180531 Museum MIN= ATTENDANCE Bob Marsden, Patty Phelps, Marianne Sandham, Mary Lou Sergeant, Dianne MacKeigan, MEMBERS ABSENT/REGRETS / Chris Rosehart, Jami Stephenson 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 4:40 pm 2. Adoption of Agenda Moved By- Marianne Sandham Seconded By- Mary Lou Sergeant Proposed Resolution #_1 THAT the Agenda for the Museum Advisory Committee meeting of May 31, 2018, be adopted circulated Carried 3. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof- none 4. Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting 4.1. Minutes of the Meeting of April 26, 2018 Moved By: Mary Lou Sergeant Seconded By: Marianne Sandham Proposed Resolution #_2 THAT the Minutes of the Museum Advisory Committee Meeting of April 26, 2018 be approved. Carried 5. Delegations and Presentations-none The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg Museum Advisory Committee Thursday, May 31, 2018 4:30 pm Program Room- 2nd floor Annandale NHS 30 Tillson Ave., Tillsonburg MINUTES 6. General Business & Reports 6.1. Financial- $117,412.45 in the account 6.2. Tour Guides- guides being lined up for Turtlefest and Canada Day 6.3. Curator’s Report- The Curator’s report was circulated and included the following highlights: 1. April numbers were up over last year. 2. Wonderful World of Wool show has been well received and the group has agreed to host a workshop at the museum on Saturday, September 29. Cost will be $45.00 with $15.00 coming to the museum. 3. Next exhibit- A Few of our Favourite Things- will open June 29 with a wine and cheese party planned. 4. Lunch and Learn series is over for this year and was well received. 5. Summer student positions are filled. Ansu Anil will be working with Jen on various collections related projects. 6. Evening hours in May are now over. Not well-received. 7. Nothing new to report in repairs for porches, eaves and soffits. Difficulty in finding contractors to deal with the height of the house. 8. Plans are underway for both Turtlefest and Canada Day celebrations. 9. Jason Pankratz has resigned as the museum CSR. The position has been posted and closed May 26. 10. CMOG application has been received with the deadline of July 2. 11. A commemorative quilt by the Station House Quilters and Fibre Artists will be raffled off. Tickets go on sale shortly and the draw will be made at the pie social in October. 12. Historic post cards have been ordered and should arrive soon. RFP is going out to area suppliers for souvenir bags, mugs and key chains. 13. The museum has been approached for possible use of the house as a movie location. Move By: Patty Phelps Seconded By: Mary Lou Sergeant Proposed Resolution # 3 THAT the reports be adopted as circulated. Carried 7. Correspondence- none 8. Other Business 1. Summer students- covered in the curator’s report. 2. Porch repairs- covered in the curator’s report 3. Souvenir orders were covered in curator’s report. 9. Closed Session 10. Next meeting- Thursday June 28, 2018 11. Adjournment Moved by Marianne Sandham Proposed Resolution #4 THAT the museum advisory committee meeting be adjourned at 5:10 pm