210609 Cultural, Heritage & Special Awards Committee AgendaThe Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee Meeting June 9, 2021 4:00 p.m . Electronic Meeting AGENDA 1.Call to Order 2.Re-Introduction of Executive Assistant- Lisa Jibson 3.Adoption of Agenda Propos ed Resolution #1 Moved by: Seconded by: THAT the Agenda as prepared for the Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee meeting of June 9, 2021, be adopted. 4.Adoption of Previous Minutes Propos ed Resolution #2 Moved by: Seconded by: THAT the Minutes as prepared for the Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee meeting of May 5, 2021, be adopted. 5.Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 6.Presentations 7.General Business & Reports 6.1 Tillsonburg 150 Subcommittee Nominations + Staff Update Propos ed Resolution #3 THAT the Tillsonburg 150 Planning Ad-Hoc Committee be compos ed of the following existing Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Committee Members: [INSERT NAMES]. 6.2 Citizen of the Year- 2021- Updated from Staff on Advertisement/Deadlines 6.3 Municipal Register of Heritage Designated Properties- Penny Esseltine 8.Round Table 9.Next Meeting July 7, 2021 10. Adjournment Propos ed Resolution #4 Moved by: Seconded by: THAT the June 9, 2021 Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee meeting be adjourned at _____ p.m. The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee Meeting May 5 , 2021 7:00 p.m. Electronic Meeting MINUTES Present: Rosemary Dean, Collette Takacs, Tabitha Verbuyst, Councillor Penny Esseltine Staff: Laura Pickersgill, Executive Assistant Regrets: Mark Dickson, Carrie Lewis, Terry Fleming, Patricia Phelps, Curator/Manager of Culture & Heritage 1.Call to Order The meeting was called to order 7:03 p.m. 2.Adoption of Agenda Resolution #1 Moved by: Rosemary Dean Seconded by: Tabitha Verbuyst THAT the Agenda as prepared for the Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee meeting of May 5, 2021, be adopted. Carried 3.Adoption of Previous Minutes Resolution #2 Moved by: Tabitha Verbuyst Seconded by: Councillor Esseltine THAT the Minutes as prepared for the Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory C ommittee meeting of April 7, 2021, be adopted. Carried 4.Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest declared. 5.Closed Session Resolution #3 Moved by: Tabitha Verbuyst Seconded by: Rosemary Dean THAT the Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee move into the closed session to consider personal matters about an identifiable individual (Volunteer Recognition Program) Carried The following resolution was passed in open session in response to the closed session discussion: Resolution #4 Moved by: Tabitha Verbuyst Seconded by: Councillor Esseltine THAT the Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Committee nominates Jennifer Farkas to be recognized under the Volunteer Recognition Program; AND THAT this individual be recognized for their contributions at an upcoming Council meeting. Carried 6. Presentations 7. General Business & Reports 6.1 Tillsonburg 150 Brainstorming Survey Results Laura provided an overview of the survey results and members discussed the results . 6.2 Tillsonburg 150 Subcommittee Development Collette and Rosemary are interested in participating as members of the Tillsonburg 150 Subcommittee if formally established by Council. Laura will draft a report and Terms of Reference to Council to officially establish the Tills onburg 150 Subcommittee. It was suggested that the recommendation include Committee composition of three members of the Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Committee, one Council representative, three members of the public and one representative from the Historical Society. It was suggested that the staff liaisons include the Executive Assistant and the Manager of Culture & Heritage. Resolution #5 Moved by: Tabitha Verbuyst Seconded by: Rosemary Dean THAT the Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee recommends to Council the establishment of a Tillsonburg 150 Planning Ad-Hoc Committee. Carried 8. Round Table Members discussed the pending heritage designation by-law repeal process on the former Rolph Street School property. It was noted that May 21, 2021 is the deadline for members of the public to provide any notice of objection to the Office of the Clerk. 9. Next Meeting June 2, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. 10. Adjournment Resolution #6 Moved by: Councillor Esseltine Seconded by: Tabitha Verbuyst THAT the May 5 , 2021 Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee meeting be adjourned at 7:53 p.m. Carried Page 1 of 3 Subject: Establishment of Subcommittee : Tillsonburg 150 Subcommittee Report Number: CAO 21 -07 Department: CAO’s Office Submitted by: Laura Pickersgill, Executive Assistant Meeting Type: Council Meeting Meeting Date: Monday, June 14, 2021 RECOMMENDATION THAT Council receive Report CAO 21-07 Establishment of Subcommittee: Tillsonburg 150 Subcommittee; AND THAT staff be directed to proceed with establishing the Tillsonburg 150 Subcommittee; AND FURTHER THAT Council approves the attached Terms of Reference. BACKGROUND In the year 2022, the Town of Tillsonburg will be celebrating its 150th birthday! On February 23, 1872, the Province of Ontario held the third and final reading of the Bill to incorporate the Town of Tillsonburg. The Bill passed and Royal Assent was given by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario on March 2, 1872 thus establishing the Incorporated Town of Tillsonburg. This incorporation allowed for the election of Tillsonburg’s first Mayor and Council. The first Council Meeting was held on March 22, 1872. In recognition of this historical and significant event, the Culture, Heritage & Special Awards Advisory Committee thought that there may be community interest in recognizing Tillsonburg’s 150th birthday. A survey was available to the public that generated 113 responses. The survey expressed a desire of 67% of respondents that would be interested in attending an event(s) celebrating the Town’s 150th Birthday. DISCUSSION To move forward with planning such a celebration, the Culture, Heritage, and Special Awards Committee is recommending to Council the establishment of a Tillsonburg 150 Planning Subcommittee. CAO 21-07 Page 2 of 3 The following resolution was passed at their May 19, 2021 Com mittee Meeting: Moved by: Tabitha Verbuyst Seconded by: Rosemary Dean THAT the Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Advisory Committee recommends to Council the establishment of a Tillsonburg 150 Planning Ad-Hoc Committee. Carried Attached to this report are the draft Terms of Reference for the proposed Committee. The Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Committee held a brainstorming session with members of local community groups and organizations to discuss potential ideas to be held as part of the c elebration. A comprehensive list has been established. This list would be provided to the subcommittee as a starting point for planning the event. This subcommittee would be reporting to the Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Committee which in turn will report to Council on their behalf. CONSULTATION Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Committee Local Community Groups FINANCIAL IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE Council passed a resolution at their January 11, 2021 meeting to transfer the unspent $6,000 Cultural Grants Funding (2020) to the Recreation, Culture and Parks reserve to be set aside for this potential event. Funding opportunities would be investigated to form part of the budget to finance the event(s). COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN (CSP) LINKAGE 1. Excellence in Local Government ☒ Demonstrate strong leadership in Town initiatives ☒ Streamline communication and effectively collaborate within local government ☒ Demonstrate accountability 2. Economic Sustainability ☐ Support new and existing businesses and provide a variety of employment opportunities ☐ Provide diverse retail services in the downtown core ☐ Provide appropriate education and training opportunities in line with Tillsonburg’s economy CAO 21-07 Page 3 of 3 3. Demographic Balance ☐ Make Tillsonburg an attractive place to live for youth and young professionals ☒ Provide opportunities for families to thrive ☐ Support the aging population and an active senior citizenship 4. Culture and Community ☒ Promote Tillsonburg as a unique and welcoming comm unity ☒ Provide a variety of leisure and cultural opportunities to suit all interests ☐ Improve mobility and promote environmentally sustainable living ATTACHMENTS Tillsonburg 150 Subcommittee Terms of Reference Tillsonburg 150 Ad Hoc Committee Terms of Reference Mandate: To work in collaboration with Town staff and community partners to plan and execute a family-friendly event to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town of Tillsonburg in September of 2022. 1.0 Role of the Tillsonburg 150 Committee: 1.1 To plan and execute a family-friendly event to celebrate Tillsonburg’s 150th Birthday 1.2 To develop and present to the Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Committee a budget for the event and to work within said budget for the event 1.3 To seek out, if needed, additional funding to meeting budget 1.4 To work with the Town’s Communication Department to promote the celebration to all Town citizens 1.5 To develop working relationships with community groups and organizations for assistance to plan and execute the event 1.6 To present a final report on the event to the Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Committee at their November 2022 meeting 2.0 Organization of the Committee The Committee should be comprised of a cross section of individuals with relevant technical and professional expertise, as well as strong advocacy, communication and organizational skills. 2.1 Vacancies for citizen appointments will be advertised in the local newspaper as per the Town’s procedures for Committees of Council. 2.2 Committee members will be appointed by Council. 2.3 The Committee shall include one Council representative, three members of the Culture, Heritage and Special Awards Committee, four members of the public including one representative from the Historical Society. 2.4 The term of a Committee member will conclude when the ad-hoc committee is abolished after meeting their outlined mandate. 2.5 One member will be appointed by vote of the comm ittee at the first meeting to chair the meetings for the term. At this time, they will select a vice-chair. 2.6 Municipal staff shall act in an advisory manner to the committee and the role of staff liaison shall be fulfilled by the Executive Assistant and Curator/Manager of Culture and Heritage. 3.0 Meetings 3.1 The Committee will meet once a month. 3.2 The date and time of the regular meetings will be established at the first meeting of the group. 3.3 Meetings will have a formal agenda. 3.4 Agendas and information packages (including previous meeting minutes) will be sent electronically to Members prior to each meeting. 3.5 A majority of Council appointed Committee Members will constitute quorum for the transaction of business. 4.0 Role of the Chair The Chair is responsible for ensuring the smooth and effective operation of the Committee and its ’ roles. This will include responsibility for: 4.1 Calling the meetings to order. 4.2 Encouraging an informal atmosphere to encourage the exchange of ideas . 4.3 Creating an agenda in consultation with the Secretary. 4.4 Chairing the meetings to ensure business is carried out efficiently and effectively. 4.5 Acting as spokesperson. 4.6 Representing the Committee at Town Council. 4.7 The Chair shall conduct meetings in accordance with the Town’s Procedural By-Law. 4.8 In the absence of the Chair, these responsibilities will be undertaken by the Vice -Chair. 5.0 Role of the Secretary The Secretary is responsible for ensuring a complete up to date record for the Committee. 5.1 In liaison with the Chair, arrange date, time and venue for meetings. 5.2 In liaison with the Chair, set agendas and circulate agendas to the members two business days prior to the meeting. 5.3 Circulate draft minutes to the members. 5.4 Keep a complete up to date record of the minutes. 6.0 Role of Members Membership on the Committee is a position of responsibility and requires a strong commitment to the Terms of Reference. Members are required to: 6.1 Attend all regularly scheduled meetings. Members shall notify the Chair or Staff Liaison if they are unable to attend a meeting. 6.2 Adhere to the provisions set out in the Policy for Boards and Committees of Council. If a member has an unexplained absence of three or more consecutive meetings then their seat on the Committee shall be declared vacant. 6.3 Review all information supplied to them. 6.4 Prepare information for use in the development of materials for the Committee. 6.5 Promote the role of the Committee and its ’ decisions made. 6.6 Offer input to Committee reports to Council. 6.7 Attend training as required to effectively perform their roles as a Committee Member. 6.8 Committee Members are subject to the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act R.S.O. 1990, c. M50 and must disclose any direct or indirect pecuniary interest. The disclosure must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. 7.0 Role of Municipal Staff The Town of Tillsonburg, by its nature and purpose, affects and is affected by many different Municipal departments. Assistance will be provided on an as required basis from various departments. Municipal staff will be responsible for carrying out the following functions with respect to the Committee: 7.1 Act as information resource. 7.2 Orientation of Committee members at their first meeting after Council appointment. 7.3 Assist the Committee in its reporting to Council. 7.4 Provide correspondence to the Committee. 7.5 Responsible for maintaining accurate and up-to-date committee records and providing minutes to Council. 8.0 Reports to Council The Committee may advise and make recommendations to Council in accordance with its’ role. Reports may be submitted as follows: 8.1 Verbally by a Council representative 8.2 Written Report from staff liaison and/or presented by the Chair or the designated representative to Council.