920604 Experience Tburg MINEXPERIENCE TILLSONBURG COMMITTEE MINUTES MINUTES of the meeting of the Experience Tillsonburg Committee held June 4th, 1992 at 9:30 A.M. in Council Chambers. PRESENT: A Horvath, J. Armstrong, G. Found, M. Sullivan, w. Kleer, F. Brown, S. Harris, L. Albright, B. Arts 1. Food Fair The food fair is definitely not on. It was suggested that a "cookoff'' for chili be held to tie in with the "Down of the Farm" day. 2. Broadway Closing The recommendation to the B.I.A. is to close Broadway between Washington Grand , and Brock St. Friday night and Saturday to 6:00 P.M. The start time for closing on Friday is yet to be determined depending on setup time required. The idea of using merchant's items for barricades was agreed upon. It was suggested that the 2 hr. parking limit be lifted for Friday night. It was also suggested that permission be asked to put signs on telephone poles the week prior, to advertise events and the street closing. 3. Events Battle of the Bands -Aug. 22 (evening) at Grand- stand. Probably charge admission. Kid's Rides -need to be confirmed for Friday and Sat. -power and space required. Will be left setup overnight? security? •••• 2 Action By L. Albright F. Brown F. Brown F. Brown B. McKay M. Sullivan S. Harris B. Carroll -2- Art Show -F. Brown to send a letter to the list of artists asking them to respond to M. Sullivan. -August 20-22. Face Painting -"Clowns 'R Us" -$35/hr. for 3 clowns to be used Friday and Saturday on the street. Carmel Corn, Taffy -Asked if these items could be sold $200 licence fee + $25.00 Dixieland Jazz Band -A jazz festival is planned for Thursday and Friday afternoons, Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon --dates to be confirmed. To be held at Legion. We would want them Friday evening on the street. Cost $400-$600 Honkytonk Piano -Availability to be checked. $500 for 3-4 hours. Dave Hoy 631-9448. To be used Saturday a.m. Black Bart -It was felt that he would be well worthwhile for Saturday afternoon (12-4) as a draw for kids. Street Dance -time, date, location, etc. to be confirmed. Shriner's Motorcycle Team -to perform Saturday a.m. if possible --needs to be confirmed. 4. Other Ideas a) Tug 'O War between the Fire Dept. and the Police on grassed area at Mall b) Labatt's Hot Air Balloon c) McDonald's Pizza Blimp . . . . 3 F. Brown M. Sullivan F. Brown F. Brown F. Brown F. Brown F. Brown W. Kleer F. Brown M. Sullivan M. Sullivan J. Armstrong -3- 5. Event Schedule -(approximate) -Broadway Fri. evening -Classic Car Show all evening 5-9 -Jazz Band 6:38 9 :S 30 -Cf -Kid's Rides 5-9, all evening -Face Painting, 2 hrs. -~ -Possible street dance 9:00 -? -Tug O' War? Saturday -Classic Car Show all day -Wandering Minstrel 12:00-3 -Honkytonk Piano 10-12 NIP -Face Painting 10-1:00 -Black Bart 12-4:00 -Shriner's Motorcycles 11:00 -Hot Air Balloon? -µ.,, . ...P, c..u.1 ~<..P-s /U) .-<..) 6. Funding It was suggested that $3,000 would be required to cover the special events. All service clubs plus RJR MacDonald and the Tobacco Marketing Board to be approached for $500 each. 7. Date of Next Meeting June 18th, 9:30 A.M., Council Chambers F. Brown