3410 To amend Zoning By-Law Number 3295, as amended. Dereham Drive - The Oaks SubdivisonTHE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG BY-LAW NUMBER3Y I 0 A By-Law to amend Zoning By-Law Number 3295, as amended. WHEREAS, Section 36(1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, provides the authority to remove the Holding Symbol (H) by amendment to the by-law originally imposing it; AND WHEREAS, the County of Oxford has provided written confirmation of water allocation for the proposed development on the subject lands and the associated subdivision agreement has been approved by the Town of Tillsonburg and County of Oxford; THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town ofTillsonburg, enacts as follows: 1. That Schedule "A" to By-Law Number 3295, as amended, is hereby amended by removing the (H) symbol from the lands so designated on Schedule "A" attached hereto. 2. This By-Law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. ,.A.t.... ~I READ a first and second time this ocS day of lA. ~cv c;,..;-/ 2010. READ a third time and finally passed this ·-.::2 :5-JL y of t;;:="~bn...;a...-'-1 2010. / ate Services/Clerk SHEET 1 OF ~') --... ,,., .• ·'--·' '"·''\ h Information Sy~tems )· 1,. SCHEDULE IIAII ! /:,_ vv 3Y_JJ2 __ TOWN OF TILLSONBURG --· f' I' ~J7E-·-17····40E 19 82 METRES kwmmmummd THIS IS SCHEDULE "A' TO GY LAW No. 1 6 SHEET 2 OF 3 ·'--·' fit<[ L /I_;~ 'J; lttformation Sy~rems SCHEDULE "A" /\ vV ! ,. ' 3::1JJ2 __ f-?EC TERUl r MJ 41M-421 TOWN OF TILLSONBURG ,., \ <. \:- < <, \:\ '? > \0\ 6 ' '· i ~() ~J78·····J5·····0J~ 42.35 ry I. c-· >, r_:, I_{") ~ c -~--, "'o 1--.. lo c0 · <::t'-'':! () ,,, ;! z ·-.. J \ r:::) 5:: •:_.., "-l " 6~ oo 1--.. jt-t') 1--. '" z C) .... j "l \...~-. C) --J ------- t-r, ~-0 C'~ u;jg <P• ,~-.,~o ,,., 1---'" z (~) Cl __ _j METRES 10 ----------~---~------ 1.() ~ C'-.\ c-~ \---- 'r-···- C• C::) ___ _j __ .J THIS IS ~·CHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW r;o. ·1...--~tL ·rH'' ..£-..":::::, DA'f ''-·-··----·-·------ MAY DR SHEET 3 OF 3 o-~-f~:t-~-c I' C T [ lrtformatJcm SyMem~ · ·'· SCHEDULE IIAII r L /\W 1\ ;_ 3~JQ TOWN OF TILLSONBURG ( v '0-- \ ,, \ 0 " \:) tx I 't· 'I ' ,. \.-2 ,, v. <:. \~ \./ \ TO BY-LAW \l ~j I N")O I "'0/ :-:::·ctJ ·~ ~~ i O:i ~ j 0 Cf'cl .. 1,[) r.r.~ ('-,!~ .! z. 5: 0 ~_)~~; ~~;/, ~ i METRES ~lifijMIG!iii!ii5!!!!1 FF?W51i!5!!!0!!5i!ll5i!EE¥ 8 0 8 ''i-· ''l· ~= r. __ ) () L;_J --.1 >· 0:: [f.l 0 "> / ~ ... L;_J I > I _j I < I 0:: _j 1- THIS IS SCHEDULE "A" THE .2~L_DI1Y 1 6