200121 Transit MINThe Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg Tillsonburg Transit Advisory Committee January 21, 2020 10:00 a.m. 200 Broadway, Market Room (Formerly Suite 203) MINUTES Present: Sherry Hamilton, Kathryn Leatherland, Councillor Pete Luciani, Lynn Temoin, John Verbakel, Cindy Allen, Carolijn Verbakel Absent With Regrets: Mayor Stephen Molnar Also Present: Alex Piggott, Transit Coordinator Kevin DeLeebeeck, Director of Operations Laura Pickersgill, Legislative Services Coordinator Diana Handsaeme, Multi-Service Centre 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 10:04 a.m. 2. Adoption of Agenda Resolution #1 Moved by: Cindy Allen Seconded by: Lynn Temoin THAT the Agenda as prepared for the Tillsonburg Transit Advisory Committee meeting of January 21, 2020, be adopted, as amended. Carried 3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest declared. 5. General Business & Reports 5.1 Presentation- Multi-Service Centre: Volunteer Transportation Services Diana Handsaeme, Director of Home Support for the Multi-Service Centre, provided a detailed overview of the Multi-Service Centre’s Volunteer Transportation Service. This program is offered to adults, aged 55 and up, or for any adult with physical or cognitive disabilities. Volunteers offer rides in their own vehicles or in the accessible van for non- emergency services. The program provides door to door service to users to access adult day programs, health care appointments, etc. The program is an opportunity for socialization. Drivers note any noticeable client condition decline to Home Support Coordinators. This program is funded by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and user fees from clients. Volunteer drivers are reimbursed for each drive. There is flat rate fee system based on the distance to each location. There were 4625 rides provided to 221 clients in 2019. The Committee discussed how the Inter-Community Pilot Project could leverage TGO service in connection with the Multi-Service Centre Transportation Program to expand the geographical area for pickup of clients. Diana Handsaeme left at 10:35 a.m. 5.2 Monthly Ridership 2016-2019 Ridership increased in December 2019. 5.3 Monthly Ridership Distribution by the Hour Ridership peaked at 11:00 a.m. in December 2019. 5.4 Payment Type by Month Adult riders are more often using the passes rather than cash. 5.5 Riders by Month 5.6 T-GO 2019 December Statistics 5.7 T-GO Annual Ridership Overall, ridership in 2019 increased from previous years. 5.8 T-GO Concern Tracking Sheet Staff are working on getting a response from the service provider in regards to recent issues noted. It was suggested that the current bus drivers need to be aware that a senior is an adult aged 55 and up, rather than 65 and up. 5.9 New Year’s Eve Results Staff are working on getting a response from the service provider in regards to lack of service at the Community Centre during the sponsored extended service on New Year’s Eve. Staff has requested the on-off counts at bus stops from the current service provider and will provide the Committee with a summary when this information is available. It was noted that the bus stop on Simcoe Street and Potters Road is dangerous. Staff will review and address any issues. Staff to provide the transit audit results from the Accessibility Advisory Committee. Staff to invite new service provider to a future meeting to provide an orientation of the new service. Staff to connect with the Multi-Service Centre to have an Occupational Therapist do an assessment on the new bus. 5.10 Meeting of Chairs, Vice-Chairs, Staff Liaisons A summary of the January 15, 2020 meeting of the Chairs, Vice-Chairs and Staff Liaisons was provided. Committee members are encouraged to completed the Tillsonburg Advisory Committee Feedback Survey previously circulated. 6. Next Meeting Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. 7. Adjournment Resolution #2 Moved by: Kathryn Leatherland Seconded by: Pete Luciani THAT the January 21, 2020 Tillsonburg Transit Advisory Committee meeting be adjourned at 11:15 a.m. Carried