in by a majority of the Members who heard the Application. DATED this day of, 2015. _________________________ Donna Wilson, Secretary-Treasurer NOTE: The last day to submit an Appeal of the above Decision to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment, including the required $125.00 fee, payable to the Treasurer of Ontario is: 4th day of May, 2015 REASONS FOR APPROVAL OF VARIANCE: 1. The variance requested is a minor variance from the provisions of the Town of Tillsonburg Zoning By-Law No. 3295. 2. The variance requested is desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building or structure. 3. The variance requested is in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Oxford County Official Plan. 4. The variance requested is in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Town of Tillsonburg Zoning By-Law No. 3295. DATED this 13th day of April, 2015. Donna Wilson Secretary-Treasurer 74 Community and Strategic Planning P. O. Box 1614, 21 Reeve Street Woodstock Ontario N4S 7Y3 Phone: 519-539-9800 • Fax: 519-421-4712 Web site: www.oxfordcounty.ca Our Files: A-02/15 APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE TO: Town of Tillsonburg Committee of Adjustment MEETING: April 13, 2015 REPORT NUMBER: 2015-84 OWNER: Diocese of Huron 190 Queen Ave, London, Ontario APPLICANT: St. John’s Anglican Church 46 Ridout Street, Tillsonburg, Ontario AGENT: Michael Higgins, MCIP RPP, G. D. Vallee Limited 2 Talbot Street North, Simcoe, Ontario VARIANCES REQUESTED: Relief from Section 12.2, Table 12.2B – Required Rear Yard Depth, to decrease the minimum rear yard depth from 12.5 m (41 ft) to 0.72 m (2.3 ft) to recognize the existing rear yard depth and facilitate the construction of an addition to a place of worship; Relief from Section 12.2, Table 12.2B – Lot Coverage, to increase the maximum permitted lot coverage from 35% to 54% to recognize the existing lot coverage and facilitate the construction of an addition to a place of worship; Relief from Section, Table – Parking Standards, to decrease the minimum required parking spaces from 13 to nil to facilitate the construction of an addition to a place of worship. LOCATION: The subject lands are described as South Part Lot 870, Plan 500, in the Town of Tillsonburg. The subject property is situated at the corner of Ridout St, Bidwell St, and Coon Alley, and is known municipally as 46 Ridout Street. 75 File Number: A 02-15 Report Number 2015-84 Page 2 BACKGROUND INFORMATION: COUNTY OF OXFORD OFFICIAL PLAN: Schedule ‘T-1’ Town of Tillsonburg Land Use Plan Entrepreneurial District TOWN OF TILLSONBURG ZONING BY-LAW: Entrepreneurial Zone (EC) SURROUNDING USES: surrounding uses include single detached dwellings to the north and west, a long-term care facility to the south, and a place of worship and other commercial uses to the east. COMMENTS: (a) Purpose of the Application: The applicant is requesting relief from the above noted provision of the Town Zoning By-law in order to facilitate the construction of an addition to the existing St. John’s Anglican Church. The proposed addition is approximately 120.7 m2 (1300 ft2) in size and will be constructed on the northwest portion of the church building. A portion of the existing church building is proposed to be demolished. The addition will be used as a church hall. The subject property contains a church, single detached dwelling, and small detached accessory building. The detached accessory building is proposed to be demolished. Plate 1, Location Map (with Existing Zoning and Parcel Lines), shows the location of the subject property and the zoning in the immediate vicinity. Plate 2, 2010 Air Photo, shows the location of the subject lands and surrounding properties. Plate 3, Applicant’s Site Plan, shows the location of the existing structures on the subject land and the location of the proposed addition. (b) Agency Comments This application was circulated to a number of public agencies. Town of Tillsonburg Building Services Department commented that site plan approval and building and demolition permits are required. All proposed construction to comply with the Ontario Building Code. There is an existing wood ramp that encroaches into the alley/ road allowance; applicant should incorporate ramp on private property or seek encroachment agreement approval. The Town Engineering Services Department indicated they have no concerns with the Minor Variance; however the Church should enter into an Encroachment Agreement with the Town for the access ramp on Coon Alley that encroaches into the right of way, OR reconfigure the ramp / door to the north side of the building. The site servicing and grading for the site shall be designed and constructed as per Town / County standards. Other circulated agencies, including Oxford County Public Works, did not have any concerns with the proposal. Public Notice was mailed to surrounding property owners on April 1st, 2015. As of the writing of this report, no comments or concerns had been received from the public. 76 File Number: A 02-15 Report Number 2015-84 Page 3 (c) Intent and Purpose of the Official Plan: The subject lands are designated ‘Entrepreneurial District’ according to the Official Plan. Within the ‘Entrepreneurial District’ designation, a wide variety of residential, employment, cultural, and institutional land uses are permitted. The use of the lands for a place of worship and single detached dwelling and accessory uses thereto conforms to the ‘Entrepreneurial District’ policies of the Official Plan. (d) Intent and Purpose of the Zoning By-law: The subject property is zoned ‘EC’, which permits a wide variety of residential, commercial, and institutional uses, including a single detached dwelling and place of worship (church). Provisions respecting required lot depth and maximum lot coverage are outlined in Table 12.2 B- EC Zone Provisions. The maximum permitted lot coverage for non-residential uses is 35%, and the required rear yard depth for non-residential uses is 12.5 m (41 ‘). Rear yard depths are intended to provide amenity area, landscaped open space, and maintain privacy in adjacent rear yards. Lot coverage provisions are intended to ensure that structures on the lot are sized appropriately and sufficient permeable surface remains for lot grading and drainage purposes. Lot coverage limitations also ensure that adequate amenity area and green space is provided. The requirements for parking spaces are found within Section of the Zoning By-Law. The intent of the parking provisions are to ensure that adequate off-street parking is available to accommodate the proposed use as peak parking demand in the Central Area, particularly the area west of Broadway, often fills available municipal parking facilities. The proposed addition will be used as a church hall, and will require 13 parking spaces. The subject property currently has three parking spaces; two provided in the driveway of the single detached dwelling and one within the detached accessory building on Coon Alley. The current parking deficiency for the church building is considered to be legal non-conforming. Planning staff note that on-street parking is permitted on Ridout Street, Bidwell Street, and Rolph Street, and there are two municipal parking lots in close proximity to the subject property. The peak hours of parking demand generated by the church are not anticipated to conflict with peak parking demand in the Central area. Staff are satisfied that the reduced rear yard depth, reduced parking requirements, and increased lot coverage maintains the general purpose and intent of the Zoning By-law as the proposed addition is only a minor increase in the total building footprint once the detached accessory building and a portion of the existing church building are demolished. The proposed addition also maintains the general intent of Section 5.21- Non-Conforming Uses, Sites, and Buildings within the Zoning By-Law. (e) Desirable Development/Use: As the proposed relief of the Zoning Provisions will generally reflect the existing legal non- conforming building size, setbacks, and current parking onsite, Planning staff are satisfied that the proposed addition is in keeping with the general purpose and intent of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, and is desirable development for the subject lands. The proposed addition will be subject to site plan control, and the applicant has submitted an application for site plan approval. Through the site plan approval process, matters such as lot 77 File Number: A 02-15 Report Number 2015-84 Page 4 grading, drainage, servicing and any municipal encroachments will be addressed to the satisfaction of the Town of Tillsonburg and County of Oxford. In light of the foregoing, it is the opinion of this Office that the requested relief maintains the general intent of the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law and can be given favorable consideration. RECOMMENDATION: That the Town of Tillsonburg Committee of Adjustment approve Application File A-02/15, submitted by St. John’s Anglican Church, for lands described as South Part Lot 870, Plan 500, Town of Tillsonburg, as it relates to: 1. Relief from Section 12.2, Table 12.2B – Required Rear Yard Depth, to decrease the minimum rear yard depth from 12.5 m (41 ft) to 0.72 m (2.3 ft) to recognize the existing rear yard depth and facilitate the construction of an addition to a place of worship; 2. Relief from Section 12.2, Table 12.2B – Lot Coverage, to increase the maximum permitted lot coverage from 35% to 54% to recognize the existing lot coverage and facilitate the construction of an addition to a place of worship; 3. Relief from Section, Table – Parking Standards, to decrease the minimum required parking spaces from 13 to nil to facilitate the construction of an addition to a place of worship. Subject to the following condition: i. A building permit for the proposed addition shall be issued within one year of the date of the Committee's decision. As the proposed variances are: (i) minor variances from the provisions of the Town of Tillsonburg Zoning By-law No. 3295; (ii) desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land; (iii) in-keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Town of Tillsonburg Zoning By-law No. 3295; and (iv) in-keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan. Authored by: original signed by Eric Gilbert, MCIP RPP, Development Planner Approved by: original signed by Gordon K. Hough, MCIP, RPP, Director EG April 2, 2015 78 March 31, 2015 This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. This is not a plan of survey Legend 250 Notes NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_17N 13 Meters Parcel Lines Property Boundary Assessment Boundary Unit Road Municipal Boundary Zoning (Displays 1:16000 to 1:500) 79 March 30, 2015 This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. This is not a plan of survey Legend 130 Notes NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_17N 6 Meters Parcel Lines Property Boundary Assessment Boundary Unit Road Municipal Boundary Environmental Protection/Flood Overlay Flood Fringe Floodway Environmental Protection (EP1) Environmental Protection (EP2) Zoning Floodlines/Regulation Limit 100 Year Flood Line 30 Metre Setback Conservation Authority Regulation Limit Regulatory Flood And Fill Lines Zoning (Displays 1:16000 to 1:500) 80 81 A-02/15– St. John’s Anglican Church Site Photos Figure 1- View of Subject Lands (Facing north from Ridout Street) 82 A-02/15– St. John’s Anglican Church Site Photos Figure 2-- View of Subject Lands (Facing west from Bidwell Street) 83 A-02/15– St. John’s Anglican Church Site Photos Figure 3- View of Church Building and Single Detached Dwelling on Subject Property (Facing west from Bidwell Street) Figure 4- View of Detached Accessory Building on Subject Lands (Facing east from Coon Alley) 84 A-02/15– St. John’s Anglican Church Site Photos Figure 5- View of Existing Ramp and Rear of Church Building (facing east from Coon Alley) 85 Page 1 of 2 File No. A-02/15 TOWN OF TILLSONBURG COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT DECISION OF COMMITTEE WE, the undersigned members of the Town of Tillsonburg Committee of Adjustment, do hereby attest that the following was the decision reached by us at the meeting held on Monday April 13th, 2015. OWNERS: Diocese of Huron 190 Queen Ave London, Ontario AGENT: Michael Higgins, MCIP RPP, G.D. Vallee Limited 2 Talbot Street North Simcoe, Ontario LOCATION: South Part Lot 870, Plan 500 municipally known as 46 Ridout Street Town of Tillsonburg, County of Oxford. PURPOSE OF APPLICATION: An application has been received to permit the proposed construction of a 120.7 sq m (1300 sq ft) addition. The application requires relief from Section 12.0 Table 12.2B, Required Rear Yard/Max Lot Coverage and Section 5.24 Parking Table uses within the General Provisions of the Town of Tillsonburg Zoning By-Law 3295. The application is for relief of the Rear Yard Depth; Max Lot Coverage & Required On-site Parking. DECISION: APPROVED That the Town of Tillsonburg Committee of Adjustment approve Application File A-02/15, submitted by Michael Higgins, for lands described as South Part Lot 870, Plan 500, Town of Tillsonburg, as it relates to: 1. Relief from Section 12.2, Table 12.2B- Required Rear Yard Depth, to decrease the minimum rear yard depth from 12.5m (41ft) to 0.72m (2.3ft) to recognize the existing rear yard depth and facilitate the construction of an addition to a place of worship; 2. Relieft from Section 12.2, Table 12.2B- Lot Coverage, to increase the maximum permitted lot coverage from 35% to 54% to recognize the existing lot coverage and facilitate the construction of an addition to a place of worship; 3. Relief from Section, Table Parking Standards, to decrease the minimum required parking spaces from 13 to nil to facilitate the construction of an addition to a place of worship. Subject to the following condition: i. A building permit for the accessory building shall be issued within one year of the date of the Committee's decision. _______________ _________________ __________________ Stephen Molnar David Beres Maxwell Adam _________________ _________________ ___________________ Penny Esseltine James Hayes Chris Rosehart _________________ Brian Stephenson 86 Page 2 of 2 CERTIFICATION I, DONNA WILSON Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment, hereby certify this to be a true copy of the Decision of the Tillsonburg Committee of Adjustment and this Decision was concurred in by a majority of the Members who heard the Application. DATED this day of, 2015. _________________________ Donna Wilson, Secretary-Treasurer NOTE: The last day to submit an Appeal of the above Decision to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment, including the required $125.00 fee, payable to the Treasurer of Ontario is: 4th day of April, 2015 REASONS FOR APPROVAL OF VARIANCE: 1. The variance requested is a minor variance from the provisions of the Town of Tillsonburg Zoning By-Law No. 3295. 2. The variance requested is desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building or structure. 3. The variance requested is in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Oxford County Official Plan. 4. The variance requested is in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Town of Tillsonburg Zoning By-Law No. 3295. DATED this 13th day of April, 2015. Donna Wilson Secretary-Treasurer 87 Report No: CASPO 2015-76 COMMUNITY AND STRATEGIC PLANNING Council Date: April 13, 2015 To: Mayor and Members of Tillsonburg Council From: Eric Gilbert, Development Planner, Community and Strategic Planning Applications for Official Plan Amendment & Zone Change OP 15-02-7; ZN 7-15-02 – Tilson Property Investments REPORT HIGHLIGHTS • The applications for Official Plan amendment and zone change propose to create a special policy area and rezone the subject property to ‘Special General Industrial Zone (MG-special)’ to include a call centre and accessory office space as an additional permitted use on the property. • The call centre and accessory office space are proposed to be located within the existing industrial building in space formerly occupied by Tillsonburg News. No exterior changes are proposed, and the majority of the building space will continue to be used for warehousing. • Planning staff are recommending that the application be supported, as it maintains the strategic goal of the Official Plan to protect industrial lands and efficiently use vacant and underutilized industrial sites within the Town. DISCUSSION Background OWNER: Tilson Property Investments P.O. Box 61, Tillsonburg ON N4G 4H3 AGENT: Shane Curtis P.O. Box 61, Tillsonburg ON N4G 4H3 LOCATION: The subject property is described as Parts 3 & 4 of Reference Plan 41R-1742 and Part Lot 1638, Plan 500, in the Town of Tillsonburg. The lands are located on the south side of Townline Road, between Vienna Road and Cedar Street, and are municipally known as 25 Townline Road. Page 1 of 5 88 Report No: CASPO 2015-76 COMMUNITY AND STRATEGIC PLANNING Council Date: April 13, 2015 COUNTY OF OXFORD OFFICIAL PLAN: Existing: Schedule “T-1” Town of Tillsonburg Land Use Plan Industrial Proposed: Schedule “T-1” Town of Tillsonburg Land Use Plan Industrial (subject to special policy) TOWN OF TILLSONBURG ZONING BY-LAW NO.3295: Existing Zoning: General Industrial Zone (MG) Proposed Zoning: Special General Industrial Zone (MG-special) PROPOSAL: The purpose of the Applications for Official Plan Amendment and Zone Change is to permit a call centre and accessory office space within an existing industrial building. The subject property is approximately 1.09 ha (2.7 ac) and contains an industrial building, with an approximate gross floor area of 2 137 m2 (23 000 ft2). The building was most recently occupied by Tillsonburg News and a portion of the building is presently used for warehousing. It is proposed that the call centre/office use will occupy 929 m2 (10 000 ft2) of the existing building and the balance will continue to be used for warehousing. Surrounding land uses to the north, south, and east are generally industrial, with service commercial and low density residential uses to the west fronting on Vienna Road. An institutional use is located to the immediate northwest. Plate 1, Existing Zoning and Location Map, shows the location of the subject property and the existing zoning in the immediate vicinity. Plate 2, 2010 Air Photo, provides an aerial view of the subject property. Plate 3, Applicant’s Sketch, shows the location of the existing building and area of the existing building proposed to be leased for the proposed call centre and accessory office space. Application Review PROVINCIAL POLICY STATEMENT: The 2014 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) provides policy direction on matters of provincial interest related to land use planning and development. Under Section 3 of the Planning Act, where a municipality is exercising its authority affecting a planning matter, such decisions “shall be consistent with” all policy statements issued under the Act. Page 2 of 5 89 Report No: CASPO 2015-76 COMMUNITY AND STRATEGIC PLANNING Council Date: April 13, 2015 Section of the PPS states that Settlement Areas will be the focus of growth and their vitality and regeneration shall be promoted. Section 1.3.1 of the PPS states that planning authorities shall promote economic development and competitiveness by: - providing an appropriate mix and range of employment to meet long-term needs; - providing opportunities for a diversified economic base, including the maintenance of a range and choice of suitable sites for employment uses which support a wide range of economic activities and ancillary uses and take into account the needs of existing and future businesses; - planning for, protecting and preserving employment areas for current and future uses; and - ensuring the necessary infrastructure is provided to support current and projected needs. OFFICIAL PLAN: The subject lands are designated ‘Industrial’ according to the Land Use Plan for the Town of Tillsonburg, as contained in the Official Plan. Areas designated for Industrial use are intended to include permitted uses such as assembling, manufacturing, fabricating, processing, repair activities, environmental industries, wholesaling, storage and warehousing industries, construction industries, communication and utility industries, transportation and cartage industries, and technological service industries. Section - Industrial Areas - New Uses provides that industries will be permitted to combine technological, manufacturing or processing, office, sales and management activities within the Industrial Areas designation. Ancillary uses may be permitted subject to site specific zoning and may include service-commercial uses such as restaurants, garages and material suppliers which directly and primarily serve the industries or employees of industry while at work, provided they are not disruptive to the surrounding industrial neighbourhood and are designed attractively. In order to maintain the viability of Industrial Areas, Town Council shall limit the amount of non-industrial activity permitted in the Industrial Areas designation. Section 10.7.2 - Amendments to the Official Plan Resulting from Development provides a list of standard review criteria for amendments to the Official Plan, including the need for the proposed change, the conformity of the proposal with the intent and policies of the plan, and the submission of any supporting studies or documentation as may be required for the proposed use. TOWN OF TILLSONBURG ZONING BY-LAW: The subject property is currently zoned ‘’General Industrial Zone (MG)’, according to the Town of Tillsonburg Zoning By-law. Permitted uses within the ‘General Industrial Zone (MG)’ include a wide variety of industrial uses outlined in Section 17.1, including an adult training facility, eating establishment, daycare centre, business use, fitness club, or retail, factory, or wholesale outlet accessory to a permitted use. Page 3 of 5 90 Report No: CASPO 2015-76 COMMUNITY AND STRATEGIC PLANNING Council Date: April 13, 2015 It appears that the property presently complies with the relevant MG zone provisions. AGENCY COMMENTS: The application was circulated to various public agencies considered to have an interest in the proposal, including the Tillsonburg BIA and Chamber of Commerce. The Tillsonburg Chamber of Commerce indicated they have no issues with this application. Town of Tillsonburg Building Services indicated that any alterations/repairs will require a building permit as per the Ontario Building Code. Town of Tillsonburg Engineering Services Department & Oxford County Public Works Department indicated that they have no comments regarding the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning change. The Town Development Commissioner provided the following comments: “The existing building contains an office use as an accessory use to warehousing and the proposed use is no different than what is taking place now, with the exception that it will likely be by different tenants. I have no objections to the proposed changes as the nature of the building requires office and related uses to continue to be permitted even if by different tenants. In the past, it was common for industrial buildings to have 10% or more for office uses; however, in the modern economy it is not uncommon for industrial buildings to require 1 - 3% office space. Not permitting the office use to continue would restrict the pool of potential tenants to such a small size that re-tenanting of the office portion of the building would likely be impossible”. PUBLIC CONSULTATION: Notice of complete application and notice of public meeting regarding this application were circulated to surrounding property owners on two occasions, March 10, 2015 & March 30, 2015. At the time this report was written, no comments or concerns had been received from the public. Planning Analysis The application for Official Plan Amendment and Zone Change proposes to permit a call centre with an accessory office use on the subject lands on a site specific basis. The call centre is expected to have approximately 30 staff and the call centre/office use will occupy approximately 40% of the existing building. The building was formerly occupied by Tillsonburg News. The call centre and office space is proposed to be leased by Community Care Access Partners. Planning staff are satisfied that this application complies with the PPS policies and direction respecting the protection of employment lands and providing opportunities for a diversified economic base as the proposed uses of the building (call centre/office/warehousing) are not sensitive in nature and will not detract from other established industrial and commercial uses in the broader industrial area. The Strategic Approach to Economic Development and Employment Lands identified in the Official Plan for the Town of Tillsonburg promotes the long term viability of the Central Area by ensuring that retail, office, and administrative uses outside the Central Area are compatible and Page 4 of 5 91 Report No: CASPO 2015-76 COMMUNITY AND STRATEGIC PLANNING Council Date: April 13, 2015 complementary to the Central Area function by limiting the size and scale through the Zoning By-law. Generally, offices are not permitted in areas outside of the Central Area. This policy is well-established and helps to ensure the Central Area remains vibrant and healthy. It is the opinion of Planning staff that the proposed use does not fall within the Permitted uses for Industrial Areas, as outlined in Section of the Official Plan, as the office use proposed is not complementary to the principal industrial use of the property (warehousing) and is not considered a service commercial use. The call centre and office uses are not directly supportive of and do not primarily serve business and industry. Notwithstanding the foregoing, planning staff believe that in this particular circumstance, the proposed use of the property is appropriate. The majority of the floor area will remain devoted to the warehousing use, and portions of the existing building have been used by the previous owner of the building (Tillsonburg News) as office space. As well, the space required by the tenant for the call centre and accessory office uses is larger than what is typically found in the Central Area and the proposed use is not expected to compromise or negatively impact any industrial uses in the vicinity. The proposed uses do not detract from the general intent of the Official Plan for Industrial lands. Planning Staff recommend that the said office space be deemed accessory to the call centre and be limited to the existing building. These noted limitations would serve to recognize the past use of the building for office space while also recognizing the broader intent of the Town’s policies regarding the Central Area. A copy of the draft Official Plan Amendment is attached for Council’s information. A zoning by-law amendment will be brought to a future Town Council meeting once Oxford County Council has adopted the proposed Official Plan amendment. RECOMMENDATION 1. It is recommended that the Council of the Town of Tillsonburg support the application to amend the Oxford County Official Plan (File No. OP 15-02-7) as submitted by Tilson Property Investments, for lands located at 25 Town Line Road, in the Town of Tillsonburg to establish a special development policy to permit a call centre with accessory office space as an additional permitted use on the Industrial designated lands; 2. It is recommended that the Council of the Town of Tillsonburg approve-in-principle the zone change application submitted by Tilson Property Investments, whereby the lands described as Part Lot 1638, Plan 500, Town of Tillsonburg, known municipally as 25 Townline Road are to be rezoned from General Industrial Zone (MG) to Special General Industrial Zone (MG-sp). SIGNATURES Authored by: Eric Gilbert, MCIP RPP Development Planner Approved for submission: Gordon K. Hough, MCIP, RPP Director Page 5 of 5 92 March 9, 2015 This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. This is not a plan of survey Legend 1030 Notes NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_17N 52 Meters Parcel Lines Property Boundary Assessment Boundary Unit Road Municipal Boundary Environmental Protection/Flood Overlay Flood Fringe Floodway Environmental Protection (EP1) Environmental Protection (EP2) Zoning Floodlines/Regulation Limit 100 Year Flood Line 30 Metre Setback Conservation Authority Regulation Limit Regulatory Flood And Fill Lines Zoning (Displays 1:16000 to 1:500) 93 March 9, 2015 This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. This is not a plan of survey Legend 420 Notes NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_17N 21 Meters Parcel Lines Property Boundary Assessment Boundary Unit Road Municipal Boundary Environmental Protection/Flood Overlay Flood Fringe Floodway Environmental Protection (EP1) Environmental Protection (EP2) Zoning Floodlines/Regulation Limit 100 Year Flood Line 30 Metre Setback Conservation Authority Regulation Limit Regulatory Flood And Fill Lines Zoning (Displays 1:16000 to 1:500) limits_polygon 94 CBRE SCHEDULE "A" Demise Premises 01.Jtlined and shaded in red. Note: Boundary lines are approximate Tenant's Initials Page 5 of 6 95 AMENDMENT NUMBER 189 TO THE COUNTY OF OXFORD OFFICIAL PLAN the following Plan attached hereto as explanatory text, constitutes Amendment Number 189 to the County of Oxford Official Plan. 96 COUNTY OF OXFORD BY-LAW NO. ??-2015 BEING a By-Law to adopt Amendment Number 189 to the County of Oxford Official Plan. WHEREAS, Amendment Number 189 to the County of Oxford Official Plan has been recommended by resolution of the Council of the Town of Tillsonburg and the County of Oxford has held a public hearing and has recommended the Amendment for adoption. NOW THEREFORE, the County of Oxford pursuant to the provision of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment Number 189 to the County of Oxford Official Plan, being the attached explanatory text, is hereby adopted. 2. This By-Law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. READ a first and second time this 22nd day of April, 2015. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of April, 2015. DAVID MAYBERRY, WARDEN BRENDA J. TABOR, CLERK 97 1.0 PURPOSE OF THE AMENDMENT The purpose of the amendment is to re-designate certain lands in the Town of Tillsonburg to permit a call centre and accessory office space, while maintaining the ability to use the said lands for a broad range of industrial purposes currently permitted within the Industrial land use designation. 2.0 LOCATION OF LANDS AFFECTED This amendment applies to land in the Town of Tillsonburg comprising an area approximately 1.09 hectares (2.7 ac) that is legally described as Part Lot 1638, Plan 500, and is located on the south side of Town Line Road, east of Vienna Road. The property is municipally known as 25 Town Line Road in the Town of Tillsonburg. 3.0 BASIS FOR THE AMENDMENT The subject lands comprise lands currently designated Industrial according to the Land Use Plan for the Town of Tillsonburg as contained in the County Official Plan. The text-only, site specific, amendment adds one (1) new use, being a call centre as a permitted use on the subject lands. The call centre will have office space that is accessory to the call centre use. Council is of the opinion that the proposed call centre and accessory office space is compatible with surrounding industrial and commercial land uses in the area, and will not detract from the planned function of the Central Area as the first destination for retail and office uses. Land uses in proximity to this subject site include both industrial and service commercial development and it is anticipated that the redevelopment of the subject lands and the proposed use of the lands as a call centre and accessory office use will have minimal impact on the existing development in the surrounding area and vicinity. 4.0 DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT 4.1 That Section - Specific Development Policies be amended to add the following subsection at the end thereof: “ Part Lot 1638, Plan 500 – 25 Town Line Road In addition to the uses permitted in Section 8.3.5, Part Lot 1638, Plan 500, located on the south side of Town Line Road, east of Vienna Road, a call centre with an accessory office use may also be permitted on those lands identified as having reference to this subsection.” 5.0 IMPLEMENTATION This Official Plan Amendment shall be implemented in accordance with the implementation policies of the Official Plan. 6.0 INTERPRETATION This Official Plan Amendment shall be interpreted in accordance with the interpretation policies of the Official Plan. - 1 - 98 OP 15-02-7 & ZN 7-15-02– Tilson Property Investments Site Photos Figure 1- View of Subject Lands (Facing south from Townline Road) Figure 2- View of Subject Lands (Facing South from Townline Road) 99 OP 15-02-7 & ZN 7-15-02– Tilson Property Investments Site Photos Figure 3- View of Subject Lands (Facing South from Townline Road) 100 March 23, 2015 Delivered by e-mail All Ontario Municipalities Re: Resolution – Bill 52, Protection of Public Participation Act, 2014 Please be advised that this matter was considered by Council at its Council meeting held on March 4, 2015. In this regards, Council adopted the following resolution: Moved by Mayor Fosbrooke, seconded by Councillor Gordon; Whereas the Provincial Government has recently introduced “Bill 52, Protection of Public Participation Act, 2014”; and Whereas Bill 52 seeks to amend the Courts of Justice Act, the Libel and Slander Act and the Statutory Powers Procedure Act in order to protect expression on matters of public interest; and Whereas Bill 52 is commonly referred to as Anti-SLAPP legislation and is intended to enact many of the recommendations put forward by the Anti- SLAPP Advisory Panel of 2010; and Whereas SLAPP litigation, an acronym for Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation, is a tactic which is often viewed as a means to silence, intimidate and deter people from participating in discussions on matters of public interest; and Whereas the Province has stated that the ability to freely participate in public discussion about matters of public interest, without fear of retribution, is fundamental to a fair and democratic society; Now therefor be it hereby resolved that the Township of Southgate express its support for Bill 52 which should help protect and encourage freedom of expression on matters of the public interest and discourage the use of the courts in ways that unduly limit that freedom; and Be it further resolved that the Mayor be requested to write a letter and forward this resolution to the Honourable Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario, Bill Walker, MPP for Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound, and to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO); and Be it further resolved that the Clerk be requested to circulate this resolution to all other municipalities in Ontario to request endorsement of this resolution be sent directly to the Government of Ontario. Carried. No. 156-15 Municipal Clerk Raylene Martell 519-923-2110 ext. 230 rmartell@southgate.ca Township of Southgate 185667 Grey County Road 9, RR 1 Dundalk, ON N0C 1B0 101 Page 2 of 2 Southgate Council hereby requests that other Municipalities endorse this resolution and send notice of endorsement directly to the Government of Ontario. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office. Kind regards, Raylene Martell Municipal Clerk 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 COUNCIL REPORT MAYOR’S OFFICE Report Title: UPDATE –Notice of Motion Report No.: MYR 15-04 Author: Mayor Molnar Meeting Type: COUNCIL MEETING Council Date: APRI 13, 2015 Attachments: RECOMMENDATION: THAT Council receives report MYR 15-04 as information and, FURTHER THAT Staff be directed to prepare a Report supporting the introduction of a Volunteer of the Month Award and, FURTHER that any additional aspects to facilitate this direction be considered and introduced on April 27 for Council consideration. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to provide information regarding the opportunity to re- introduce the valuable aspect of recognizing significant local contributions from individuals or groups in (and around) the Town of Tillsonburg in a volunteer capacity. As April 12-18, 2015 is National Volunteer Week, it is appropriate that Tillsonburg recommits to a formalized recognition program in support of our most valuable resource … our people. CONSULTATION/COMMUNICATION In support of our Community Strategic Plan, and in general recognition that supportive volunteering is a key foundation to the overall quality of life in any municipality, that the Town should consider re-introducing the ‘Volunteer of the Month’ award. This presentation, to be accompanied with a Certificate and a special Town Pin, had continued from 1992 until 2010. INFORMATION The Town of Tillsonburg, as endorsed by earlier Councils, had historically supported a recognition program designed to thank local volunteers for their valuable contributions to the Quality of Life in Tillsonburg. 128 While there is a certain aspect of volunteerism that suggests one does not contribute with the expectation of recognition, it has also been demonstrated that it is both responsible and appropriate that organizations and agencies who receive the benefit of quality volunteering contributions should have an identifiable program to recognize those same individuals. There is a further need to review and identify the recommending/decision making body concerning any local nomination process. One recommendation could be the re-introduction of a Special Awards Committee that would oversee the nominations of the Volunteer Award as well as other opportunities such as the Tillsonburg Favourite Son/Daughter Award, other local, Provincial or Federal awards as received by the Town from time to time, and any other business as directed by Council for consideration. Notwithstanding the current approach to review and recommendation concerning Corporate Trust Account applications, there may be consideration given to a consolidation of responsibilities (Terms of Reference) that provides a more streamlined process for the municipality. FINANCIAL IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE There is a significant inventory of “Volunteer Pins” in stock. There would be no new costs incurred by the municipality in proceeding with this recommendation. Any further reference would be defined in supplemental staff report of April 27, 2015. APPROVALS: Author: Mayor Molnar Date: 4/13/15 Page 2 / 2 CAO 129 STAFF REPORT CAO Report Title: Town Hall Project Steering Committee Terms of Reference Report No.: CAO 15-7 Author: David Calder Meeting Type: COUNCIL MEETING Council Date: APRIL 13, 2015 Attachments: TOWN HALL PROJECT STEERING COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE RECOMMENDATION: THAT Council receive report CAO 15-7 Town Hall Project Steering Committee Terms of Reference. AND THAT Council approve the Town Hall Project Steering Committee Terms of Reference as attached to report CAO 15-7. AND FURTHER THAT the Chief Administrative Officer be directed to recruit interested individuals to the committee based on the membership criteria outline in the Town Hall Project Steering Committee Terms of Reference and through advertising for committee members as per Council Policy. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY At its meeting of March 23, 2015, Town Council directed that the Chief Administrative Officer begin the process of planning for a Town Hall by establishing a Town Hall Project Steering Committee. In order to begin the process of public engagement for this very important project, there should be a steering committee established of individuals with various skill sets associated with a building project of this magnitude and importance. The terms of reference suggest the need for committee representation from the construction industry, project management, architectural profession, engineering profession, development committee representation, Council representation, as well as at large members from the general public. The steering committee will also be supported by a number of nonvoting staff members such as the CAO, Chief Building Official, finance representative and others on an as needed basis. The purpose of the Town Hall Project Steering Committee will be to provide input, feedback, advice and recommendations on the business and financial decisions for the location and 130 construction/renovation of a building for the purpose of a Tillsonburg Town Hall. The primary function of the Town Hall Project Steering Committee is to take responsibility for establishing a business case and the achievement of outcomes of the Tillsonburg Town Hall project. The Town Hall Project Steering Committee will monitor and review the project status, as well as provide oversight of the project deliverable rollout. The Town Hall Project Steering Committee will report directly to Council. The guiding principles of the Town Hall Project Steering Committee will be to apply public engagement tools as identified in the Town of Tillsonburg Public Engagement Guidelines, for gathering input and feedback. The process will encourage effective relationships, partnerships with others and community involvement. Other tasks of the Town Hall Project Steering Committee will be such items as identification of possible site locations, budget requirements, possible joint use, and drafting of a request for proposal for a feasibility study to include such items as an analysis of future floor space requirements, conceptual design, cost estimates and construction/renovation schedule. A draft Terms of Reference for the Town Hall Project Steering Committee is attached for Council’s review and approval. Once the Committee is established a further review of the Terms of Reference can take place and any amendments would be presented to Council. CONSULTATION/COMMUNICATION It is anticipated that a Town Hall Project Steering Committee would have representation from a broad skill set as defined in the Terms of Reference. In addition, as previously mentioned, any consultation and communication done by the Town Hall Project Steering Committee would follow Council’s recently approved Public Engagement Guidelines. As Council would expect, one of the tasks of the Town Hall Project Steering Committee would be to define and implement a Public Engagement plan appropriate for such an important public project. COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT Excellence in Local Government through the development of a standalone Town Hall as the seat of government for the municipality of the Town of Tillsonburg. Ensure the implementation of an appropriate communication strategy to inform the community and obtain input from the community as the project moves forward. FINANCIAL IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE The Town Hall Project Steering Committee may require some Town funding for meeting expenses which can be accommodate within the current budget. Any other funding requests would come to Council for approval prior to any resources being allocated. As well, should a building/renovation project be recommended, a funding plan would be required and a budget established including sources of funding for such a project. Page 2 / 2 CAO 131 Town Hall Project Steering Committee TERMS OF REFERENCE Mandate: The high level objective of the project is to construct a modern, efficient and functional Town Hall that will accommodate current and future needs of the Corporation to be able to provide the various public services. The Town Hall Project Steering Committee will advise Council and make recommendations to Council on the feasibility, business case and the achievement of outcomes for the Town Hall Project. The Town Hall Project Steering Committee will monitor and review the project status and provide oversight as project deliverables are rolled out. Goals for 2015-2016 Term: The committee should use the Mandate to set out a clear plan for the term. Set out Goals the committee will work towards accomplishing. Create a Project Charter to define the scope and establish the framework and overall approach for the Town Hall Project. 1.0 Role of the Town Hall Project Steering Committee 1. Advise Council on matters related to the Town Hall Project which may include, space needs, building location, joint use, etc. 2. Advise and inform Council of budget needs based on building location, space needs, and furniture and equipment. 3. Advise and develop working relationships with various stakeholders. 4. Advise and assist with the development of a public engagement program and promote the activities of the Committee. 2.0 Organization of the Committee: The Committee should be composed of people with technical skill sets, interested citizens and council representatives who demonstrate a strong commitment to the terms of reference. A cross section of people should attempt to be chosen in order to bring to the committee relevant technical and professional expertise as well as strong advocacy, communication and organizational skills. 2.1 Appointment will be advertised in local newspapers as per Town's procedures for Committees of Council. 2.2 Committee Members will be appointed by Council. 2.3 The term of a Committee Member is for four (4) years or until the project is completed whichever comes first. 2.4 Additional members may be appointed throughout the term. 2. 6 One member will be appointed by vote of the committee at the first meeting to chair the meetings for that term. The committee will also, at this time, select a vice-chair and secretary for the same duration. 2.7 Municipal staff including the CAO shall interact in an advisory manner to the committee as needed. 132 3.0 Meetings: 3.1 The Committee will hold a minimum of eight (8) meetings a year. 3.2 The date and time of the regular meetings will be established at the first meeting of each term. 3.3 Meetings will have a formal agenda. 3.4 Agendas and information packages, that will include the minutes from the previous meeting, will be sent (via mail, e-mail, or fax) to Committee Members prior to each meeting. 3.5 A majority of Council appointed Committee Members will constitute quorum for the transaction of business. 3.6 The members may meet occasionally informally to discuss issues as warranted. 4.0 Role of The Chair: The Chair is responsible for insuring the smooth and effective operation of the Committee and its roles. This will include responsibility for: 4.1 Calling the meetings to order. 4.2 The Chair is encouraged to create an informal atmosphere to encourage the exchange of ideas such as, using a roundtable format. 4.3 Creating an agenda in consultation with the Secretary. 4.4 Chairing the meetings. 4.5 Acting as spokesperson. 4.6 Representing the Committee on other committees when necessary. 4.7 The Chair shall conduct meetings in accordance with the Town's Procedural By-law 4.8 In the absence of the Chair, these responsibilities will be undertaken by a the Vice-Chair. 5.0 Role of the Secretary: The Secretary is responsible for ensuring a complete up to date record for the Committee. 5.1 In liaison with the Chair, arrange date, time and venue for meetings. 5.2 In liaison with the Chair, set agendas and circulate to the members two business days prior to the meeting. 5.3 Circulate draft minutes to the members. 5.4 Keep a complete up to date record of the committee minutes. 6.0 Role of Members: Membership on the Committee is a position of responsibility and requires a strong commitment to the Terms of Reference. Committee members are required to: 6.1 Attend all regular scheduled meetings. Members are required to notify the Chair, Secretary or the designated municipal staff liaison if they are unable to attend a meeting. 6.2 Review all information supplied to them. 6.3 Prepare information for use in the development of materials for the Committee. 6.4 Promote the role of the Committee. 6.5 Offer input to committee reports to Council. 133 6.6 Attend training as required to effectively perform their role as a committee member. 6.7 Committee Members are subject to The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act R.S.O, 1990, c.M50 and must disclose any direct or indirect pecuniary interest. The disclosure must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. 7.0 Role of Municipal Staff: The Town of Tillsonburg, by its nature and purpose, affects and is affected by many different Municipal departments. Assistance will be provided on an as required basis from various departments. Municipal staff will be responsible for carrying out the following functions with respect to the Committee: 7.1 Acting as an information resource. 7.2 Orientation of Committee members at the first meeting after Council appointment. 7.3 Assist the Committee in its reporting to Council (see Sec. 7.0). 7.4 Provide correspondence to the Committee. 8.0 Reports to Council: The Committee may advise and make recommendations to Council in accordance with its role. Reports may be submitted as follows: 8.1 Verbally by a Council representative. 8.2 Verbally by the Chair or the designated representative. 8.3 Minutes from the Committee meetings 8.4 Written reports An annual report will also be submitted to Council at the beginning of each new year outlining the Committee’s accomplishments in the previous twelve months. 134 STAFF REPORT FINANCE Title: 2014 RECONCILED CONTRACT POLICING COSTS - OPP Report No.: FIN 15-18 Author: DARRELL EDDINGTON Meeting Type: COUNCIL MEETING Council/Committee Date: APRIL 13, 2015 Attachments: YEAR 2014 RECONCILED CONTRACT POLICING COSTS OPP RECOMMENDATION THAT Council receives report FIN15-18 2014 Reconciled Contract Policing Costs – OPP. AND THAT $123,738 be contributed to reserves. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY To provide Council with information on the January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 OPP actual costing and obtain approval to contribute the reconciled amount to reserves. BACKGROUND Attached is correspondence received from the OPP concerning the $123,738 final year end reconciliation amount for 2014 and the $6,624 2015 billing statement adjustment for a combined credit of $130,362. Staff recommends that the 2014 amount be contributed to reserves. Taking this final year end reconciliation into account, the OPP contract was $3,354,873, $226,575 below the OPP’s annual 2014 estimate and the Town’s 2014 budget. FINANCIAL IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE N/A 1 CAO 135 136 137 138 139 140 STAFF REPORT FINANCE Title: Trustee Appointments Report No.: FIN 15-19 Author: DARRELL EDDINGTON Meeting Type: COUNCIL MEETING Council/Committee Date: APRIL 13, 2015 Attachments: BY LAW 3896 TO AMEND 3639 TRUST & APPOINTMENTS RECOMMENDATION THAT Council receives report FIN 15-19 Trustee Appointments. AND THAT By-Law 3896 be brought forward for three readings for Council consideration. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY To obtain Council approval on public trustees for the Town’s trust accounts. BACKGROUND By-Law 3639 was adopted August 13, 2012 and approved the trust accounts, the trustees, meetings and mandates of each trust. The term of the trustees in By-Law 3639 expired at the end of the previous Council’s term. By-Law 3896 is being brought forward with the proposed public trustees and new term coincident with the current Council term. All other terms remain the same. CONSULTATION/COMMUNICATION/PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT An ad for public trustee volunteers has been placed in Focus Tillsonburg since the end of February. The ad produced no such volunteers. Therefore the Clerk contacted the previous public trustees where possible, and another member of the public who volunteered for other committees, looking for potential volunteer participation. FINANCIAL IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE N/A 1 CAO 141 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG BY-LAW NO. 3896 A BY-LAW to amend By-Law 3639, being a by-law to define Municipal Trust Funds and to appoint Trustees to those Trusts Established By The Corporation of The Town of Tillsonburg. WHERAS it is deemed necessary and expedient to amend By-Law 3639. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg as follows: 1. THAT Schedule A of By-Law 3639 – Trust & Appointments – be replaced as attached. 2. THAT these amendments to By-Law 3639 are hereby declared to be part of that By-Law as if written therein. 3. THAT this By-Law be passed and shall become effective upon enactment. Read a first and second time this 13th day of April, 2015. Read a third time, passed, signed, sealed and numbered 3896 this 13th day of April, 2015. ________________________________ Mayor Stephen Molnar _______________________________ Clerk Donna Wilson 142 SCHEDULE A – TRUST & APPOINTMENTS TRUST NAME: ANNANDALE HOUSE TRUST PUBLIC TRUSTEES (AS APPOINTED BY COUNCIL): Robert Marsden Mel Getty TERM OF APPOINTMENT: Four Years (end of current Council Term) MANDATE/TERMS OF REFERENCE: To receive, maintain, control and use donations for the restoration, refurbish, development and promotion of Annandale House. Donations received herein shall be deposited into this trust account and may be invested in such securities as a trustee may invest in under the Trustee Act, and the earnings derived from the investment of such monies form part of the trust fund. Trustees to determine the disbursement of the funds, to focus on the restoration and development of Annandale House. TRUSTEE NAME: Cemetery Maintenance Trust PUBLIC TRUSTEES (AS APPOINTED BY COUNCIL): Robert Marsden Dianne MacKeigan TERM OF APPOINTMENT: Four Years (end of current Council Term) MANDATE/TERMS OF REFERENCE: To receive, maintain, control and use donations for the general maintenance and upkeep of Tillsonburg Cemeteries. Donations received herein shall be deposited into this trust account and may be invested in such securities as the trustees may invest in under the Trustee Act, and the earnings derived from the investment of such monies form part of the trust fund. Trustees to determine the disbursement of the funds, to focus on the general maintenance and care of the grounds of the Tillsonburg Cemetery. TRUSTEE NAME: Cemetery Trust (Perpetual Care) PUBLIC TRUSTEES (AS APPOINTED BY COUNCIL): Robert Marsden Dianne MacKeigan TERM OF APPOINTMENT: Four Years (end of current Council Term) MANDATE/TERMS OF REFERENCE: To receive, maintain, control and use donations for the perpetual care of Tillsonburg Cemeteries. Donations received herein shall be deposited into this trust account and may be invested in such securities as the trustees may invest in under the Trustee Act, and the earnings derived from the investment of such monies form part of the trust fund. Trustees to determine the disbursement of the funds, to focus on the continuous, everlasting care of Tillsonburg Cemeteries. 143 TRUSTEE NAME: Community Trust PUBLIC TRUSTEES (AS APPOINTED BY COUNCIL): Robert Marsden Mel Getty TERM OF APPOINTMENT: Four Years (end of current Council Term) MANDATE/TERMS OF REFERENCE: To receive, maintain, control and use donations for community designated purposes. Donations received herein shall be deposited into this trust account and may be invested in such securities as the trustees may invest in under the Trustee Act, and the earnings derived from the investment of such monies form part of the trust fund. Trustees to determine the disbursement of the funds, to focus on community purposes such as heritage designations, disaster relief, fire safety, parades, festivals, theatre and so on. TRUSTEE NAME: Parkland Trust PUBLIC TRUSTEES (AS APPOINTED BY COUNCIL): Virginia Armstrong Mel Getty TERM OF APPOINTMENT: Four Years (end of current Council Term) MANDATE/TERMS OF REFERENCE: To receive, maintain, control and use donations for parkland purposes. Donations received herein shall be deposited into this trust account and may be invested in such securities as the trustees may invest in under the Trustee Act, and the earnings derived from the investment of such monies form part of the trust fund. Trustees to determine the disbursement of the funds, to focus on the care and maintenance of Tillsonburg parklands to ensure a high standard and the continued beautification of Tillsonburg parks. TRUSTEE NAME: Scholarship Trust PUBLIC TRUSTEES (AS APPOINTED BY COUNCIL): Larry Scanlan David Palmer TERM OF APPOINTMENT: Four Years (end of current Council Term) MANDATE/TERMS OF REFERENCE: To receive, maintain, control and use donations for scholarship awards. Donations received herein shall be deposited into this trust account and may be invested in such securities as the trustees may invest in under the Trustee Act, and the earnings derived from the investment of such monies form part of the trust fund. Trustees to determine the disbursement of the funds to focus on choosing a suitable recipient of a scholarship. 144 STAFF REPORT OPERATIONS SERVICES Report Title: Results for Tender # F2015-001 Combination Snowplow Report No.: OPS 15-08 Author: Dave Davis, Manager of Fleet Services Meeting Type: REGULAR COUNCIL Council Date: APRIL 13, 2015 Attachments: NONE RECOMMENDATION: THAT Council receive Report OPS 15-08 Results for Tender # F2015-001 Combination Snowplow; AND THAT Council award Tender # F2015-001 to Carrier Truck Centers at a cost of $244,550.00 (plus applicable taxes). SUMMARY As per the 2015 Operations Business Plan under projects 062 and 125 and in accordance with the Purchasing Policy a tender was issued for the supply and delivery of a new combination snowplow/sander with 2-way front plow and wing. The need to replace the 2002 GMC Topkick snowplow unit was identified when the unit could no longer meet the changing requirements of the Ontario Highway Traffic Act Regulations 601 and 611 without a significant investment that far exceeds the value of the unit. As a result this unit has been taken out of service. This unit also has a history of obsolete parts such as brake components from either the OEM or after-market sources. The tender closed on March 26th 2015 with bids received from four (4) suppliers with varying types of chassis and body combinations. The tender was advertised on the Tillsonburg website, the Tillsonburg News and on Biddingo. Results of the tender are summarized below: 145 1. S+B Services (Freightliner chassis/Henderson body) $237,757.59 2. Team Truck Centers (Freightliner chassis/Viking body) $242,248.00 3. Team Truck Centers (Western Star chassis/Viking body) $243,500.00 4. Carrier Truck Centers (International chassis/Viking body) $246,550.00* *Offered a $2,000 discount if chassis is paid upon delivery to the body builder. The above bids exclude applicable taxes. The bid from S+B Services was rejected for non-compliance with the tender specifications in regards to the adjusting sander body conveyor chain (specified automatic, bid provided manual) and the cross conveyor system (specified twin auger, bid provided conveyor chains) . The bid from Team Truck Centers (Western Star chassis) was also rejected for non-compliance with the tender specifications in regards to the wiring system (specified multi-plexed, bid provided not available). The remaining bids from Team Truck Centers (Freightliner chassis) and from Carrier Truck Center (International chassis) both met all tendered requirements. Both chassis manufactures are reputable industry leaders with their products used extensively across Canada. Given that the existing unit has been taken out of service the delivery of the new unit before the start of the 2015 winter season is crucial in order to avoid disruption to the winter maintenance level of service. The estimated time to order a new unit from Carrier Truck Center (International) is approximately 12 to 14 weeks to receive the chassis and another 18 weeks for the body builder to complete the installation of the sander body and snow plow equipment. Total estimated time to delivery of 30 to 32 weeks (mid November 2015). The estimated time to order a new unit from Team Truck Center (Freightliner) is approximately 20 weeks to receive the chassis and another 18 weeks for the body builder to complete the installation of the sander body and snow plow equipment. Total estimated time to delivery of 38 weeks (early January 2016). Given the above delivery time estimates staff recommend that the tender be awarded to Carrier Truck Centers which will allow for this unit to be ready and placed into service at the beginning of the winter season. COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT The Community Strategic Plan does not specifically address the activities of the Operations Department. Page 2 / 3 146 FINANCIAL IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE The 2015 approved budget for this replacement unit is $250,000 comprising of $15,000 from reserves and $235,000 from debenture. The recommended tender result of $246,550 plus other Town associated costs of approximately $1,100 for decal expenses and two-way radio reinstallation is within the 2015 approved budget. Page 3 / 3 147 STAFF REPORT OPERATION SERVICES Report Title: ANNANDALE HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION PHASE 7 STAGE 2 PRE-SERVICING AGREEMENT Report No.: OPS 15-09 Author: Kevin De Leebeeck, P.Eng., Director of Operations Meeting Type: COUNCIL MEETING Council Date: APRIL 13, 2015 Attachments: ANNANDALE HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION PHASE 7 STAGE 2 PRE-SERVICING AGREEMENT WITH 2340764 ONTARIO INC. RECOMMENDATION: THAT Council receive Report OPS 15-09 Annandale Heights Subdivision Phase 7 Stage 2 Pre-Servicing Agreement; AND THAT a By-law authorizing Mayor and Clerk to enter into the Pre-Servicing Agreement between the Town and 2340764 Ontario Inc. be brought forward for Council consideration. SUMMARY The sole purpose of the Pre-Servicing Agreement is to substantially negate the effect of the Developer being required to post the full performance security deposit to service the lands and where the Developer specifically acknowledges and agrees to enter into a Subdivision Agreement with the Town and County. The Developer recognizes that the Town is under no obligation to issue any Building Permits relative to the lands until a Subdivision Agreement has been entered into and all conditions thereof complied with. The installation of the pre-servicing works and all activity related thereto is entirely at the risk, expense, and cost of the Developer without any claim or recourse whatsoever against the Town or County. The Developer has provided and satisfied the following conditions necessary in order to execute the attached Pre-Servicing Agreement including: • Deposit of the required Restoration Security • Certificate of Insurance has been provided • MOE Certificate of Approval for the water distribution system has been received • MOE Certificate of Approval for the storm and sanitary sewers has been received • MOE Certificate of Approval for the existing Stormwater Management Facility has already been provided FINANCIAL IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE There is not financial impact to the Town. 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 STAFF REPORT FINANCE Title: Airport Five Year Financial Analysis Report No.: FIN 15-20 Author: DARRELL EDDINGTON Meeting Type: COUNCIL MEETING Council/Committee Date: APRIL 13, 2015 Attachments: AIRPORT ANALYSIS RECOMMENDATION THAT Council receives report FIN 15-20 Airport Five Year Financial Analysis as information. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY To provide Council with requested Airport financial information. BACKGROUND At the Council meeting of March 23, 2015, Council requested a report on the 5 year financial history from 2010 and ending in 2014 which includes revenues, expenses, debt and tax subsidies to support the airport. The attached Airport analysis provides this requested information. CONSULTATION/COMMUNICATION/PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT N/A FINANCIAL IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE N/A 1 CAO 163 Airport Financial Summary 2010 Over/(Under) Budget Actual Variance Operating 39,064$ 70,701$ 31,637$ Capital 53,700$ 46,660$ (7,040)$ Net Levy 92,764$ 117,361$ 24,597$ 2011 Budget Actual Variance Operating 65,228$ 87,184$ 21,956$ Capital -$ -$ -$ Net Levy 65,228$ 87,184$ 21,956$ 2012 Budget Actual Variance Operating 79,694$ 56,639$ (23,055)$ Capital 2,000$ 11,570$ 9,570$ Net Levy 81,694$ 68,209$ (13,485)$ 2013 Budget Actual Variance Operating 100,278$ 138,387$ 38,109$ Capital 5,000$ 5,000$ -$ Net Levy #####143,387$ 38,109$ 2014 Budget Actual Variance Operating 85,928$ 101,806$ 15,878$ Capital 10,000$ 11,131$ 1,131$ Net Levy 95,928$ 112,937$ 17,009$ PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com164 AIRPORT ANALYSIS 2010-2014 Operating Account Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 10-240-7010-000-3210Air - Gen - Grant&S-Oth (5,000)$ (13,750)$ (5,000)$ (5,000)$ (5,000)$ 10-240-7010-000-3300Air - Gen - Misc Rev -$ -$ (23,556)$ (400)$ (5,186)$ 10-240-7010-000-3365Air - Gen - Landsc Rev -$ -$ -$ -$ (13,860)$ 10-240-7010-000-3500Air - Gen - Rent Rev (6,520)$ (19,514)$ (14,485)$ (15,739)$ (18,866)$ 10-240-7420-000-3500Air - Land Rentals - Rent Rev (78,422)$ (63,128)$ (120,323)$ (156,888)$ (154,193)$ 10-240-7690-000-3500Air - Bldg Mtce - Rent Rev (1,820)$ (4,628)$ (3,028)$ (3,408)$ (4,001)$ 10-240-7010-000-3505Air - Gen - Merch Rev (154,875)$ (187,338)$ (254,551)$ (234,115)$ (295,825)$ 10-240-7010-000-3510Air - Gen - Concession Rev (1,102)$ (976)$ (976)$ (129)$ (93)$ 10-240-7010-000-3700Air - Gen - Special Rev (186)$ (1,992)$ (39,047)$ (115)$ (142,447)$ Total Revenues (247,925)$ (291,326)$ (460,964)$ (415,794)$ (639,472)$ 10-240-7010-000-5001Air - Gen - F/T Reg $58,865.91 $59,629.63 $66,433.00 $146,243.34 $151,394.18 10-240-7690-000-5001Air - Bldg Mtce - F/T Reg $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.0010-240-7010-000-5002Air - Gen - F/T OT $0.00 $0.00 $621.30 $1,088.46 $1,940.06 10-240-7010-000-5003Air - Gen - P/T Reg $32,002.54 $28,041.32 $36,677.51 $25,825.43 $30,182.07 10-240-7010-000-5004Air - Gen - P/T O/T $1,295.20 $1,448.73 $24.74 $8.84 $0.0010-240-7010-000-5100Air - Gen - Fleet $3,512.50 $3,232.50 $3,570.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 10-240-7010-000-5110Air - Gen - Fuel&Oil $634.98 $1,829.15 $4,564.32 $4,260.03 $2,568.80 10-240-7010-000-5200Air - Gen - Materials/Inv $125,629.13 $146,476.18 $206,052.12 $194,923.62 $245,315.98 10-240-7010-000-5300Air - Gen - Supplies $3,456.75 $1,252.02 $1,673.15 $2,666.93 $2,693.52 10-240-7690-000-5300Air - Bldg Mtce - Supplies $1,400.84 $1,290.37 $689.89 $1,642.43 $1,777.37 10-240-7010-000-5310Air - Gen - Equip S&R $5,100.55 $5,690.26 $6,394.78 $8,822.13 $3,289.25 10-240-7010-000-5315Air - Gen - Books&Publ $158.90 $37.59 $0.00 $258.26 $41.04 10-240-7690-000-5320Air - Bldg Mtce - Bldg R&M $1,804.21 $2,826.71 $2,986.46 $2,469.78 $2,331.3310-240-7690-000-5325Air - Bldg Mtce - H,L&W $10,719.27 $11,817.88 $8,330.27 $11,699.62 $14,795.15 10-240-7010-000-5330Air - Gen - Insurance $5,555.60 $5,257.33 $4,610.95 $4,549.82 $6,052.84 10-240-7690-000-5330Air - Bldg Mtce - Insurance $867.24 $1,420.20 $1,407.34 $1,384.56 $1,468.8010-240-7010-000-5335Air - Gen - Phone,F&M $2,595.88 $2,550.08 $3,372.93 $3,476.33 $3,233.08 10-240-7010-000-5400Air - Gen - Misc Exp $7,501.77 $10,031.11 $5,175.26 $7,318.14 $9,252.53 10-240-7420-000-5400Air - Land Rentals - Misc Exp $0.00 $0.00 $472.37 $0.00 $0.00 10-240-7010-000-5405Air - Gen - Meeting Exp $594.26 $2,524.54 $2,477.23 $2,479.14 $2,083.53 10-240-7010-000-5410Air - Gen - Adv&Promo $4,651.87 $5,795.38 $5,509.41 $5,472.39 $3,515.17 10-240-7010-000-5415Air - Gen - Trng&Wkshps $961.85 $754.07 $282.61 $1,625.01 $882.00 10-240-7010-000-5420Air - Gen - Sp Event Exp $3,015.74 $2,461.30 $35,493.16 $68.14 $152,702.06 10-240-7010-000-5425Air - Gen - Sp Prj Exp $220.80 $430.00 $14,646.05 $10,984.75 $20,672.29 10-240-7010-000-5430Air - Gen - Membership Exp $905.00 $1,134.97 $1,289.71 $1,731.40 $1,016.93 10-240-7010-000-5500Air - Gen - Consult,Leg&Aud $367.00 $13,540.38 $9,443.88 $29,224.38 $11,620.86 10-240-7010-000-5505Air - Gen - Subcon Exp $8,227.34 $18,770.09 $10,654.65 $38,793.34 $25,283.9910-240-7420-000-5505Air - Land Rentals - Subcon Exp $529.24 $2,796.57 $1,301.22 $0.00 $0.00 10-240-7010-000-5900Air - Gen - Debt Interest $9,371.32 $13,841.30 $13,418.37 $11,134.35 $9,799.46 10-240-7420-000-5900Air - Land Rentals - Debt Interest $438.04 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.0010-240-7010-000-5905Air - Gen - Debt Principal $18,881.60 $33,029.99 $33,030.20 $33,030.20 $33,030.20 10-240-7420-000-5905Air - Land Rentals - Debt Principal $8,760.75 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 10-240-7010-000-5950Air - Gen - Contrib to Reserves $600.00 $600.00 $37,000.00 $0.00 $1,335.00 Total Expenditures $318,626.08$378,509.65$517,602.88$554,180.82$741,277.49 Net (surplus)/deficit $70,700.83 $87,183.76 $56,638.80 $138,387.27 $101,805.64 Operating Budget Levy $39,064 $65,228 $79,694 $100,278 $85,928 Over / (under) Budget 31,637$ 21,956$ (23,055)$ 38,109$ 15,878$ C:\Users\jbunn\AppData\Local\Temp\AgendaManager\Airport Analysis 4/09/15 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com165 Capital Projects by Year Budget 2010 New Terminal Building Grants (342,000)$ Debt Proceeds (38,000)$ (380,000)$ Expenses 465,519$ 465,519$ Net (Surplus)/Deficit 85,519$ Runway Overlay Grants (585,000)$ Debt Proceeds (65,000)$ (650,000)$ Expenses 692,885$ 692,885$ Net (Surplus)/Deficit 42,885$ Hangar Taxiway Debt Proceeds (45,972)$ (45,972)$ 46,535$ 46,535$ Net (Surplus)/Deficit 563$ Mainrunway Repairs Expenses 677$ Net (Surplus)/Deficit 677$ Runway Extension - 1500 ft Grants (1,178,975)$ Miscellaneous (50)$ Debt Proceeds (134,000)$ (1,313,025)$ Expenses 1,230,041$ 1,230,041$ Net (Surplus)/Deficit (82,984)$ Actual C:\Users\jbunn\AppData\Local\Temp\AgendaManager\Airport Analysis 4/09/15 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com166 Net Total 46,660$ 53,700$ 2011 Visibility Signage Grants (22,250)$ Contributions to Reserves 22,250$ Net (Surplus)/Deficit -$ Net Total -$ -$ 2012 Visibility Signage Grants (2,000)$ Contributions from Reserves (22,250)$ (24,250)$ Expenses 35,820$ 35,820$ Net (Surplus)/Deficit 11,570$ Net Total 11,570$ 2,000$ 2013 Customs Office Contributions to Reserves 5,000$ Net (Surplus)/Deficit 5,000$ Net Total 5,000$ 5,000$ 2014 Transformer Expenses 11,131$ Net (Surplus)/Deficit 11,131$ Net Total 11,131$ 10,000$ C:\Users\jbunn\AppData\Local\Temp\AgendaManager\Airport Analysis 4/09/15 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com167 Out Standing Principal Balance 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 DESCRIPTION TERM EXP.Payment Frequency PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL Airport Hanger Taxiway 202027June/Dec 50,000.00 47,500.00 45,000.00 42,500.00 40,000.00 37,500.00 35,000.00 32,500.00 30,000.00 27,500.00 Airport Lighting 202027June/Dec 9,000.00 8,550.00 8,100.00 7,650.00 7,200.00 6,750.00 6,300.00 5,850.00 5,400.00 4,950.00 Airport Taxiway 202027June/Dec 23,660.00 22,477.00 21,294.00 20,111.00 18,928.00 17,745.00 16,562.00 15,379.00 14,196.00 13,013.00 Airport Asphalt 102018June/Dec 0.00 6,000.00 5,400.00 4,800.00 4,200.00 3,600.00 3,000.00 2,400.00 1,800.00 1,200.00 Airport Hanger Taxiway 102020June/Dec 0.00 0.00 45,972.00 43,673.40 39,076.20 34,479.00 29,881.80 25,284.60 20,687.40 16,090.20 Airport Hanger Terminal 102020June/Dec 0.00 0.00 38,000.00 36,100.00 32,300.00 28,500.00 24,700.00 20,900.00 17,100.00 13,300.00 Airport Hanger Overlay 102020June/Dec 0.00 0.00 65,000.00 61,750.00 55,250.00 48,750.00 42,250.00 35,750.00 29,250.00 22,750.00 Airport Runway Extension 102020June/Dec 0.00 0.00 134,000.00 127,300.00 113,900.00 100,500.00 87,100.00 73,700.00 60,300.00 46,900.00 Out Standing Debt 82,660.00$ 84,527.00$ 362,766.00$ 343,884.40$ 310,854.20$ 277,824.00$ 244,793.80$ 211,763.60$ 178,733.40$ 145,703.20$ C:\Users\jbunn\AppData\Local\Temp\AgendaManager\Airport Analysis 4/09/15 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com 168 Out Standing Principal Balance DESCRIPTION Airport Hanger Taxiway Airport Lighting Airport Taxiway Airport Asphalt Airport Hanger Taxiway Airport Hanger Terminal Airport Hanger Overlay Airport Runway Extension Out Standing Debt 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL 25,000.00 22,500.00 20,000.00 17,500.00 15,000.00 12,500.00 10,000.00 7,500.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 0.00 4,500.00 4,050.00 3,600.00 3,150.00 2,700.00 2,250.00 1,800.00 1,350.00 900.00 450.00 0.00 11,830.00 10,647.00 9,464.00 8,281.00 7,098.00 5,915.00 4,732.00 3,549.00 2,366.00 1,183.00 0.00 600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,493.00 6,895.80 2,298.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,500.00 5,700.00 1,900.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,250.00 9,750.00 3,250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33,500.00 20,100.00 6,700.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 112,673.00$ 79,642.80$ 47,212.60$ 28,931.00$ 24,798.00$ 20,665.00$ 16,532.00$ 12,399.00$ 8,266.00$ 4,133.00$ -$ C:\Users\jbunn\AppData\Local\Temp\AgendaManager\Airport Analysis 4/09/15 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com 169 STAFF REPORT RECREATION, CULTURE & PARKS Title: Jan-Mar 2015 RCP Departmental Activity Reports Report No: RCP 15-14 Author: Rick Cox, Director of Recreation, Culture & Parks Meeting Type: COUNCIL MEETING Council/ Committee Date: APRIL 13, 2015 Attachments: • Jan-Mar 2015 Activity - Recreation Programs & Services • Jan-Mar 2015 Activity – Culture & Heritage • Jan-Mar 2015 Activity – Parks & Facilities RECOMMENDATION THAT Council receive Report RCP 15-14 – Jan-Mar 2015 RCP Departmental Activity Reports for information. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Attached are activity reports from the Recreation Programs & Services Division, the Culture & Heritage Division and from the Parks & Facilities Division. These updates are provided for Council’s information. CONSULTATION/COMMUNICATION N/A FINANCIAL IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE N/A COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN (CSP) IMPACT Goal 1.2 of the CSP speaks of the need for Communication & Collaboration. By providing regular activity updates to Council, the Department is contributing to achieving this Goal. RCP 15-14 - Jan-Mar 2015 RCP Departmenta 1/1 170 This is a placeholder document for the report "• Jan-Mar 2015 Activity - Recreation Programs & Services". There was an error in the publishing process and it could not be converted to PDF. 171 This is a placeholder document for the report "• Jan-Mar 2015 Activity – Culture & Heritage". There was an error in the publishing process and it could not be converted to PDF. 172 This is a placeholder document for the report "• Jan-Mar 2015 Activity – Parks & Facilities". There was an error in the publishing process and it could not be converted to PDF. 173 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG BY-LAW NUMBER 3897 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG AND 2340764 ONTARIO INC.; WHEREAS The Town of Tillsonburg is desirous of entering into a Pre-Servicing Agreement with 2340764 Ontario Inc. to allow for the pre-servicing of Annandale Phase VII; THEREFORE the Council of the Town of Tillsonburg enacts as follows: 1. THAT the Pre-Servicing Agreement attached hereto forms part of this by-law; 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be hereby authorized to execute the attached agreement on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg. 3. THAT This By-Law shall come into force and take effect immediately after the final passing hereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 13th DAY OF April, 2015. READ A THIRD AND FINAL TIME AND PASSED THIS 13th DAY OF April, 2015. _________________________ MAYOR-Stephen Molnar _________________________ CLERK-Donna Wilson 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG BY-LAW NO. 3896 A BY-LAW to amend By-Law 3639, being a by-law to define Municipal Trust Funds and to appoint Trustees to those Trusts Established By The Corporation of The Town of Tillsonburg. WHERAS it is deemed necessary and expedient to amend By-Law 3639. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg as follows: 1. THAT Schedule A of By-Law 3639 – Trust & Appointments – be replaced as attached. 2. THAT these amendments to By-Law 3639 are hereby declared to be part of that By-Law as if written therein. 3. THAT this By-Law be passed and shall become effective upon enactment. Read a first and second time this 13th day of April, 2015. Read a third time, passed, signed, sealed and numbered 3896 this 13th day of April, 2015. ________________________________ Mayor Stephen Molnar _______________________________ Clerk Donna Wilson 189 SCHEDULE A – TRUST & APPOINTMENTS TRUST NAME: ANNANDALE HOUSE TRUST PUBLIC TRUSTEES (AS APPOINTED BY COUNCIL): Robert Marsden Mel Getty TERM OF APPOINTMENT: Four Years (end of current Council Term) MANDATE/TERMS OF REFERENCE: To receive, maintain, control and use donations for the restoration, refurbish, development and promotion of Annandale House. Donations received herein shall be deposited into this trust account and may be invested in such securities as a trustee may invest in under the Trustee Act, and the earnings derived from the investment of such monies form part of the trust fund. Trustees to determine the disbursement of the funds, to focus on the restoration and development of Annandale House. TRUSTEE NAME: Cemetery Maintenance Trust PUBLIC TRUSTEES (AS APPOINTED BY COUNCIL): Robert Marsden Dianne MacKeigan TERM OF APPOINTMENT: Four Years (end of current Council Term) MANDATE/TERMS OF REFERENCE: To receive, maintain, control and use donations for the general maintenance and upkeep of Tillsonburg Cemeteries. Donations received herein shall be deposited into this trust account and may be invested in such securities as the trustees may invest in under the Trustee Act, and the earnings derived from the investment of such monies form part of the trust fund. Trustees to determine the disbursement of the funds, to focus on the general maintenance and care of the grounds of the Tillsonburg Cemetery. TRUSTEE NAME: Cemetery Trust (Perpetual Care) PUBLIC TRUSTEES (AS APPOINTED BY COUNCIL): Robert Marsden Dianne MacKeigan TERM OF APPOINTMENT: Four Years (end of current Council Term) MANDATE/TERMS OF REFERENCE: To receive, maintain, control and use donations for the perpetual care of Tillsonburg Cemeteries. Donations received herein shall be deposited into this trust account and may be invested in such securities as the trustees may invest in under the Trustee Act, and the earnings derived from the investment of such monies form part of the trust fund. Trustees to determine the disbursement of the funds, to focus on the continuous, everlasting care of Tillsonburg Cemeteries. 190 TRUSTEE NAME: Community Trust PUBLIC TRUSTEES (AS APPOINTED BY COUNCIL): Robert Marsden Mel Getty TERM OF APPOINTMENT: Four Years (end of current Council Term) MANDATE/TERMS OF REFERENCE: To receive, maintain, control and use donations for community designated purposes. Donations received herein shall be deposited into this trust account and may be invested in such securities as the trustees may invest in under the Trustee Act, and the earnings derived from the investment of such monies form part of the trust fund. Trustees to determine the disbursement of the funds, to focus on community purposes such as heritage designations, disaster relief, fire safety, parades, festivals, theatre and so on. TRUSTEE NAME: Parkland Trust PUBLIC TRUSTEES (AS APPOINTED BY COUNCIL): Virginia Armstrong Mel Getty TERM OF APPOINTMENT: Four Years (end of current Council Term) MANDATE/TERMS OF REFERENCE: To receive, maintain, control and use donations for parkland purposes. Donations received herein shall be deposited into this trust account and may be invested in such securities as the trustees may invest in under the Trustee Act, and the earnings derived from the investment of such monies form part of the trust fund. Trustees to determine the disbursement of the funds, to focus on the care and maintenance of Tillsonburg parklands to ensure a high standard and the continued beautification of Tillsonburg parks. TRUSTEE NAME: Scholarship Trust PUBLIC TRUSTEES (AS APPOINTED BY COUNCIL): Larry Scanlan David Palmer TERM OF APPOINTMENT: Four Years (end of current Council Term) MANDATE/TERMS OF REFERENCE: To receive, maintain, control and use donations for scholarship awards. Donations received herein shall be deposited into this trust account and may be invested in such securities as the trustees may invest in under the Trustee Act, and the earnings derived from the investment of such monies form part of the trust fund. Trustees to determine the disbursement of the funds to focus on choosing a suitable recipient of a scholarship. 191 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG BY-LAW NUMBER 3998 BEING A BY-LAW to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meetings held on the 13th day of April, 2015 WHEREAS Section 5 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that the powers of a municipal corporation shall be exercised by its council; AND WHEREAS Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that municipal powers shall be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Tillsonburg at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law; NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. All actions of the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg at its special meeting and regular meeting held on April 13, 2015, with respect to every report, motion, by-law, or other action passed and taken by the Council, including the exercise of natural person powers, are hereby adopted, ratified and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this or a separate by-law. 2. The Mayor and Clerk are authorized and directed to do all the things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg referred to in the preceding section. 3. The Mayor and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the seal of The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg. 4. This by-law shall come into full force and effect on the day of passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 13TH DAY OF APRIL, 2015. READ A THIRD AND FINAL TIME AND PASSED THIS 13TH DAY OF APRIL, 2015. ________________________________ Mayor – Stephen Molnar ________________________________ Municipal Clerk – Donna Wilson 192