220120 Tillsonburg Airport Advisory Committee MinutesPage 1 of 6 The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg Tillsonburg Airport Advisory Committee January 20, 2022 5:30 p.m. Electronic Meeting MINUTES Present: David Brandon, Euclid Benoit, Dan Cameron, Emily Crombez, Councillor Gilvesy, Mayor Molnar, Mark Renaud and Valerie Durston (Joined meeting at 5:41pm) Absent with Regrets: Jeff Miller and Jeff Dean Also Present: Carlos Reyes, Director of Operations and Development Richard Sparham, Manager of Public Works Nahom Woldu, Airport Manager, Loomex Tracy Hird, Public Works Co-ordinator 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. Adoption of Agenda Resolution #1 Moved by: Emily Crombez Seconded by: Euclid Benoit THAT the Agenda as prepared for the Tillsonburg Airport Advisory Committee meeting of January 20, 2022, be adopted. Page 2 of 6 Carried 3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting Resolution #2 Moved by: Dan Cameron Seconded by: Emily Crombez THAT the Minutes of the Tillsonburg Airport Advisory Committee meeting dated November 18, 2021, be approved. Carried 4. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest declared. 5. General Business and Reports 5.1. Updated DRAFT Operating Reports - Staff Staff recommended more time is required to read over the details of the reports and can bring forward at the next meeting. Councillor Gilvesy questioned staff if there is anything in the current lease agreements that prevent tenants from renting out space to other aircraft owners? Staff commented that the current lease agreement that have been reviewed do have a clause that prohibit subletting of the hangers. It was confirmed that older agreements may not have this clause and have different language. Staff relayed that any subletting should be approved by the Town and would be handled on a case by case basis. It was also noted that going forward, there would be a standard lease agreement for consistency. Committee members provided information that historically, owners have rented space in their hangers as these hangers are large financial investments and renting out the space allows them to re-coup some of the cost. Councillor Gilvesy questioned snow removal timelines for priority areas, especially ambulance access to get to Air Ornge, with the current snow removal contract. Staff confirmed that they have reached out to Horvath Holdings regarding this issue and have not received a response. It was suggested by staff that the Airport Attendants could take on the responsibility of clearing the snow as the Town is currently at the liberty of contractor availability. Mark Renaud commented that this is a life safety issue and for these large snow events staff need to relay the importance of this service to the contractor. Page 3 of 6 Emily Crombez brought forth the ongoing issue with the current snow removal process of leaving windrows beside the taxiways. She stressed that these windrows cannot be left and must be cleared following proper airport snow clearing practices. These windrows pose a risk of damaging the wings when the snow is high. Staff has confirmed that they will meet to review the current process and put a plan in place for future events such as this. This will be communicated to the contractor and if it something that they cannot do, staff will make sure it is completed in a timely manner. Mark Renaud commented that Emily Crombez has a number of years experience and has visited numerous airports and her concerns should be listened to. 5.2. Hangar Updates – Staff Staff provided an update that there are a few applicants that need to go to Council. Two out of the four applicants are ready to go but they need to amend some of the agreements that have already been approved by Council. Councillor Gilvesy questioned if there is a timeline when staff expects to have it come to Council as time is of the essence. This needs to get moving due to the time it takes for permits, obtaining supplies, etc. Staff responded that it will be as soon as possible. They will help get the applicants going to get the green light to start building once the expansion way is completed. Emily Crombez commented that they are again waiting for the Town to get back to them regarding approvals for the revised grading plan. Staff advised that they met on January 7th to discuss the changes to the sizes that were included in the master plan. Engineering was to get back to the tenants in 2 weeks which is January 21st. Staff will follow up with Engineering to provide the information on time. The new process will be followed going forward. Emily Crombez confirmed that the new process going forward with 10 business days is great as long as it is followed for everyone. 5.2.1. Detailed overview of the revised Hangar approval process Staff provided a brief overview of the process; Meeting with the applicant to obtain all information for the hanger that they are interested in. Provide a draft lease agreement so that the tenant has an opportunity to review and provide comments. Once the completed and signed agreement is received it will go to Council. When approved by Council, all of the detailed designs will be obtained from the Engineer and talk will begin with the Building Department. Staff to provide response back to the applicant within 10 business days. Page 4 of 6 Following any further revisions, final approval will be made and a construction permit issued. Pre-construction meeting will take place with a schedule for construction provided. Applicant to provide Town with as built drawings and a certificate from an Engineering consultant approving that everything is safe. Town to issue occupancy. 5.3. Master Plan Update – Staff 5.3.1. Update on Hydro Supply ERTH as been contracted and is in the process of investigating the hydro supply loading issues. Staff should see a report from ERTH for the next meeting. Dan Cameron questioned that ERTH was retained a year or two ago and he is hoping we are not paying for the same information as before. Staff provided an update on the scope of work for this new project. ERTH is providing a drawing that shows all existing locates and an analysis of transformer capacity, proposed layout for expansion, system condition and map of all electrical lines. Staff confirmed that this is a different scope of work. Mark Renaud questioned staff that they are confident that there is enough capacity available to continue to build? Staff confirmed that this is the information that ERTH will provide in this study. 5.3.2. Taxiway Construction Update Contractor completed some work in December before the holidays. The snow event slowed the construction but they are planning to go back on site tomorrow or next week. According to the plans we are good to go. Storm sewers have been installed and the other supplies have been obtained. The only thing we will have to wait for is the asphalt plants to open in the spring. David Brandon questioned what the schedule is for the ramp area? Staff commented that this is a provisional item in the contract. Staff is working on calculations for the materials to make sure there is enough funding. Staff should have an update for the next meeting. 5.3.3. Airport Fence and Gate Installation Bids were sent out in December and staff have tentatively selected a successful contractor. Staff is waiting for Councillor Durston and the January 28th Council meeting. Immediately following that installation of the fence and the set up of the gate at the front will begin. Tender results were positive. A cantilever gate that will be powered with access controls will secure the lessees inside the gate. Page 5 of 6 5.3.4. End of Runway Trees – Staff Staff is finalizing the request for tender. It will be similar to the last time except a component will be added for stump removal to ensure new trees do not grow back in the future. Mark Renaud asked if we need to re-apply for approvals from the Long Point Region Conservation Authority (LPRCA). Staff confirmed that we do not need to obtain approvals, however, we do provide information to the Conservation Authority of the work we will be doing. 5.4. RATI Funding Update No new information. All tendering results have been favourable. 5.5. Safety Spreadsheet – Staff No new issues or concerns at this time. 5.6. Fuel Sales and Airport Movement - Staff Update not available at this time. Staff will update November to February at the next meeting. Mr. Renaud asked that, if there are any metrics available, staff send them out in an email. 6. New Business Communications – Staff has requested all communications and concerns be sent to the Airport Manager and his delegate at the email address airportattendants@tillsonburg.ca. Typically when communication is received staff will make sure all members of the committee are copied on the response. Councillor Gilvesy requested clarification that tenants should send communication to this email address? Staff confirmed that this is the process that they would like to follow. If anything is received that is of relevance to the committee, staff will make sure that it is communicated to the committee as a whole. Staff will send out communication to all of the tenants and committee members with this new email address. Master Transportation Plan – Air Sector – Mayor Molnar thanked the representatives of this committee and additionally those that participated proactively in the Southwestern Ontario Master Transportation Plan in its draft form. The ideas and comments of the members of this committee are extremely well represented. Canadian Snowbirds – Mayor Molnar communicated that there is an opportunity for Tillsonburg to be a host site for the Canadian Snowbirds on the 14th of September. Tillsonburg will celebrate its 150th anniversary in 2022 and this opportunity could be tied in with the celebrations. More information will be required before this event is approved. Possibly if there is enough interest, an ad hoc committee could be formed to look into this opportunity further. Page 6 of 6 Awareness of our Regional Airport – Dan Cameron questioned if there would be an opportunity to get word out regarding our airport to our municipal partners. The City of Woodstock website mentions the nearby airports that you can land in when visiting the city but there is no mention of the Tillsonburg Airport. He is wondering how we could go about communicating to the other Municipal Councillors and showcase the value of the airport. Mayor Molnar will connect with our Development Commissioner to contact the City of Woodstock. Mark Renaud added that when the COVID-19 pandemic is over there is definitely opportunity to participate in an open house or an Open Doors Oxford event having the Tillsonburg Airport be a stop to promote the airport 7. Next Meeting February 17th, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. 8. Adjournment Resolution #3 Moved by: Emily Crombez Seconded by: Euclid Benoit THAT the January 20, 2022 Tillsonburg Airport Advisory Committee meeting be adjourned at 6:43 p.m. Carried