200521 BIA MIN 1 Tillsonburg Business Improvement Area MINUTES - Board Meeting of Thursday, May 21st, 2020 TELECONFERENCE - Time: 10:19 am – 11:55 am 1. CALL TO ORDER: Time: 10:19 am QUORUM: 6/9 Members present: C. Tomico, M. Tedesco, K. Slattery, M. Renaud, D. Rasokas, W. Cameron, D. Gilvesy, M. Van Geer Truyde Members absent: C. Pepper, J. Tilson, A. Hicks, C.Heutinck Guests present: M. Smibert 2. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA: a. moved by: M. Van Geer Truyde seconded by: M. Tedesco “And resolved that the agenda as amended for the BIA Board of Management meeting for Thursday, May 21st, 2020 be adopted”. 3. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF: a. None declared. 4. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES from the board meeting of March 26th, 2020 a. moved by: M. Van Geer Truyde seconded by: M. Tedesco “And resolved that the minutes, as prepared for the OPEN SESSION meeting of March 26th, 2020 be adopted”. a. EVENTS AND MARKETING CO-ORDINATOR’S REPORT: The EMC delivered the monthly report and there were no questions. The EMC fully explained the “My Town, My Downtown messaging”. The Board was supportive of the efforts with social media and the results have continually been improving. The EMC will continue to work on all aspects of social media management including posting and sharing of all member events. 2 5. BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE REPORT & UPDATE: The ED presented an update to the Board including the timing of the on-street placement of the planters and pots. One tree potted last year did not make it through the winter period and there are two other trees that are dying and need to be replaced this season pending budgetary review. The MOU has been approved so the watering and care of the planters and pots is now in the purview of BIA operations. The ED and students will be irrigating the pots and caring for the trees and annuals on a daily basis moving forward. 6. FINANCIAL REPORT: Funds on deposit at CIBC: as at 04/30/2020: $70,876.78 Funds on deposit at FirstOntario: as at 04/30/2020: $66,837.62 Total funds on hand as of 04/30/2020: $137,714.40 Net change from previous month: +$10,285.42 (favourable) Accounts receivable: Town of Tillsonburg – HST rebate from 2019 $11,712 Town of Tillsonburg – damage to BIA assets $1,804.20 Town of Tillsonburg – credit missing from acct $1,797 (RONA confusion) The Board received the financial report and there were no questions. The ED motion for continued fiscal containment is attached for action by the Board of Management. MOTION ON COST REDUCTION AND CONTAINMENT: Moved by: D. Gilvesy and Seconded by: D. Rasokas “And resolved that the Board of Management of the BIA recognizes the severity of the COVID-19 health crisis and directs the BIA staff to reduce all costs; including human resources until further notice. This includes a reduction across the board with the exception of fixed costs such as debenture payments, truck lease & office rent”. “CARRIED” 3 7. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT: a. The BIA staff have been active on a daily basis with communication to the members via various channels. The ED has participated in several ZOOM teleconferences. b. The Lucky Chinese Buffet restaurant is permanently closed as of May 7th, 2020. c. Town/MOU update: The town will be taking a report to council on May 25th, 2020 recommending a 2020-only payment of $26,605 which will provide the revenues necessary to effect the contractual obligations in the downtown area. Update: the MOU was approved unanimously be council. d. The ED has undertaken an extensive re-write of the 2020 budget and financial projection for the year – see attached PDF. This financial forecast has been updated to include an allocation for tax write-offs for 2020 which have normally not been projected or accounted for. We have used an aggressive approach of eliminating most capital and non-discretionary spending for 2020 which will result in a full-year balanced budget. Given the challenging revenue environment; it is not plausible to expect the additional revenues originally planned for. We will continue to apply for funding programs that my offset some of the assumed costs for labour in 2020. e. The student labour will be re-activated to assist with the summer season. There will be a proper PPE plan and protocol in place for all BIA employees. f. The ED has been engaged with our members to provide ambassadorial duties to assist with the application and information regarding available business support programs. To date, there is a general positive attitude and many BIA members are actively working to re-open forthwith pending governmental directives. The Board of Management does not want tables and chairs as well as umbrellas deployed until such a time that the staged opening protocols will allow for same. MOTION: Moved by: D. Gilvesy and Seconded by: D. Rasokas “And resolved that the Board of Management of the BIA adopts/approves the revised 2020 financial forecast & budget with a revised total revenue projection of $212,075 and revised total expense projection of $212,075 resulting in a balanced budget for 2020; without the use of reserves”. “CARRIED” 8. BIA EMERGENCY RELIEF FUNDING PROGRAM: This program remains in place for the time being. There have been 4 original enquiries resulting in 2 successful loan applications being approved for each of the two BIA businesses below: (both cheques were hand delivered) to i. Melodie White of Boss Leaf: $785 and Lindsay Tribble of On Our Way Massage Therapy & Wellness Clinic: $1,130 4 There were no further questions or comments from the board. 9. MOUD with the Town of Tillsonburg: The Board Chair and ED had two tele-conferences to review the MOU suggestions including revisions made in response to the COVID-19 situation. The Town has agreed to our recent revisions. This one-time 2020 MOU, if approved by Town Council on May 25th; would see the town pay the BIA $26,605. These payments would be made to the BIA using the same quarterly schedule for the regular levy amounts due. The ED will be working on a 2021 MOU that will need to be approved by the Board of Management prior to the town’s budget deliberations in the fall of 2020. 10. Façade Improvement Program project update: The ED will continue to receive applications for an FIP interest and will keep the board apprised of said interest. Given the health crisis and reconfigured budget; any FIP expenses for the balance of year will create a deficit and monies will need to be moved from reserves to cover any FIP payments. 11. ROUNDTABLE: open discussion. 12. NEXT MEETING: Thursday, June 18th, 2020 – TIME AND VENUE TBD pending COVID-19. 13. MOTION TO ADJOURN: Time of adjournment: 11:55 am a. moved by: M. Van Geer Truyde b. seconded by: M. Tedesco