171123 Museum Advisory MIN= ATTENDANCE Bob Marsden, Patty Phelps, Marianne Sandham, Mary Lou Sergeant, Dianne MacKeigan MEMBERS ABSENT/REGRETS Chris Rosehart/ Jami Stephenson, Aleksandra Webber 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm 2. Adoption of Agenda Moved By- Mary Lou Sergeant Seconded By- Dianne MacKeigan Proposed Resolution #_1 THAT the Agenda for the Museum Advisory Committee meeting of November 23, 2017, be adopted. Carried 3. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof- none 4. Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting 4.1. Minutes of the Meeting of October 26, 2017 Moved By: Mary Lou Sergeant Seconded By: Marianne Sandham Proposed Resolution #_2 THAT the Minutes of the Museum Advisory Committee Meeting of October 26 ,2017 be approved. Carried 5. Delegations and Presentations-none The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg Museum Advisory Committee Thursday, November 23 , 2017 4:30 pm Program Room- 2nd floor Annandale NHS 30 Tillson Ave., Tillsonburg MINUTES 6. General Business & Reports 6.1. Financial- $106 218.18 in the account 6.2. Tour Guides- Joan Weston has lined up guides to cover the Christmas Open House. 6.3. Curator’s Report- The Curator’s report was circulated and included the following highlights: 1. Numbers are down slightly for October but looking good to end the year with an increase over last year. 2. “Made in Canada” Christmas exhibit opens November 24. All items in the exhibit made in Canada and some made in Tillsonburg. 3. OCCI gallery installed new works Nov. 21. Jewellery and other small giftware items are available for sale. Great place to Christmas shop. 4. Word was received Nov. 15 that our CMOG grant has been approved. ($17,899.00) 5. 30 classes have been booked for school programming. 6. Scotch tasting night was a success raising almost $1000. 7. The Liona Boyd concert was a success with 325 tickets sold out. When numbers are tallied, should make around $2000 for the trust. 8. CKOT will be providing lots of advertising for the upcoming Christmas events at the museum. 9. The draft budget has been submitted and is in the early stages of discussion. 10. June 29, 2018 marks the 45th anniversary of the museum’s opening. A special exhibit is planned with 45 of our favourite things on display. Moved By: Patty Phelps Seconded By: Mary Lou Sergeant Proposed Resolution # 3 THAT the reports be adopted as circulated. Carried 7. Correspondence- none 8. Other Business 8.1. Deteriorating state of porches has moved them to priority 1 on the facilities list 8.2. Security audit revealed the need for tighter security with regards to entry to the collection with coded entry required. This implementation will be linked to the budget. 8.3. December meeting will be a dinner meeting at Boston Pizza on December 20 at 6:00 pm. Museum staff will be included in the invitation. 9. Closed Session 10. Next meeting- January 25, 2017 11. Adjournment Moved by Mary Lou Sergeant Proposed Resolution #6 THAT the museum advisory committee meeting be adjourned at 5:10 pm