171211 Airport Advisory MIN= ATTENDANCE Henry Atkinson, Euclid Benoit, Andre Brisson, Valerie Durston, Geoffrey Lee, Rick Lee, John Prno, Richard Van Maele Staff: Annette Murray Guests: Mel Blundell, Shane Clayton, Jeff Dean, Bill Hamilton, Greg Harvey, Jay Heaman, David Hillner, Mark Kniss, Reid McCall, Haresh Patel, Danny Richer, Robert Steidl, Karl Szordykowski, Tim Taylor, Paul Weber, Cameron White, Jane Atkinson White, MEMBERS ABSENT/REGRETS Mel Getty, Chris Rosehart, Jeremy Stockmans, Dan Locke Special Presentation The presentation portion of the meeting was called to order at 11:08 a.m. Euclid Benoit welcomed everyone, and introduced special guests: Jay Heaman, Manager, Strategic Initiatives, County of Oxford; Bill Hamilton, Conservation and Demand Management, London Hydro (working on conservation efforts with Tillsonburg Hydro); and Haresh Patel, Conservation Account Manager, Hydro One. Jay Heaman began the presentations by discussing Oxford County’s leadership role in sustainability, and the County’s willingness to work with the Town and Airport on green energy projects. He reviewed the use of smart meter data to determine the hourly demand for electricity at the airport. This is a key next step in moving forward and cannot be duplicated by simply totalling hydro bills. He then introduced Haresh Patel who polled the hangar users about their personal concerns: Low Hydro Use/High Cost was the predominant issue with interest in solar panel use and complexity of subsidy program applications also mentioned. Haresh discussed the makeup of a typical hydro bill, and went on to review the various conservation programs available through Hydro One and SaveonEnergy.com. Jay followed up with a clarification of the existing Hydro One limitation on growth at the airport, calling it more of a “policy restraint” than a “physical restraint” to adding users. Next steps could involve a “status quo” conventional system, or something more forward thinking like adding solar panels under Net Metering. Each has a user cost element. He advised that a capital subsidy (50%) program for solar installations is coming this January, but that solar panels can no longer be placed on Class A or B farmland. This would require placing panels on airport buildings or other lands. Net metering is a credit rather than cash payment. Essentially, the solar panel owner uses The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Monday, December 11, 2017 11:00 a.m. Tillsonburg Regional Airport CHAA Classroom 244411 Airport Rd., South-West Oxford MINUTES Airport Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes, December 11, 2017 - 2 - energy produced by their panels, and any excess is returned to the grid with a credit generated and deducted from their total hydro bill on an annual basis. Due to the various charges inherent in the bill, under Net Metering there is no way to reduce the bill to zero, regardless of how much electricity is provided back to the grid. Numerous questions were asked and answered. Euclid Benoit thanked the presenters, and the presentation portion of the meeting was adjourned at 1:20 p.m. 1. Call to Order The Airport Advisory Committee meeting was called to order at 1:30 p.m. Euclid Benoit sat as the Chair and John Prno acted as Recording Secretary for the meeting. 2. Adoption of Agenda Resolution #1 Moved By: Andre Brisson Seconded By: Richard Van Maele THAT the Agenda as prepared for the Airport Advisory Committee meeting of December 11, 2017, be adopted. Carried 3. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof None Declared 4. Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting 4.1. Minutes of the Meeting of October 12, 2016 Resolution #2 Moved By: Richard Van Maele Seconded By: Valerie Durston THAT the Minutes of the Airport Advisory Committee Meeting of October 12, 2016, be approved. Carried 5. Delegations and Presentations As shown above 6. General Business & Reports 6.1. Business Arising 6.1.1. Review of the Committee Terms of Reference was deferred to the next meeting to allow for a more fulsome review. 6.2. New Business Airport Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes, December 11, 2017 - 3 - 6.2.1. Airport Master Plan Move-Up Annette Murray provided an update on the need to move up the Airport Master Plan timeline to allow approvals of expected construction projects. With the Budget timeline, there was no opportunity to bring this to the Committee prior. As such, Staff moved the Airport Master Plan from the 2019 to 2018 Budget, and the Hydro work from 2018 to 2019. Given the discussions during the earlier presentations, the Committee members felt this was an appropriate change. Selection of a consultant is expected early in the new year following Budget approval. 7. Correspondence 7.1. None 8. Other Business 8.1. None 9. Closed Session 9.1. None 10. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Airport Advisory Committee will be at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, February 27, 2018. 11. Adjournment Resolution #3 Moved By: Henry Atkinson Seconded By: Richard Van Maele THAT the Airport Advisory Committee Meeting of December 11, 2017, be adjourned at 1:55 p.m. Carried