170116 Memorial Park MIN= ATTENDANCE Members Present: Mel Getty: Co-Chair, Mike Cerna: Co-Chair, Terry Smith (Skatepark), Derek Partlo (Ball Users), Vern Fleming (Lions Club), Sue Saelens (Lions Club) Rosemary Dean (Fair Board), Tracy Green (Fairboard) Ken Patterson (Rotary), Brad Martin (Kinsmen), Donna Scanlan (Parks & Rec Advisory), Scott Vitias (Ball Users), Rick Cox: Staff, Margaret Puhr: Secretary (Event Organizers) Guest: Councillor Chris Rosehart MEMBERS ABSENT/REGRETS Shane Curtis, Cedric Tomico, Lance McKenzie, Jane McLean, Scott McKenzie 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:30pm, by Co-chair Mel Getty. 2. Adoption of Agenda Moved By: Ken Patterson Seconded By: Rosemary Dean Resolution #1_ THAT the Agenda as prepared for the Memorial Park Revitalization Committee meeting of January 16, 2017, be adopted. Carried. 3. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest declared. 4. Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting 4.1. Minutes of the Meeting of November 14, 2016 Moved By: Donna Scanlan Seconded By: Mike Cerna Resolution #2_ The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg Memorial Park Revitalization Committee January 16, 2017 5:30pm Marwood Lounge 45 Hardy Ave MINUTES Memorial Park Revitalization Committee Meeting Minutes, January 16, 2017 - 2 - THAT the Minutes of the Memorial Park Revitalization Committee Meeting of November 14, 2016 be approved. Carried. 5. General Business & Reports 5.1. Staff Update: There were two reports presented to Council at the Meeting on January 9th: 1. Pump Track: request for permission to officially adapt the Skate Park/Pump Track facility and to approve adding the shade sails to the project. Council approved naming of Colin Smith Memorial Skate Park & Pump Track. The shade sails motion was defeated, a motion was passed to refer shade sails for more information regarding cost, longevity etc., for further deliberation. 2. Ball Diamond: the report incorporated request for endorsement of diamond relocation. Motion that was received by Council had relocation of the diamond and referral to budget process for 2017. The Council has not decided on the relocation, only deferred it to the Town budget process. Note: after the meeting the information was clarified by Rick Cox to reflect that with regards to the shade sails, the motion was not voted on. Instead, a motion was passed to refer shade sails for more information regarding cost, longevity etc., for further deliberation. Also, with regards to ball diamond, report recommended endorsement of diamond relocation. The motion that was voted on by Council referred the relocation of the diamond to the budget process for 2017. This motion was defeated. Information was also presented regarding the government grant for the Celebration Plaza, which needs to be in place for the Turtlefest as the event takes up the entire park. Confirmed funds for the Memorial Park Revitalization/Celebration Plaza are: $128,000.00 federal grant, $100,000.00 from past council budget and $50,000.00 in the 2017 budget. Moved By: Donna Scanlan Seconded By: Terry Smith Resolution #3_ THAT this resolution to be forwarded to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee: the Memorial Park Revitalization Committee endorse the immediate focus of the Memorial Park Master Project to be shifted to the Celebration Plaza project to be located at the South end of the park; to be further reviewed by the staff and the staff to Memorial Park Revitalization Committee Meeting Minutes, January 16, 2017 - 3 - provide a detailed proposal and pricing of the groundwork needed for this project. Carried. 5.2. Rotary Club: the club is almost ready to present their project to the Committee, some issues with wheelchair swing are still being ironed out. Anticipating presentation at the next meeting. 5.3. Fair Board: The Tillsonburg Fair Board meeting was attended by Co-Chair Mel Getty and Rick Cox. The Board discussed some ongoing issues and cleared some expectations and plans. The Fair Board is working on the 2017 fair budget. 5.4. Ball Association: some of the Association members attended the January 9 Council meeting for the presentation of the diamond relocation. The organization needs the same/more diamonds or it won’t be able to accommodate all the current teams. Questioned if all the diamonds will be available for this summer – staff was not sure if that will be possible. 5.5. Kinsmen Club: the Club will have the final determined location and drawing for the band shell at the next meeting – contribution amount is $50,000.00. The Kinsmen are also pursuing a project of a splash pad, which will be presented at the next meeting – email to the Committee attached to the minutes. 5.6. Pumptrack: the Kinsmen Club indicated that they would like to contribute to the Pump Track, however if the sails aren’t approved that might change. Not convinced about the expense of bringing in large shade trees. Signage at the track listing donors and rules of use will be determined and presented to the Council in near future. The Lions Club also expressed interest in contributing to the project, potential additions will be discussed with the clubs and presented to the Committee. 5.7. Lions Club: still has not decided on the type of project for the revitalization. The Club will be calling a special meeting to resolve and make a decision, submit the proposal to AGCO for approval of lottery funds allocation, then bring it to the Committee. 5.8. Lions Memorial Grove: at the September 19 meeting the grove was mentioned - the Committee requested a formal letter from the Club, which was not received. 5.9. Outdoor rink: absent, email from Jane Ann McLean is attached to the minutes. 5.10. Ball diamond repositioning: per attached draft, options were discussed on the Canada 150 celebration preparations, which will likely include: commemorative Memorial Park Revitalization Committee Meeting Minutes, January 16, 2017 - 4 - gateway, accessible path connecting to the bridge, performance centre/band shell and rose garden as specified in the grant outline. 6. Round Table 6.1. The Kinsmen Club is interested in possible integration of the outdoor rink with another project, will discuss with Jane McLean. 7. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Memorial Park Revitalization Committee will be on Monday January 30, 2017 at 7:30am. 8. Adjournment Moved By: Rosemary Dean Seconded By: Donna Scanlan Resolution #4 THAT the Memorial Park Revitalization Committee Meeting of January 16, 2017 be adjourned at 7:15pm. Carried.