180305 Memorial Park Rev MIN= ATTENDANCE Members Present: Mel Getty: Co-Chair, Scott Vitias (Ball), Jane Ann McLean (Outdoor rink/Ball), Rosemary Dean (Fairboard), Terry Smith (Skate Park/Pumptrack), Pete Luciani (Dog Park), Rick Cox (Staff), Margaret Puhr: Secretary (Event Organizers) Guest: Tracy Anderson (Fairboard) MEMBERS ABSENT/REGRETS Lions Club, Kinsmen Club, Mike Cerna, Rotary Club, Lake Lisgar Revitalization 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:34pm, by Co-chair Mel Getty. 2. Adoption of Agenda Moved By: Terry Smith Seconded By: Rosemary Dean Resolution #1_ THAT the agenda as prepared for the Memorial Park Revitalization Committee meeting of March 5, 2018, be adopted. Carried. 3. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest declared. 4. Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting 4.1. Minutes of the Meeting of January 29, 2018 Moved By: Jane Ann McLean Seconded By: Terry Smith Resolution #2_ THAT the Minutes of the Memorial Park Revitalization Committee Meeting of January 29, 2018 be approved. Carried. The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg Memorial Park Revitalization Committee March 5, 2018 5:30pm Marwood Lounge 45 Hardy Ave. MINUTES Memorial Park Revitalization Committee Meeting Minutes, March 5, 2018 - 2 - 5. General Business & Reports 5.1. Skate Park signage – the actual signage installed matches the sign approved by council; template for the recreational signs – attached-, will be installed at parks and trails; ‘decorative’ park and naming signage has not been determined yet; Bandshell accessible ramp memo distributed and attached as FYI; Bridge abutments on Lake Lisgar – this issue is on the town’s public works plan, as identified by engineering report, will need work in the 1-5 years, however, the abutments aren’t part of this committee’s responsibility, the shore and other items are and are included in the Master Plan. 5.2. Copy of the Master Plan implementation worksheet were distributed (attached), committee members to review and send their worksheet in to the secretary by March 26, to be included for review at the next meeting. 5.3. Member updates: 1. Fair: new dates June 22-24 2. Dog Park: naming endorsed by council, TA Thomson will donate hydro installation for the park, Stevens Irrigation will donate water hookups. 3. Skate Park – some maintenance required 4. Outdoor rink – there is a preliminary site plan, not ready for distribution yet. 6. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Memorial Park Revitalization Committee will be on Monday April 9, 2018 at 5:30pm. 7. Adjournment Moved By: Rosemary Dean Resolution #3 THAT the Memorial Park Revitalization Committee Meeting of March 5, 2018 be adjourned at 6:45pm. Carried.