910502 Experience Tburg MINEXPERIENCE TILLSONBURG MINUTES of the Experience Tillsonburg meeting held May 2nd, 1991 in Council Chambers, Town Offices. PRESENT: B. Arts, G. Chamberlain, W. Kleer, B. MacKay, G. Heath, S. Harris, J. Armstrong ORDER OF BUSINESS: Media Report Package presented and additions made. This plus letter from Committee to be presented to advertisers. Publicity for events to be highlighted in both B.I.A. and Chamber newsletters at the end of June. Events list to be developed for next meeting. S. Harris reported that the tent has been ordered. RE: Canvas Tote Bags -Committee did not wish involved financially, but support the concept. Hornsby Canvas approach potential vendors with of Committee. Next Meeting: June 6th, 1991 at 9:30 a.m. to be Suggests endorsement