210303 Cultural, Heritage & Special Awards Committee MinutesThe Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee Meeting March 3, 2021 4:30 p.m. Hybrid Meeting- Electronic and In-Person, 200 Broadway, Council Chambers MINUTES Present: Councillor Esseltine, Mark Dickson, Mayor Molnar, Carrie Lewis, Collette Takacs, Rosemary Dean, Tabitha Verbuyst Staff: Laura Pickersgill, Executive Assistant; Patricia Phelps, Culture & Heritage Manager/Curator Regrets: Terry Fleming 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 4:34 p.m. 2. Adoption of Agenda Resolution #1 Moved by: Councillor Esseltine Seconded by: Carrie Lewis THAT the Agenda as prepared for the Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee meeting of March 3, 2021, be adopted. Carried 3. Adoption of Previous Minutes Resolution #2 Moved by: Mark Dickson Seconded by: Councillor Esseltine THAT the Minutes as prepared for the Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee meeting of February 3, 2021, be adopted. Carried 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest declared. 5. Presentations 6. General Business & Reports 6.1 Heritage Rescinding- 83 Rolph Street The Committee reviewed the background materials provided by staff on examples of other municipalities who have received heritage designation rescinding requests. Resolution #3 Moved by: Carrie Lewis Seconded by: Rosemary Dean THAT the Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee does not support the proposal from the developer of 83 Rolph Street to rescind the heritage designation. Carried 6.2 Tillsonburg 150th Celebration 6.2.1 Service Groups Discussion It was suggested that this Committee collaborate with local service groups to establish ways to work together to plan a successful event for the Tillsonburg 150th celebration. Mark is a member of the Optimist Club and he will follow up with them to see if they have had any initial thoughts on providing opportunities for celebration to recognize Tillsonburg’s 150th Birthday. 6.2.2 Sub-Committee Establishment Laura will follow up with the individuals who indicated on the survey that they would be interested in participating in planning this event. There will be a brain storming session planned for April 22, 2021 with these interested individuals and a later session that day with service club members to develop a list of ideas for this event. Mayor Molnar left at 5:06 p.m. 7. Round Table 8. Next Meeting Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 4:30 p.m. 9. Adjournment Resolution #4 Moved by: Mark Dickson Seconded by: Carrie Lewis THAT the March 3, 2021 Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee meeting be adjourned at 5:18 p.m. Carried