3752 Schedule "A" - Agreement between the Town of Tillsonburg and County of Oxford - Road Allowance 51 Simcoe StreetBETWEEN: COUNTY OF OXFORD, Hereinafter called the "County", And THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG Hereinafter called the "Town of Tillsonburg", WHEREAS the County are the owners of the lands and premises described in Schedule "A" hereto: AND WHEREAS the building located on the said lands encroaches onto the road allowance of the County identified as Oxford Road No. 51 (Simcoe St.): 1. The County agrees to allow the encroachment of the existing building (8'x1 0') to remain in the current location, so long as the County does not require the use of the land for more than a sight triangle; 2. In the event that the County requires the property for more than a sight triangle the County will provide written notice to the Town of Tillsonburg; 3. Any such notice will be provided no less than 365 days to remove the encroachment and return the property on which it was located to the state in which the lands of the surrounding the encroachment were prior to giving the notice: 4. All cost to remove the encroachment will be borne by the Town of Tillsonburg: 5. In the event that the now existing building is demolished pursuant to the issuance of a demolition permit, the Town of Tillsonburg shall comply with all zoning requirements in existence at the time of demolition. 6. In the event of destruction of the existing building by any other cause other than by demolition pursuant to a demolition permit, the Town of Tillsonburg shall be entitled to rebuild in the same location as the existing building now exists. 7. This Agreement shall be binding upon each of the Parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Owner has executed and delivered this Agreement as of the /D ,-,I day of ,S"'j>"r<-'7'113~"-· 2013. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG IN WITNESS )NHEREOF th/, CJWNER has executed and delivered this Agreement as of the /({l fl.. day of ooly 2013. "' '\ I CON•:ESSION " I I --~u ___________ ~L- iK'AD ALlOWMICf. i!t.TWEi N CONC(!tSIOP~S II M:O 1:! l L'lfe!I."(N(o1 I 3: n:: (l z IL C> "' 0 .. • 1: "' 2: (\!!: -0 ,_ 00 N 1-0 --' Schedule "A" PLAN N!! _Lf....£_3_ fi.(GISt Uit:O IM LANO RtGISTR'f OffiCt fOR l11[ IUGISTIU OIVISION Of _Qll!!liJL_ ( ,.,,.ll_ ) AT .L.JL: All. O'CLOC< A_.N, ON THl ~lb.oa't or ...LbJ..y~, It I! ~ ~··· IUGtUIUa LAND REGISTRAR'S COMPILED PLAN BEIUG A GRAPHIC INDEX OF PART OF LOT I I CO NCESSION 12 IN THE GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF OEREHAM AND ALL OF LOTS 13 16, 13 17, 131 8 ANO 1325 AND PART OF LOT 1324 JUDGE'S PLAN N!! 500 ALL NOW IN THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG COUNTY OF OXFORD SCAI..E -I IUCH TO 200 rEET CAUTIO/I• THIS I'LAN IS l'ltfl'.tftl D IN A"OfUJANCC ~lfN SIC, 11 ttl ~ fli£ lfCGIJrft r ACt, lt.S.O.IUO, t:HAI' .• .., ,Off fHC I'Uiti'OSE ~ ILLU!rltArHil G.UI'HlC.ULr THE IICUrtVC I'OS/TION OF fHC INJTIIUH(Nf$ SHOa:!ot IN THC JCNf'OU\.£, FOit OWHlltSif,A.NO IJOU.W.c.trr' INfOffNArtO.'I SU "fCV'IOUSU' lt!GtlrEfttD INHff/JIICHrs- fHIJ l't.A."' tS' NOT A I'I.AH U SWOIVI,ON WITHIN tHC NCANINII « SLC. ~·. JS, Q.'t U OF fHE 'tANNIN(; A". S(VCit,I.JiCC »'lf0VAL UtOJI rH£ A,,,O,fiAfC "~NNIN' AIJIIIOIIJn' MAr •c llCOIJJ!tCO FOif COHVCYAHCC Of' ANY 01 fHC 40U SHOWN • SCH(OULE f.=LO;::I-j..::IN:,:S_::IO:,:U.:,:N;::<N.:,:I __ ~ ...!.N.S_!~N:.:[.:;N.:_I --1-='0:::I+"IN:.:S.:;IO.:.:U.::W.:.[H::,:T~--J I 210070 ht".r _ ". -~-·~o•_____ . A ~~'" o.:.___ 1-IH .. "'A A•tUOt A J:4lll O.C. f-'+-'_ .. _._ .. ___ -Ji-'-'+-'-"-"! .. _ AI1'·U ~-1 AUSU .... 1-. t-=".::'.:.".:.:"=-----1-t-='.:.:"..:'.:..' ..:".::'"::.·--+40 ~! . .:..' -----1 AI)OI 41 UU Pl. -' etuoo l IIllO Rt•. 1-----AtUI I lU19 t A J:UI4 A4U M IUU ~ ~-__ :U4Jt QC.IItl•. 14 A 17011 .. uooro hftr,l ri!J .. 0 4lWr~ . -~ ----- " .. " .. .. ,. ,,~, U:tllt 2:11$41 Alt4U U"to wt1, "'"'a 3tftr aoto t Ali"_S.O.~ AU4U »:~l~~ .. .. ,.,,, ''· UtAV(Ll,.(O 110•0 ruvnuo IIO•~­ ruH liZ ... "' .. , ... ... ... "' "' tl'U 14 I H601 J.-1~0~ ~::+-:.:..;.:.:,:.:.:•.:...----+:~:~:~:~~:.::.:..:---;1---J.:..:.:.:: . .:.:·:.:.::_· ___ ~ 1-;;-...... -· " " • '"" HOT£; Pl4tult:t Pttt ol lha4tA~Itt ~r Ot,4UAIIII OJJC!ot!m J:lllll 47 Al74111ti!JO ~t 41 .UitU y;o_ "' ••· no