3695 To Authorize an Agreement with Gregory F. Stewart for the purposes of hiring a meeting investigatorTHE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OFTIU.SONBURG BY-LAW NUMBER 3695 A BY-LAW to Authorize an Agreement with Gregory F. Stewart. W("IEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Tillson burg deems it necessary and expedient to enter into an agreement with Gregory F. Stewart for the purposes of hiring a meeting investigator; THIEREFORE the Council ofthe Town ofTillsonburg enacts as follows: 1. I THAT the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "A" forms part of this by-law; 2. I THAT the Mayor and Clerk be hereby authorized to execute the attached agreement marked as Schedule "A" on behalf ofthe Corporation of the Town ofTillsonburg. This by-law shall come into force and take effect immediately after the final passing hereof. ' RtD A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 14"' DAY OF JANUARY, 2013. READ A THIRD AND FINAL TI"'E AND PASSED THIS 14"' DAY OF JANUARY, 2013. DEPUTY MAYOR-Mark Renaud ! I ~~--c..--c CLERK-Donna Wilson -----. __ L-------·,-----