200220 Airport MINThe Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg Tillsonburg Airport Advisory Committee Meeting February 20, 2020 5:30 p.m. Tillsonburg Regional Airport Boardroom 244411 Airport Road, South-West Oxford MINUTES Present: David Brandon, Dan Cameron, Jeff Dean, Valerie Durston, Deb Gilvesy, Geoffrey Lee, John Prno, Mark Renaud, Jeremy Stockmans Staff: Kevin Deleebeeck, Dan Locke Absent with Regrets: Euclid Benoit, Jeffrey Miller, Annette Murray 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. Mark Renaud sat as the Chair and John Prno acted as Recording Secretary for the meeting. 2. Adoption of Agenda Resolution #1 Moved by: Geoffrey Lee Seconded by: Jeff Dean THAT the Agenda as prepared for the Airport Advisory Committee meeting of February 20, 2020, be adopted with the addition of item 6.2a Asphalt Mix Report. Carried 3. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof None 4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting 4.1 Minutes of the Meeting of December 11, 2019 Resolution #2 Moved by: Geoffrey Lee Seconded by: Jeremy Stockmans THAT the Minutes of the Tillsonburg Airport Advisory Committee Meeting of December 11, 2019, be approved with the following clarification. Article 6.1 should read: “J. Stockmans has lost confidence in the development process and may need to step back.” Carried 5. Delegations and Presentations None 6. General Business and Reports 6.1 Elections D. Locke explained that the Committee’s Terms of Reference had elected executive positions for a one-year term only, and suggested elections should be held for the remainder of the current term of Council. As E. Benoit was not present at this meeting, the election of the Vice-Chair would take place at the next meeting. J. Prno was asked if he would stand for Secretary and agreed. There were no other candidates for the position. Resolution #3 Moved by: Geoffrey Lee Seconded by: Jeff Dean THAT John Prno be acclaimed Secretary of the Tillsonburg Airport Advisory Committee for the duration of the current Council Term. Carried M. Renaud was asked if he would stand for Chair and agreed. There were no other candidates for the position. Resolution #4 Moved by: Jeff Dean Seconded by: Geoffrey Lee THAT Mark Renaud be acclaimed Chair of the Tillsonburg Airport Advisory Committee for the duration of the current Council Term. Carried 6.2 Three New Hangar Applications D. Locke reported on the hangar developments. Lots 1, 2 and 3 on Taxiway G1 are complete while Lots 4 and 5 have been sold. Lot 7 on the G-3 taxiway is also being proposed for a smaller hangar. This leaves only two hangar sites left for development. Discussion took place about grading and size of the hangar to be built on Lot 7 on Taxiway G3. Let it be reflected in the minutes that the Committee supported in principle the two hangar applications on Taxiway G1 subject to Engineers confirming “as-built” conditions, and to minimize the grade between hangar floors and taxiways as much as possible. Conditions are to be communicated with the tenants. It was also recommended that staff approach the proposed tenant on G3- Lot 7 to maximize the size of the hangar to be built and report back to the committee. Engineering will confirm the recommended size for the site. 6.2a Asphalt Mix Report K. DeLeebeeck reported that all asphalt and granular that was installed in 2019 was within an acceptable range except for a 5 by 10 foot spot on taxiway G3. Engineering will send this section back to the Contractor to be corrected. 6.3 Communication to the Tenants Resolution #5 Moved by: Deb Gilvesy Seconded by: Geoffrey Lee THAT the Tillsonburg Airport Advisory Committee continue to support the circulation of a newsletter to the Tenants. Carried Staff commented that the newsletter is to be reviewed by Staff prior to being sent out. 6.4 Budget Process Update D. Gilvesy updated the Committee on the projects that were approved within the Budget process. Further any ideas for future projects should be brought forward to the Committee for discussion and not wait until the next Budget process. D. Gilvesy spoke about the County of Oxford Budget process having $155,000 in the Budget that was to be for the Tillsonburg Regional Airport. However, through the Budget deliberations, the approved amount was reduced to $30,000 in total. 6.5 Trailer Testing A local company requested to use the runway as they had a need to test a trailer at a certain speed for a specified distance, and the runway would present a safe test environment to do so. This was approved by staff and the company paid a small fee to perform the testing. Staff worked with the company to minimize any disruption to Airport operations. No issues were reported. 6.6 2020 Meeting Schedule Item deferred to the March meeting due to time constraints. 6.7 Southwestern Ontario Draft Transportation Plan K. DeLeebeeck provided a high level overview of the Report and asked that the Committee members review and provide any comments back to him. The link was distributed to Committee members on February 21st. https://www.ontario.ca/page/connecting-southwest-draft-transportation-plan- southwestern-ontario 7. Correspondence None 8. Other Business 8.1 Trees The Committee discussed the need to have the trees at the east end of the runway removed. Staff indicated that this is in the Business Plan for 2020 and will be followed up on. 8.2 Rates and Fees The Rates and Fees By-Law was discussed and the term “Corporate” (which was an addition to the Rates and Fees By-Law as recommended through the HMAero Airport Feasibility Report) should be reviewed and a definition provided, so that this is administered as intended. 8.3 Drive-In Move Night M. Renaud presented the idea of a Drive-In Movie night as part of Turtlefest. The Committee discussed this idea and was in favour of it. 8.4 Information Session D. Cameron tabled the idea of an information session for members of Council from all Oxford County municipalities so that they would see the Tillsonburg Regional Airport and understand the benefit an airport within the County provides for all municipalities. The Committee discussed how the story of the Airport would be presented to best promote the Airport. The Committee was in favour of this proposal. 9. Closed Session None 10. Next Meeting TO BE DETERMINED- POSTPONED 11. Adjournment Resolution #6 Moved by: Valerie Durston Seconded by: Dan Cameron THAT the Airport Advisory Committee meeting of February 20, 2020 be adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Carried