210303 Cultural, Heritage & Special Awards Committee AgendaThe Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee Meeting March 3, 2021 4:30 p.m. Hybrid Meeting- Electronic and In -Person, 200 Broadway, Council Chambers AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Adoption of Agenda Proposed Resolution #1 Moved by: Seconded by: THAT the Agenda as prepared for the Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee meeting of March 3, 2021, be adopted. 3. Adoption of Previous Minutes Proposed Resolution #2 Moved by: Seconded by: THAT the Minutes as prepared for the Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory C ommittee meeting of February 3, 2021, be adopted. 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 5. Presentations 6. General Business & Reports 6.1 Heritage Rescinding- 83 Rolph Street Proposed Resolution #3 Moved by: Seconded by: THAT the Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee supports/does not support the propos al from the developer of 83 Rolph Street to rescind the heritage designation. 6.2 Tillsonburg 150th Celebration 6.2.1 Service Groups Discussion 6.2.2 Sub-Committee Establishment 7. Round Table 8. Next Meeting 9. Adjournment Proposed Resolution #4 Moved by: Seconded by: THAT the March 3, 2021 Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee meeting be adjourned at _____ p.m. The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee Meeting February 3, 2021 4:30 p.m. Electronic Meeting MINUTES Present: Collette Takacs, Councillor Penny Esseltine, Tabitha Verbuyst, Carrie Lewis, Rosemary Dean, Mark Dickson Staff: Laura Pickersgill, Executive Assistant; Patty Phelps, Culture & Heritage Manager/Curator Guest: Andrew Teeple, Athon Construction & Development Corp. Regrets: Terry Fleming 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 4:33 p.m. 2. Adoption of Agenda Resolution #1 Moved by: Penny Esseltine Seconded by: Tabitha Verbuyst THAT the Agenda as prepared for the Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee meeting of February 3, 2021, be adopted. Carried 3. Adoption of Previous Minutes Resolution #2 Moved by: Mark Dickson Seconded by: Rosemary Dean THAT the Minutes as prepared for the Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory C ommittee meeting of November 4, 2020, be adopted. Carried 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest declared. 5. Presentations 5.1 Heritage Rescinding- 83 Rolph Street Presented by: Andrew Teeple, Athon Construction & Development Corp. Andrew Teeple, representative of Athon Construction and Development Corporation, provided an overview of the company’s proposed alternate method of protecting 83 Rolph Street. It was noted that this company is the owner of the 83 Rolph Street property and has had a very difficult time obtaining insurance on the property. Fortunately, the company was able to find one company to insure the property however , the rate is approximately at 300% the normal rate due to the fact that the property has a heritage designation on it, therefore the owner is proposing an alternate method of protecting the heritage designated elements while being able to remove the official designation. The owner is proposing that the heritage designation be removed and that they would sign an irrevocable document that outlines that the façade and other heritage elements must be maintained to a heritage designation standard that is acceptable by the Town’s standards as well. The owner would also provide a $10,000 security deposit to the Town in case there was an issue that did need rectifying that was not up to the agreed standards. The owner suggested that the Town could reinstate the heritage designation whenever they wanted if deemed required. Opportunity was provided for members to ask questions about the proposal. Laura will connect with municipal partners, such as AMO and the Provincial government to determine which other municipalities are experiencing requests such as these and how they are handling these requests. 6. General Business & Reports 6.1 Tillsonburg 150th Celebration Members were informed of Council’s dec ision to move the left over 2020 Cultural Grant funding in the amount of $6,000 over to reserves to be set aside for this project. At the next meeting, members will review the list of ideas for the celebration as a result of the community survey and select ideas that could be done virtually versus in-person depending on the state of the pandemic next year. It was suggested that a subcom mittee will need to be established to plan this event. The Committee agreed that this event will take place in the fall of 2022. Mark left the meeting at 5:30 p.m. 6.2 2020 Citizen of the Year Debrief The members felt that the 2020 Citizen of the Year event was a great success, especially given the circumstances of the COVID -19 pandemic. 6.3 2021 Citizen of the Year It was suggested that this year’s Citizen of the Year be celebrated in the fall. 7. Round Table 8. Next Meeting March 3, 2021 at 4:30 p.m. 9. Adjournment Resolution #3 Moved by: Carrie Lewis Seconded by: Tabitha Verbuyst THAT the February 3, 2021 Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee meeting be adjourned at 5:34 p.m. Carried Would you attend/participate in an event celebrating the Town’s 150th Birthday? If yes, would you prefer to see:Would you prefer to see: What kinds of events or ideas do you have that you would like to see celebrated by the Town of Tillsonburg? Response Response Response Open-Ended Response No nothing Yes In-person celebrations smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Yes In-person celebrations a one-time celebration Events for children I.e. face painting Yes A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year not sure Maybe In-person celebrations a one-time celebration None Maybe A mixture of both a one-time celebration A parade; a street carnival on Broadway. Yes In-person celebrations a one-time celebration I believe the celebration should be combined with turtle fest to make one huge town party for a weekend. Pool resources and benefit from Turtle fest's organization and experience. Maybe A mixture of both a one-time celebration Maybe In-person celebrations a one-time celebration parade, museum exhibit Maybe A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year something that values the history and the ordinary day to to day people of the townof the town Yes In-person celebrations a one-time celebration Have a event like turtle fest but not turtle fest Yes In-person celebrations a one-time celebration fireworks Yes A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Historical, community building, family friendly, future goal oriented - eg: solving the need for housing the homeless by doing something together. Yes A mixture of both a one-time celebration Live, local music, arts and craft displays Yes In-person celebrations a one-time celebration Yes A mixture of both a one-time celebration Town festival Maybe Virtual celebrations a one-time celebration Parade Yes A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year A non profit celebration for everyone. Maybe A mixture of both a one-time celebration Fireworks display, musical concert Yes A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year parade Yes A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Music concerts No a one-time celebration Yes A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Live music Yes In-person celebrations smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Yes A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Yes In-person celebrations a one-time celebration Concert Maybe A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Yes In-person celebrations smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Anything dealing with its history. Yes A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Maybe A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Bouncy houses for kids, concerts for adults Maybe smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Maybe In-person celebrations a one-time celebration Maybe In-person celebrations a one-time celebration Family events, fireworks Maybe A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Maybe A mixture of both a one-time celebration Yes A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Maybe A mixture of both a one-time celebration a large outdoor party with roaming entertainers (jugglers, etc), free hotdogs, beverages and cake, music (middle of the road stuff for all ages) Yes A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Maybe A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year acknowledge the social clubs - Kinsmen and Lions, Kinettes etc and those leaders who have contributed without financial reward to making the town a community Yes A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Same type of ideas as done for Canada Day in town Yes In-person celebrations a one-time celebration a parade followed by a dance with several draw prizes. Yes In-person celebrations a one-time celebration Maybe a parade and/ or multiple local site celebrations/events geared to all different ages and interests over a day or weekend. Utilizing our great town features such as the museum, station arts, rec centre, outdoor Iceland etc. Maybe winter carnival themed Yes In-person celebrations a one-time celebration Live music Maybe A mixture of both some relating to the historical events for the past 150 years maybe a reenactment of those events - Theatre Tillsonburg could be a part of that along with the Museum and Station Arts - it could be a production like they have in Nova Scotia - a Tatoo - a collection of performers that celebrate an event or the past. At Rolph Street for its 75th birthday we decorated the school so that it depicted its past and some of Tillsonburg's past and teachers and admin dressed up from the past, displays were done and speeches were given and a huge cake was shared by everyone with photos, write ups etc. It was a success and fun to do as a teacher there. I am sure other schools have had celebrations too so there are lots of ideas out there - people from the past who were vital in Tillsonburg's history and development right up to now and what is taking place - growing developing town that is vital with people who care. Yes In-person celebrations a one-time celebration Fun and / or informative Yes A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year I would like to see a special citizen nominated for an award; e.g. Paul DeCloet for donating and planting thousands of trees in Tillsonburg for future generations to enjoy No Yes A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Yes A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Some interest stories ie the wooden bridge on Broadway, famous visitors, landmarks no longer Yes In-person celebrations a one-time celebration Yes In-person celebrations smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Festivals, music, food etc Yes A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year An "amazing race" style competition to historical sites around town with various challenges/puzzles. Yes In-person celebrations smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year I need time to think about this. Yes A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Recognition of Personal Achievements, Historic Building Dedications/Celebrations, Long Term Business Recognition Yes In-person celebrations smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year any type of family/kid friendly activities Maybe In-person celebrations a one-time celebration live music Yes A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Yes In-person celebrations smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year A history of Tillsonburg's founding. Industries through that history that employed Tillsonburg residents. Include high school reunions for both Annandale and Glendale. Yes A mixture of both a one-time celebration the many historical facts that made Tillsonburg Maybe A mixture of both a one-time celebration Yes In-person celebrations a one-time celebration Yes In-person celebrations a one-time celebration live music of all genres Yes A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year The Victorian Ball for Tillsonburg's 125 was a great success Yes In-person celebrations a one-time celebration Yes A mixture of both a one-time celebration Yes In-person celebrations a one-time celebration Same as Canada Day Yes In-person celebrations a one-time celebration Tour of the town! Yes In-person celebrations smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Small events all year culminating in a large catered meal and dance with costumes from the era Tillsonburg was incorporated. A costume ball Yes In-person celebrations smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Outdoor live music, beer tent, etc. Yes A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Yes A mixture of both a one-time celebration Broadway closed and a one dsy street fsi! If not too complex some false store fronts depicting what was there in another time frame 50, 60, or 70s. Yes In-person celebrations a one-time celebration Maybe A mixture of both a one-time celebration Cake at the clock tower Yes A mixture of both a one-time celebration Parade, fireworks, kids games, fair set up downtown Yes A mixture of both a one-time celebration Yes A mixture of both a one-time celebration fireworks Maybe In-person celebrations a one-time celebration ??? Yes A mixture of both a one-time celebration Concerts, street party on broadway, highlights of Annandale house and station arts Centre. Maybe A mixture of both a one-time celebration Not sure Maybe In-person celebrations a one-time celebration A block party / concert, like turtle fest Yes A mixture of both a one-time celebration Do t k ow Yes Virtual celebrations smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Yes A mixture of both a one-time celebration Yes Virtual celebrations smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year A late evening big parade with bands floats historical vehicles lots of costume walker. End with a show of town spirit music and fire works Yes A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Yes In-person celebrations smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year street party - Broadway or Annandale House Yes In-person celebrations a one-time celebration Concert, pub night Yes In-person celebrations a one-time celebration Maybe A mixture of both a one-time celebration Fireworks Yes A mixture of both a one-time celebration Winter events, bon fire, fireworks Yes In-person celebrations a one-time celebration Street carnival on Broadway. Maybe A mixture of both a one-time celebration Something historical. Old car parade/show, people in time period clothing, tea, lemonade on the museum lawn, time period music in the parade and downtown, strawberry social at Rolph St apartments, antique car and fireworks at the grandstand, time period band at the bandshell, horse and buggy rides downtown, baseball game between firemen and OPP, block party for families downtown in the evening, town crier appearances, wife carrying competition, tug of war, Harvard flyovers, antique train shuttle rides, tractor pull, Yes A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year local charities & service groups highlighting their history. Also, huge picnic & music festival. Special rates to the museum with special 150th historical displays. Maybe A mixture of both a one-time celebration Yes A mixture of both a one-time celebration Maybe In-person celebrations smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Tillsonburg is a great community. We live in a beautiful part of Ontario, just proud to call Tillsonburg my hometown since 1972 Yes In-person celebrations a one-time celebration Memorabilia items......Annandale house as focal point, 1872 Dressup completion, all litter free Maybe A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Old car parade Maybe A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Guided historical tours. Interviews with older citizens. Yes A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Festivals, special events (things we dint normally have like horse shows, dog events and so on - back to our agricultural roots), road hockey/softball/baseball tournaments (invite teams in), classic car show.. Maybe A mixture of both a one-time celebration Yes In-person celebrations a one-time celebration No a one-time celebration None Yes In-person celebrations a one-time celebration Fireworks, Yes In-person celebrations a one-time celebration Same as turlefest but larger Yes In-person celebrations a one-time celebration Parade, sidewalk sales, market with local vendors, local history booths Maybe A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year ? Yes In-person celebrations a one-time celebration Hopefully, the Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario and the Premier have already been booked to attend a formal ceremony commemorating Tillsonburg’s 150th. The Committee should review the excellent celebration the Town had for Tillsonburg’s 100th. Clearly, that Committee consisted of proud and dedicated citizens who fully through themselves into a milestone to be remembered. Yes A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Turtle Fest, Annual Fair and Canada Events to each add it to there theme and events Maybe In-person celebrations smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Yes A mixture of both smaller incorporations of celebration throughout the year Parade, town cook out, dance, No Virtual celebrations a one-time celebration Some sort of dedication in recognition of the 150th - for example a complete redo of Library Lane to mark this occasion - would rather spend money putting it towards something that the town will enjoy for years to come Yes In-person celebrations a one-time celebration parade, fireworks, food trucks and amusement rides Are there any other thoughts or considerations that you have that you would like to share. If so, please list them here: Would you be interested in volunteering at an event? If yes, please provide us with your name, email address, and phone number. Open-Ended Response Open-Ended Response I don't want any events that use tax payer dollars no not sure no no Scott Vitias svitias@bell.net 519 319 7240 Please stop playing music by 10 pm. No no if time allows. Rhiannon Arlow, rpearlow@gmail.com, 226-931-6164 something that remembers the stores that were in the town or the summers where the tobacco workers used to come in, Tillsonburgers at the fair, not just remembering the same people over and over. Do something that involves the community in contributing back to the community - planting trees or flowers, beautifying areas. Partner with the library or museum to create story walks - local history, local myths, local authors. Merley Wheaton, mwheaton@ocl.net, 519 274 1365 No Louise Ross louross4@gmail.com 519-688-2627 Free admission Tours Jean klingenberg gtklingeberg@outlook .com 519842 6341 Flowers throughout the town that are old fashion colourful. ??? have any and all events throughout the year have theme No Big BBQ No Food wagons, magicians and clowns would be great No Maurice Francis lonewind@execulink.com acknowledgement of the old library and town hall that were removed acknowledgements icl. Livingston Basketball team Utilize town service clubs, associations (chamber, BIA) and local businesses to offset cost and to host the different events...similar to turtlefest or Canada day celebrations Yes, Lindsay Tribble, onourway01@gmail.com 5195500864 Free for all with the virus still out there even into next year, it will be a problem for group activity so the first concern has to be the safety of the citizens esp if a vaccine is not ready. I am not sure about that at this time - immediate family have health issues that I deal with daily so I cannot say at this time no no Dianne Hodges findley@amtelecom.net519-709-5777 A multicultural recognition of our residents No Sporting events and teams could wear a 150 patch\emblem on shirts None. Roxanne MacMillan, roxannemacmillan@gmail.com, 519-802- 6950 Same as above.Same as above. Try to promote Tillsonburg as more than a retirement community no Cheryl Fentie, Cherylfentie@gmail.com, 416-895-9616 the friendliness that made this small town carpentr1@outlook.com , Tom Alderson, 11 Fairs Cres., 289-796-3579 Perhaps a You Tube video of “the way we were” Interested in attending but volunteering as there is some travel involved to make this happen. Not now No No do not know no Ok Rick Strouth rstrouth@hotmail.com 519 688-6131 themed events by 25 year intervals No No No Food trucks, skating path Maybe pins, hats, tshirts for all to buy to wear throughout the year. yes, kdevolin@rogers.com Karen Devolin, 519-842-6267 Not at this time. It perhaps with more info No Maybe Generational groups. Famous Tillsonburgers. Tillsonburgers who live around the globe.Sorry live too far away. Something special. Don't just dust off the turtle fest handbook or the fair one. Make it a special event (or series of) Stop spending on useless celebrations for few people No No Really enjoy the friday of turtlefest with all the activities on Broadway. No Please make the citizens of Tillsonburg proud of our town and our heritage. Yes. Joan Weston, tazmeg@bell.net, 519-842-2091 Store Window displays to celebrate event Rosemary Dean 519-550-0748. Email: Rosemary.dean.9@gmail.com Absolutely kim Sage 5193176931 kimskozykitchen@gmail.com 335 tillson ave Answered in previous question - so a project and have the opening or dedication on incorporation date organize it for early summer before most people take their family vacations unable at this time