4059 ATT02 - Acknowledgement & Direction - Max Underhill's Farm SupplyACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND DIRECTION TO: Palrfck J. Kramer (lneert lawyeJ"s name) AND TO: DUNCAN, UNTON LLP RE: (lnsertilnn name) The Corporation of the Town of Tillson burg and Max Underhfll's Fann Supply ('the tran&actton") United and The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham -Drainage Agreement (Insert brief description oftransaclfon) This will conftnn that: e ltWe have revi6wed the information· set out In this Acknowledgement end Direction and in the documents described below (the "'ocurnents,, and that this information Ia accurate: e You, your agent or employee are authorized and dlrecled to sign, deUvar, and/or regl&tet electronically, on my/our behalf the Documents In the form attached. · e You are hereby authorized end directed to enter Into an escrow closing arrangement substantially in the form attached hereto being a copy of the version of the Document Registration Agreement, which appears on the website of the Law Society of Upper Canada as of Ule date of the Agreement of Purchase and sale herein.I/We heJeby acknowledge 1he said Agreement haa been reviewed by malus and that 1/We shall be bound by its terms; e The effect of the Documents has been fully explained to me/Us, and llwe underatand that 1/we are parties to and bound by the terms and provisions of the Documents to the same extent as if llwe had signed them; and e llwe are In fact the parties named In the Documents and lfwe have not rnill'8pfttSented our Identities to you. e I. am the spouse of the (Transferor/Chargor), and hereby consent to the tranaecUrm described in the Acknowledgment and Direction. I authorize you to indicate my ~sent on aU the Documents for which it is required. D§SCBIPJION OF ELECTRQNIC DOCUMENTS The Document(&) descrtbed in the Acknowledgement and Direction are the document{&) selected below which are attached hereto as noocurnent In Preparation" and are: [J A Transfer of the land described above. A Charge of the land desctibed above. ~ other documents set out In Schedule •sR aHached hereto • Dated at .-.=:T•\~~-, ;;;.f'L. dayof (£rnn-ker" '20~. WITNESS {As to all signatures, if required) OF 11llSONBURG cer·.~----DONNA WilSON, CLERK WE HAVE THE AUTHORilY TO BIND THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TillSONBURG. --l LRO # 11 NoUce lnpraparation on 20161202 at 12:51 This document has not been submitted and may be Incomplete. yyyy mm dd Page 1 of 1 lp;;,erties I PIN 35344-0291 LT Descliplion PART OF LOTS 17 AND 18 CON 5 BAVHAM DESIGNATED AS PARTS 1 & 2, 11R-9B09; MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AddT&Ss ELGIN PIN 36344-0109 LT Descdp6on PTLT 17CON 5 BAYHAM; PT N112 LT 18CON5BAYHAM; PTS112LT18CON5 BAYHAM AS IN E375323 (SCHEDULE H); srr E378036; srr E4479115; BAYHAM Acklms ELGIN lconstdetatJon I ConBiden!Uon $ o.oo I Applicanf{s) I The notice ls based an or affects a valid and existing estate, right, interest or eqUity In lanu Name · THE CORPORA11DN OF THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG Actfng as a company Add,... for S8lvlce 200 Broadway street 1lllaonburg, ON N4G 5A7 ~ Stephen Molnar, Mayor, and 1. Conna Wilson, Clerk, haVe the authoritY to bind the corporation. This document I& not authorized under Power of Attorney by th1a party. §rellle,r;--··· -1 This notice Is pursuant 1o Section 71 of the Land lltles Act. This notlce is fer an indeterminate period Schedule: See SChedules [File Number f Applicant Client File Number: 0040630 -1-THIS DRAINAGE AGREEMENT Is made unciar the authority of Hellen 2 of the Drainage Act, R.s.o •• 1eeo, Chapter 0.11 aa of 111e solh day of May, 1996. BETWEEN: MAX UNDERHJU.'S FARM SUPPLY LJMiiED, a c:orparaUpn duly iW'JIOial&d undarlhe laws of the Provinc:a of Ontario (he111inaftar rafeiTed to as the ·u~derhllrs") and OF 1llE FIRST PART THE CORPORA110N OF 1liE IIUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAII . (h11181naftar referred to as the 'Bayham') OF THE SECOND PART and THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF 11LI.SONBUitG (herelnaftar refened to as the "TIIIsonbulg") OF THE THIRD PART WHEREAS Undlllhlll'e arelha owners or part or Lot 17 and 18, Conoasslm 5, bailie Pa$ 1 and 2, Plan 1 ~R.e&09, PIN 3534+02911n 111e Municipality of Bayhaln in the CouniY of Elgin (henllnafter refimed 1o as lha "Undarrlll'8 Landa') IDl Bayham and 1111aonburg are the OWIIBIS of part of Lots 17 and 18, conoaaslon 5, In lhB said lllunlolpallty or Elayharn in the County of ElgTn. being PIN 35344-0109lfle"'lnafler """!TIId 1o as the •eayhem and 1111sonbUrg Lands'); AND WHEREAS Undeihlll'e desires to obtain an ouUet to the Bayham and 11Bsonburg drain over the water cmne and pond located an the Bayhsm and Tlllsonburg Lands for a drainage ayatem on lila UndertiiU's Lands, and 1o that end It Is naceaaary 1o construct the outlet t>nto the Bayham and 1111eonburg Lands; · AND WHEREAS the parties have llgllled that such outlet work shall be constrUCted, lmprc>IIBd, repel~. financed and malnlalned acconllng to the lllnn8 on1 conditions of this Mu!ual Drelnsge Agreement, NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEIIENf WITNiiSSErH that, In t>DnalderaUon of the 6Uin of TEN ($1!1.00) DOLLARS now paid bY aach of the parties 1o lila olher, the i'eceipt and 301978S.1 --I -2-• sufficiency of which aanslderal!on II heraby IIC!m-...._. the -haJ8!o hereby IIQ!IIe . -'1 with the other, as foDowa: ._,..,.,.,..,.. ,....~ • 1. The pl!lpiiii!BB atrectad by thla DraiiUIIIII Agleament are de8GI1bad as l'llllowa: (a) Undeltllll's are the IIWRBI8 of part of l.ol17 and 18, Can118881on 5, being PariS 1 and 2, Plan 11R-11808, PIN 35344-0291 In ths ·Mllnlc1Pa111¥ of Baybam In the CIIUnly of Elgin (heralnafter.l8fen8d to •• the 'Underhlll'a l.andB"); (b) 8syham end 'TIIIIIanburu are the ownBIB of part of LaiB 17 aJd 18, cancaaslan 5, In tbll aald Municlpalll¥ of Bayham In 1118 Counlyof Elgin, baing PIN 36344-01011. 2 lha adlet dralliaue WDfks (heralnaller JB(emld to aa 1118 'Dralr)age ~Walks") to provide the oullat to the Bayham and Tlllaanburg'dlaln fottlle drainage ayatam on the UnderhUI's Lande Bh&ll be aa aet out an the alt8 plan aliachad aa Sdtadule W and shall 3. 4. 5. 6.' 7. a. 9. consist of the fallowln!l: · (a) In the WBB!Inlllbatlng Pond (the SWM Pond on Scbedulll 'A'), a 150 nun Hlckenbcoillam outlet with a 150 mm ouUet connecllld to an exlallng 525 nun atonn pipe;. (b) (o) a CDIICI&te IIJirilola altha oullat with a beck ftii'N pi11ven!er and a shut olf valVe to laaleta tha dralnl!llll wolka In tha evant of a aplll gonerilllnll conlarnlnelad runoff; an axiatiRII52limm plpa ID connect ID the pond ouUat. BIIJham and Tlllsonburu · eprae that ·Undelblll'8 may IIQier on file Bayham and 11Daonburu Lands to clmalruct the Drainage AgiWlllentW!lllat lhlireon. · Undelhlll'a agrees lhallt 11111 -.dsa I8IIIDIIIIble cae aa' II ~ the Drainage AgnlamentWorks. Bayh'm and TIIIBonburu shall not be ~ far any damage to the Bayham ,and lillsonbu!g dralrf which may ba aauaad by IJndarldll'8 aa It lllllfallllcas the Dndflage Agreameni:Works. . Underh!l's shall tiCII obillruct the flow of water along the Bayham and Tlllsonburu cfl:eln frani the ouUal of the Dnainaga Agoealledi.Worlas. Undallliii'B shall allow acoeaa to lha UnderhiU'a Lands, from time to time, by Bayham and llliaanburu for rapatra. .malnliraloa ar 11....,....., of the Dlalnage Jlsraement worb, lnalutjlng lqlrovamanta of the Drainage AglH1118111 Works. To 8liiii'Claa auch right to aCCIIIIII 8ayham and llDaonburushall give raaaonable notice In writing to Underhill's. The enllra cost of the -. LifPitiiiBIJ18111; melntallli1Ciil aiJd rapalr of the llialnage 1\giaament Works ilhall be bome and paid by Uiilleilllll's. · . lhiB Drainage Agraement, when exaeulad by the parties hereto, ehaU be reglalelad In the Jllllller Raglatry omee and any coals of reglalnlllan ehaU ba borne by Underhlll's. A copy of lhl& Drainage Agreamant shall aleo be !lied by Undllihllrs with tile Clerk of Baytuun and Tlllaonburg. 3819185.1 ·~~- ·3-10. lhe padlas ~~"""agree that no ldlklavit of SIDcllbllll! wJtMn tll·the axecutian of this Dnllllrlge Agnaamer¢1Bi8qllrvd, as canfemp1a\9d by paJagiapll 2(1) (7) of the Dra/tlage Act, for the PIII'POIISI! al tllllraglatlallon of this D!Binage Agreament In the JIRIPer regioiiY otllce and, acconllngly, the partie!! agrae that the elficeey of !Ilia Drainage Agreement IS not allllcleil by !he absence of auch an allldatdt. · 11. This Dralnag8 .Agreeilllllll shall IIIII wllh the land and ahall SI1URI to the bellelft of and &hall be binding upon the· parfiels hel1lkl and their msplictlve heirs, admlnlstraklls, IIXIICIUiore, 811ccQaors and lllilllgna, ae awnens and ocoup1en1 of !he UnderhiU'B Lands and the Bayham and Tlllsanblrg Lande flllm lime til Urne. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parlie8 hel1lkl have algnsd lhla AgJaanentthls JJ>.'fl, day of Ocla]ler, 2018. · iA~· WI!I1M COMMISSIONERS AFFIDAYml Aat R.S.0.11!110, Chap._C17,8so1(2) TOWN OF11WIONBURG •• "Certiliod Tno PIPJ" 7. .. J ·:f 0 AUtA s An.rl :i:J¥ttfy C /er/1.. MAX UNDERH1LL'S FARM SUPPLY LIMITED Per.~ ~ Jonathan Sebak 'IlliG: President I have 814hority to blnd the corporation. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNI,CIPALITY OFBAYHAM Per! Per: We have the aulhotlt¥ til bind the c:orparallon _ ' THE CORPORAllON..BF THE TOWN OF 11LLSONBURG Name: .S i:eJ:Jflt/1 11tla: tnolllar P . mayor er: ~ b, . . . c:::::?MI* ' I Y,c · Name: 7t 'cl a. 1YiHh 11t1e: 'I)I'/'uly Chr k.. We have !he authatlt¥ to blricl the corporation ·-3019'115.1 • -J. tlll'aNnAillnCDl !!NnNO.L"NN • I .. -• -• -"' *~'I I I· 'I ·I I ·I , I I I I t I llMlll .