4024 ATT01 - Acknowledgement & Direction[,.-: ,;.· ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND DIRECTION TO: Patrick J. Kramer (1nsert lawyers name) AND TO: DUNCAN, UNTON LLP RE: (Insert finn name) The Cocporatlon of the Town of l1Usonburg -Application for Bylaw 4024 to Establish a Public Highway (Insert brief description of transaction) ('lhe transaction1 This will confinn that: e INVe have reviewed the information set out in this Acknowledgement and Direction and in the documents described below (the noocuments'~, and that this infonnallon IS accurate; • You, your agent or employee are auUlorized and direcled to sign, deliver, and/or register electronically. on my/our behalf the Documents in the fonn attached. e You are hereby authorized and directed to enter into an escrow closing arrangement substantially in the fonn attached hereto being a copy of the version of the Document Registration Agreement, which appears on the website of the Law Society of Upper Canada as of the date of the Agreement of Purchase and sale herein. 1/We herE!by acknov.fedge the said Agreement has been reviewed by me/us and that \!We shall be bound by Its te1111s; e The effect of the Documents has been fully explained to me/us, and llwe tnJenmmd that 1/we are parties to and bound by the terms and provts1ons of the Documents to the same extent as if 1/We had signed them; and • llwe are m fact the parties named in the Documents and 1/we have not misrepresented our identities to you. e I, am the spouse of the (rransferor/Chargor), and hereby consent ~ the transaction described in the Acknowledgment and Direction. I authorize you to indicate my consent on all the Documents tor which it is required. DESCRIPTION OF ELECTRONIC DOCUMENtS The Document(s) described in the Acknowledgement and Direction are the docllmenl(s) selected below which are attached hereto as -oocument in Preparation" and are: [l [l A Transfer of the land described above. A Charge of the land described above • .v' Other documents set out. in Schedule "B" attached hereto. Dated at {n?JJ ,this .J / day of l\)olPMkpc , 2olli WITNESS Till>ol1ourp T-•· (As to all signatures, If required) STEPHEN MOLNAR, MAYOR . fler', a2a t;,~;,, v:foru"Ut as J"'r DONNA WILSON, CLERK WE HAVE THE AIITHORITY TO BIND THE CORPORATION. ·----· ---.. ·-,·-·---· !-· LRO # 41 Application Bylaw To Establish Public Highways This document has not been submitted and may be incomplete. In preparation on 2016 1116 yyyymmdd at 15:48 Page 1 of 1 I Properti;;;;--. I PIN Descriplion Address 00019 -0127 LT PT LT 8 CON 10 OEREHAM BEING PT 3 ~1 R2445; TILLSON BURG nLLSONBURG ~-PartofProp [API>nc~sJ I This Order/By-Jaw affects the selected PINs. Name THE CORPORA nON OF THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG Acting as a company Address for Selvice 200 Broadway Street Tlllsonburg, ON N4G 5A7 111is document is being authorized by a municipal corpomtion Stephen Molnar, Mayor and Donna Wilson, Clerk. lst.rtem~ -· I Thi5 application is based on the Munldpalily By-law See Schedules. (FIF!Iumber ----------I Applicant Client Rle Nmnber: 0040269 ---·-----------·-------,-----··-·------ ~ v !.1 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG BY·LAW NUMBER4024 A BY-LAW to -lcate certain lands as part of a pui>Hc highway. WHEREAS The Corporalion of !he Town ofTiUsonburg, as authorized by Section 27(1) of 1ha Municipal lull, 2001, as amended. has !he authority to dedicaiB certain lands as a public highway; AND WHEREAS land desaibed as Part 3 of Reference Plan 41 R2445 being of Part of LotS, Concession 10, fonnerty In the Township of Dereham, now i!l1he Town of Tillsonburg, County of Oxford was trarisrerred to The CorpoliJIIon of the Town of Tillsonburg for highway purposes; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Tillsonburg deems 'It necessary and expedient to dedicate !he hereinafter described lands for highway purposas; NOW ntEREFORE the Council of 1he Town ofTdlsonburg enacts as foUows: 1) THAT Part 3 of Reference Plan 41R2445, being Partoflol8, Concession 10 formetiy of 1ha Township of Dereham, now In the Town of Tilsonburg, County of CJx!ord, is hereby dedlcaled and established as part of a public highway named SOuth Ridge Road; 2) THAT !his By-law be registered in !he Oxford Land Registry Office. This By-law shall come into fulllbrce and effect upon the final passing thereof. REAQ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 16111 DAY of .tuna, 2016. READ A THIRD TIME AND ANALLY PASSED THIS 111"' DAY of June, 2016. ''-Stephen Molnar r;::::z Town Clerk-Donna Wilson --·-·-·-· --.. ·-···-r-.. ·-· -----·--··--------· ...... ----~--·· ··-----,--------------.