3139 Schedule A - Emergency Response PlanTOWN OF TILLSONBURG EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN PART A: INTRODUCTION Emergencies are defined as situations or impending situations caused by forces of nature, accident or an intentional act that constitutes a danger of major proportions to life and property. They affect public safety, meaning the health, welfare and property, as well as the environment and economic health of the Town ofTillsonburg. The population of the Town ofTillsonburg is approximately 15,000 residents. In order to protect residents, businesses and visitors, the Town of Tillsonburg requires a coordinated emergency response by a number of agencies under the direction of the Emergency Control Group. These are distinct arrangement and procedures from the normal, day-to-day operations carried out by Q emergency services. The Town of Tillsonburg Emergency Management Committee developed this emergency response plan. Every official, municipal department and agency must be prepared to carry out assigned responsibilities in an emergency. The response plan has been prepared to provide key officials, agencies and departments of the Town of Tillsonburg important emergency response information related to: 1. Arrangements, services and equipment; 2. Roles and responsibilities during an emergency. In addition, it is important that residents, businesses and interested visitors be aware of its provisions. Copies of the Town ofTillsonburg Emergency Response Plan may be viewed at the Town Hall, Customer Service Centre and Library. For more information, please contact: Community Emergency Management Coordinator Tillsonburg Fire Department 80 Concession St. E. Tillsonburg 842-2905 YJ: 0 ~ Town ofTillsonburg Emergency Response Plan Page 2 of 36 PARTB: AIM The aim of this plan is to make provision for the extraordinary arrangements and measures that may have to be taken to protect the health, safety, welfare, environment and economic health of the residents .. businesses and visitors of the Town of Tillsonburg when faced with an emergency. It enables a centralized controlled and coordinated response to emergencies in the Town ofTillsonburg, and meets the legislated requirements of the Emergency Management Act. For further details, please contact the Community Emergency Management Coordinator. (CEMC) PARTC: AUTHORITY The Emergency Management Act (EMA) is the legal authority for this emergency response plan in Ontario. Q The EMA states that: C) "Every municipality shall formulate an emergency plan governing the provision of necessary services during an emergency and the procedures under and the manner in which employees of the municipality and other persons will respond to the emergency and the council of the municipality shall by by-law adopt the emergency plan." [Section 3 (1)] "The head of council of a municipality may declare that an emergency exists in the municipality or in any part thereof and may take such action and make such orders as he or she considers necessary and are not contrary to law to implement the emergency plan of the municipality and to protect property and health, safely and welfare of the inhabitants of the emergency area." [Section 4 (1 )] As enabled by the Emergency Management Act, this emergency response plan and its' element have been: Issued under the authority of Town of Ti//sonburg By-/aw'!~'flli~!ifu\!ij and Filed with Emergency Management Ontario, Ministry of Public Safety and Security. Draft3 Emergency Response Plan Last printed 9/812004 2:40PM Created on 3/21/2003 1:55PM contacts updated July 19, 2004 t 0 0 () • Town of Tillson burg Emergency Response Plan Page 3 of36 a) Definition of an Emergency The Emergency Management Act defines an emergency as: "An emergency means a situation or an impending situation caused by the forces of nature, an accident, an intentional act or otherwise that constitutes a danger of major proportions to life or property." The Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) can be activated for any emergency for purposes of managing an emergency, by maintaining services to the community and supporting the emergency site. b) Action Prior to Declaration When an emergency exists but has not yet been declared to exist, community employees may take such actions(s) under this emergency response plan as may be required to protect property and the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Tillsonburg. PARTD: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES Upon receipt of a warning of a real or potential emergency, the responding department will Immediately contactthe Tillsonburg Fire Dispatch at (519) 688-6541, to request thatthe notification system be activated. Upon receipt oflhe warning, the Tillsonburg Fire Dispatch at (519) 688-6541 will notify all members of the Emergency Control Group (ECG). APPENDIX (1) Upon being notified, it is the responsibility of all ECG officials to notify their staff and volunteer organizations. Where a threat of an impending emergency exists, the ECG will be notified and placed on standby. PARTE: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LOCAL AND COUNTY EMERGENCY PLANS Draft3 Emergency Response Plan Last printed 91812004 2:40PM Created on 312112003 1:55PM contacts updated July 19, ;2004 f 0 0 • Town ofTillsonburg Emergency Response Plan Page 4 of36 a) Local Emergency Definition A local emergency is an emergency that exists within the boundaries of one municipality or between adjacent municipalities that can be handled appropriately by the municipal authorities. b) Highlights of the County Plan 1. Each municipality within the County has the responsibility to make provision for the extraordinary arrangements and measures that may have to be taken to safeguard property and the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Municipality when faced with a local emergency. This responsibility will be met by the development and maintenance of Municipal Emergency Plans. 2. The initial response to a disaster or emergency in the County of Oxford will be the responsibility of the Municipality(s) directly affected. The Municipality will continue to be responsible for the conduct of the emergency operations unless: 3. a) The emergency is not a local emergency and the County Emergency Control Group assumes control of the emergency site operations; or b) The Mayor of the Municipality requests that the County assume responsibility for the emergency site operations. The County Emergency Plan is designed to meet the following contingencies: a) Provide guidelines for the provision of support to a Municipality without assembling the County Emergency Control Group b) Provide for the assembly of the County Emergency Control Group to respond to local emergencies to: i) Support the Municipality in the conduct of their emergency operations; or ii) On the request of the Mayor of the Municipality, assume control of the emergency site operations; and c) Make provisions for the extraordinary arrangements and measures that may have to be taken to safeguard property and the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the County when faced with an emergency that is not local in nature. 4. The Mayor of the affected Municipality may request assistance from the County of Oxford by contacting the Warden. Assistance may lhen be provided without formally assembling the County Emergency Control Group. DraftJ Emergency Response Plan Last printed 9/8/2004 2:40PM Created on 3/21/20031:55 PM contacts updated July 19. 2004 0 0 () • Town of Tillson burg Emergency Response Plan Page 5 of36 5. When the resources of an Area Municipality become extended resulting in the inability to effectively control or support the emergency, the Mayor will request that a member of the County Emergency Control Group activate the County Emergency Alerting System in the County of Oxford Emergency Plan. The request to assemble the County Emergency Control Group will clearly indicate whether the County is being asked to assume control of the emergency or to provide support to the Municipality. The alerting of the County Emergency Control Group will be the responsibility of the Oxford Community Police Services. 6. The County Emergency Alerting System will be activated under the following conditions: 7. a) The Mayor or Acting Mayor of the affected Area Municipality may request of the County · Warden that the County of Oxford Emergency Plan be activated b) When an emergency cannot be defined as a local emergency, the County of Oxford Emergency Plan shall be implemented c) When the County of Oxford facilities are threatened, the County of Oxford Emergency Plan may be activated d) At the discretion of the County Warden, when an extraordinary demand is placed on County resources as to place a strain on these resources; and e) When a widespread far-reaching accident is encountered such as an epidemic, an environmental accident or a falling satellite The Mayor(s) or Acting Mayor(s) of the affected Area Municipality(s) will then become members or appoint a member of Council to represent the Municipality as a member of the County Emergency Control Group. All decisions made by the County Emergency Control Group with respect to the lives and property of the affected Area Municipality(s) will be made in consultation with the Mayor(s) or Acting Mayor(s) of the affected Area Municipality(s). 8. The Mayor of an affected Area Municipality will maintain his/her authority over the employees of the Municipality and, if considered appropriate, may continue to operate a Municipal Emergency Control Group to coordinate activities such !IS those required to support the residents of the Municipality whose lives. have been impacted by the emergency. 9. Resources within the County of Oxford may not allow for representatives from each emergency and support service or agency to take part on every Municipal Emergency Control Group, as well as the County Emergency Control Group. Therefore, once the County Emergency Plan is implemented, it is important to form a County Emergency Control Group (C.E.C.G.) which encompasses people from both the Municipal and County levels, as overall coordination and deployment of resources required to mitigate the effect(s) of the emergency will be the Draft3 Emergency Response Plan Last printed 9/8/2004 2:40 PM Created on 3/21/2003 1:55PM contacts updated July 19, 2004 T () 0 0 • Town ofTillsonburg Emergency Response Plan Page 6 of36 responsibility of the County Emergency Control Group in accordance with the Emergency Plans Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter 9. 10. However, it should be stressed that in any emergency, or threat of an emergency, members of the County Emergency Control Group or their alternates may be called together by the appropriate aforementioned authorities, to make decisions or to be on standby, without having to declare that a County emergency exists. c) Requests for Assistance A$sistance may be requested from the county at any time by contacting the County Warden. The request shall not be deemed to be a request that the county assume authority and control of the emergency. Assistance may also be requested from the Province of Ontario at any time without any loss of control or authority. A request for assistance should be made by contacting: Emergency Management Ontario. The Emergency notification contact list, including contact numbers for requesting assistance, is attached as Appendix 1 d) Declared Community Emergency The Mayor or Acting Mayor of the Town of Tillsonburg, as the Head of Council, is responsible for declaring an emergency. This decision is usually made in consultation with other members of the ECG. Upon declaring an emergency, the Mayor will notify: o Emergency Management Ontario, Ministry of Public Safety and Security; o Town Council; o County Warden, as appropriate; o Public; o Neighbouring community officials, as required; o Local Member of the Provincial Parliament (MPP); o Local Member of Parliament (MP). Draft3 Emergency Response Plan Last printed 9/8/2004 2:40 PM Created on 3/21/2003 1 :55 PM contacts updated July 19, 2004 t () 0 • Town of Tillsonburg Emergency Response Plan Page 7 of36 A community emergency may be terminated at any time by: • Mayor or Acting Mayor; or • Town Council; or • Premier of Ontario. When terminating an emergency, ihe Mayor will notify: • Emergency Management Ontario, Ministry of Public Safety and Security; • Town Council; • County Warden, as appropriate; • Public; • Neighbouring community officials, as required; • Local Member of the Provincial Parliament (MPP); • Local Member of Parliament (MP). PARTF: EMERGENCY COMMUNITY CONTROL GROUP a) Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) The ECG will report to the Emergency Operations Centre located at the Tillsonburg Customer Service Centre at 10 Lisgar Ave. In the event. this operation centre cannot be used, then the alternate location will be the !Ri.lJl!lllillt''R~tlf111t-t'B,'B:fiBB b) Emergency Control Group (ECG) The emergency response will be directed and controlled by the Emergency Control Group (ECG) - a group of officials who are responsible for coordinating the provision of essential services necessary to minimize the effects of an emergency on the community. The ECG consists of the following officials: 1. Mayor of the Town of Tillsonburg 2. CAO 3. Director of Operations Draft3 Emergency Response Plan Last printed 9/8/2004 2:40 PM Created on 3/21/2003 1 :55 PM contacts· updated July 19, :2004 0 0 , Town of Tillson burg Emergency Response Plan 4. Director of Community Services 5. Director of Corporate Services 6. Director of Finance 7. Ontario Provincial Police Representative 8. Fire Chief 9. Public Works Representative 10. Health Services Member {TDMH) 11. Emergency Information Coordinator 12. Telecommunications Coordinator c) Optional Members Additional personnel called or added to the ECG may include: • • • • • • Emergency Management Ontario Representative; Social Services Representative; Emergency Medical Services Representative; Tillsonburg Hydro; Long Point Regional Conservation Authority Representative; Liaison staff from provincial ministries; Page 8 of36 • Any other officials, experts or representatives from the public or private sector as deemed necessary by the ECG. The ECG may function with only a limited number of persons depending upon the emergency. While the ECG may not require the presence of all the people listed as members of the control group, all members of the ECG must be notified. · d) Operating Cycle Members of the ECG will gather at regular intervals to inform each other of actions taken and problems encountered. The Chief Administrative Officer {CAO) will establish the frequency of meetings and agenda items. Meetings wUI be kept as brief as possible thus allowing members to carry out their individual responsibilities. A status board and maps and will be prominently displayed and kept to date. e) Emergency Control Group Responsibilities The members of the Emergency Control Group {ECG) are likely to be responsible for the following actions Q or decisions: Draft3 Emergency Response Plan Last printed 9/812004 2:40PM Created on 3/2112003 1:55 PM contacts updated July 19, :2004 0 0 • Town of Tillsonburg Emergency Response Plan Page 9 of36 • Calling out and mobilizing their emergency service, agency and equipment; • Coordinating and directing their service and ensuring that any actions necessary for the mitigation of the effects of the emergency are. taken, provided they are not contrary to law; • Determining if the location and composition of the ECG are appropriate; • Advising the Mayor as to whether the declaration of an emergency is recommended; • Advising the Mayor on the need to designate all or part of the town as an emergency area; • Ensuring that an Emergency Site Manager (ESM) is appointed; • Ensuring support to the ESM by offering equipment, staff and resources, required; • · Ordering, coordinating and/or overseeing the evacuation of inhabitants considered to be in danger; • Discontinuing utilities or services provided by public or private concerns, i.e. hydro, water, gas, closing down a shopping plaza/mall; • Arranging for services and equipment from local agencies not under community control i.e .. private contractors, industry, volunteer agencies, service clubs; • Notifying, requesting assistance from and/or liaison with various levels of government and any public or private agencies not under community control, as considered necessary; o Determining if additional volunteers are required and if appeals for volunteers are warranted; • Determining if additional transport is required for evacuation or transport of persons and/or supplies; • Ensuring that pertinent information regarding the emergency is promptly forwarded· to the Emergency Information Coordinator and Citizen Inquiry Supervisor, for dissemination to the media and public; • Determining the need to establish advisory groups and/or sub committees/working groups for any aspect of the emergency including recovery; • Authorizing expenditure of money required dealing with the emergency; • Notifying the service, agency or group under their direction, of the termination of the emergency; • Maintaining a log outlining decisions made and actions taken, and submitting a summary of the log to the Chief Administrative Officer wHhin one week of the termination of the emergency, as required; • Participating in the debriefing following the emergency. PARTG: EMERGENCY RESPONSE SYSTEM a) Individual Responsibilities Of The Emergency Control Group: 1. Mayor Draft3 Emergency Response Plan Last printed 9/8/2004 2:40PM Created on 3/21/2003 1:55PM contacts updated July 19, 2004 (J 0 0 • Town ofTillsonburg Emergency Response Plan Page 10 of 36 The Mayor or Alternate is responsible for: • Providing overall leadership in responding to an emergency; • Declaring an emergency within the designated area; • ·. Declaring that the emergency has terminated (Note: Council may also terminate the emergency); • Notifying the Emergency Management Ontario, Ministry of Public Safety and Security of the declaration of the emergency, and termination of the emergency; • Ensuring the members of council are advised of the declaration and termination of an emergency, and are kept informed of the emergency situation. 2. Chief Administrative Officer The Chief Administrative Officer for the Town ofTillsonburg is responsible for: • • • • • • Organizing, activating the emergency notification system through the Tillsonburg Fire Dispatch; Organizing, activating and setting up the Emergency Operations Centre ·Ensuring liaison with Police regarding security arrangements for the EOC; As the Operations Officer, coordinating all operations within the Emergency Operations Centre, including the scheduling of regular meetings; Advising the Mayor on policies and procedures, as appropriate; Approving, in conjunction with the Mayor, major announcements and media releases prepared by the Emergency Information Coordinator, in consultation with the CCO; • Ensuring that a communication link is established between the ECG and the Emergency Site Manager (ESM); • Calling out additional town staff to provide assistance, as required. 3. Director of Operations • The Director of Operations, upon learning of a potential emergency, will alert Operations staff and will report to the Emergency Operations Centre to assume the following responsibilities as the Engineering member of the E.C.G.: • Provide advice on engineering matters to the Mayor and the E.C.G.; • Arrange for Town staff and equipment to assist in containing the emergency situation and facilitate rescue operations; Draft3 Emergency Response Plan Last printed 9/8/2004 2:40PM Created on 3/21/20031:55 PM contacts updated July 19, 2004 ·oi·· .. · \"-.._-. • Town of Tillsonbyrg Emergency Response Plan Page 11 of 36 o Assist in traffic control and evacuation operations by arranging for equipment to clear emergency . . routes, the erection of temporary barriers, and the placing of road signs; o Arrange for engineering materials and equipment from neighbouring municipalities, from County resources and from private contractors as required; o . Assist the Fire Chief in dealing with special hazards such as spills; · o Ensure that a record is kept of outside assistance arranged by the Operations Department; o Maintain contact with the weather office and provide the E.C.G. with such data and the impact of changes in the weather on the conduct of the emergency operations; o Carry out the responsibilities of Town Flood Coordinator in a flood emergency and maintain liaison with the Long Point Region Conservation Authority and o Re-establish essential Municipal services at the end of the emergency period. 4. Community Emergency Management CoordinatQr The Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC) is responsible for: o Assist in activating and arranging the Emergency Operations Centre; o Ensuring that all members of the ECG have necessary plans, resources, supplies, maps, and eqUipment; o Providing advice and clarifications about the implementation details of the Emergency Response Plan; o Supervising the Telecommunications Coordinator; o Ensuring liaison w~h community support agencies (e.g. St. John Ambulance, Canadian Red Cross); o Ensuring that the operating cycle is met by the ECG and related documentation is maintained and kept for future reference; o Addressing any action items that may result from the activation of the Emergency Response Plan and keeping ECG informed of implementation needs; o Ensure the maintaining of the records and logs for the purpose of debriefings and post- emergency reporting that will be prepared. 5. Director of C11mmunity Services 1 · · ·1 The Director of Community Services Representative is responsible for: '-,~/ Oraft3 Emergency Response Plan Last printed 9/8/2004 2:40PM Created on 3/21/2003 1:55PM contacts updated July 19, 2004 I. 0 () , Town ofTillsonburg Emergency Response Plan Page 12 of 36 • Coordinating and processing requests for human resources; • Coordinating offers of, and appeals for, volunteers with the support of the ECG; • Selecting the most appropriate site(s) for the registration of human resources; • Ensuring records of human resources and administrative detail, that may involve financial liability, are completed; • Ensuring that a Volunteer Registration Form is completed, when volunteers are involved and a copy of the form is retained for town records; • Ensuring identification cards are issued to volunteer and temporary employees, where practical; • Arranging far transportation of human resources to and from site(s); . • Obtaining assistance, if necessary, from Human Resources Development Canada, as well as other government departments, public and private agencies and volunteer groups. Ensuring the well-being of residents who have been displaced from their homes by arranging emergency lodging, clothing, feeding, registration and inquiries and personal services; • Supervising the opening and operation of temporary and/or long-term evacuee centres, and ensuring they are adequately staffed; Ensuring liaison wtth the police chief with respect to the pre-designation of evacuee centres which can be opened on short notice; Liaison with the Medical Officer of Health on areas of mutual concern regarding operations in evacuee centres; / Ensuring that a representative of the Tillsonburg Board of Education and/or Separate School Board is/are notified when facilities are required as evacuee reception centres, and that staff and volunteers utilizing the school facilities take direction from the Board representative(s) with respect to their maintenance, use and operation; • Ensuring liaison with representatives from ail supported living facilities as required; • · Making arrangements for meals for the staff/volunteers at the EOC and the Emergency Site. • Providing emergency potable water, supplies and sanitation facilities to the requirements of the Medical Officer of Health at the Emergency site and wherever else they are required; · 6. Director of Corporate Services The Director of Corporate Services is responsible for: • Assisting the.E.C.G. • Acting as recording secretary • Establish a paper trail • Record decisions and actions taken Draft3 Emergency Response Plan Last printed 9/812004 2:40 PM Created on 3/21/2003 1 :55 PM contacts updated July 19. 2004 0 0 • Town of Tillsonburg Emergency Response Plan Page 13 of 36 • Maintaining an events display board • Maintaining a communications log . • Answer and maintain a record of all public inquiries • . Ensure all volunteers are registered and collect forms • Maintain the security of the E.O.C. · • Provide essential housekeeping for the E.O.C. 7. Director of Finance The Director of Finance is responsible for: • Providing information and advice on financial matters as they relate to the emergency; • Ensuring liaison, if necessary, with the Treasurers/Directors of Finance of neighbouring communities; • Ensuing that records of expenses are maintained for future claim purposes; • Ensuring the prompt payment and settlement of all the legitimate invoices and claims incurred during an emergency. 8. Ontario Provincial Police Representative The Ontario Provincial Police Representative is responsible for: · • Activating the emergency notification system, and ensuring all members of the ECG are notified; • Notifying necessary emergency and community services, as required; • Establishing a site command post with communications to the EOC; • Depending on the nature of the emergency, assigning the Site Manager and inform the ECG; • Ensuring that security is in place for the EOC and registration of ECG members; • Establishing an ongoing communications link with the senior police official at the scene of the emergency; o Assisting establishing the inner perimeter within the emergency area; • Assisting establishing the outer perimeter in the vicinity of the emergency to facilitate the movement of emergency vehicles and restrict access to all but essential emergency personnel; (~ .. , \J • Providing traffic control staff to facilitate the movement of emergency vehicles; o Alerting persons endangered by the emergency and coordinating evacuation procedures; Draft3 Emergency Response Plan Last printed 9/8/2004 2:40 PM Created on 3/21/2003 1 :55 PM contacts updated July 19, 2004 0 0 (J • Town of Tillsonburg Emergency Response Plan Page 14 of 36 • Ensuring the protection of life and property and the provision of law and order; • • • Providing police service in EOC, evacuee centres, morgues, and usher facilities, as required; Notifying the coroner of fatalities; Ensuring liaison with other community, provincial and federal police agencies, as required; 9. Fire Chief The Fire Chief is responsible for: · • Activating the emergency notification system through the Tillsonburg Fire Dispatch Service; • Providing the ECG with information and advice on firefighting and rescue matters; • Depending on the nature of the emergency, assigning the Site Manager and informing the ECG; • Establishing an ongoing communications link with the senior fire official at the scene of the emergency; • Informing the Mutual Aid Fire Coordinators and/or initiating mutual aid arrangements for the provision of additional firefighters and equipment, if needed; • Determining if additional or speciai equipment is needed and recommending possible sources of supply, e.g., breathing apparatus, protective clothing; • Providing assistance to other community departments and agencies and being prepared to take charge of or contribute to non-fire fighting operations if necessary, e.g., rescue, first aid, casualty collection, evacuation; . • Providing an Emergency Site Manager, if required. · 10. Public Works Representative The Public Works Representative is responsible for: • Providing the ECG with information and advice on engineering and public works matters; • . Depending an the nature of the emergency, assigning the Site Manager and informing the E CG; • Establishing an ongoing communications link with the senior pubic works official at the scene of the emergency; • Ensuring liaison with the public works representative from the neighbouring community(s) to ensure a coordinated response; • Ensuring provision of engineering assistance; • Ensuring construction, maintenance and repair of town roads; Draft3 Emergency Response Plan Last printed 9/812004 2:40PM Created on 3/21120031:55 PM contacls updated July 19, :2004 () 0 • Town ofTillsonburg Emergency Response Plan Page 15 of 36 • Ensuring the maintenance of sanitary sewage and water systems; • · Providing equipment for emergency pumping operations. • · Oiscontinuing any public works service to any resident, as required, and restoring these services when appropriate; • Ensuring liaison with public utilities to disconnect any service representing hazard and/or to · arrange for the provision of alternate services or functions; • Providing public works vehicles and equipment as required by any other emergency services; • Ensuring liaison with the conservation authority regarding flood control, conservation and environmental matters and bring prepared to take preventative action. 11. Health Services Officer (TDMH or Alternate) The Health Services Officer is responsible for: • • • • • • Acting as a coordinating link for all emergency health services at the ECG: Ensuring liaison with the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, Public Health Branch; Oepending an the nature of the emergency, assigning the Site Manager and informing the ECG; Establishing an ongoing communications link with the senior health official at the scene of the emergency; Ensuring liaison with the ambulance service representatives; Providing advice on any matters, which may adversely affect public health; • · Providing authoritative instructions on health and safety matters to the public through . the Emergency Information Coordinator; • Coordinating the response to disease related emergencies or anticipated emergencies such as epidemics, according to Ministry of Health and Long Term Care policies; • Ensuring coordination of care of bed-ridden citizens and invalids at home and in evacuee centres during an emergency; • Ensuring liaison with voluntary and private agencies, as required, for augmenting and coordinating public health resources; • Ensuring coordination of all efforts to prevent and control the spread of disease during an emergency; • Notifying the Public Works Representative regarding the need for potable water supplies and sanitation facilities; • Ensuring liaison with Social Services Representative on areas of mutual concern regarding health Q services in evacuee centres. Draft3 Emergency Response Plan Last printed 9/8/2004 2:40 PM Created on 3/21/2003 1 :55 PM contacts updated July 19, 2004 ' Town of Tillsonburg Emergency Response Plan Page 16 of 36 12. Emergency Information Officer An OPP Representative will act as the Emergency Information Officer during an emergency. The Emergency Information Officer is responsible for the dissemination of news and information to the media for the public. A detailed Emergency Information Plan is included in Appendix 2 13. Telecommunications (ARES) Coordinator The Telecommunications Coordinator reports to the Emergency Management Coordinator and is responsible for: • Activating. the emergency notification system of the local amateur radio operators group; • Initiating the necessary action to ensure the telephone system at the community offices functions as effectively as possible, as the situation dictates; • Ensuring that the emergency communications centre is properly equipped and staffed, and working to correct any problems which may arise; 0 • Maintaining an inventory of community and private sector communications equipment and facilities wHhin the community, which could, in an emergency, be used to augment existing communications systems; • Making arrangements to acquire addttional communications resources during an emergency; b) Optional Members 1. Emergency Management Ontario Representative 2. Social Services Representative 0 3. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Representative Draft3 Emergency Response Plan Last printed 9/8/2004 2:40PM Created on 3/21/20031:55 PM contacts updated July 19, 2004 0 • Town of Tillsonburg Emergency Response Plan Page 17 of36 The Emergency Medical Services Representative is responsible for: • Ensuring emergency medical services at the emergency site; • Depending on the nature of the emergency, assigning the Site Manager and informing the ECG; • . Establishing an ongoing communications link with the senior EMS official at the scene of the emergency; • Obtaining EMS from other municipalities for support, if required; • Ensuring triage at the site; • Advising the ECG if other means of transportation is required for large scale response; • · Liaising with the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care Central Ambulance Communications. Centre to ensure balanced emergency coverage is available at all times. throughout the community • Ensuring liaison with the receiving hospitals; • Ensuring liaison with the Medical Officer of Health, as required. 5. Utility Representative-Tillsonburg Hydro Q The Utility Representative-is responsible for: • · Monitoring the status of power outages and customers without services • Providing updates on power outages, so required; • Ensuring liaison with the public works representative; • May provide assistance with accessing generators for essential services, or other temporary power measures. 6. Long Point Regional Conservation Authority 7. Liaison Staff from Provincial Ministries Oraft3 Emergency Response Plan Last prtnted 9/812004 2:40PM Created on 3/21/2003 1:55PM oontacts updated July 19, 2004 0 Town ofTillsonburg Emergency Response Plan Page 18 of 36 c) Support and Advisory Staff The following staff may be required to provide support, logistics and advice to the ECG: 1. CAO's Administrative Assistant/Assistants The CAD's Administrative Assistant is responsible for: • Assisting the Chief Administrative Officer, as required; • Ensuring all important decisions made and actions taken by the ECG are recorded; • Ensuring that maps and status boards are kept up to date; • Providing a process for registering ECG member and maintaining a ECG member list; • Notifying the required support and advisory staff of the emergency, and the location of the Emergency Operations Centre; • Initiating the opening, operation and staffing of switchboard at the community offices, as the situation dictates, and ensuring operators are informed of ECG members' telephone numbers in the EOC; • Assuming the responsibilities of the Citizen Inquiry Supervisor; (J • Arranging for printing of material, as required; • Coordinating the provision of clerical staff to assist in the Emergency Operations Centre, as required; • Upon direction by the Mayor, ensuring that all council are advised of the declaration and termination of declaration of the emergency; • Upon direction by the Mayor, arranging special meetings of council, an required, and advising members of council of the time, date, and location of the meetings; • Procuring staff to assist, as required. 2. Legal Services Representative The Legal Services Representative is responsible for: • Providing advice to any member of the Emergency Control Group on matters of a legal nature as they may apply to the actions of the Town of Tillsonburg in its response to the emergency, as requested. Draft3 Emergency Response Plan Last printed 9/8/2004 2:40PM Created on 3/21/2003 1:55PM contacts updated July 19, 2004 0 0 • Town ofTillsonburg Emergency Response Plan Page 19 of 36 d) Other Agencies In an emergency, other agencies maybe required to work with the Emergency Control Group. Two such agencies are detailed below. Others might include Emergency Management Ontario, the Office of the Fire Marshal, industry, volunteer groups, conservation authorities, and provincial ministries. 1. County Board of Education and Separate School Board The County Board of Education and the Separate School Board are responsible for: • · Providing any school (as appropriate and available) for use us an evacuation or reception centre and a representative(s) to co-ordinate the maintenance, use and operation of the facilities being utilized as evacuation or reception centres; • Ensuring liaison with the municipality as to protective actions to the schools (i.e., implementing school stay in place procedure and implementing the school evacuation procedure; 2. Tillsonburg Hospital Administrator The Tillsonburg Hospital Administrator is responsible for: • Implementing the hospital emergency plan; • Ensuring liaison with the Medical Officer of Health and local ambulance representatives with respect to hospital and medical matters, us required; • Evaluating requests for the provision of medical site teams/medical triage teams; • Ensuring liaison with the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, as appropriate. e) Relationship Between ECG And Emergency Site Manager (ESM): Depending on the nature of the emergency, and once the ESM has been assigned, the ECG relationship with the ESM is to offer support with equipment, staff and other resources, us required. The ECG will also ensure that the rest of the community maintains municipal services. f) Relationship Between ESM, And Command And Control Structures Of Emergency Responders Draft3 Emergency Response Plan Last printed 9/8/2004 2:40 PM Created an 3/21/2003 1 :55 PM contacts updated July 19, 2004 0 () () • Town of Tillsonburo Emeroency Response Plan Page 20 of 36 The senior representative for each emergency responder (police, fire, EMS, public works) at the site will consult with the Emergency Site Manager, so as to offer a coordinate and effective response. Regular briefings will be held at the site and chaired by the Emergency Site Manager, so as to establish the· · manner and process by which response to the emergency will be provided. PARTG: EMERGENCY TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLAN Upon implementation of the Emergency Response · Plan, it will be important to ensure that communications are established between the emergencysite(s) and the EOC. Also, communications may be required at various locations including evacuation centres, hospitals, and other key responding agencies . . The Emergency Telecommunications Coordinator for the Town of Tillsonburg is a pre designated Amateur Radio Operator. The Emergency Telecommunications Coordinator is part of the initial . Emergency Notification Procedure who in turn will call upon his contacts for further communications support, as required. The Emergency Telecommunications Office is located in the office adjacent to the EOC. It is equipped wish portable hand radios, battery back-up, two-way radio with the necessary channels to communicate with pollee, fire, EMS and the Ontario Fire MarshalL Communications between the EOC and the other responding agencies will be with the support of a manner. All messages are to be written on the Amateur Radio Message Forms and logged. Should the Town of Tillson burg lose all telephone communications, pre-arranged communications could be obtained from the local taxi company and the school bus radios, which will act as relay to the EOC and the emergency site. PARTH: PROVINCIAL ASSISTANCE, FINANCIAL COMPENSATION AND LIABILITY a) Provincial Assistance Under certain circumstances, the departments or agencies responding according to the Town of . Tillsonburg Emergency Plan may be required to request assistance of ministries or agencies of the Province of Ontario. The requesting of said services shall not be deemed to be a request that the Government of the Province of Ontario assume authority and control of the emergency. The requesting of these services shall be done in a manner of normal day-to-day procedure by contacting the local Ministry contact. Draft3 Emergency Response Plan Last pnnted 9/8/2004 2:40 PM Created on 3/21/2003 1:55 PM contacts updated July 19, 2004 0 () • Town of Tillsonburg Emergency Response Plan Page 21 of36 All requests for Provincial assistance other than the normal day-to-day requests, shall be directed to the County of Oxford so that this assistance can be coordinated and controlled and that duplication of effort, if two or more municipalities are requesting similar assistance, can be avoided. This assistance may be requested from the Province of Ontario at anytime without any .loss of control or authority. In addition, a staff member of Emergency Management Ontario can be dispatched immediately to assist the Emergency Control Group. b) Emergency Measures Ontario Contact Emergency Measures Ontario can be reached during working hours at: 1-866-314-0472 At nights or on weekends, Emergency Measures Ontario can be reached through the Local OPP office at 688-6541 or the Duty Officer at OPP General Headquarters at: 1-866·314-0472 If a Town Emergency is declared, notify the Ministry of the Solicitor General immediately through the OPP General Headquarters Duty Officer at: 1·866·314-0472 PART 1: EMERGENCY PLAN MAINTENANCE a) Testing of the Plan An annual exercise should be conducted in order to test the overall effectiveness of this Emergency Response Plan and provide training to the Emergency Control Group, as the members of this group will change periodically. b) Maintenance Review and Business Cycle The Town of Tillsonburg Emergency Response Plan will be maintained and distributed by the CEMC. This plan will be reviewed annually and, where necessary, revised by a meeting(s) of the Emergency Control Group. Frequency of meetings and agenda items will be determined by the CEMC. Draft3 Emergency Response Plan Last printed 9/8/2004 2:40 PM Created an 3/21/2003 1:55 PM contacts updated July 19. 2004 0 0 • Town ofTillsonburg Emergency Resqonse Plan Page 22 of36 Each time this plan is revised it must be forwarded to the Town Council for approval. However, revisions to the schedules and minor administrative changes can be made without resubmitting the Plan to Town Council each time. It is the responsibility of each person, agency, service or department named within this Emergency Response Plan to notifY the CEMC forthwith of any revisions to the appendices or administrative changes. c) Duties of Involved Agencies· Each Town Department and Agency involved with this Emergency Response Plan is expected to prepare functional emergency procedures or guidelines outlining how it will fulfill its responsibilities during an emergency. Each Town Department and Agency should ensure that it designates a member of its staff to maintain and revise its own emergency procedures or guidelines Draft3 Emergency Response Plan Last printed 9/B/2004 2:40PM Created on 3/21/2003 1:55PM contacts updated July 19, 2004 • Town of Tillson bum Emergency Response Plan Page 23 of 36 0 UPDATES AND AMENDMENTS Updated dd/mm/yy Comments Updated by: . 0 . . Dralt3 Emergency Response Plan Last printed 9/8/2004 2:40PM Created on 3/21/2003 1:55PM contacts updated July 19, 2004 c 0 I D~T ,. TOWN OF TILLSONBURG EMERGENCY PLAN: EMERGENCY ALERTING SYSTEM 1. On receipt of an official message from an authorized member of the Town's Emergency Control Group, the Tillsonburg Fire Dispatch will implement the procedure by contacting member in order stated below. 2. The Emergency Control Group member activating the alerting system will inform the Tillsonburg Fire Dispatch as to where and when to meet: Note 1: Alternates will be contacted ONLY if the primary member cannot be contacted. Note 2: Members and alternates are asked to notify Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC) 842-2905 x55212 of a change in telephone numbers. FUNCTION CONTACT BUSINESS RES. CELL fAGE!J:AX E-mail Mayor Steve Molnar 842-6428 x3234 842-8188 983-6434 F 842-9431 smolnar@town.tillsonburg.on.ca Alt: Deputy Mayor Bob Smith 688-3500 842-8891 688-8325 F842-9431 rsmith@town.tillsonburn.on.ca CAO David Morris 842-6428 x3227 842-4188 983-0486 F842-9431 dmorris@town.tillsonburg.on.ca Alt: Designated Senior Manager (check tOre-mail notification from David.Monis) Fire Chief I CEM C Bob Parsons 842-2905 x5221 842-4230 808-7721 Page "Chief'' fire@town.tillsonburg.on.ca A it: Deputy Fire Chief I CEMC Richard Hayes 842-2905 x5222 688-1873 808-7722 Page QChief' fire@town.tillsonburg.on.ca OPP Det. Commander Jack Goodlett 842-6540 688-2093 983-4419 F842-2190 jack.goodlett@jus.gov.on.ca Alternate: (on duty) NCO Oxford OPP 1-888-310-1122 CCG Coordinator Lana Lund 842-6428 x3225 688-9838 983-5580 F 842-9431 llund@town.tillsonburg.on.ca Alternate: Donna Hemeryck 842-6428 x3224 842-8840 F842-9431 dheme{Yck@town.tillsonburg.on.ca EMS Carmen D'Angelo 519 539 9800 X 269 905 561-2681 521-7350 519 527-1099 cdangelo@counl!.oxford.on.ca Alternate: Joe Pember (519) 539-9800 x345 519421-1592 521-7357 519 527-1099 jgember@county.oxford.on.ca Operations Steve Lund 842-6428x3228 688-9838 983-3404 F842-943l slund@town.tillsonburg.on.ca Alternate: Bryan Drinkwater 842-9200x2225 842-4037 983-0349 F688-0759 bdrinkwater@town.tillsonburg.on.~ Oxford Public Health Michael Bragg 519 539 9800 x235 519 539 7915 537 9080 F539-6206 mbragg@counJ):.oxford.on.ca Alternate: Mary Metcalfe 519 539 9800 x204 519 533 0948 539 9080 F539-6206 mmetcalfe@count:i.Oxford.on.ca Com & Social Services Cynthia Hildebrand 842-642~x3226 842-6933 983-4052 F842-9431 childebrand@town.tillsonburg.on.ca g 'IJ.-•1;). 0 Alternate: Janet McCurdy ~4223 485-5003 ---F842-4120 jmccurd~town.tillsonburg.on.ca Information Officer ... Michael Graves 842•6428x3230 842-8041 983-2766 F842-9431 mgraves@town.tillsonburg.on.Ca Alternate: Bob Parsons 842-2905X5221 842-4230 808-7721 P "Chief" fire@town.tillsonburn.on.ca Finance & Logistics Darrell Eddington 842-6428x3251 866-5205 317-6143. F842-9431 dedding:tgn@town.tillsonbu!X.on.~ca Alternate: Ken Patterson 842-6428 842-8773 --842-9431 kQatterson@town.tillsonburg.on.ca Revised Draft Aug 31, 2004 G:\Fire Dept\Emergency Managemen"24 Hour Conlacls\CCG conlact list revised.doc 0 APPENDIX2 EMERGENCY INFORMATION PLAN Upon implementation of this Emergency Response Plan, it will be important to co ordinate the release of accurate information to the news media, issue authoritative instructions to the public, and respond to or redirect individual requests for, or reports on, information concerning any aspect of the emergency. In order to fulfill these functions during an emergency, the following positions will be established: • Emergency Information Officer; • Community Spokesperson; and • Citizen Inquiry Supervisor. The local Emergency Information Centre (EIC) will be located in the Tillsonburg Community Centre, Hardy Ave. () Depending on the nature of the emergency, it may be necessary to establish a media information area adjacent to the emergency site, as decided by the Emergency Control Group. This area, if established, will be staffed as determined the community spokesperson. C) The Citizen Inquiry Section is located in the Tillsonburg Community Centre under the supervision of the Social Services Representative. 1. Emergency Information Officer The Emerge11cy Information Officer reports to the Chief Administrative Officer and is responsible for: • Establishing a communication link with the Community Spokesperson, the Citizen Inquiry Supervise and any other media coordinator(s) (i.e. provincial, federal, private industry, etc.) involved in the incident, ensuring that all information released to the media and public is timely, full and accurate; • Ensuring that the EIC it set up and staffed and a site EIC, if required; • Ensuring liaison with the ECG to obtain up-to-date information for media releases, co-ordinate individual interviews and organize press conferences; Draft3 Emergency Response Plan Last printed 9/8/2004 2:40PM Created on 3/21/2003 1:55PM conlacts updated July 19, 2004 0 0 () 2. • Ensuring that the following are advised of the telephone number of the media centre: o Media; o Emergency Control Group; o Switchboard (Town and Emergency Services); o Community Spokesperson; o Police Public Relations Officer; o Neighbouring Communities; o Citizen Inquiry Supervisor; o Any other appropriate persons, agencies or businesses. • Providing direction and regular updates to the Citizen Inquiry Supervisor to ensure that the most accurate and up-to-date information is disseminated to the public; • Ensuring that the media releases are approved by the Chief Administrative Officer (i.e. consultation with the Mayor) prior to dissemination, and distributing hard copies of the medic release to the EIC. the ECG, Citizen Inquiry Supervisor and other key persons handling inquiries from the media; • Monitoring news coverage, and correcting any erroneous information; • Maintaining copies of media releases and newspaper articles pertaining to the emergency. Community Spokesperson The community spokesperson will be appointed by the Emergency Control Group and is responsible for: • Giving interviews on behalf of the Town of Tillsonburg's Council; • Establishing a communication link and regular liaison with the Emergency Information Officer at ·the EOC; • Redirecting all inquiries about decisions made by the ECG and about the emergency as a whole, to the Emergency Information Officer; • Coordinating media photograph sessions at the scene when necessary and appropriate; • Coordinating on-scene interviews between the emergency services personnel and the media. 3. Citizen Inquiry Supervisor The Citizen Inquiry Supervisor is responsible for: • Establishing a Citizen Inquiry Service, including the appointment of personnel and designation of telephone lines; Draft3 Emergency Response Plan Last printed 9/8/2004 2:40 PM Created on 3/21/2003 1:55PM contacts updated July 19. 2004 0 0 () • Informing the Emergency Information Officer of the establishment of the Citizen Inquiry Service and designated telephone number( s ); • Informing the affected emergency services, the ECG and Town switchboards of the establishment of the Citizen Inquiry Service and designated telephone numbers;· • Ensuring liaison with the Emergency Information Officer to obtain current information on the emergency; • Responding to, and re-directing inquiries and reports from the public based upon information from the Emergency Information Officer. (Such information may be related to school closings, access routes or the location of evacuee centres.); • Responding to and redirecting inquiries pertaining to the investigation of the emergency, deaths, injuries on matters of personnel involved with or affected by the emergency to the appropriate emergency service; • Responding to and redirecting inquiries pertaining to persons who may be located in evacuation and reception centres to the registration and inquiry telephone number(s); • Procuring staff to assist, as required. 4. Town Media Coordinator The Town Media Coordinator for the Town of Tillsonburg will be the Ontario Provincial Police Media Coordinator. This person will report to the E.C.G. and is responsible for: • Preparing public announcements and news releases concerning the emergency for approval by the Mayor • Arranging with media representatives for assistance in promulgating warnings and directions to the public that have been approved by the Mayor • Issuing news releases approved by the Mayor to the media • Establishing, when such is considered necessary by the E.C.G., an information desk or point of contact near but not in the Emergency Operations Centre to which the emergency services can direct members of the public or media representatives seeking information • Informing the media of the point of telephone access for the public to reach the Red Cross inquiry service, if such service is in operation, so that this information can be passed to the public quickly • Establishing a communications link with the On-Site Media Spokesperson, the Citizen Inquiry Supervisor and any other media coordinator(s) (i.e. Provincial, Federal, private industry, etc.) involved in the incident and will endeavour to ensure that all information released to the media and public is consistent and accurate Draft3 Emergency Response Plan Last printed 9/8/2004 2:40 PM Created on 3/21/2003 1 :55 PM contacts updated July 19, 2004 0 0 • Appointing an Administrative Assistant to attend the On-Site Media Information Centre and appointing or procuring any other personnel required • Designating and coordinating a Town E.C.G. Media Information Centre for members of the media to assemble for the issuance of accurate media releases and authorit<Jtive instructions to the public • Briefing the E.C.G. on how the Town E.C.G. Media Information Centre will be set up • Li<~ising regui<Jrly with the E.C.G. to obtain the appropriate information for media releases, co- ordinate individual interviews and organize press conferences • Establishing a telephone number(s) for media inquiries and ensuring the following are advised accordingly: Media Town Emergency Control Group Switchboard (Town Municipal Emergency Services) On-Site Media Spokesperson Police Public Relations Officer Municipal Media Coordinators Town and Municipal Citizen Inquiry Supervisor(s) Any other appropriate persons agencies or businesses • Providing direction and regular updates to the Town Citizen Inquiry Supervisor to ensure the most accurate and up-to-date information is disseminated to the public • Ensuring the media releases are approved by the Mayor prior to dissemination and distributing hard copies of the media release to the Town E.O.C., Media Information Centre, the E.C.G. the Citizen Inquiry Supervisor and other key persons handling inquiries from the media • Chair public meetings and ensure that the information being released to the public has been approved by the E.C.G.; • Monitoring news coverage and correcting any erroneous information; and • Maintaining copies of media releases and newspaper articles pertaining to the emergency and • Maintaining a log of all action taken by him/her during the course of the emergency Draft3 Emergency Response Plan Last printed 9/812004 2:40PM Created on 3/21/2003 1:55PM contacts updated July 19, 2004 () 0 0 APPENDIX3 COUNTY OF OXFORD EMERGENCY PLAN PRIMARY COUNTY EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTRES County of Oxford Public Health Building Large Conference Room 41 0 Buller Street Woodstock ON N4S 4N2 (519) 539-9800 1-800-755-0394 (519) 539-9800 ext. 331 Planning (519) 539-9800 ext. 386 Engineering (519) 539-9800 ext. 300 CAO City of Woodstock 500 Dundas Street P.O. Box40 Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7W5 (519) 539-1291 Town of Ingersoll 130 Oxford Street P.O. Box340 Ingersoll, Ontario N5C 3V3 (519) 485-0120 Town of Tillsonburg Customer Service Centre 10 Lisgar Avenue Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 5A5 (519) 842-9200 Township of Blandford-Blenheim 47 Wilmot Street South P.O. Box 100 Drumbo, Ontario NOJ 1GO (519) 463-5347 Township of EastZorra-Tavistock 90 Loveys Street East, Hickson, Ontario NOJ 1 LO (519) 462-2697 (519) 462-2498 Township of Norwich 1 0 Main Street East . P.O. Box 100 Otterville, Ontario NOJ 1 RO (519) 863-2709 also (519) 879-6568 Township of South-West Oxford R.R. #1, Dereham Centre Mount Elgin, Ontario NOJ 1 NO (519) 485-0477 Township of Zorra 274620 27th Line P.O. Box306 Ingersoll, Ontario N5C 3K5 (519) 485-2490 Draft3 Emergency Response Plan Last printed 9/812004 2:40PM Created on 3/21/20031:55 PM contacls updated July 19, 2004 0 0 () APPENDIX4 · COUNTY OF OXFORD EMERGENCY PLAN · SECONDARY COUNTY EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTRES Township of Blandford-Blenheim Firehalls Bright Ontario NOJ 1 NO Drumbo Ontario NOJ 1 BO Plattsville Ontario NOJ 1 SO Princeton Ontario NOJ 1 VO Township of East Zorra-Tavistock Firehalls Hickson Ontario NOJ 1 LO lnnerkip Ontario NOJ 1 MO Tavistock Ontario NOB 2RO Township of Norwich Firehalls Burgessville Ontario NOJ 1 BO Norwich Ontario NOJ 1 PO Otterville Ontario NOJ 1 RO Oxford Centre Ontario NOJ 7W3 Township of South-West Oxford Firehalls Beachville Ontario NOJ 1 AO Brownsville Ontario NOL 1 CO Mount Elgin Ontario NOJ 1 NO Township of Zorra Firehalls . Embro Ontario NOJ 1 JO Thamesford Ontario NOM 2MO Uniondale Ontario NOM 2GO Town of Ingersoll Firehall 11 0 Mutual Street North Ingersoll, Ontario N5C 1 Z7 Town of Tillson burg Tillsonburg Police Station 90 Concession St. E Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 4Z8 · (519) 688-6541 City of Woodstock Firehalls Station 1 1203 Parkinson Road Woodstock Ontario N4S 2P1 Station 2 251 Vansittart Avenue Woodstock Ontario N4S 6G 1 Draft3 Emergency Response Plan Last prtnted 9/8/2004 2:40PM Created on 3/21/20031:55 PM contacts updated July 19. 2004 • • 0 0 0 APPENDIX5 CURRENTLY BEING UP-DATED TOWN OF TILLSONBURG EMERGENCY PLAN EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT OVERVIEW OF SYSTEM 6 Channels as follows: Police Public Works PUC FIRE Prov. Common Local Police Fire Marshall Fire Service Public Works Public Utilities Commission 2 Portable radios 15 Mobile Radios 5 Portable Radios 6 Mobile Radios 12 Portable Radios 7 Mobile Radios 1 Base & Paging Backup Fire Chief Bell Mobility Cellular Telephone Frequency 154.07 154.13 159.42 983-6287 Police dispatch has the ability of linking six radio frequencies together. The Fire Department has an independent transmission tower and paging system that can be used as a backup system for fire dispatching in the event phone lines are cut or OPP dispatch system is out of operation. Draft3 Emergency Response Plan Last printed 9/8/2004 2:40 PM Created on 3/21/2003 1:55 PM contacts updated July 19, 2004 • ' . 0 APPENDIX6 TOWN OF TILLSONBURG EMERGENCY PLAN EMERGENCY DATA AND EQUIPMENT The Emergency Operations Centre will be located at the Customer Service Center, 10 Lisgar Ave. In the event that this location is within the disaster zone, the alternate location will be !l'~~~ll\i~i!llll Emergency Data Reference material will be stored in clearly marked binders in the Emergency Operations Centre. Duplicate copies will be made and stored in a clearly marked file box and stored in the Fire Department Reference Library. Reference material available is as follows: a) Copies of the area municipalities surrounding the Town ofTillsonburg Emergency Plans; b) Emergency Plans Act, R.S.O. 1990 and any relevant amendments and regulations; Q c) Copy of the Ontario Disaster Relief Assistance Program Guidelines; 0 d) Detailed maps of the Town showing the following: i) Storm sewers and discharge points ii) Water distribution system showing well and fire hydrant locations iii) Gas distribution lines and major pipeline locations iv) Road network; v) Sanitary sewers and overflow points NOTE: These maps will be available on AutoCad at the Customer Service Center and can be produced as required. e) Copies of the: i) Long Point Region Conservation Authority Flood Plan ii) Social Services Emergency Plan iii) Hospital Emergency Plan iv) Evacuation Plan; f) Two copies of the Town's Emergency Plan; Draft3 Emergency Response Plan Last printed 9/8/2004 2:40PM Created on 3/21/2003 1:55PM contacts updated July 19, 2004 • ' . 0 0 () g) Copy of the Community Services Directory. · h) Emergency Equipment The following equipment is available at the Tillsonburg Police Station to be available for the Emergency Operations Control room: i) Status Display Boards; ii) AM-FM Radio and T.V. and VCR · iii) A Weather Radio iv) Expenditure Reports v) Evacuee Registration Forms vi) Volunteer Registration Forms(Schedule 3); vii) General stationary and office supplies viii) Flip charts and paper ix) Additional telephone sets x) Signs for designation EOC areas and functions Draft3 Emergency Response Plan Last printed 9/8/2004 2:40PM Created on 3/21/20031:55 PM contacts updated July 19. 2004 • ., r iJ. 0 0 () APPENDIX7 TOWN OF TILLSONBURG EMERGENCY PLAN HEALTH SERVICES RESOURCES COPY ON FILE FOR MEMBERS OF THE ECG Draft3 Emergency Response Plan Last printed 9/8/2004 2:40 PM Created on 3/21/2003 1:55PM contacts updated July 19, 2004 0 0 0 APPENDIXS TOWN OF TILLSON BURG EMERGENCY PLAN POPULATION EVACUATION PLAN CURRENTLY BEING DEVELOPED Dralt3 Emergency Response Plan Last printed 9/B/2004 2:40PM Created on 3/21/2003 1:55PM contacts updated July 19, 2004 • • " _t 0 0 0 APPENDIX9 TOWN OF TILLSONBURG EMERGENCY PLAN MEDIA COORDINATOR-RESOURCES & PLAN CURRENTLY BEING DEVELOPED Draft3 Emergency Response Plan Last prtnted 9/812004 2:40PM Created on 3/21/2003 1:55 PM contacts updated July 19, 2004