2021-041 Schedule APage I i AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE (the "Agreement " or "APS") B ETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF TILLSONBURG (th e "Vend or") -an d- JOHN PETERS (t he "Purcha se r") WHEREAS th e Vendo r is the owner, in fee simpl e, of th e la nds and premises d escri bed in Schedule "A " (th e "Prop erty"); NOW THEREFORE IN CONSIDERATION o f t he mutual coven a nts a nd pre mi ses in th is Agreem e nt, th e pa rties ag ree as follow s : SECTION I · GENERAL 1. Th e Purc ha ser ag rees to p urchase th e Prope rty and the Vendor agrees to sell th e Pro pe rty according to th e t erm s of thi s Agreem ent. 2. In consid e ra ti on of t he agreem e nt re fe rre d t o in th e p receding paragraph , th e Purch ase r sha ll pay to t he Vendor a Purchase Pri ce ca lc ulated at 8 .91 per square foot. T he est imated a rea of th e P roperty is 678 s quare feet a nd the estim ate d t ota l P urchase P ri ce is Five Thousand , One Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($6, 160). Th e fin a l t ota l Purchase P ri ce shall b e d eterm ined by th e actu al lot area of th e Propert y co nfirmed by on On ta ri o La nd S urve yo r. T he fin al t otal Pu rc hase Pri ce sha ll be adjusted b ased o n th e d eterm ined actu al lot a rea. 3 . Th e Purchase Price sha ll be p aid as fo ll ows: (a) One Thousand Dolla rs ($1,000.0 0) d eposit i s paya bl e by th e Purc hase r by ce rti fied cheque upon Accepta nce o f t his Ag re em ent, to be he ld o n a n inte rest free basis by the So li cit or for th e Ve ndor as a deposit pe nd ing com pl eti o n of thi s t ransacti o n on account of the Purch ase Pri ce o n co mpl eti on, o r if th is Ag reement is no t comple ted t hrough no fa ult of th e Pu rch aser, the deposit shall be returne d to th e P urchase r; a nd (b ) the b al ance of the Purc hase Pri ce, subject to ad ju stme nts, sha ll be pa id to the Ven dor on th e Com p letio n Date , by ce rtifi ed cheq ue or ban k draft . SECTION II • PURCHASE OF PROPERTY 4 . Irrevocable Date (a) (b) T hi s A PS s hall be irrevocable and o p en fo r accept ance b y th e Ve ndor un til 6 :00 p.m . on th e 161h day of April , 2021 ("Accept ance "), a nd when acce pted sh all constit ute a bind i ng cont ract of pu rch ase and sa le, oth erwise th e APS shall be null and void and all deposit mo n ies pa id sha ll be retu rned to the Purchase r wi th out ded uction . Accept ance sh all mea n the date upo n wh ich t he Mayor and C lerk of the Tow n of Till son burg, o r such oth e r persons as th e Ve nd o r may au t ho rize f rom time t o ti me , sig n and execute this APS su b sequent t o t he req uire m ent th at th e Council o f T he Co rp o rati on of th e Town of Till so nbu rg has passed a res oluti o n o r b y-law a uth o ri ~ a nd approvin g th e sa le of th e P ro pe rty to the Purchase r pu rs u ant to t he te rms ft/ifs APS. Buyer's l niti ~ (c) The parties agree and acknowledge that negotiation of this APS is not a valid and binding agreement until accepted by the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg. The Chief Administrative Officer of the Town of Tillsonburg, or his or her designate, shall negotiate the terms of this APS in good faith. However, the negotiation of the terms of this APS by the Chief Administrative Officer of the Town of Tillsonburg , or his or her designate, in no ways binds The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg until such time as this APS is authorized and approved by the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg . 5. Council Approval (a) This transaction is subject to compliance with Section 270 of the Municipal Act, 2001 , S.O. 2001 , c. 25 as amended and the approval of the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg in its sole and absolute discretion by resolution or by -law. 6. Deed/Transfer (a) The Vendor agrees to deed or transfer the Property to the Purchaser subject to the terms of this Agreement. 7. Completion Date (a) The closing of this transaction shall take place on May 20, 2021 , or such other date as mutually agreed upon (the "Completion Date ") at which time possession of the Property in "as is , where is" condition shall be given to the Purchaser other than as provided in this APS. The Vendor acknowledges that it has the right and authority to sell the Property. 8. Documents, Reports and Information (a) The Vendor will produce and deliver to the Purchaser by April 29, 2021 any documents, reports or information in its possess ion in respect to the Property . The Purchaser agrees to return all of the above documentation to the Vendor if this transaction is not completed . SECTION Ill ·CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES 9 . "As Is" Condition (a) The Purchaser acknowledges that it is acquiring the Property in an "as is" condition and that it must satisfy itself by April 29th, 2021 regarding the condition of the Property including, but not limited to , all existing physical conditions of this Property, environmental conditions, fitness for any purpose, suitability for construction, soil bearing capacity for any building proposed, and the availability of municipal services and utilities necessary for the Purchaser's proposed use of the Property. The Purchaser acknowledges that the Vendor shall not be responsible for any physical deficiencies of the Property or for any past, present or future environmental liabilities and hereby waives any claims against the Vendor in respect of any environmental liabilities on the Property. The Purchaser agrees to sign a release and indemnity in favour of th e Vendor on or before closing with respect to matters set out in the preceding sentence. If the Purchaser is for any reason whatsoever dissatisfied with the Property, it shall deliver written notice to that effect to the Vendor by no later than the time specified herein , and this Agreement shall be terminated and the deposit shall be returned to the Purchaser without interest or deduction. If the Vendor is notified that the condition of the Property is not satisfactory, then the Purchaser shall, prior to receiving its deposit monies back and prior to being entitled to a full release from the Vendor with respect to this Agreement, restore the Property to its original condition as it existed prior to such testing or inspection by the Purchaser. at the Purchaser's sole expense. If the Purchaser fails to deliver written notice to the Vendor within the time specified here in regarding this condition, this condition shall be deemed to have been waived by the Purchaser. 10. Other Conditions (a) This APS and completion of this transaction is subject to the condition s set out i Schedules "A" and "B". 11 . Investigation by the Purchaser Buy er's Initi a l~ (a) The Purchaser acknowledges having inspected the Property prior to executing the APS and understands that upon Acceptance by the Vendor, and subject to any conditions herein, there shall be a binding agreement of purchase and sale between the Purchaser and the Vendor. It shall be the Purchaser's responsibility to provide , at its own expense, any soil bearing capacity tests or environmental inspection, as may be required or desired, and the Vendor shall grant the Purchaser access for such testing or inspection at all reasonable times, on reasonable notice , for the purpose of conducting reasonable inspections. 12. Future Use (a) The Vendor and the Purchaser agree that there is no condition, express or implied, representation or warranty of any kind that the future intended use of the Property by the Purchaser is or will be lawful except as may be specifically stipulated elsewhere in this Agreement. 13. Provision of Plans (a) The Purchaser agrees and covenants that prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Purchaser shall provide to the Town of Tillsonburg a plan showing the location of the building(s) and outside storage, the front elevation of the building(s), the exterior building materials, the landscaping treatment and the screening of outside storage. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive closing. 14. Reasonable Assistance (a) The Vendor agrees to provide reasonable assistance and co-operation to the Purchaser in obtaining the necessary approvals for the development of the Property subject to the Purchaser's compliance with all relevant building codes, by-laws, land use controls , any other statutory requirements and payment of the fees provided for i n the Town of Tillsonburg's current fees by-law . 1 a. IJe¥ele13FAeRt C8¥8RaRt6 aRel RestristieRS (a) Tl'le Pre13eFty sl'lall 13e s1:1l3jeet te tl'le ele¥ele!'!FAeRt ee¥eAaAts aRa restrietieAs FAere l'laFtie1:1larly set e1:1t iA Sel'lea1:1le "D" attael'lea te tl'lis APS , wl'liel'I sl'lall s1:1F\1iYe tl'le eeFA!'!letieA ef tl'lis traAsaetieA aRa r1:1R witl:i tl'le Pre13eFly . Tl'le ee¥ele13FAeAt eeveRBAls aR el restristieRs sl'lall 13e re!iJistereel eA title ey tl'le VeR9er. IR tl'le e¥eRt tl'lat tl'le saie seveRaRts aAel restristieRs are Aet re!iJistereel eR title te tl:ie Pre13eFly eR er 13efere slesiR!iJ, tl:ie P1:1rsl'laser se¥eRaRts aRel a!iJrees te seRseAt ta tl:ie re!iJistratieR ef tl'le eeYeAaRts aAa restrielieAs after elesiR!iJ. 16. Property Not for Resale (a) The Purchaser covenants that it is purchasing the Property for the purpose of consolidating the parcel with the Purchaser's adjoining property and not for the purpose of resale of vacant land. SECTION IV-PRIOR TO COMPLETION DATE 17. Purchaser May Inspect the Property (a) The Purchaser, its agents and contractors sha ll be permitted to inspect the Property and any buildings as freq uently as is rea sonably nece ssary between the date of Acceptance and the Completion Date at reasonable times and upon reasonable noti ce to th e Vendor. 18. Insurance (a) Pending clos ing , the Vendor shall ho ld all insurance policies and the proceeds thereof in tru st for the parties as their interest may appear and in the event of damage to the Property. The Purchaser may elect to either receive the proceeds of the insurance and complete the purchase or to ca nce l the APS and have all the deposit monies paid to th e Vendor returned to gether with all interest earned thereon without deduction . SECTION V -COMPLETING THE TRANSACTION Buyer's lnitia ¢ 19. DeedfTransfer (a) The Deed or Transfer of the Property will be prepared by the Vendor at the expense of the Purchaser in a form acceptable to the solicitors for the Purchaser and the Purchaser will pay all Land Transfer Tax, Harmonized Sales Tax and other costs in connection with the registration of it. 20. Electronic Registration (a) The parties agree that the transaction shall be completed by electronic registration pursuant to Part Ill of the Land Registration Reform Act, R.S .O . 1990, c.L.4 as amended. The parties acknowledge and agree that the d e livery and release of documen ts may, at the disc retion of the lawyer: a) not occur contemporaneously with the registration of the transfer/deed and other registrable documentation , and b) be subject to conditions whereby the lawyer receiving documents and/or money will be required to hold them in trust and not release them except in accordance with the terms of a written agreement between the lawyers entered into in the form of the Document Reg istration Agreement adopted by the Joint LSUC-OBOA Committee on Elective Registration of Title Documents. 21. Survey or Reference Plan (a) The parties acknowledge that a survey, at the Purchaser's expense , is required and a Reference Plan may be registe red on title and may be used to provide a registrable description of the Property and any easements. 22. Letters and Reports from Officials of the Vendor (a) On or before the requisition date, the Vendor agrees to provide to the Purchaser, if requested , at the Vendor's expense , letters or reports from the Building and Zoning Department of the Town of Tillsonburg and the Fire Chief of the Town of Tillsonburg regarding the status of compliance with all codes , by-laws, rules and regulations with respect to the Property and any buildings lo ca ted th ereon. 23. Examination of Title (a) Title to th e Property shall be good and marketable and free from all encumbrances except for any service easements or rights-of-way to be reserved in favour of th e Vendor and for any easements or rights-of-way regis tered on title and any minor encroachments shown on the survey or Reference Plan delivered to th e Purchaser. Any req uired easement shall be in the form set out in Schedule "C". (b) The Purchaser i s allowed until May 13th, 2021 to examine the title to the Property . If on or before this date the Purchaser furni she s the Vendor in writing with any valid objections: to the title ; to any undi sc lo sed outstanding work orders; to undi sc losed non- co mplian ce with the municipal by-laws or covenants and restri ctions which run with the land and ca nnot be resolved before the Completion Date ; as to any objection of which th e Vendor s hall be unable to remedy or correct by th e Completion Date and which th e Purchaser will not waive, then this APS shall , notwithst anding any interm ediate acts or negotiat ion s, be terminated and th e deposit shall be returned to the Purchaser without deduction and the Vendor and the Purchaser sha ll not be liabl e for any cost s, damages, compe nsati on or expenses. 24. Vendor to Discharge a ll Encumbrances (a) The Vendor agrees to obtain and reg iste r at its own expe nse, on or before th e Completion Date , a discharge of all li ens, encumbrances, agreements and mortgag es now regi stered against the Property and not assumed by the Purcha se r. T he Vendor further covenants and agrees to discharge , on or before the Completion Date, any and a ll lie ns, chattel mortgages, ass ignm ents or any other security intere st given by the Vendor against its personal Property. 25. Adjustments (a) The Vendor agrees that all deposits, if any , held by th e Vendor not including interest th ereon shall be credited to th e Purchaser in the Statement of Adjustments prepared for the Completion Date . (b) Any rents, mortgage, inte rest , taxes, l oca l improvemen ts , water and assessment rajeO shall be apportioned and a llowed to th e Completion Date, th e day itse o~ _ ~JJ¢ned to th e Purchaser. Buy e r's In iti a l ~ 26. Deliveries by the Vendor To The Purchaser on Closing (a) The Vendor covenants and agrees to deliver to th e Purchaser on the Completion Date , all such deliveries to be a condition of the Purchaser's obligation to close this tran saction , the following: (i) a deed/transfer of the Property ; (ii) any survey or reference plan of the Property i n the possess ion of the Vendor; (iii) a Statutory Declaration by an authorized officer of the Vendor stating that accurateness and truthfulness of all of th e representations and warranties; (iv) a Statutory Declaration by an authorized officer of the Vendor as to possession of the Property i n a form acceptable to the soli ci tors for th e Purchaser; (v) a Statutory Declaration by an authorized officer of the Vendor that it is not now, and upon completion will not be , a "non-residen t perso n" within the meaning and for the purpose of Section 116 of the Income Tax Act, R.S .C., 1985, c . 1 (5th Supp.) as amended ; (vi) certified copies of all appropriate certificates, by-laws and other docume nts of Vendor authorizing the transaction herein ; and (vii) such further do cumentation and assurances as the Purc haser may reasonabl y require to complete the transaction contemplated by th e APS. 27. Harmonized Sales Tax (a) The parties hereto acknowledge and agree that the transaction contemplated herein is subject to the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) und er the Excise Tax Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. E-15 (th e "Act ") and that the Purchase Pr ice does not include HST. The Vendor shall p rovi de the Purch ase r with its HST Bu si ness Number. The Purchaser shall pay t o the Vendor a ny HST imposed under the Act payable in co nne ct io n with the tran sfer of the Prop erty t o the Purchaser, or as it may direct, unless the Purchase r o r its nominee, or its assignee, provid es : (i) a certi ficate on or before the Comp letion Date co ntaining a represe ntation and warranty to th e Vendor th at: (1) it is regis tered for the purpose of the HST o n th e Completion Date and specifying th e HST reg istration numbe r; (2) it will self-assess the HST on its GST/HST return or file th e prescri bed fo rm pursuant t o sub secti on 228(4) of th e Act in co nn ection with th e purchase of th e Property ; (3) the Property transferred pursuant to thi s APS is being purchased by the Purchase r, or its nominee or assignee , as principal for it s own acco unt and i s not being purchased by the Purchaser as agen t , tru ste e o r o th erw ise on behalf o f o r for ano th er person, and does not co nstitute a supply of residential co mplex made to an individual for th e purpose of paragraph 221 (2)(b) of th e Act; (4) an indemnity , indemnify in g and saving harml ess the Vendor fr om any HST payable on this transacti on and pena lty and interest relating to HST; and (5) a notarial tru e copy of its HST reg ist ra tion confirmation. SECTION VI -MISCELLANEOUS 28 . Entire Agreement Se ll e r's In itials I (a) There is no representation , warranty , collateral agreement or condition affecting this Agreement of the Property other than expressed herein. 29. Tender (a) Any tender of docume nts or moneys hereunder may be made upon the solicitor acting for th e party upon whom tend er is desired, and it shall be sufficient that a negotiable, certified cheque or bank draft may be tendered in ste ad of cash. 30. Time of Essence (a) Time shall be of th e essence of this Agre ement. 31 . Planning Act (a) This Agreement shall be effective only if the provisions of Section 50 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 , c.P.13, as amended are complied with. 32. Notices (a) All notices in this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been gi ve n if delivered by hand or mailed by ordinary mail, postage prepa id , addressed to the solicitor for the person to whom such notice i s intended to be given at the following addressed: Solicitors for the Vendor: Duncan , Linton LLP ATTENTION: Patrick J. Kraemer 45 Erb Street West Waterloo , ON N2J 4B5 Fax: (519) 886-865 1 w ith a copy delivered to : The Corporat ion of th e T own of Till sonburg ATTENTION: Deve lo pment Commiss ioner 204-200 Broadway Till sonburg, ON N4G 5A7 Fax : 519-842-9431 Solicitors for the Purchaser: DENNIS ORORJAN Barrister & Solicitor ATTENTION: Denni s Odorjan 37 Harvey Street Till so nburg , ON N4G 3 J7 Fax : (519) 842-6091 If ma i led , such notices must al so be g ive n by facsimile transmission on the date it was so mailed. If so g iven , such notices shall be deemed to have been received on the first bu si ness day following the date it was delivered or marked mailed out. 33. Successo rs and Ass ign s (a) The Purchaser shall be permitted to assign a ll of its ri ght, title and interest in and to thi s AP S with th e Vendor's written approva l. which shall not be unreasonably withheld . inclu ding assig nmen t to an oth er co rp oratio n with the same sharehold ers as the Purc haser. Subj ect to the restri cti ons in the preceding se ntence , th e Vendor agrees to engross th e Tra nsfer/D ee d of Land as directed by th e Purchase o n th e comple ti on Date as the Purchaser may e lect , a nd th e Vendor agrees to complete the transacti on contemp l ated by thi s APS on the Completion Date with such assignee o r nominee. The Purchaser i s released from a ll li a bility here under, if it assigns its interest in this APS . Thi s Agreement shall be binding upon th e partie s hereto and th e i r respective successors a nd assigns. 34. Schedules (a) -~?wing Schedules sha ll fo rm an integral part of thi s Agreement: Buyer 's Initi a l~ Sell er's l n iti al,,.s._,_ _ _, (i) Schedule "A " Description of the Property ; (ii) Schedule "B" Conditions ; 35. Acceptance by Fax or Email (a) The Purchaser and Vendor acknowledge and agree that the commun ication of this Agreement of Purchase and Sale may be transmitted by way of facsimile or electronic mail , and that they agree to accept such signatures and documents to be legal and binding upon them . 36 . Counterparts (a) This Agreement may be signed in any number of counterparts , each of which is considered to be an original, and all of which are considered to be the same documents. 37. Severability (a) If any provision of this Agreement , or the application thereof to any circumstances , shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable, then the remain i ng provisions of th is Agreement, or the application thereof to other circumstances , shall not be affected, and shall be valid and enforceable . IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Purchaser has executed this Agreement: Dated at \\\\').)(\\,,,"'.:) , Ontario this ~ \ day of ffivre,~ '2020. Title: Name: Title: I/We have authority to bind the Corporation. The Vendor hereby accepts this Agreement according to its terms. Dated at Tillsonburg, Ontario this :,S I day of fVl g rG h , 2021. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Vendor has executed thi s Agreement: tZfeoMoloa< ~ Clerk We have authority to bind The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg . Se ll e r's In itial s SCHEDULE "A" -LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY ALL A ND S IN G ULAR that certa in parcel or tract of l and and premises situated, lying and being in the Town o f Tillsonburg in the County of Oxford , being comprom ised of a portion of Block 88, Pl an 4 1 M- 139, and to be described by a new reference plan : N78" 51"50"'E 15~. ao <.; 148.0Z 5.18 ,'IJ TRILLIUM ,f(> DRIVE N 79•37'5 o•E ~ ,~ ~148.02 27.52 27.50 27.50 27.50 t 35.00 a 3: '3 J z: J • •o o ~ '!? R 'o 0 S? 0 .-,.. .0 9 .-" 10 ·N"; I I N ' 12 lj N • N IO "' N <O Nlot !. ... "' BLOC • '!."' !. ..i {t> = z z z z ,.. HT&•37'5(f[ ~ 110.02 0 IO 0 87 ~ Z7.!IO 27.50 ~ n5o 86 "l'I' "l N' IO L: 17.0Z 23.Z!I ,~ 25.25 ,~ 23.25 2a.25f J p..<D ,.. ,lb '2 p.. - • 5.24 .'3 • ~ , 'Q ·u -... ·~ 0 '!? 0 5! 0 -~ 0 N N ~ N Cl! . co • II) N~ !. '° 17 16 "' . 15 N • ... N IO N IO N l() 14 N Ill 13 i !, .... . .., !. ... !. .. i 0: i z r--. 3.00 22.29 23.25 23.25 U.25 23.2!! 35.00 in., •11; --+-d o. N711°37°~0"F .0. .0. .~ 1'\l.M -z: SCHEDULE "B" -PURCHASER CONDITIONS 1. The transaction of purchase and sale contemplated herein shall be subject to the fulfillment of the following terms and conditions on or before , which terms and conditions are for the exclusive benefit of the Purchaser and may be waived in whole or in part by the Purchaser. If the conditions are not fulfilled or waived then the deposit shall be returned and Agreement arising from the offer shall be at an end and all parties released from their obligations : (a) Buye r's lnitialK Se ll e r's Initia ls